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Show 366 Thehiftorie ofScotland. pad tibolie ffaied them from that fournie, Buch,lib,19, Thehiftorie ofScotland. anflver was deferred fill Parc), in Obich moneth a Wuring thele affaires, Pariequeneef Cnglmd -_prowinciall councell twas appointed to be holden at pied , and that tomatic lavie Clisabcth fucceened im Goenburgh.Xhelecond of March,the fatd proutnets B peonincian birplace. Immoediatlie therebpon,tbepmngquene of Scotsbare birfelfe as beire to that kingdome, -alicouncell of all the prelats and clergte of Scot councell, land began,therein Diuerfe articles twere proponed Reants fher bouthold ftuffe to be amped and marked with thetitle and armesef thekingsof England. And although srance tere then miferablie afflicted i -iffration of the facraments tn the Scotith lan: tatie. guage,the eleaton of bifhops andall beneficed men to paffe bp the boices of the termpozall lo20s ¢ people ambdcanfed all bic hangings, bevding,beticls,and o% "bp the temporaltie; as to hane the praters ano adit inanebpthe calenging the Dominion and goucrnment of Mtl 10 dof their Dtoceffes and parithes, twith Diuerfe other rev lane;Raples,and Flanders; petthepwwouldnedes -forymatfons: all the tbhid) the bithops refuted to beapeenill bponeutll and adde therebnto the titleof grant,bere through there avofe (hoptlie after great Cngland, as being onto thema verie fcome and trouble in Scotland. mockerie(as Buchanan tearmeth it.)Metther did the The queene regent caufed fummonstobegines 6, twifer fort ofthe French lmke into that matter: fo to John thnor, John Wlullocke, John Dowwglas, Fomknoe the Guiles,tbo at that timegouernedall things,ovi0 amd Paule Peffane, to aypeare at Striueling the soithotherar confent to this errozof the Scotifyquene, bicaule tenth dap of Mate: andfoz lacke of appearance thep fammoncd. thep twould therebp feeme to baue gotten to them: {were Denounced rebels,and put to the hone. Wher: felues a fingular bono2 in adding the title of Cngs bponthe fad Jobn Linor being in Perth perfuaned land to the French name. 20 the matffer of Windfete, the lards of ulibardin, Mbhe regent hauing nolo gotten a confent(as ber Dun, Pettarrow, and diuerfe other being thereat fore poubauebeard)of the matrimontalicrotne to. be beftotwed bpon the bulband of the pong queente of Scots, began after a foztto putona neto mind: fo, -fembled, tofth the burgeffes of the toturtes of faint Johns totone and Dundee , to pull dotwne the (mar ymages and ges and altars in all churches, and fo fuyprelle the frierhontes j ted courtefic,into commanding arrogancie;and the a fermon made by bim to thateffect, the fame tenth bplittleandlittle eronuerted thatolo and accep» into thefe iym2ds. cc. frag c iron, alames Stetard,andcapteine Cullane,, toith thelr bandsof mreni of fwarre, Jn the meanetinte theerle agnnems Mhefe men ( faith ther) Sth they bane preachen <q of Atgile,; anvthe prio2of faint Andzetws,, lett the not berie fincerelie,{hall be bantthed;thoughpouand " your minffters refit againfit. Anotbhentheprer plied, befeching bir that {he twoulorememberthat quéeneinqerth , and went to faint Andjewws , fol ning themfelues With the other, and made reforms -_-tionofthe churches,cafting Dotwne altars, images, Shebad offen promifen: the anfwered, that the pers honfesof friers, and abbetes in that tofune, and In porn hthin. ‘1Ostbere thep caufen the houtes of the blackefrters and fatnt Giles church were reformed, amdthetmas entered Letth.] -thusin Goenburgh [apzehended overt Wchards fort (as faith Lefleus) that toas gouernoz ofthepubs _lie through perfuafion of thecarle of Argile bis flerauittaketh ges andaltare pulled done. Thelozs remaining Page $5, tope hanged tothe twall, and having (peedie horttes, duke of Sauvie and bis fiffer,twas tpoundedin nits Departed to his otvire companie, thortlie after toi ning bim(elfeto the lordsof the religion.] At the tourneillis im Waris by the count Montgos metie, andDdiedof the hurts the tenth of Julie nert fell, Pourton, and others. And thelosds of thecons ‘tS, anDannointed at Reimes in SHeptember fol pa 4 bigfas purpofe fo haue giuen battell to the Jfrenchmen, als beit thep were not fufficient partie fo refitt thenr, # In the moneth of September , Crokeanoble Fr.thn. Manof France twas fent to the regent,to comfort Lefleus.lib,to, gtegationcante forth of the towne of Goenburghof to fortifie if, Thearticles ofagreement betweene the regent and the lords ofthe reformedreligion. RThin, Lefleus libro : B3rit,that =bebronirten neat ig ee, mee teats ea oan Conon pret: Delton was made governo>there.] 3nthis allem, erstobehaa blievit teas requiven., that fhe common praiers inibeonigar might be read inthe Scotthh tong inthurdes,toith dies certeine ntheracticles of reformation, abereof the treat twith then of fomeacco2w, but he profited At the fame time a certeine number of perfons 0 mol, the tobones of Dundee¢ Perth, came toeas put of Socone,and {palling thecurd), burnt -oe wd end that nothing Mould tyant to farther bir,the king fwonld fhortlie fendcerteine noblemen into Scots land , tthich Mould counfell bir in thefe troublefome wath bane Gbich, he brought letters out of France front the king and the queene, to the p2io2 of faint Andzetwes , tn abich thep rather fought to tr cline bis mind bp courteffe to obedience, before that Whidy i Ee ieeeas to the gouernement 5° thep twould‘ inforce bim therebnto by twarre. ees a j letters being by Lefleus turned outof Jfrench into OF thequeenc: toith this prouiloat, their that pleafure, thecitijens 1 remattte, 02 depart Dapeepente thote of the religion fhoula reffoxe vieave bp me thusdelineredin @nglith, with . -‘*# anfiner of the pxlo2to the fame, Of monte,o2 other pretionsthings, whic) thep bad ets ther priuatlie taker,02 by oper force fpotled from the prior ofthe monaflerie offaint bnfo the magiftrats tholie and trolie all fuch fums Ges'fo; theircredit and god pealing) to thebeping Of (uchas were on the queenespart. heearleof Argtle, the prior of faint ANVCWG, ny3e9 _-Hicin he bings namespeclacing onto bir that auary P2855 ‘ie tas preparing tocomeinto Scotland, bnoer the leading of the marquette of Albufeo Clbute(as fafth Buchanan)and that in the meanetime toith all {peed fome tropes of men fhould fhostlic be there the batfell tuas faied, ¢ the queenc twith the Frendy amid thefr allifters came tofaint Johns tote AND togpn ~ befteged if,till if twas tothent farrendered.Lhe erle pefieg of untleie twas fewt to thens from the Maar % Ywfth monie,and other oefenfes of tvarre. And to the foch as (ould be appointed therefore. Wwereaccufed of berefie, and abfured at the totone rroffe with faggots on theft backes :[aberebpon(as fatth Lefleuslib,10,pa.538.)were great tumults rats fevat Goenburgh,for the appeating ihereof,thelow -_-‘lotving. Wot theerle of tountleie travellenbettwirt them, by fhofemeanesthere met tivelueoncueriefive,ahoa greed bponcerteine articles, and(o the quéneand , LithtotiGen Frenchmen enteredinto.etth,and foxtbtwith began 4° charge of James Stewardcardinall,e James Cul lane.) Wut then thep Mould hane niet on Cotper moar, menretamedbntoCoenburgh. gaint the aduife of the bithop of faint Andesand _Dfuerfe otherbis friends.ahis pore in une,Benrie wing wenrie the hingof FFrance,at the triumyh of the mariages was hurt ang -dbetfwirt the king of Spaine andbhis daughter , and Ded. {wer fhe being froken more than fhe Imked fox, faid in the end, that the would both thinke on:ét Pecarale. in the tabich certeinemen 4 women of Grenburgh be tobe part with the los from that time fogth a tell lod Warries goucrnoz of the tel marches, fbich at that time twas deteined paifonerin Ener burghcaffell, od priutlie getoutof the fame bya Cotwper, mbdother places thereabout: and allenv opt -blingagreat companie of countrie mem, came fo ALond208,'Balmeare, ¢ Cotvper, tomabe reliance againi the Jfrenchmen that were in Falkeland re Anoffemblte all the prelatsand-eleargie holden.at Goenburgh, twas fled fwrthof France to Genenafo the religion, Pontieur Dorfell and the Frenchmen came from 3° tnfuing,beingthe eleventh dapafter be was tyouns Rho minies Dunbar to the links of Leith,accompanied with the ded. Then Francis bis fonne, that had maricd the Francisthe pacified, puke of Ghateleranlt,the earlesof iuntleie, woth. qwetteof Socotland,twas crotwned king atfaint Der rent fies { munzein battell,the nuke of Chateleraule, the earle sporepa -arthall,mvothers,laboured bettwirt them, 0 that Shortlie after this,the duke of Chatelerault, parts snake Chates rons,fefsen bpon the quenes moueables,thtch thep Fr.Thin, found in the palace, and kept the fame. + While Lefleuslib, 10, thefe things were thus done at Coenburgh , Pare formance of pzomile is.to bee chalenged of pain ces,, fo farve.asitfemethcommodiousfo themto performe it.Wherebnto they replied,that theptheres fore renounced all dutie andobediencebntobicand m ni ano.thent.) Jn Julie and Augutt,thetewasaconuentionsf 7 Deuenthlie, that hep thoulonotfrom bences liketreaturte, tobe the ketsbpforce ftom bim,ente, ers fonne, andthe TelHladlors , andpartlic be. Part itdthe ren theabbeig] the coining boule, toke thecoiningt 20 caufebe wnderffad that his fon the earleof Arcane thecyurchoy, Buchanan bea ihre didfurther foelwarne biv of theareat nitthictes that twith the queene [come thither from perth,atter that would flown out of this founteine: with tbichan¢q fhe bad left in Perth fr bundzen men bnoer the fons,5 02 binder fr om quiet 3 eng their oietines srnileswine ihn Joes of Januarie, g and grate friers tobe totone dotune. From thence -_fw2th blolate 02 deface churches,religious honfes, 02 peaae to meatinurge bearing ante other bolie places, : Chequeéne mining, veparted wi tendhmen 8 -Cightlie, that enerie man might a 3 dedfrom brfo Dunbar,the duke of Chatelerault, anvtheerle burgh profetfe ana bfe that religton becomeoe 9. of Huntleie being with bir in companie, thep commontlie callethe libertte of confcience. The earle of Argileandbhis companie, called the 19 9 Pinthlie, that the quene regent thould faiths lordsof the congregation,were recefuedints Coe_fullie pzoufoe,that the preachers ofthe reformed relt burgh bp the batliftes of the totone,trhere theplaces gion houlo not be moletted o2 hurt, etther by htt, 02 Thefcierhou- Of the blacke andgtaie friers tuere(uddenlie overs byante ofthe catholikke goucrnozs. iBoth parties bes ohio theotone,¢ the Qhurchafielo , and Lrinitiecollege, ing thus fatiffien with thefe conditions, the frend -_houfesof friers,¢ other rel(gtons places. Whe after pulleddown gentle anflwers therewith fhe was tumnt toape of Maie they began in faint Jobnstotune, andcak peafe all parts,were turned contrarie. Which before botwne the abbete of the Charterbonfe, the lacke and Carmelite frfers , called the Lulelunt [andfo FrThin. fhe Durft not dow by reafonof the prefent fate,thich thentwas (uch,as fhe feared not to prontife that the 30 cleane, that (as fatth Buchanan) twifhin tivo dates would not baue tobe perforxmed,bicante he had not ~-there wasleft no figne thereof almoft to be fee] then obteind the grant of the matrimonfall crotone:; and reformed all other churdjes thereabouts , baear but notw baning all things affer bir otone mind, he king dotone the images andaltars in Fife, Angus, bfenotherconditions, mbdother {peches.Aheretwas MPernis,andother parts there nertadtoining. alfo a parlentent appointed at Striveling in the firt he quene regent being aduertifer thereof,fent Foes of Waie. fox the nuke of Ghatelerault,and piuerfeother ofthe Andbicanle he was heard oftentimes tolaie,hat nobilitie, as the earlesof Atholl, Argile, Parthall, Tyne andothers, ahocame tuithhirto Perth, otherivile pen fhe would not fuffer the maieitie of the chiefe gar neriementtobecatt Dotwne from the feat thereof, called faint Johns towne, haning swith them tivo ‘buttold reftoreit to the former place. Mbp thid) fat ao thoufand Frenchmen [to ehome alfo repatted (48 5,-This: eugs manic were admonifhenof fometroublefonte faith Lefleuslib,r0.pag.548) the archbithop offaint tempeft to follow, Gherebpondinerfe cameto ti Andetwand Glalcoty,the bithopsof Dunkeld, and treat bir for the protettants, amongett bic for the Dunblane, James prtoz of faint Andzetws, theabv Dignitie of his name,to make the matfertobe moze bat of Cowper and Dunfermeling, with manteorafilie obteinen , there were fent Alerander Cur -_ther chiefe of the cleargteabo entered the totune bp nigante carle of Glencarne, andizugh Campbell onaypotntmentofthe lord Kuthencapteine therect, and lorecetuing it, gaue tt in beeping to capteine Hiriffe of Aine, a tomsthieknight, befmetbom the regent colo not refraine bfrelfe, but burt foxh MOL part of 0 the houfe » fheeatle cateof Argile, anwthe patoz offaint Anozetws being with them in compas cae { nie, Afterthis thep iwentto Striueling,and to Lith Francis king of France to Iames Andrewes, : NS r a Fter that J onderffod by certettte lets Lefeus libra, : "Thicvlic , that the quéenes palace,tbtch thep of P6554 (nip all of report common the feligfonDid polletfe,tutth all thefurniture anpox 6, yASP nters, « bp the magiffrats. hamentsthereof , thould be deliuered bp againe to 4 Fourthlie, that thep of the religion thonlo not bepatt, before thep bad committed the lowwuthwen and pettarroto (home thep promifedtoputin ples» § Fiftlie that allmen thouloacknotolenge the Goucrnement of the bing and thequeneto bela full tchich before thep bad gainefatn bp the pretente S Hcofine)that Scotland did fame in cueri¢ eeeapart with tumults and fevitions, it is ftrange to fe hot greatlie ¥ twas aftonten thereat, Wut eben Pheard that pou (to tbhome mrp dead fe ther, mp vere ivife, and mp felfe , baue gfuen fo manie largebenefits) thoulb be forgetfull of them all liberallie beffotved and become the autho2, bead, and nourfther of this fire of contention and bales; = coulo not be perfuaded that pou foul(0 farre by grefle from that office md outie of pictic, abich you of religion : and that thep thoulo faithfullie obeie the baue alwates mabe thetv to beare bnto the quéene, factdecrees as pertetned notto religion. 6 Sfrtlie, that thep thoulo not by ante meanes flowble the catholilse peictts and eccleftaticall pers Deoth report of pou, ¥ Did berelie thinke that the pray mifes antes rere inten pony a ta this bece(pt,onelic to tegent, andthe olplatves of the bingoome, except ‘wut if the thing were fo, as the common fame |