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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. the countrie about , and ifketwife throug all the tibolerealme, as bp aduertifements tere certified fherof.he queene remaired Mill in the caftell of denburgb all the moneth of Julte following,till he bad recovered bir bealth and ftrength. Jn the begin: ning of Auguit,the pafled bp the water of Forth to Ailowate , there the remained certeine dates , the carles of Durreie and Mar being of companie totth bit,and there the king bir bufband came to Dit bir. Khe earleot Wothiwell tors enen atthe firtk vehe- The earteot moentlie fafpected to be the prinetpall offernor én this Bothwell moft heinous and defeftable murther, Wut the mat: wi wt fer twas fo handled,that be twas not onclie acquit bp " an alltfe,as they call itsbut alfo Mhortlie after maricd the queene.5p reafon tberof the falpicion that men had alreadie conceiued, that (he Thould be alto printe to the murther, was nothing diminithen, Wutas zy baure not to deale in that matter, fo pet it is mante and maligning at fuch the {peevte aduiancement of fhe qneene,obo was conucied bpthe bitbop of Kofke to Ailowate,abere be twas istfullte recetued, courtes ouiflie inferteined,and bighlp rewarded.he queene of Gngland fent matfter Wenric iillegrety to the twas the principal autho2 of the murther) got them fo armes onthe fuoden , before the quiene 02 oth: quene tnith the ithe meflage , reiotfing for bir fafe andbaypie deliucrance , tho liketwf{e was receiued in moft thankefull maner,and tuell retvarded. -- Wereis to be noted, that hortlicafter the was Fopmothers. Wz0ugbt to bed, the fent one of bit gentlemen called monfieur Clarimoich), with letters to the king of _ France,and te the duke of Sauoic: vefiring them fofend ambaflannes, tbtch in thett manne (as godfac ~ fers) might recetue bir fon at thebaptifine, Borer ouet,the fent James Meluine tothe queene of Eng: land twith the like meflage, defiring bit maieftie to Fr.Thin. be godmother|tho bp hiv ambadano2 Francis carte LStowpa.rr31 Df Wepford , fent a peelent to the queeneof Scots, 66 eyeions gitthemto aries. FeThi tue twill fap fomenbat ont of Buchanan, of things 20 Done by Wothivell ¢ the quectie,vefore that fhe was taken bp thefe noble mten of the congregation', ha: hing at that time taken armesiagaint hit, After pan ji, the death of bir hathand,thomte Te had catiled to bie buried not fatte from Danio Richeo bie fecretarie, Haine (as twas thought) bp the meanes of the Kitg of Scots : the queene(Z fap)affer that,andalfe atter Ba the clearing of iothwell from the murther of bir ibufband, was forceablic taker (as the teas on bic Porton inith malefactors agrerable to their merits, Difiousperfons. Jn thich trulie ¥ am inforeed to confefle, that bis dutie and diligence at that finte 2> hetved tolvards ine, twas fo acceptable bnto me, e¢ that be wold rather (uffer bis principalhoute, tic that ¥ conlneuerafter forget tt. Thefe things als ?? twas the head of bis patrimonie , with bis plentiful though thep be great of themfelues, pet he hath hf 9 S° snp pretious fore of furniture thereof to be taken 20 thertoincrefen them twith {ach diligence and careful cc from him, and all bis other lands to be lett fofpoile neffe, that tuecanmot defire greater dutie, 02 fvifh >5 cc totheenimie ; than diolate bis fatth to our mother. moze aured truff in ante man,than we haue found in him;bntill thefe lat times trhich follotwen the des 22 ‘Wefines thich), being veftitute of helpe both of bs cealfe of our bufbann, ¢ amd our people (ahen the Cnglith hol was brought ‘*Wut from that tine, as bis thoughts ptd {een fo 2? cc bp ourdomefficall eninties into the botwels of our fendbigher, fo his actons bid after a fo2t feente fo be ¢, Bitigdomne,which directed thet weapons to none o << wings, to neglect bis dutiein anie part ontobir : but moze infolent.ano although the matter tuentfo far, 7? ,, >» 2? < 2 fed fecret teafons and countels :but in the env,aben be faty them notto fucced after bis mind,at length, ,, MHewing an oper contempt of mp authorities he feo cc tle pong) meet fo Have the gouernment of anctent perforts, to be made chief capteineof the armie of the coutitrie, ¢alfo fo be chofen 02 fubffitute depur fo the benefit of biolence, and bfedforce (tothe end 59 his attempt might not tant due effedt) tobging me if 29 thd trier bis gouernement, Wherefore all this courte of hislife mate bean cc fice hepin not decetue the hope atderpecation tbich erample, to theo how crattilie they can contrite ad €€ tie atchiued) be lefé a fingular peatfe and fame of Hane obteined their purpofe. Jor Foto fuppore,that ,, all this bis continuall outie and carefulrete tivfpecs * meni conceiuen of bint.F702 (bp bis affaires valiant Gc bim;astell amonglt bis otonepeople, as amongt cc the entmies. \ : fter our refurne into Scotland, he entploied CC all bis indeno2 to the inlarging of our authozitic,anp cc (pared not to put biméclfe in danger, tn fabouing thoterebels hich Dwell about the borders of ng their drifts (itt attempting great things) ontillthep 2» Dicobeleng of mp commanvements, hadnotiMfuen fromanie other founteine,thartofa bebement vette to thetw bis obedience and gad tuill tolvards met neither ofp J hopethat a litte moze fanourable cots tenance (tehich we are accuffomed to-bfe to the more 2 >» a ° 5 the end to win their minds tobe © dno, Zhe Difpatch therofbeing thoztlie perfoxmed, 50 tworthie perfonsptel in dutie) Mould fo haue ratfed >> to more obententtal hs Cc and thep brought fo great quiet,be was aypointes bis fomach (moze tari ante othets) that he twonlo 3 cc D9 the like in all the other parts of the kingdome, to bimfelfe ante larger god twill to procded ; Mut as enue doth alwwaiesaccompanie bertue, fo as SE the Socots reptting thereat, and defivous ofinnou s bint c¢ tion, didlabo2 fovintinify our fanour toward « (for his great labors imploted (rout bebalfe) irmié confruing bis gad deeds. bing, and of the Guifes, offended with this mart adolefcencie (pouty; 02 peeres of difcretion, as be That thenbe firs began tomanage bis Te lar poutdence of bis) 3 dtd both eftape from p2ifon, 5 and recouered my foxmer authoitie ; after that F bad difperfen the factions of the conturatozs anv fe: 35 c€ tie and chancellos}as in truth he twas. 3thich of 4o Age.Wehich office of ambaflage twas latd bpon Wily Ju Januari the king came to Glafcolp , tere be fell ficke,and remoning from thence went to Gs liam bithop of Dunblane, with this charge (as faith Benburgh, andthe queneaccompanicdbim. She 60 Buchanan)almoft tuo2d fo? fuo2. lodged at Holie rod boule, but he was longed at a Firl,pou thal ercufeto the king, and fo our Ort ,, cles,that ont martage (to be confummiate ) camte to boule within the totune, nere to the Hhirkea fielv; theireares, before that we had opened our countell a7 within the Gbich, onthe tenth of the moneth of Fee benarie int the night be twas fhamefullie murthered, touching that matter bp ante meffengers. Dhis & CTheking cufe(as tt tere to a foundation) deth leane fo the 7? fogither with one Wiliam Parat. Ie wascaf ine turthered. {rue e¢pofition of bis bole life, and chiefie to the 1566.Stow. fo aiozcbard, and beretwith the houfe twas blotwne offices and duties of the uke o2 capteine of the Dr bp with gunpoipoer. [Some giue report of bis cabes tolardsbs,cuen tnto that dap in abidhit ,, Death, but touch not the maner thereof, onelie fate ied god to bs fo take btm to hufbann. For the ope eng that be was fhamefullie murthered in a mow ning(@ beanie beeakefatt) bp bis otone(but snnatus ning ofthe bittorie ‘hereof you thal! take gecafion 29 tall andrebellious)people, txhofe innocent blond crf: totreat from the beginning of the lat fimes of bis Be terme it)in this fo2t. Detetned me prifoner,and with that fpee(and fingw ?? bilitie, avd almoff all the totones were fallen from S bir obedience (bnder the colour of religton) pet bee cc Wwould neuerdecline from hir authozitie, as a pers fon that could not be towne by ante pronrifes 02 bes nefits, 02 feared iwith anie threats, 02 lofle of bis It cc lit before mp returne info mine ofene countrie, tubere he Hhetven {ach parts of twarlibe balure and €€ graue wifcdome,that he was (ungen(being then ber 1567. fuftice twill (hen he feeth due tinte) gine them their Will touch that no moe. Metther is it tobe onerpalledirfilence,with that >> Bn lc) dutie totvardshir,he od fo conffantlie +5 diligence he delinered me fromthe hansof futh as ther marke,than that ont now buiband at that fine (as 1,Stowbath noted) a fount of gold curiouflie fonrnie) by the earle 1Both{vell,and caried to bis ca: iwrougbt ¢ inamelled;twsieng 3 33 ounces , amoun- zo Hell, therefheremained not long, but pet honor % fing in balueto 104 3 pounds 19 thillings of ngs 7 blicinterfeined.Wahich fac of his bred great miflike tn the peoples minds,and bionght him in dariger of lif) monie.| Dhefe p2inces were glad. hereof , and bis life, bad not the queene(of bir clemencie) pardar promtifed to fendamballado2sto thateffec, as afters ned bim the fame. ward they did.3n the later end of Auguél,the queene Thisdone; there was a confultation hadfora accompanied twith the king bir bufband,the erles of mariage to befolentnised betipentebir and thé eatle untleie, Wurreie, Bothwell , and-diuerle other, Wothivell, which (after a diuorle had betivane this went into Peggat land, there to pafle the time in earle andbis then twffe thatharine Gozdor, granted bunting, there they remained certeine Dates: and by the tndges {pirituall ¢ tempozall; and after ‘the lor returning fo Coenburgh, canfen the prince to be conucicd tute Striueling caffell, there be twas o lemnebands atked betivene the faid earle James Sepbozne; and the queene Marte Stetvard) was committed in keeping fo the lod Crfkin, after erle Iwith great folemnitie of the nobilitte (by their hands of Mar,adbisladie. And from thence the queene in trziting confenting therebnto) confummat at CWent on progrefic into Olen Arkeneie, es _ te Hhe hingias a folitarte perfon goeth to Steiner denburgh. Againtbidjonelie the bithop of Deke nietwas foundte refift; ano at thich monfient oe Buchandi.r7. [lgsaiter Lrhich the queene actermineth to goto Few worth toaffemble 4 parlement. Aboutthe beginning Crocke the Frenchy ambaGado2 then tn Scotland would not be prefent:being a thing thich nfo greatly of Deober, Wothwell prepareth a tournie into Lio. - * difogie, there be tvas burt witha caleuer by abate occafion the Coenburgers to mifltke of the quene. theefe. Wherbpon twfth oneerteine life be was car Which mariage beening fonte cuill opinion of vied to thecaftell of iermitage, to thich thequene 50 the fainqueneof Scots, not onelie in bir otenc (heaving of bis mifhap)came,attendedInith a {mall realme, but in the months of forreine nations, he traine from iBothtwtke , and from thence bauing tifclie confulteth with bir friends, how the might eftablifh bir power, and poutae to fane hirfelfe and feene Bothwell, did in (hort time after returne to othwike , hither the cauled Wothivell to be bit kingdeme from tumuits and infarredtions. brought: after whofecomming thither, the queene Mherebpon,fick the determineth to fendanambab fell & grieuonflic ficke , that {he toas in Danger of fado2 into Strance, to reconcile the minos of the eth out for bengeanceat the handsof Go, fhe in neto intoour favour. Wut hote trattozontlie Jas 2? handled by the reff that were reffozed(ann efpeciallte 55 fuch,ubofe ancettozs 3 had totty benefits mot pio moted) our dncle ts not ignozant, and therefore we >5 fhat tue tuere to take all things in the bef part: pet "¢ parle othwell,thould by force be infozced to fite)be thefe things vid then mofk greenonflie offend ine;but ce fled into France,fovfatingall bis patrimonie,tere he hono2ed me with all Dutie and ferutce(that be 30 efpectallie bis arrogancie, in thathe thought that there fuere not other (uffictent abilities in bs,to tes ce might) bntill mp returne into Scotland. compente bis deferuings, dnleffe tue gaue ourfelfe Peither are thole erploits to be omitted , thch to him in mariage. Louching thich ; at the firlt he b €€ fuere done by bim in the warres againt the Cng: in quart. bir life, at Ghat time the king came thither bnto bics trie) tere infozced to flie into England, wntill part 29 of them bpon humble fubmititon tere receiuen as 4 perfeuere , that although the greater part of the no. Wothtwell, tho (as euerie man perfuaded hintelfe, twell were aduertifed of thelr meaning, thep being theivat Borhivike caffell eight miles oiftant from Coenburgh. % Thus leaning the loos akhile at Coenburgh, hat all the rebels ((undenlie forfabing thete cote © gouerttementofthe realme. The fame time monfieur Paluoifir cameinto Scot» ro fell, that fome ofthe Scotith nobilitic, tore repining land from the king of Jfrance , bringing letters to The hiftorie ofScotland. e¢ fatres (being fiom the death of bis father one of the chiefe of the nobilitte)he viv Hholie nentcate bimfelfe S¢ tothe dutie ann fertiice of the pzinces and kings of Scotland,as one borneof a famous familie for his ancient nobilitie , ¢of great reuenues in this bing: S© nome tibich be polleticth by vight of inberitancte, At cc that time alfo be div efpectalite and altogither cone fecrate bimfelfe to onr mother , tbtlett the han the ? ee fo mud) tot "Bp abi inthe etd thop iorought partlie to ( promife from mietotwards him,than be bad before. sButbe taking abuantageof all haps ,¢demtviig °? all things (that chemced) to the furtherance of His » purpofe,and heping all bis conntels fectet frontiie, Did Fill Thetv his accuffomendutic, nonrithewAw old 55 fanour to birt , 4 fecretlic attempted a neto ittg bp cc Me, that wwe conmtittsn him to pitton; the helpeof the nobilitie, Gibich be brought to palle 22 tiffie the minds of fuch as twere emulous agatnt 6o iwith uch (pedicdtligence ; Wat (onbnotvett to rite) © Hfiin) anv could riot brakethe increacor bis follotw"» be Seu ofthe perres of the realme(in the atten to appeate uch tg honoz and greatnotte; atid partlie cc « fevitiens ag were likelic then to breake fo2th to the ing Detfridtion ofthe hhole bingDoie. ut he(efcap Gatorp2ifon) gof bin wee --~- polwer of bis enintics,aberc be . po pers ho following. At that tinte the authors clementic to "© ‘ofthe fourier febition, forgetting mp , DID raife towards bs €¢ Wards then, and thetr Dutie eee e¢ Ware, and toke tocapons agaiitt their v, -'fteom thenied was he called bathe irtto Scottan mer bottors ¢ polletfions, € ybeing resfoxedto bisfor generall of allthe armie : by ge be was againe made fozith, <- ole helpe orm atitharttic began afreth fo to blie of the patlement bere) a tuntting twitly althete 3 Hands (et therebnito, fo the moze credit of the fame. ,, Fn ahich twrtting fyasconteinen, that thep ofnot furs ~" anilie'atfent bitte the mariage; but that thep atfo >> to ther promifen to fpenn thelr Ife and gens (offered all pangers) in the erecuting theteot , and thatwep 7 5 Aworlld be ter enticesto all tach as Houlolabozto if. Joythe more cafle obteining of thole con > pinver +; - fents in this tort, he had perfaaven the faid nobttitie; 5, Fame twas not pone again mp mind and that the content. Atlengty, chen head putchaten thistuzt litle amv little (mithears ting from them,bebeg:an ae ie >> |