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Show 20 quantitie than thofe of Cngland,o2 of other realms. Hyer, €sie, hye Frith Hobbie, hens. REhechiete opts. foell broken thep are of anercellent courage. Zhep fice, ¢ thereof thepare named the laff batliffes ¢ fir fhiriffes that baue beene in Dublin, It aypecreth by hotles of feruice are'callen chiefe horiles , being zo twoasthipfull gentlemert, tere collegues in thatof rit, And thefehouTes arc but fo; thitmithes,not fox trauelling, for their ffomachs are fucb;as they dif Daine to be backnied. Lhereof the report gretw, that the Arith hobbie till not hold ont intrauching. vou me Thali haue of the third forta battard'or mongrell bob: ee bie, nére as fall as ‘the hore of ferutce, ftrong int Afturcones, the anctent foale ofthis citie.callen signi prapofitu- ‘ernie 4 re, that this citie hath bene nolo time gouernedby pronct, apouol. The hofpitalttic of the matozand the thirttes for Chehotpitey tiucene Gallicta and Portugal, thereof they were named A(turcones, anamenoty properlie applied to the Hifpantth genet. andhanen townes in Irclana. Tic thitd'chaptcr, Whitthe heautie and cie of Srelaw,hath bene nanted by Prolome, in arictent time, Chlana. Some terme it Da bling others BDublinta , mas plot bpon trbich the c(uiticts builbed, bath béenea moarify qroundyand for that: by the arto? inucntion of the firit founder,the water could notbe botoed,be was forced to fatten the quakemtte tvith burdels, amd bponthemto build the citic. Aheardof fone thatcarmr of butloingof houfes to this foundation: Dubdltin builded, Hedtathake. Thiscitie vas butloen, rather the buitnings thereof inlarged, about theopeare of our Wow vgs For About this time therearrived in y telond thre Noble Cafterlings that twere bycth:em, Sullenus the founder of Dobun, Roetlana, Colney Auellanus,Sitaracus,and Prows, Auellanus boy ing the eldelt other builded Dublin, Sitaracas Wieterford, amd Pues Rimeribe.; DF the foury Der Auellanas, Dublin tors named Avellana, and Aiteebordzruption of (pracy Cblana, This cite, as ft tenot in antiquitic tnferiourto ante citte in rev Turd. & tt pleafant fituatton, tn gorgtons bailoings, inthe nmultttuae of people,i martiall dtnalrie,in fo galled the 3rith, thateuen to this date, the Frith Andmaniea breme,and manie'alucéin ftew. Someof his friends, that were frusging penie- lantthing ¢ bis ontragious erpentes, as they tearme it. Xuth mp maitters (would he faie) take notthe office of thematoqattie in Dublin, tha hept fo great Sie port in this peare,as bis bolpttalitie tobis fameand \,,- pou,boty largelte tocontroll me, and frienblic tore, 4 entered into mineoffice, the lal faint Usterome bis €ne Daic(ubich is the ma2rotw of Apiehackmatfe , on WhI) 15 wore companie be thanked , Fftano in donbt, abetber X fall rub out mp maiozaltic twith mp third barne, Abich is well nigh with mp peare ended. And pet 1% fhing finiteth me fo niachat therbeart, as that te knot of gad fellowes that pou (cr bere (be ment the fergeants and officers) arereadte to flit frommie, pal make thett nert peares abape nity the nert E102, And certes ¥ am found {enven to gen fellol> Sip,as if could mainteinemine bonfe to wry cot tentation, tuith deftateng of flue bundzed pounds pearelie; X woula make bumble fate to the cutters, te matter f bot: tho f commett to mp table , md bath noned of my meat, J budtw he cometh for the gad twill he beareth mie; and therefore Jam be, bolding to thankebim fo; bis companie: if be refoxt forned,hoto mate 3 befotw my godsbetter,than in telening the poze 2 3f pou bad perceiucd ms fo far Lebinoband,as that Z badbene like to haucbzought baddocke to pavdocke , J toould patientlic permit tenoivme refteth as pet in freth memorie . Dae of benefufficient to baue frozen nine boufe with bead, ale,and béerefos this peare, Gnd noip Gad and god feare a ragged and faggedblackeftandard that the Dai cittsens bane, almott thzough trac of time twozne fo e the bard fumps. bis ttandard thep carrie with themtn boftings , being neuer difplated but fen fhep are readie to enterintobatteli,and come fo the fhocke. Che fight of tpich danteth the Irith aboue 30 meafure, Anofor the better training of thetr youth inmar, Che muftery tiallerploits, the cittsens bfe to mufter foure times %Dabiin. by the peareson Wlacke mondate, ixbich ts the moz rowof Cafter dai¢, on aie date, faint Jobn Wap» fift bts eene,mbfaint Weter bis ene, Cdhereof tive are alcribedto the mato? + fhiriftes : the other tivo,ta iwit , the mnfterson gpaie date and faint Peter bis gene , ate alligned tothe mafoz and thiriftes of. the Wall ring. Hhe matoz of the Wall ring ts an office & arye mats ak ring fathers, toonld take bint bp derie rougblic fo bis 40 lected bp ihe citfzens,to beas tt tere capteine 02 gate the 28nit tleman, namen Patrike Scarlefield, that bare the Perr thee barnes well frozen ann thivackt twith come, and Saint Julian he wasin his countrie. Hisbread,his ale,was alwaie after one, A better viended man was no where none, So changed he his meatand his fuppere, Fullmanie a fat partrich hadhein mew, There hath bene of late pearesatworthipfull gen ts st at the ercheber tuithin the cattellof Dublin) 3 bad than by the currith interteinmentof anieghett. oe be beiefe (accozbing to the golden berfes of fhe ary cient and famous Cnglith poet Geftreie Chaucers An houfholder,and that ‘a gteat,was hee, It {newed in his houfe ofmeat and drinkey Ofall deinties that men couldthinke. After the fundrie feafonsofthe yere, Ged cheape, and the prefentg af friends Diuctic a fundzie. andother bolp opinion that if a cart o2 Maine ren 6o Matured mp felfe , that ante oneof thefe thee bad Anith a rond.and mainte pate thongha triet called the tigh freet; the boufes on ech fine thalbe perce two2fhip and reputation could not be moze diftained, Without bakte meat was neuerhis houfe, Offithand flefh,and that fo plenteoufe. ffowed in bontkeping, namelie bere vittels are fo baie the maior taketh bis oth before the chiefe baron, kept in Dublin,Ahete hambles is fo welll fored with meat,and their market tith cone, as not onelic in The hambied Bnd markets. Greland,butalfo in other countries pou thall not fe ante one fhambles,o2 ante one market better furnit fhed with the one 02 the other, than Dublinis. abe citizens haue from time totime in fundzte conflias Webarie taleg James(0 bis friend twas named) quot) maifter scarfeficl, ¥ take betweerre mead God, ben F ghef,were be nener fomeane. Wut their intertetrs ment twas fo notable, as they ‘would fance their bountifall ¢ deintie faire toith beartie and amiable there. i9is porter o2 ante other officer durtt not fox both bis eares giue the fimplet man that refozteo to bis boule Lom dum bis interteinment, Hbich ts,to 20 fablie fucco2ed,as that thep mabethe thole ciuitie tir effect thetr bofpitall. Ihe great erpenfes of the citts 3cns mate probablte be gathered bp the wazthie ang fairlike markets, weeklie on twednefdate and fridate ee pale amanin bp the bead, and thautt bimiout by both thethoulvers, 3fo2 be was fullte refolued, that bis ter hiselpectatiam entire friends: entring tn comm AWnie trite tt Dablfiunt, aa p )thors of better Tstll name it souticatton intth the gentleman, dts peare being tucll ¥ ese Munblinium. ‘Berth catl neere expiten, mmucdqueftion,; to tbat be thought bis) erpentes: all. that peare amounted ¢ Mrulie it, Halle er Cleagh, that is, a totvne planten op» ombardels . Jfor the common opinion ts, that the binarie beggers that datlie finarime there, fo charts their countenances , oz makea fotwze face at anie fhe crotune of England keepe f great a post, none 40 et that peare: tbich is no {mall funune to be ber bpboloer and furtherer of hofpitalitie. Gibat Mouly ble their foxeheads,o2 bendtheir bzoives,o3 glowme the peare beings (olargeand bountifull,, that forthy lieott licGLondonfoxepsiced) berie fetu fach officers bnver fra, are proutded for them. Thep that {pend leat in thetr matonalti¢ (as thofe of credit, pea and fuch as bare the office Hau tnformed nte) make an osd{narte ace countof fiue bundzcd pounds fox their biand and Di make aman mofe thich wate thep are able to beare it out,but onelie bp the gooneffe of Gav, thich is the (fuch twas their buromneffe) once frotone 02 toziny Chaucer mn & bis opdinarie is fo gad, that a beriefetn (et featls ted to fuch ogdinarie and fanding houles,as it ould here {peake of their charitable almes , datlte and bonrelie ertended to the nepie? Lhe poze patfoners both of the Petwgate and the caftell , tuith thee o2 foure hofpitals,ave chiefiic,tf not onelic, relieucd by there with one cretw 0} other frequented. Wo the haunting of ibich,ghetks were the foner allured, fo to the citisens. Furthermore, there are fo manie other ertraorthat pow thouloneuer marke bine o2 bis bedfellowe fmbom trauclling,cafte inambling, and verte fwwift in rune 30 Fam (ute greater. Themato2 , ouer the numberof Officers that take their datlic repatt at bis table, tree ning. DFthe horheof {erutce thep make greatffo2e, peth for bis peare inmaneropen boule. And albeit as aberin at times of nen thep repofeagreat pace in tearme time his houteis frequented as well ofthe of fafetie. his brad Volaterane tuztteth to haue nobtlitie as of other potentats of great calling: pet conte from Aufturea, the countrie of 1pifpaine, bes The namesofthe ciuities,boroughs Dublinum, tealme. ano therefore it is commonilic called the 3 rif} o2 pong London, Lhe featof thts crittetsoFall -purtin the fives pleafant, comfortable, and abolefoute. Xf pou. Frith Lon: which peare:Zobn Rians and Uobert Jans, two fo the greater part of the ciuttic igenerallie antic: tobe heir officer thefe fhe peares to come. Ducr this,be dio at the fante time protelt with ot, that he {pent that peare in boufekeping tiventie tuns of claret wine, over and aboue trite twine,facke, mals mefete,mufcadell,¢c.And in Derie Deed tt tas not to be maruelled : for during bis matozaltie, bis boule {pas fo open,as commonly from fiue of the clocke in the moming,to ten at night,bis batterie ano cellars in largenette of bofpitalite, in maners andciutlitic. . itt is fupertout to all other cities and tolunes firfhat «Will tranell a tote vate fntthout anie bait. Cheir brauelie, commoniiethep amble not but gallop and Volar, lib.3. obedience andlofaitic, th the abundance of tucaith, Shirve felw,and thofe bearing courle flefes,abercof they (pinnotable rug. Zhetr hepe hauc thort and curt tatles, hep Heretheir thepe ttvile pearelie, twould trauerte bils,they are not far off. 3frhampt bo" anvif thep be left pnihorne, thep are theretotth ra: on grounds,it licth of all patts; Bf vou be neliten ith Se fher pained thanothertvife. Lhe countrie is derie "frefh tater; the famous riuer called the Ltfite, na: CheLiki fruitfall both of come and grafic. The graffe (for debp.gfyon fault of god butbandsie) (uftered dricut,grotweth ("75 med of Prolome Lybnium, ronseth fat twill take the victwof thefea,itisat hand. Lhe one ranketn the nozth parts, that oftentimes it retteth lic faultof this citie ts, thatit ts leffe frequented of fheircattell, Egles are well knotwen to byed int J merehant effrangers , bicanfe of the bare banen, reland,but netther (0 bfg,n02 fo manie as bakes tell, heir charterislargeBing Henrie the fourth gaue Chetwos Whebortles are of pate caffe, in running tumnders this citie the fino2d,in the peareof our Lord 1 400, siuen to Do full fwofft, in gallop both falfe and full indifferent. and was ruled by armato2 and tivoballfftes, ubich poe henag or the hackeneie is verie god fo; traucl inere changed into thtriftes by a charter grantedbp Dypin ise, be ting, albeit others repost thecontrarie. And ifhe Cdivard the firt, in the peare of our Lod 1547.3n broken accordinglie; pon fhall haue little tit that reine pallinglic , and champe bpan their bsiels Geog. The defeription of Ireland. The defcription of Ireland. their cattel , and conmitonlie Hhat clfe focucr the countrie Mgendzeth (except man) ts much Lette i proue me, Wut fo long as J cutfo large thongs of mine owne leather , as that Jamnot pet come fo inp buckle, and pouring the time J keepe mp felfe fo fatre aflote , as that 9 hauc as much water as mp Thipdrawetty : J praic pardon meto be liberall in Spending, {ith Govof bis goduellets grations in fending. And in den fo tt fell out, Fforat fhe end of bis Marlonaltic he owght no man adotkin. What he vil: Pendestors bis one : and euer after During bis dife,be kept fo ozthie a fanding boule, as that bee femed to farrender the princes fwo2 to other ma foxs , and referusn the port ¢ botpitalitie to bimfelfe. ot long before him was Picolas Stanthort their mato? , tho was fo great and gwd an houthol- ber,that during bis matozaltic, the lor cyancello2 of Se realme was bis patlic and ordinarie gheft. There bath beene of Late wozthipfall ports kept by maifter Fian, who was tiwile mato: , matter Sedgraue, aS Fits Simons, Robert Cufache, Glaltec 2, Aimolas Fit; Simons, James Bediow, Goyer Fagan, md diuerfe others.And not ones lis their officers fo farce crcell in polpitalitie , but ab pian of the batchelers ane the bniwended youth of the cinttie.Andfoz the peare be bath anthopitic to chafite and punifh {uch as frequent bothelboufes , and the Ithe bnicbatt places, Pe ts tearmed the matoz of the MBull ring, of an tron ring that ficketh in the cozmes market, to tabich the bulles that are pearelte bated be bfuallie tied : abich ving is bad by bim ano bis companiein fogreat price, as (fantecitisen batchel ler bap to marcte, the maton of the Bull ring anv bis ‘o erie conduc the bztdegrame bponfis returne from chureh,to the market place,and there toith afolemue hiffe (0; bis H/:imum vale , be doth homage bnto the ‘Bull ring. be Wlacke mondaie mutter fprwrg of this oc+ rhe biacke cafion, Sone after Freland was conquered by fhe monvaie, *Battons , ¢ the greater part of Leintfer pactfird, bt, uerfe totpnefmenof 5z{ftow fitted fronvthenfe to aes tnhas Seetnetiitns, Wublin,anb in hortfpace the ctaitie toas by them fo Ehis twas a- {well inbabited , as tt greto to be verie populous. 60 Udberebpon the cittsens pauing over great affiance bout the pears in the multitude of the people, and fo confequentlie o our L070 being fomethat retehle Me in beding the mounteine enimie that lurked onder their nofes, wwere wont to rome and roile in clufters , fometimethie 02 foure miles from the towne. Lhe Irth entimie {pieng that the citizens twere accustomed tofetch {uch od bagas ties,efpectallie onthe holie vafes, ¢ bauing an tnke ling withall by fomefalfe clatterfert 02 other, that a companie of them would haue ranged abzode , or monbaie in the Gatter twwecke towards the town of Cullen, tbicy-ts dittant two miles from Dublin, they laie in fale berie well appointeo,and lato in fun brie places fo; thetrcomming. be citisensrather minding te plealare they (houlo pjefentlie "ee an O94 |