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Show 352 Thehiftorie ofScotland. iiilisasineetuetGevoncerteine rai 3commits a Mereatie fox fad and France; to commune of a peace : but bee ag Fanfethep cohtinmed long int their treatic yer they toulbagre, the Sootsand Frenchmen furceatteod notin occafions of abuantage topurtue the twarre, fo that comming before Lowder thep befieged that fortrefic, fkirmithing tith the Cnglifhmenthat iMnenfagth; to incounter fhem,dzouc theminatthe ,call on the eighteenth eighteenth of April Apzill The hiftorie ofScotlan d. | acai ta aii Baa pe mie nye bavingPiette at lafevsidx in France, the might (é bie daughter and hit other BPE Hicine.and procure the qoucruement ofthe realme the citisens mot fo(tullie reeefuen. St that time: a iae ce te banee oaral le fob Denk wieneae Fer them ante inturie tr the frei of the 15zitith fea, anid partlie for boniozs caufe to bring them on didthinke tn bir mind, that the gouernoz by hiseutll Demeato2 tuould fone be put outof his office, and with that eonipettie remouco to See cee re remained all the winter. ilefies ; ie their iournic into France . 1Sp whofe departure Deotland twasfreelie deltuered fromall forrenfouls that the might cafilic find means tobe fubfituted in bis place. Sut before hir Chiping inte France,and Now the qnane Detwager, thinkin the ti E and place fit forshe eae.of -Pantsote . inpespa His prefent peme * Nolo then the Frend)eparted out of Locate Fe: Thin Land, there tuere mante Scots.agpointentontotixems 'tewlhn, _partlie,to defend themfrom ptrats,ef they Mould of:7 tobir felfe. $02 theambitionsand fubtill woman Gates with fomeloffe onctther part. And this done, ° Diers, ercept certeine Frenchmen, tho remained fhe French held them within fo freialiebefirged , SHirwoqh that tf peace badnot beene the fonerconcluded, fic Willonghdie, PughWlilloughbiecapteineofthatfotmutneads -diftharge. Ponfieur ve hermes, Dhapeilie , anv thep were confireined to bfe their pewter vefeliin Scotland (aiterthat the others were tmbarked tobe things ferning for defenfe; thich tere fpent,fotbat Bpeacecon: fiead of bullets. Wut as it fortuned,a peace was ace eiaded, corded , patted,and confirmed, that eric felfe time whilelt thep were preparing , the carle of untleie. 10 ming tnto France ann fing thercin tie adutfe of -_-AFItr the countrie; becanfe thep had the Tle of Jnl -Kethand the cattell of Dunbar comnuitted to their charge, tic) aftertwards thep did mot faithfullic baue pecloed throughlacke of hots othernecefarie commanded Gillam Makintoleye (chiefe of thefar milic of the Gtendattens, ad hts followers) tobe rsstiteliens, apsrchenacn ( fora confpiracie feeretlic begun ar gone into France) for pleafures caule, and to {ee the fuas beheaded. Which fact ( qreatlie offending the of the fame hingdome {gould be committed ta bf rule. Chtch tf be milled 02 Deemed thecontrarie- the abintofche ) vido ir thom against Buntleie, that pet (he would tholie reff on his determination, that a commotion and tumult had bene raifed bp 20 The hich matterpleated well the king,but pet twith _-fhat in the thole twozld thep neuer fat forts ano totoncs moze pleafantlic placed, 02 more raturallie defended. In feing tbereof they confumen the time With great pleafure , wntill the monefh of December , in thicy thep all went into France with the quéene Dowager. bnight,ciefe feeretaric to the fatd, kings¢ fir Johu Rhus,as there was peace(by the departing af the Buchanan French) tithforren nations, which continued thyee ets them, Sulede the wifedameof thequanchadapea fed he furie of their minds. Foralthonghthe quenecerteine peares after.had budane the fentence of profcription forthe geds of Pabkintoleye(rettoring the fae with the polleMtors -_this promttfe; ff the gouerno?without anie tumult raifing of quarrels twculd give it oer. Uherebpon the queene,to bring encrie thing a bet as fhe acfired , Did perfuadethe king to com ire the dukeDome of Chatelerault in france, on and inheritances onto the fonne of Makintolche ) to the goueritor, before aranted to Him and to Hts Buchanan, and therebp had feenied to cut atwaie the caufe of DiTention betivene Wuntleie and them : pet the -_-eires,xtomake hiscloctt fonerle of Areaine eytefe hb. 16. cepteine of the bands of Scots tw France. Any Lefleus.lib,ro, Kindjcd and friends of the Glenchattens (not fuftefurther, to giue the carledome of Wurreie to the '°S4t ving fogreat an inturie to thetr familie togo bres 30 caric of Wuntlete (binfmanto the goucrno2) and to uenged) did fecretlic(butcagetlic)purfuc the fame his hetres; the carledomte of Iothtcie to his fonne, With great contentionof ntind .Wherefereentring -fabich had mrartedthe infman of the fair gouerno?; _-peares : fo twas there within the wals and bing: cisde Pontmorance, lordof Wochpot, knight of the 3° dome warre md diffention amongett the Scots; o2der of faint Dichacll and lientenantfor the fame eich toas mot perillons and troublefome. . 3fo2 king of Ptcardie,in abfenceof monfieur be War they hich were the chicfe rulers (as the gouerno2 and bis brother the archbithop of faint Audzetvs the caffell of Pet by dveccipt , they agrehenden knight allo of the ogder,andcapteine general of the andofyers) din bie all things tity ertreame cruel fotmen of France , andthe fatd kings lieutenant _tie ecouctonfnelle, JFo2 the archbithop,being giuctt generall in the countieof Bullogne;AnozelwGnil to all libertie, followed bylaw bis picalares inal lardigw Mortier , knightalfo of theozder ,and one _-things,as though it had beene permitted bntobim. of the fame Bings pefute councell; and Guillaume 3f02firft,as a prefageof bis following tyzannte, be Bouchettell loot Saflte , knight likewwileof the ,, pernritted the Naughter of Willtam Chzefcton-fo order, ¢ fectetaricof the effate of the fuances(And go bnpuntthen, the fame Willianr being flainein Frthin. land: and toknow, tft pleaten bimthat the belme minds of thecarleof Calils,andothersthatfauored defert ,knightalfo of thegarter;firTailliam peter dofine; Gafper de Colfgitte , lord of Chaffillon , ching the gouernerrent of the fingvonte of Scots all bis gods) caricd himto Stracbolgic, aherehe countrie; tho (trauclling over Scotland,andbebol: the tole carledoine of Angus,to the carle thereat; Lmchlane Lanehlane Dakintofeye , and (condemning allbis Pakintofeye follotvers to bant{yment ) fd crueliie kill him (as eiehended. the betraforofthe head of his otnefamilic )becaufe thep fupoted , that he nrtniftrea and blewwthe cole fhat fired iuntlete,to make the (aid CHilliam War kintofebe outof the inate. 4. Lelleus.lid,r0, Alittle tile: before tehtch , thematffer of Crefkine, md n and the crledame of Mo2ton, tothe forse of George Dotvglafe. All hich be fyoulo procure lbketwtte to be confirmed bp {uch , as Mould be gouers-938 ofthe pong queene. Thele whingsnowdone , the French hing carefullicrecciued the pong quéene of Scots into bis protecton;bntill fhe foulv conte pnto moze teat it was couenanted, that all {acy forts , cae, and cae {was moff accounted of by bim,as chiss the peace concludedbefore with the Cngl{ ; from tibertce they paffed into Flanders 5 to make the fufficient peers,able to confirnte all thefe gifts; the tbhich ifthe refufes then toda,the French king wols then beftow as large poffelfions on thentin France, i Jun the mcane time thert goucrno2 had fent Care negie knight amb fenato2 into France, tho fyouly places as the Cnglif}men belo in anie part within the Seotith dominions, fgouldbe delivered amd ree ffo2ed fo the Scots; and that the forts of Dunglas, -_-fefE of bis fantars.. Chis John had bis letters (afc he Wrote foan Enalifhman,to home he did commend a captetne his friend) intercepted. Jn like league toith the lot countrics,thtch they did rer netw,to the great refoifing of both nations;althongh inthebeginming of thetreatictheregrewgreat and itn the nanteof the Scots giue great thanks to the king fox the aip thichthey receiueD out of France, againg the Cuglithmen.After this theFrench bing contentions queftionsfo: the reftttrttonof the hips did liberallie open the deternt nation of the queene ; for the Scots (as fatth Lefleus, lib.ro.pag.506.) D. Painterbithop 02 Kotke.} : Among other articles compzifcd in this peace Rorbargh,and Aimouth,adich the Englithmenbad the gouerno2s boule (ifnot twtthin.bis one fight) bp Robert Semple : nert follotwen the death of PES," obn Watuill anold man of Fife; who next outa tbfch,although there tuere not ante tulpicion of anie butltandratfed out of the ground, fyould be raced .,, fault, pet was.the author of themt panithed with the and thzolven dotene, to anotd all occafions of new 5° totte of bishead, hole patrimonte mave bis death -_{ecine the mozebile becanfe the fame was given fo controuerfies that might grotby reafonof keeping or defending the fame: foasthe peace nowconciu: bed, mightin all points befirmelieandtruelie kept _of fo manie,anv the erample wniuerfallic to all. Fo cuctiethe (ubicds ofthefamerealmes, both byfea Kingbame, ano the fouth af bis life, tipich offended andland.ontieur de Dourret wag ent into Scot» Bontenrde jonny with the copicofthispeace ,bpthotemcans it me InPaie the FrenchmenandAlmaines wereiny Sie French. Larked at Leith in irfene French hips; ano cers irereturne feine Scotith Hips, amp, departed from thence. ine Violence to thofcof the low countries, before that thep (bythe perfuation of the Ensglith) bab offered mong to the Scots, in detetning their Hipsamd -_by.ceafor of this vnfkilfall, gouernement of-the merchandise _the commonpeoples the gouernozbegan to be.bad in contempt almofofall men j Going into France, Gberebnte atrelh to dfretour pen, fuefay; that being at Rone, theking viv there ia proclamed anonater, after about the begins 69 }-3n Septemberfollowing the quene (Dowager Hingof Apzill, amdeuerie thing bledandoxderedac - accompanien iufth the earls of iguntlete, Calllls, cording,to the articles of the agréementconcluded, Wenrie Senclere aeane of Glafcotu were fent in to England ; tho at London div ancy confirme of Flanders and Wolland (abereof the Scots bao mother of Srotlandtothe bithop of Koffe(thenanv taken manic in the warres) nottwithfanding that 5° baffapo2for theScots ttt France) to Robert Care -_negie, andto Cavin Lamilton(to fihom,as tas the Scots hadalleged, that they Did not cfter anic _-the ponger fonneinf the gouernoz. dhe hurts of thefe wicked parts Div perteine tofelw,the enimic theres mBobferued, afwell betiwirt England. ard Scote land sas, Cnglandand France, andbetivtrt all ano Sparthalt Southerland , and diverte other of tho t Thus uch digredied ftomthe quiene Dowagers a Seotidh noblitie tobe the fea,anb falling to France ie - -_jandedjatDieper: the was conneicd hither by theint prior of Capoaye Leon Strosste; fort and aout granct faio, the abbeie of ilntin toas ginen fcomimnens bam)to the end that the fame tthich was at the firtt _-fecretlie confulted betiwerne the bg : #tance athe queetie Dowager , nie me ane n econ -_‘Mdered among the Scots coe cates -_declaring furtber,that he nefired no bing moze,the --that the queene mother fhould fufteine the parts and opentic make thetw of bir welcome onto bim byot -_-place of the queenbir - tn *>ai ucvie arguments . Amongtt tbich, this tons notthe so tion and goucrnement of ee .a wrap leat; that (vefives other (hes,honozable trinmybs, molllic find with realon -ey_ antrsirsl oe : . chapter of the fights of the oder of fain be admitted the earle of Wuntleie and other chiefe o pricysp apragesfsay eaboar . Seecleat iviatieiaiaeais D # manic couctefies feted to the : nes) -_ lords of Scotland devre tothe queette,and fanozed by alte :soees ~ ee ha Ie Seance pads f fo Fieance..d few there.uere,as -Bigropellice any SaintFalclfe, captetnsof light horsemen: swith or tro sith fix gallies to haue. the-ronpuctomof bit StromDiepe she remoued to scone, tere the ae aes: ed nih amarnipeyaoe,on wae tothe omthat nodeccipt might be fnppofcn heise thts ae "esas ne Se GOUT Poreonccthemarquediene @aine, cue be Selene a eSanise ued,and badfudhattendance md fevaice bo of Scots tastherepeeent, adomed with (uch fins Snotcatilictobefpoken,by the i i «to be hidden ber thisliberalitic, the French king ‘willed the ambaffadour to tale poffetiton ofall dome. ithe Aferpuke Daumalscamnring oycrinteSnglans abongfoe fame tine fo an botlage,,paten afters fr,daring thetime, of bir tartance there a5 o> Suitthediguitieoftperfon , and tas anfinecable eee prentnas ines eeets thaat they had thus hep bantims Lefleus » fer fangementof _thefe things intheoukes name, acolo Wobert Carnegte tt tatin helingeinte oe bea cot uitetnne npphttehated inaxds tough thesgalmeintoScotlndtovitithis Eherveath of Uetquane Dowager, and{hortlicatterreturnen. to theminds and-erpecations af bictratac s tot ighpzatte libelnfeot-the Kingand bis court inf a poresce * ae:~-_a :ae - ae ans cies nepartedfromthence -_-fadox, tho at length twit much adm did twzing from the firft Duke ae both, fo2. the death,of; thet. father ort senitineito sign Dies 3 to Batis <P Shep ineve wath great trinmyh of the gouerito; a confent to part from bis anthozitic, - - eAozaine , HeftonbectCale, bere ts -3¢Thecantenatthequcene Sposmagess SONSTe as take that tournie, toas torenuteebis opfnton, tow north pacts )and from thence(bring froepanedof the comme. 20agb the atligent andoaderlie traucll of thecom» 2° the bultvorks of defenfe) did conftantlic aftieme, Maton knight , tecretarie to him fo: the French tong. doz the French king twere appointed Fran- the duke of Gute', aro the cardinal of aLoxcine (bie -_beetixen)openeth the fame tmto the French king -_hefwing that amongett others. the chtefett caufeto Huo PES gaintt him, abttet he was the kings deputie in thote diuerfe ofhercapteins of France , remained alfo tn Shenanes oe Vetwirt the two kings of Cngland and France, ding Hecities , fearching the caftels, and marking Gonersapmiifltonersaypointed to deale therein, whofenames pointedto infu, treat of peace. Fire forthe bing of England, the right honora ble Zobn earle of Wedford; knightof thegarter, and logd p2itiie fale; William pagetlozdof ean that thepf adstriveeeectparte th a : e Bh.ty, a |