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Show The Chronicles ofIreland. The Chronicles of Ireland. =the rebelics in atve and obedtencethatanp thing ber foeha Done, fundzte like common thorbes he made andDdid;and more twould,ifhis reliving there ad continuen.Allitihtch bisfarfaid doings,nodoubt, raine and rece not fenfedoz befended from ndaconfuten irae eareaanet butlateall inacbaosa t teregard; he canted to be bietwedp poane tnithontan cesconuints -_‘tuere Derive chargeable to bit maicftic, And foveafing - -eveof be(as it aatawel. Daaee= prea cnn 10 promtifed and Detifed holy and:by: mmm coronas, Sethaleeee si the dailiciuas at vn = g ee aoo s inlargeandinereale birreucna otsceelie fe forthe eeneni sas tuere : ‘bap _cefpts to about eleven thonfand poundsby the peare The cattent Soaemcmned wecattedrthamber, meng, bept. mozethar befourtoitand emcheze taniahe ane e Tardambe lovds, asttisinth Walle pesoyethe moft part prefent at eucrie danb; be wwontnbefoxthe ne long! at h= had faten there uta tho: ! } sheotp. atifants and t d na actions;-an l Hisigecral of batefite much Thus Pe . etan Saererne ee eal ns s e eeo Sanaaaeen be bimfelfe had @ maruellou bead to 20 ca Tietbeledl eee potion fyot elwas.godlicpifpoled, tnderffand, anda : true religton,s notable orator, foutaf thofe month sensi id Seccdinonreen'outeare twas requis flotven fuch eloquent {peeches, {uch pitbic fentences, nee. Ait to be fpokert, vitherin that place, o2imanie other adfomblée:thich bewoulddeliver in fach an eloquent pbrate, and fo pleafantlée tt would Aoty front bin, {with fach pithiereatons, Coundargunents , and cf fectuall bffcourfes jasthat the leffe learned be twas, the move titangeittwas that {adj great gad things coulbcome out of bisimouth. And lach was bis anit able countenance, biscomelie behantez, ‘bisicont mendable perfonage;that he wonlo and dip conquer thetrbeartssandgaine theloue of euccte man; and the people ofallforteSwoulo ard Dipfalltm tonetoith galement, {uch perfualoyie reafons , as tt teas berie ftrange, Bw ome byanattrall courfe:tyoulo; perforne that bi. {hich maniehylearning could not reach no2 atteine tonto: Hehadfome fight in god letters andin bitte ries atidarnrazies 5 and toould-d{fcourfe verte tell oa étvall things; bexinas affable and courteousto all 3 3 men, verte faniltar twtth maghmien, andifirangete fone; dcriefemperat andnsonet;feldome o2 nenet : ti anicdiftempereda? ertracgdinaric choler,opright a énfultee,tré from corrmption,andliberall to euerte Aiberttl him for bis bprightreMfe, indffferencic , md fuftice, dndeterminingofeneticmanscante.Aud beknots Checete nz Mable and a dfedcefle twas to be fet and leutied fo the benefit of the inbabitants and divellers tn the iwas berie honozablie catied tobis boufe of yene- ed Mo. Cnglih pale; and for the reprefie of their enimies thurtt in ikent,¢ in bis part circ) there he was ins fthith thirtted after thetr confulion; they immedtatip ferred in all honozable maner,as to bis eftate piv as repine and dw reff the fame. Ffo2 this ts thete cor gtée bpon the one and tiventith of Sune,in the peare oe tupt nature , that if be did at ante time purfue the e, One thoufand fiue bundzed eightte and fir, he being amd bngrat= himie for theft peace and quietuefe, and did aduenthen aboutthe age of feauen and fiftie peares. Anb foinature of ture nener fo great Dangers fox them; were bis fuce thus thisnoble amd tworthte kuiight , tho had {pent cefle neuer fo god, pet would they enuie at bim. 9f the hole courfe of bis life in the outifalt feruice of be bp the aduife of the councell ofp determine anie 20 bis prince, and to the great benefit of the common: thing fox their bebofe, pet would thep miflike it. iocalth, is notw delivered bnto the eucrlatting fers anie thing well meant badeuill fucceffe,thep wonld nice of the eternall Gon,in thofe celeftiall beanens likeit;and bpon neuerfo little occafton offered thep be reffeth in blifte and tote totth the foure and tiventie toould make their complaints, libels thould datlie elders,tho there are notv bebolding the face of Gon, beerbibited, and accufations be denifed , twit) open and praffing bis bolie name fo; ener, mouths thep tvould erclame, and nothing would Wut to returne to the lordinfkice , Kho being env Se wittian thep leaue bndone thich mightturne to bis difcredit fered into the gouernement, and finding if in fomte Daurte the and impechment of bis gouernement, M5ut truth the Daughteroftime, which in the end was manitfettcn; great botpttalitiegand had all officers in berie hon ™ cording to bisdefert recefued thanks , and they res proc andignominie . Wherefoze great geod canfe © Jreiaap, fortified. emp to fortifie, tric for fhortnefle:of time tye couln Bgaoleat ot fnith. A gaoleat Polengarhobusloedja.heria Binet neceariething inthote parties ,fo: rettreining ane ®hetowne of Mfe keeping of malefacors . Mhetotune of Athens Bebenric ree eenreneees enificd. idge of Athlon bpon the Derpe andigreat! riuersof: She bridge of rhe Sheninhebutlocd toith matonricand frie fone, batided, amd vaifed bp the alles ¢ battlements erie fatres theéytaterthistnarat full people(S ee ftanving tioimentevable: bereits etneree then. ann that nbole: commontoesi@, ea a Dailic purdjafing of thet iwealth, fatetic, thiong) ont thatland. Jfo2 James Fitsmoris a Gis raldine ¢ confine germaneto the earle of Defmond, yames fits nation . But (halla manfate the truth 2 Ft is a fas {rho of manie peares befoye had bene an arebhtrat: mozts on On, Hat thep cannot bzwke anie Cngltth gouerno ; fo, be be neuer fo intt,op2ight, ¢carefull fo thetr be, bellfon tn Mountter ; and wherein be was then fo folowed at inches and purfued bpfir JohPerot, then fictall to their commontwealth, thep account not of it; letbim be neuer fo citcumfped tn bis gouerne, Ment and aduifed in bis dwings , they twill oifcrenit and impeach it . Ifhe_be courteons and gentle,then fundzie conflicts , be was in the endcompelled and hefit, thep care notfor it ; let him be neuer fo bene: uere,thep twill curde him ; and let bim do the beft be logd prefident of Mountfer; that after mante and tnfozced to peeld and fubmit bimfelfe, andtocraue James sity bir mateffies grattous pardon ; infomuch that be mozis fubmits came in finiplie into the cotoneof Lilmaliocke, and a ei there in the church before all the people of humble Sirens? and pzottrate bimfelfe before the fat loz preffoent, we be hall neuer auotd no3 efcape there malice anv 50 and afked pardon, fivearing and promifingthen all te Chis noble and tworthie man, tho aboue all a thers bad beft triall thereof, thought bimfelfe moft baie then be was deliuered fromthem, and gone Out of their Egypt , and nolw returned to bis one hatiue countrie of Chanaan , tbo thenfefoyth tome» 6 attended the court, and ferucd bir mateftie as amoft faithfull, graue, and tile councello2 ; foes timesbe followed bis charge and calling of prefinent 1 Wales , ebtcy office he vid moft honozablic bfe Md difcharge. Fn the end, ten Lachelis had fpun Out the theadof bislife, and Atroposreadie to eres cute bir office, be fell che at Glozcefter : and fee Morareteungroe ithe panty ofthefr ficete frther;and nonrithed tn stionof thete father, anbberne withtye coutntnte Romih cockatrice , thichalong time had let abzon bpon bir egs, bad now hatched bir chickins;tbich ber ing benemous as were thefr fire, raffen, tought, and bed great treafons, open twarres, and boftilitie badbe tobe gladandioifull, that he twas to be Delis uered from fo bngratfulla people and bnthankfalla like a (o2t of nettles thep will ting bim; if be be fer &becate of nature, and that be did Dailie tuar weaker and weaker , be peelded and humbled biny biensand theto migtber;mmtsveadie notw to be boztte ¢ forth ; thep not abfping thetroue time, m0 tobe taratliepmgnatwont bir twombe and eee confuficuisama:fa tixey ave concetued tit the " that conrfe as neéreas be could, as thich fas left l~weth the berie quiet and ipeace. Jfo2 almott a peare after bis runic erate, entrie into that office and gouernement, bntill that =letall de: tall and an ineuttable Beffintetnctdent to that natty ,, to2,andapzincipall capteineof the tyarres and re» acbtraitos. of Dublin,tehich before bis comming twas ruinons, fonle,filthte,and greatliedecaicd. This bereparen, _., Sedreevified, ana made'a beric fatre houfe fo the lod deputie 02 the chiefe gouerno: to refine edivell Chetowneof ins Khe totwuc of Cariafergus, beingopen to the Carigtergus northerne rebelles; he began to tnclofe with await quiet fate , ofd by the aduife of the councell folloty tozd tuttice fos ad then be bad péloed before hit highnelfe and 30 wntoede him; and ; by that meaneskept the trhole lana*. predecefioz SUT"of bista councell atrue and a perfect accountof all bis dav ings, and bad trulie mantfetted the courfe of bis go. uernement,then thefr glittering gold tras found to be twoofe than coppernist abiding the bammiar:he acs he caftelot {undsicretpeds tobe done, as thecatiell ano boute so mudbhhibetivebtper scbo tuben be hath dane the Dublin tes tome that bis telbeloucd Daughter Ambzofia was buried, thicy be had builocd in the collegtat church of the fame totwne;wherin be bad erected a certeine mo: Nument fo, a perpetual remembzance to that tov ¢ to Likenbill , to ahtch he teas verie much affecten, € made his moff above duringthe time of bis pzeftdencte. And from thente bis bodie by caffe fournies pagneD, beferuing perfot,a bounteoushoutebeeper , and ot sb sablenpber;jatroingite bisettate «hones; aihing ingthe nattire and Difpotition of that people', thd smudyatained, anplikentrnthat nation : beviefam couldnot abive anielong fates inlato; be was foaf. liat,anda loner of allfachas tuere learned and were fable and courteous; thatiencric {ator thould have menofinderftanding, kbome be tonto horiozand accefle bnito bint, and forthwith he would beare his caufe,and toith fuch erpedition would caufe the fame 4° elferne berie mudsaratefoR toall ment, and amott loutng matterteal inch as ferned bim,ahont bole i to be neterntined, thatbe pnrchafed to bimlelfe the fen fall bearlic, Andalbeit hetwere aman of a great . ao Duinerfalloue'of all the Brithrieabo thonght therst reach and fungement:, pet be tvonld not Do ante pont fclucg.the more baypte; ifthetr caufes mightheonee thing twtthontaduttes countell; forebtch purpote bt y- ess hronghttobisa hearing , ¢ the moze tilling to leant miadeafpeciallthottent tinofingular mien,{apowere pay fhefe Dbriant lay, etotmbzace the courte of the Civ giinie te allozmot part of his actions 5 fir Hacas ame glilatues.;Cdbercdpon be ventfen,mioconfequent: Dillonibuightyand Francis Agardefquter : the ome 5.ve licwithgveat policie amb tvffenome erecuted the df. alatoteryanb petnotfgnazant in-ante thing perteltY joc uiffom and niffribution cf the twit, fanage,mar Frith ; TeFrih grounds into (hire grounds md countiesappointing ing citter tothe marfhall affatres!; 07 fo the 7 Saeeers int cuerie of them thirtites; conftables jy anb-all:fuch 50 Gouernesneut xr the other a berie wifeman, - adepe indgemtent and erpertence in all matters . countiegand bindof officersas are bled to be fit all other coun ties: by bic)meanes htt matettics to2it bad pafage tires, policies. Annto-teuemd tunttie thefe twere, that manned the one: acensfidelis aces, and the other a amougelt thent , md thep brought tothe oder of the tafidue Achates: Gun nottotthfanding tt iow 1 Erglith iawes ¢goucrnement, tbicy neuer tofore almoft infimit cefpecs,as partlie by the courfe ot d was beard oz buotnne among thent. nee ay Miigen beban done all tacy things as are before bitteriedt pmth aypeare, be bath peferned mot thanks;and:aigtateful remembzance for eoct # ou Terifen,for'and concerstinng the Due convfoof goucris mougéthem:petmottbmaturallie and bAgtattOh jaca mentbp order of latw :'then alfo be bethought bine Hethep heue reqniten and recourpenfed birt. folfe opon (ach otber things as were neceffatie tn fandfive hundoeightic and fir, Its bonte tas tint botuelled , and bis entratts were buried in the deans chaypell of the cathezall church i Worceffer: bis bart was carried to Ludloty,¢ there intomed in the SS and GConnagh,tic moze banted,apatied, amd kept a chottcof allfach fatutes asieremo - pi tobe potbye andercention : tic) ber anfeo fo be put in paint tothegreat tpeetl, ; snaol ter uSierelion earerence ence Lbichtvere erie ee manie eramples it agpeared at the parlement hols den in the elencnth peare of bir matetties retgue, there then latues were to be effablithen fotheir behefit, and the abolifhing of cetfeine wicked and letwd blages, tbich were among the Jrithete, they hot onclie did impugne and refit that affemblie , as inudh asin them late : but recompenfed the gon things (for thetr benefits eftablithen) with open war andrebellion againtt bir matcttie. Alfo, ahen areas 10 felfe to die ; and bolaing bp bis hands , and lifting bpbisetes , becontinued tn moff bartie and inceb pealets bute Cod,crauing with a moft penitent don fo; bis fins,and commending bis foule & cnet into the bands ano mercie of Goo, thorough the Soa bloud of Zefus Chri. Ano when bis bands gaue o bis tong ceaflen, and bis fight failen, be peeloed Dpbis (pirit, ann veparten this life tna mot goblie @N dpidian mance the fit vaig of aie, one thow butifulneffe , truth , ¢ obedience fox ener tobir bigh: nefle, and to the crotune of Cngland, Cuen this periurencattife, tho for his treatons ames -pitsi and great ontrages, billanics, and bloudfhens, bad mozis bath deferucd a thoufand deaths, and pet in hope of a: bts pardon menbdement bic mateftie gaue bim bis paroon, ann rt bnto him, {ent it onto bim by bir feruant Francis Agard ef quier ; euen this man (J faie) molt traitozouflie fled into France,amd there comming into the kings pres fence, did offer to deliuer into bis hands the tole Oo , realme and land of Jreland, if that bis matettic Samegae would give bimatd , and furnith bim with men and into ¢rance monie , and (uch furniture as be fyould haue ned of andoffercth in (uch an action. Dhebing atthe fir gaue him gan the ome countenance, great rewards, ¢l{berallinterteine- ame ven ment, andaccepted bis offer : but then he bad well confivered the matter , and had further lobed into the fame, be hanged bis mind. James Fitsmorts, Che French eho bad fated therein the French court about tivo bing mifi- peares , and fat nothing go fortwarn, # the French Sania hing wared cold ; abo tn the end gaue him no other marerg, anfwer, but that be tuculd commend bim bp bis let ters tobis fifer the queene of Crgland, for obtet- ning of a pardon fo, bim, and fo; bir god countename 3 hae rn Ehiswisa troableloms -,a7 SS tine countrie oeemit wareni to homade, ® fafetic,conla ne twonlo be ever Hankfull. as befioes Rood as By building of hich baldge a pattage (neuer tofire pad) foas mane open ¢ free betivent theCnglith pale |