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Show The hiftorie ofScotland. met of fvar, edsthent, butaltofoliber coutteons and ishounteousatfts pattedall trv oh enibesos ich that(as ts reported bptwaie derfanbing :tn m onedaiencere bandas much. in fers) be beffolved mesof iBritaine peloedtothe Se empire ina wes and courteous behanior The hiftorie ofScotland. and miferiebiscountrietoas bougbt.by mitanegof the twarves hich be had procured againtthismetgh: 6 hours the Spcotitymensas aman foze tepenting bis" patted oilte,and foeing no readte meane prefent botn to refaymrethe fame,being aged and foze beoken with continual ficknefle, be got bimielfe fecetlie into enpits theealkfeatothe tek. Weretopzoclamation as fobinoento mane, that if ante of the Picith nation ato enter; puted afaint, and the place of bis burfall hav infuch denerattor, that manie veo to refort thither fox de- - -_pilgrimage-goings were bie, ec piife to pate this tual, and to enter into the WBritth confines without licenceofthe magiftrate,bethonld die for tt.WUpiles the picts thoughtheir otwne fault are thus bought into nro miferable fubiedion of his pluie chamber, there immediatlic he fue biny peirgutte. | felfe, toberidof the fight of that prelentferutlee: eth pntat, fate, into the hich be Cat both im ann bis tbole the Romans, the Scotithnten (asisfatd) being bar hithed the land, Nued in other countries by hitting out the tite fo ivell as tyep might, fomecontinuing clic tolvards ro countrie reduced, TUhole death being once kuotwne, be- biennot onclic Stanthetomans, tavaeae the andbisoWeritains Wicorire commanded that the pics thould not ther menof iwarte,bu! bimtelfe.fa nére ‘nto: theic --chaofe ante other from thencefmzth to reigneas king aretorbinees wep tnder fundie waytbiecapteins here and there, eoaete necator Bomancawarell,and araicn land,belaivatwaic b sais theppiatthguile ‘Bp -ontliefuchas Mould be appointed to have thegouenw ting. mentef them, by conmmandement and commision of the Romane emperor.Ffo2it tas agrecd,as heal lodged,bythe teno; of theleague, concluded betivirt as occafton ferucd, Wut Cthodius the brother of Cugeniuscomman bed (as ts aly) to go into Denmarke, toasiotfullie tecetued of the king there; thoalfogauehimancf- aeritains, that in theend eirguiland Warimus., that after the veceatect ares a ne protefting chofe him for emperoz, in the fame Weirguil, bis Dominions fhould be gor Spent ee after Gyitt, generallic,that 20 uerned by Aomane all officers in forme of a pzouince, t Bate beit the Wics nothing regarded the twmdsof ropinBye tsine, would oie onelie their sbetfance bntobim as ovr fupeemegouertioz.¢Bere the Scotith chronis : i cles fomiahat -- aeaen =en by conftraint of bis men of twarte, - ‘ on es. eteeen sacebabore ee thieflie topatle by bis ' otone uerthelette thetv,that i ine fekingprocuring ceriva Pperfons tototpake -Yotwb Hictorine,but byconmmon agreement did chofe one e¢ fecond fonne of Wetrquil to bethett fice,thcrciuith fo mainteinchistegree, fothathe lt Darts re orp. of Sue pares, Dement Without contradicts --- _ foanicone manbefne sop = _ ae on here te the citi of Camelon , per thep bad anie buotvledge of bisap p2oeh, that Darius with other of the nobles, being wnrinsis asthen within the tih pen againe to theft fozmer effate and king, CeSothes Dome.Jnhispong peeres he twas aypointed to ferne Beleanerpe= Dunder Alarike the Gottihking in Hhatfamous bol arnrie, and-tter Ondaingof the pare inhabitants, ned againeinta Albanie; pe thall ondcriiatd, that the Bies being biongbt tnto feruile bondage (as before tue haue partlic declared) ann doubting batlie fuch Scots as remained in exile in the Wwelferne Fes 1m Moriwaic, ana inother pants of the toozld, gi inate promnifing then, tfthep tuouln gine the attempt for rem countrieg tecourrte of their ancient dwelling places in Alba: to call home _nie,thep thouls be fure of all the aid that iu then *e Scot _laie, being readie to {pend their lines torenenge the infuries thichthep dailie {niteined at the somans bands, thofe contituall practife cuer fas, hot to hed there cerfeine péres in right honozableeffate, omreffe the ancient liberties of all fac nations as and begatofbis thife ohome he brought thither with 2 came bnder their (ubiedtion. Me erperieitce aberebim forth of Albante, a fonnenanwd ries, who of they nolp felt to their enfutterable greenance, eects ei : for nothing elfe but fhortlic mp tobe erpelled out lobing after his fathers peceafic had tMucby bis wife calleo Ocha (aladic of bigh parentage amongt the no, of theircountrie ,anpdyuen togo feke them other -" - - Wbherebpon Wicozine being aeof - ade uch Speed totval thisbis fare , coulo not haue {pace toch brat ee i rw ionet the empite 3° capetheir waics, but being foztbtoitybefieged ity Bo Merimasen- purpoled ccc ffate, thefpace -_intt,atlength thep tvere taken by force of alfalt,amd werent wane eee all thecountries and peopleof Albion _thecitiefached,to the great inviching ofthe Atomane pares. their hands, crereifing fomefcienceoroccupation. Dther there were that followed the warres, amdfers over them, ni92 to obeicanie other magitirates but tocreata lone arid fauio2,as Wut nolv to retine bere te lefk touching the 42tas, and to thew the maner bow the Scotsreture ioith their witics aid chiltoen, got apare lining tit) ,. of inorfe to infue , thep fent feeret mefferigers bnto SenerontD athisconuning into Pict amines aedae he wand (uc) this mance of ceva ngit bis fouloiors, as al+ notion fabe, as the manner in fines pak was hen bles of Denmarke,as tanghter to one Kortchus,e ae perfon =atie eeea amis oo dgye ne cance was affertvards to reffore Sco: places fo inhabit mArangecountries after the nie ee ast oe ae alreantevi cots iy commandement of parimus, as before ts ervzefien, os ‘ Fergufe, onto thom amongelt other this metlage twas chieMlie directen, teioiten qreatlte of the heives; Seripriteters beet age ubich betwke inband agatnt the Romane em, 3° and fiedtconforctnig faith the Wing of Divimarke, Mtorke' Bang pite. Forty was the bate as ten of allthenox of abotean beknetohimfelfe atfaren,by bis avuite fed, (°° re therne regions ¢ kingtoms towardstie Nomane _be (ent letters aboad forthwith into Porwaie,Deky nante,that bp generallagrementthepcontpired to, nie ,the tnefteraie tes , mm itt FrelanD, prio fuch Gether to {he btter ruineand finall Deftructon theres Durikus twithotber the chiefett prifoners wwerefirl |, of the Seottijmen aS Divelt fn thofe places, to biv of.And fo echof them (ent fortha potveriwainof the detffand their minds herein . Ano being' certifies bad Lonvort,¢ front thence conueied fo ROME, nes coHorde therevnto tohauefudgement by vecre&eofthe fenat, she {ato Alartke,chofen bycommonconfentasgenerall ofthe thole enterpzife. -_relioueof the nobles thatwere taken there, fustertD 4 ee tu the marketplace at Camelon. Hus uaa =" cue and Stalie,twith {ach other countriesastwereobents ent onto Gratian as then empero2 of ome. Wut 4o mult appealed, and the ids comman pearlic nto the emperorsprocurator the fourth part Sheemperor how profperonllie he {ped in the beginning,and hoto Gratianis ofall their reuenues growwing oftheir comneand cal at length be was laine at Aquilia in Ztalie, pe thalt eine tell. Welide this tribute be charged themallo twith Dt qey rewo firrd in the biffozie of Cugland a great deale moze at Darius. uerfe bate feruices, as to labor in mettall mines, to - e, Dig ffones forth ofthe quarries , and te make buicke Bp reafon of (uch trouble in the eftateof the ios to be fent iiito WBzitatne , 02 into ofver places tubie maneempite, Daautus the fonne of Daautus late erit pleated bint fo commandit. hingofthe Writains,the which (as before is far) fied a ae {by be burdenedthem in fuch fost,fas into the Zle of Man, ¢ after departing from meee (as be fatd) to teach themi to knotw themfelues . Fo? ot oucr info Srance,retarned now inte Weitaine. the eg fo anethere,that the Mritains recetued bim so thep were becoute fo loftie,fince the beparture oftre no totheir king: butthoztlie after be was conftreined i en out of the Ile, that ifi thep twere Hcotithm ne we ftreined in time bp authoxitic of the oma to agree with the Romane emperor Theodofins, fo ike to be a; that the Writains ould pate their tuwnted tribute, fartce,the whole 152ittth nation twerelcs ll mean ad In twilfu thefe by amd live bierfcribed.Anallotherretp (uc) laives as by the empero: Mould ted fquie licat betothe eds,Daauius -_prefumptions. Peither twasit thought fufficient Biv m pre' . . rE teat bes serge fo Wicoine, to charge the ids in manet as isle fhould be reputed during bis life forking. Jmmedi fore fpecifiens butto thett further greuiance be = a - atlic herebpon tivo lieutenants twere fent from fed an other ivaie, tberebp to bzing them i a call 2 Theodofius,of ubomethe one nue anes fotaz. formateras Ferginle being tet forth andwitha by thekingchofemnumber ofDenmarke Ext a the Lott) a potver of Danes, that they tuere bninerfalite (Agred , NOt ontclie fo -Fergnfemos tric. their cance foy recourrie of their foymer fate parcdyaugeii eye ie ietoneichtnbetiee. bistime,tincethe Sle | affed ouer EeAtlengt) France eekcaseiolieedi France onfobtter defkrucion, trbich twas this: eabe cor le -4 | Borke,And tith all expedition they began toputthe go nedthemtogither with thetr wiacs, soe ¥ nedat London, and the other called Wictozine at Romane lawes in pzacileabolithing the alo wzitith latves, to the great offenfeof maniethatconlonot Well broke frangeowinances; anamelicthe Bids repined fore therat,and fed mofkanendtheirotpne laives andconttitutions,greatlic tothe contemptof the Romanceffate, Whereof Tidorine,the one of -farntilies,to remooue bepond ineoe Tame 104 -to leaueall the courttries on this - inbabite®, -_ter,as uel thofe ubich they ancte nitlic tothe Scots, -as the other tuhich of late ayperteined ns to pole amb were affigned to them bp sparta -_after that the Scots tucre erpelled. jas notw lett freight commandement bnto Beirgul the Picith Bing, that inno twife be fhoulo {uffer theololaives and rude ordinances of biscountric, tobebfenanie longer amongft bis fubiects,bpon paine that might infucfor difobedience theived towards themaieftie void, twere appointed by Ticozine a ais as fubiectsto the empire, tobe inba = fame 3x _-pperfect Dintfion bettwirt the ee eatrend tains, be commanded a twall to Pn Abarat to be caft alonaft bp the fame, fro! Aicintb, @ the Romane licutenants bauing knowlenge, gaue of the Romane empire. Heitgut now perceiving into Lhat tyalvome tnerpeiling themout of their owne homes and na: tue comitrie. his Fergule was prefent with the to Albanie to reconer his arandfathers etfate, hich thereof, amongif other fpotles , he got (as is repo. brought to pale, ith the Pas would aid himtheres to, pon anearned fire Gbtch thep ban to reuenge Heirotune tituries recetucd at the Momans panos, ted) certeine chef full of bokes,the thich fome bold Opinion he bjought aftertvards inte the wetterne as it teas theught might now be the moze eafilie and to deliucr themfelues from fuch thralbome as Sles,and caufed thent to be kept in Zona, now Col» 5° thevdatlie felt themfelues oppzetten with , doubting mekill, tofthin a libzarie there builved fo; the fame iwithall Moptlie to be quite erpelled ont of their intent. hich bokes (as ts to be fuppofed) were cer, thole countrie as thep hanbene forced fo fogaa teine biffoztes o: monuments of old antiquities. great and the better part thereof alreavic, But the fame were fo defaced in the dates of Hec- tor Boetius (ixho, as he bimilelfe twziteth,caufen them to be brought over to himto Aberdine) that tt could hot be buperftwod of tbat matter theytutreaten, Ft is written mozeouer of Fergufe,that he conti: Inthis meanc time, one Gratian defcenved of _the 2Britif bloun , by contentofthe Romiane legat Oration bfars Partins hothor themr going against thete allegt «>the By ance) olurped the gouernance of Writaine by bis tanec, Olpne priuat anthozitie; but Mhootlic after , ther timo falling at bartance togither,the one of them fue the ued twith Alarike in all bis enterpzifes , fo long as Fert way He lived, andatterivards ferucd bnder bis fucceflor 6° other. And thenthe Couloiers not frateng till thep bi Darius et ba: Athaulfus,to his great fame , and int {uch bono2able derfiwd the pleafure of Wonozlus the emperonr, "ane. effimation , as fety twere found comparable tuto bim in thofe dates. At length requiring a fafe cow Sreies te bud fo returne into Denmarke,he was licenced to chofe'one Conftantine to fuccéed in the place of ®Partius, tho palling ouer into France, tas laine faccesverh there by Conffantius one of the capteing of the fain Doras. mete? tM part of recompente of bis gwd and fatthfall fer gats hearingof the beath both of parting and Cons 1 Mame, vy ey ss Rectory depart twith high and right bountifull rewards , as wt 27% ©- bon B= and bingbonre; butalfo had chofen bint to be goner- to%aree, Hour and gentrall capteine in that enterpaife; he OF {uch Scotitymenas were withdzatwne inte thofe 4° preparedpavtlic at ts alone coffs,and partlie at the patties tvent with the better twill, for that befine the charges of the hing of Denmatke and other of bis Connon quarell, be bare apetuate grudge totvards friends end alics there, a great multitine both of the Romans fo} the bing of his anceffo2s fo cruellic mont of tuarre and fhips, tn parpofe tu patfe oner ine Bom: ferken, Sotthes at the tuinning of Rome, inthe facking Saas of All ahich countries thus by the ae vitals, theough the territoxie of Clafcotw -mung ion Aldelucy, now called Dunbzcton, te is ice heived,ouring the time of the tarres , as tvell tn the life time of the faim Athanlfus , as alfo in the baies of bis predeceffo2the forefaio Alarike. (About the faine feafon , the bithops fe ef Canvibacafa, os Serivite called Qubitterne , was fir inftitutes by s a on, Pian a preader, that tobe great paines (as tepozt bath gone) to inffrud the #ids ann wt: fins in the deittian fat . Be was aftertpards re: Wonozins , Ticorine the other of the Romane les Conttavgins ftantine, remaueo from Parke tnto London, the =P oa better to proutde for the fate harpingof the land to neath coms" » the emperour Ponoziusbhis ble ; for that be Doubten meth tof ome fundzie bangers tbicy ntight chance, by reafon the on. countric tuas as then bnp2oulded ofinter of fvarre, the mof partof them being tranfposted suet into France with the foynamed Confantine , anv not w gaine returnco, She ---- a a SPS =a SF = ay SS 2 Ss s ands ee aeerttet tle, |