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Show Thehiftorie ofScotland, €C memrintteaties + flatterics )to obtetwte our content, feaneto the confiocration of fhe king,the qnéene,onr ec Mut bon at thee our anfivers dio not content bisorfire,bebegantolate before me almoft all hofe cc things ,tcbich are accaffomed to bayen in the ate tempt of furh matters. c¢ Firfk, the ontinard tokens of our ged fauour tor ‘Dnicles,and the reft of our friends . CUberefore then A percetued nrpfelfe a prifoner bnoer the powerof another man, farre from the helpe ofall thote whole countell Xdidand MHouldhauevico; peaandthaty faty thembefore myface , in ihofe former faith and {wifedome Fo1d repofe mrp felfe ; abole Hrength did defend ont anthozitie, and toithout abtch our potwer was but {mall o2 none; then (¥% fay) FX hadtene all thefe tobaue botved themfelucs to ferue bis dee iwards bit,the reafons bp txbich our friends 02 bis er © nimies miabt binder the fame,s mante other things ¢ thi betig obteded 02 toillinglic happening , night frntrate bis hopeo2 changethe minds of fuch as bad ee before fubfertbed. At length (fortune fanouring bint therein)be ortermtined to purtue the matter,¢in one €¢ inftance to basard bis bope and life about the fame, Wherefore , hen he bad deterniined with bimfelfe, Thehiftorie ofScotland. >? ?? ,, ra that quarrel. thpon fittee fanthot the abi qReninaraytasnang But there tas monfteur la Croque , the French Kings ambafladour, tho toke great pane, intra uciling bettwirt the parties toreduce them tofone as Gtement,-z-Gatho bp bis interpetozlato before them Fr. Thin, Howcarefulliehe bad ftudied for the commoditie ¢ cc inthe psecepts anv rites ofour religion;from hic), -_this;andthat not allo he carted the fame mino with S¢ fo Wwete how met it terefor me, being brought bp >? {with myfelfe in my mind confiver mante things, ,, but conto bzing none of them toeffedt. Welles tbich, he qaue to bs but host tinie to fake >> ante aduife,but incontinentlie and impoztunatite did Hill page the fame ontome. Atlength, then F faw ae determination , be foure daies after bauing conurs nient tinteand place therefore in the high wate , fet ce Dpon me with a trong band, as J was comming from fering of mp deere fonne , and with great {peo << cavied me to Dunbar. .) Which enti ned how qreeuonflie we take (efpes €¢ ejaltie done by him,from thomeall our fubieds nes ee Ut loked to bane fuch things to proceed) euerte bo: die maie eafilie confiver. Jfo2 there J did bpbzatn cé bim, tvith Ghat fanour J baue altwates bled bim, that honorable opinion J haue badof him and of ce bis conditions in my {perch dfed to others, andof his bnihankefuliedie to me therefore ; twith all other no tate tocfcape by flight,no2 ante perfon of all our > kingdome tihich bad antecare of our Itbertie(for ue ‘3 bis antwers therebnte were moze mild, and tempes coulddeat me atuate (aliue)byanteadton. Zn chic) were pofltble) that the matter might be fo taken bp, >? " thing trnlie, though iwenmacknotledgeourertoz, fothe commionitie of both parties; that it might be »> ce Pet Welwillinglic vefire, that the king and quéene a bis mother , our bricle, opanic friendofours,donot erpottalat iwith bim,no2 ante watelaie the faulttn<¢ to biscbarge. For fith things be now fo ended, as that thep «ee -_ended without foxce 92 blendthen.. FFo2 the compat 32 -_fing trheréof , he would fmplote all-bis tranell, fith the queeneal(o did not refufe to heare the counfell ¢ >? perfuafion of peace.302the moze certeintie theraf, 95 he did at that time pzomile thenvpatoon and otter cannot beagaine bndone,wetake all thingsinthe twell percetued bp their bands given, and by their dDeepe filence at that time, that thep tereall paatven >"? to take bis part) J was compelled (after that Falits > te deferntiried both foloueereucrence Wherefme all thep tibich profetfe themfclues to be our friends, muttalfo hetu the like to him ohich tstofned buto fle pacified mine anger ¢ difpleafure againf him)to refer mp felfete the difcuffe and confiverationof bis Demands , ¢to late before myfelfe his dutic in times » cc 08 tolth:an indiffoluble knot. Andalthough he bath patl,and the bope thich we bad of the following cow 55 finuantce of the fante towards bs. 6 tn manie things behauedbimlelfe tele diligentlic,¢ " almoff ouce-rathlie, bich tue twillinglie impute to S€ bis immoderat affedion towards bs; pet ivedefite cc the bing, the quéne , our bnicle, and the reff of our Audfurther, how grenoniie our people would maried, and that the people (being bp nature facts"? ec Band,fve promtife that he fhall inal things ( abich ous) could not be kept tnobedtence , ercept our any thalbe required of him hereafter) altvates gratie thozitie were fuyposted and practited bya man tbich 5, fie thent in abat be mate. contd equall them in bearing laboz,and fwere able to baidle the infolencieof rebelsin the admintttvation 7 of the common wealth : the tuefght of tbich charge, 57 our power (being tueabenenand almoft broughtte 5, nothing by confinuall tumults and rebellions, fince pardontherefore(in that be toas inforced therebnto) our comming into, Scotland) fyas not able-ante " ce although in the fame be had: forgotten that renee rence and dnfic,ahich enerie fubirc oat bute bs. 4o longer tofntteine, Fo2 bp reator of thele fenftions, > << Wherevnte heanden, that he ofd-thefame forone we were inforced toaypotntfoure o2 moze deputies in-dinerfe parts of our tealmes,trhich attertvarDab » t fafetie-and oefenfe.at abtch time alo be began to res ec greuonilie offended with him, that their malice bad @ notonerpatled anigaccafions buiuftlie to burt bim _. toithall: ihe? dm } if ive labored fo prefernie the dignitic of hinglie ma 4; The quéne Baberetfop= feftie, that thep toutinforce miefo mariage, that . . Wut elpectallicin thts; that their great ennie bad aq Burdenedbinrintth the murther of the bing, and that ourpedple could hot abive a forren prince,and that a béspotver was bneqnallto refifiotbeccret conlpirar 59 mongeft our otone fubieds, there was not ante > £¢ ciesof-his cuimies;hhome he conloinot know; ber and valure ,-02 f02 other bertues of bobie and mind, y fox him toforefee and anoid their deceipts Wholeex: %comntanded. mp felfe to toine,twith the tholecor 39 fentof the parlement , and affemblie of thenobilitie 5, <¢ Menbihip: enotknowing them,there was no twaie <¢ fremehatred was now growento lunch height, that gc Berould-notline in fafetic in anie place, o2 at anie he fang.ercept he might be-adaren ofthe queenes one gangeable fauourfolwards him.Which certeinticof <¢ bit fans could notbe.themed but bp this one meane; might be preferred. before 02: equalled dito hints ° ; befove mentionen. After fhat nvp former conttant Oe termination was thus fametbat mollifien by these? and other reatons.,--be div twaing front me partlic bY 99 fice, and partlighp intreatie; apiomile tobimar gg (apertnade bir felfe to receiue him intothemariage So merfage:. "" ben, Mt that time heoto mof holilte (weare,that be c@thichnome,ne could not pet bp ante meanes.Amnd iM 53 © gapennet after ante ertraozdinarie gouernement; 0 that hewould leape to the bighet frep of fapzeme cc Wuletherebp;but onlietareapethis fruitthereof, that ~ - heanight ferue adpbetebiras long as-be tiued,in perfuagon obteine of bint (fearing an alteration ec lightsof{uch (perches as that matter requived,.. « Mutanthe endeben be fat thattue could, not be, ning intote parts. oz he beginni © tueblortas he Didbefoye,,Caheronta he adden the der ££ wouenthorebnte , either with peaiers o2 promifes; & bethetued tito bs tbat be bad Done:-fwith the abole ce HObMitie and the chtefe of the parlement , and Sbat _. Hepagaine had promifed onder theirbands ..Chick ¢< being{yddentte. and:anbopen fo lated againtt be, ¢ « Stheiberit oid tity{ultqaategeatlicattonithing puranind) thatthe time therein this marlage ould fo:long,as thattoe be performed, might be veferren toith thehing amd querne 49 might participatthe fame friends as we had tomar 5, of France ; andfuch other ng tolth abold at a d the : tempt (atterthat. be. babonce thereby aite(ne £9 53 fiefkep of bis defice.) pio nenersatter that cealle perfaations mdse ,, {otne{mpostunat raters tobis seatene nents.ofreafors,, putill be Did,taitbont Chak x n nfoyrebs te fefendito the. wcageshoga mot CoH" 22 fuch firme,aupafterfuch onder asfecrnicd. ‘Rentent santobin foy, the erecationst, me » not take armoz againtt the quene; butagaintt bint 99" that had billed the king, Ghome if the queene wonid deliver to puntthment,, 02 feparat bint from bfr;fhe °? thould tell buderfand,that they ¢ the reff of bir {nb 95 ieds held nothing moze dere bntothem,thantocons , -_offenfe Lbich they had committed (theretnto the -_earle of Olencarneadded)butrather togiuepardon >" tofuch as bad offended. | » Theleremedies being found fo defend the queens crevit amongtt foreprinces, other temediestwere Wherfore the ambaflado2 Croque returned backe to. Goenburgh , and the queens part beganto dee fobe fought for defente of bir ofone perfon again _creafe, diuerle thinking atwate from bir; fo that af mat leat to make better thitt, twith fuch other as Andthinking that the enterpzife of the leds had beente booker andodtfaypointed , they marded from Dunbar on faturdaie the fourthof June, firkto to the lo2bs , rho toke htr tofth them to Coenburgh, [ the being in a hort garment,bale, ¢tvo2ne ,comFr,Thin, mingalittle beneath bit bnees(as faith Buchanan) of tbich lords fhe requeffed that they would {uffer bic fo depart, tot to keepebir in that (ort.]Mhe Har -miltons twere on the twaie comming to allift the quene, with feucno2 eight bundzed bor fenien ; but to Gladifmore, and taking there deliberationin the matter: thep lodged that night at Seiton, andin inthe banbsof the lo203, and fo they returned, The lardof Cragmiller { then pzouol of Coen: Fr.Thiw iwere coniured, to bfe Buchanans two, againtt bir) dfen that diligence themight to gather foxces,efper clallie in the Pers and eatl Louthian. | Wathington, «thererelting till theeuen,fet fortuard 50 before they could reach to the place, the queene as sahich for the nobilitte of bis fantilie, fox bis woifoome 5; cc Caule they did in thet and (peethes viflemble theic After that the interpzeto2.bad delftieren. thefe things, theearle of Morton anfiveren, that hei dip 99 -terit began to groiy tolwards the cuening , iothy birotone {ubiecs . Wherefore(atter thatthe earleof $Murreie was appointed toremaineasbantihen bewell fled to thecaftell of Dunbar, Wut the quene iy pond'the feas in France, thither he toke bis tour 40 deftrousto falbe with CUilliant isircadie the lard of nie through Gngland) the queene(eliuered of fuca Grange, twent fo bim,accompanted onelie twith one commeth Thequene to capteine ,and after fome talke totth him, the palled the iosns, feare as be twas to bir, ¢ therfore better able fo rule, fro (onder thecolourof the anthoritte abich they 45 there permitted. to bfe bnder 08) inforce ont olvne 3 fubtects to take armes againtt bs. , Forall Lhidrcantes,ahen Wwe well percetued Hat > iweaponagaint the bighei gouernoz. 6 friends, no ieffe to loue and fauo2 Hine, hanifall tinue in their dutifull obedience: twithout Ahichgrany Hingshantill this dap bene done atter thetr adutfe zo fedto them, there conlo be no agreement made; ber >> « anddetermination ; in the bebalfe of thich our hub cane they camenot thither tocraue parvon fo2 anie >> & edbsintoone of onrotwn caffels,be humblie craved peat dnto me the whole courte of bistife, lamenting & bisfotune, to bane ther (abome: be never hurt) ( -forgetfulneffe of all things paffcn before time 5+ B10 a Het part:¢asheisinnded, fobeistobeaccounten twithgreat holinele there pledge bimfelfe, that 10 2 <C out bufband, tome from hencefortwards ue haue 20 burt thould fall onto anie man there , for tabhig 55 fuffera frange king,and heautlie recetue one dnace 99 quainfed, ana not inbred ith their latves and.cw 4, €¢ things that might deliner me outof bis hands,Zhele matters Z laiedagaink bint with bitter twozds.i5ut 30 foms,that they ivonto not (uffcr mielong to liue ony GE Tediwith gentler fpeeches, in this, that be tuould Hill bfeall honozand dutie towards bs, and labozbp all eé means to baue our gad will, thom be twould m0t of fend. <¢ Astouching his,that be badagaint ourtwill carts franquillitie of the publike fateof Scotland before Bucha.lib.1. netther he 102 anie mart lining, thilett Jodo lite, ro him. Wherefore he did vehementlic defire ( t€ it < fire,and that % twas aloneleft aprete for him, Foi9 ? €° tmithall inportunitie to attempt the fuccefle of his 387 sc nation, Jn thid)matterS cannotoifiemble, but «¢ that J thas othertile intreated bp him , thatetther e ¥ would o2 had peferued. ; Ffo2 be was moze'carefull to fatiffic thent ybp & thofe content (heen at the beginning) hethought ec Dimfelfe to bane obteinen bis purpofe( though be nip both decetae them ann nie) than togratifieme, 02 Carbarrie yl, the mozning marched in o2der of battell towards Carbarric hill, and there chofe forth a plot of ground of greataduantage , appointing to fight on fot, bes burgh] and fir Zames Walfure alfo the capteine of the cattell , were ioined inthis confederacte tuith the lords, as thortlie after itapeared, The queencatter caute the polwer of the lords tn number of boalles this tas conuefed oner the Forth, amd brought to rye qneene well , the loxos Seiton , Peter, and Worthwtke ; ab lard ofthat place. Lheearle Wothwell,efcaping to berburne, lackater,and Langton . Lhep badivith rere he twas fated and committed to patton, theres met, twas ffronger than the quéens,and of greater erpertence. Hheretwere twith the quene and Bothy Lodhleuin, abere he was appointed to remaine in is tent to tward bnder the fafe keeping of William Dotwglas Lochientn, fo the laros of WHaudhton, as , Dymifton, Wear 60 Sunbar , found meanes to file into Denmarke, them alfo tins hundzed barquebufiers waged, and of great artilleric fome ficld peeces « heir thole Humber twas eftemed to be about2ooo:but the moze part of themtuzre commons countriemen. Dhecaries of Morton, Atholl, War, ©lencarne, the lors of ume , Lindfete, Kuthwen , Sempill, of Sanqubars the laros of Dzumlangrio , Lultbare dent, Grange ,amdpang Setford , tere aflemblen fogither at Cvenburgh with a potwer like in num: of ber to the queens, butfor the moze part confifting Sentlemen, although not furnttheo twith anie nome ber of barquebufiers, ercept a felw of the totontmen vf Goenburgh ,that willinglic foinen with hem in inat length be died. Diuerle perfons afterivards were apprehended as parties tothe murther of the ing , and therebpon condemned, were executed, confefling the fain earle to be the principallerecuto? 5,rin, of the fame murther. + Leaning the queene therfoe in this miferable plight , we twill not pet forget (for the bono?the ortce had)to fet Downe certeine verfes mabe by Alerander Seton a Scot, in the commeny bation of bir anceffo3s , anoof bic; ttho in the fir pearesof bir qouernement bien bir felfe to the gap bing of allbir fubieas . Jn thic) berfes Seton doth further meane, that Lefle thouln hereafter tet fozth bic goucrnement,as cc that ae |