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Show 356 The hiftorie ofScotland. nendnto the pirhands, bir daughter the pong quene being not quent, pet full ttoclue pecresof age. The qoucrio2 was promifed not oneliea full ptt charge anda Onietws of of all bis Daings.as tell for receipt of monte , tetuels, eother things,uring the The hiftorieofScotlahd. fingular fostiftine of miro that toasinbim)thathe armes did cither purfueo? abate, recourr oplofein anie action, fhould not onelie be punithed for the ean, of oa Scots ~ returned from the ratbneffe of the fac , but alfo fhould bane the matter Juunitone ) tebereceiued intotheie qaetonne > AND refto2ed toall theit gods ang fonthivith (cuein that moment of tine) (ndged a gaint bim. | tine of bis gouernement, but alfo a confirmation of the heritable gift of the dukedonte of Gyatelerault: This peere,the firt of Julie,Cowardthe firt of that name, king of England, departed this life, after liketwife an otberconfirmation of all gifts and reftt: thom fucceded bis fitter Darie,cloet daughter to futtons bp bim made, during the time be bad ererct: K.Wenrte the right. (Couching tole regiments, Abs, FH, 1553 fed the office of gouerno?. Andfarthtwiththequeene 10 fith this biftozte requireth matter appropztate onto it felfe, we twill fate little in this place , remitting the Dowager fent into France,to get all thefe things readers to the conuenient courfe of time tercis dDifpatched,with fuch afurances of writings bnocr thep flourffhed and baded. Delite this is worthie the bandsand feales, as twas erpedient, and to be fent noting, that the realme of Cngland twas not fo bome into Scotland fo2 bis fecuritic in all things. much in bir time afflicted with erquifite troubles of ¥ Wut before the gouerno; had confentedto the Fr.Thin. barbarous perfecutors , to the ninrinifhing of Gods Lefleuslib, ro, quienes demand,there was great contention about feruants, amd the increafiiia of fatans fpnagog , pag.517. tbe matter: for the tuell bnderitod that be tpouto as it tuas like to haue triumphed bnber the glozious Iss_ mot depart twith bis office, before the fine that the title of the bictortous gofpell, if Gon had not (for the pong quane bad atteined to the age pzefcrtbed for queene(asit is in otber women ) at the peeresof 12, at &bich times thep map appoint procuratozs, htc fall baue the gouernementof the kingdonte vitill thett full age. FFo2 abich caule,the pong queene chole amongff otber(as after fhall moze apperre)the quene ableffed ending. Butto returne to Scotland. | # Aboutthis time, PowmanWelle, tho (as pou Fr.Thin, heard before) had fled fothe death of the cardinal Ladletibts Weton bithopof faint Andzetws into France (aere pss true for aqueeneit d{d not aypeere 5 fith it feemeth to be twzought by Gods high pouidence,that the king? Bomeof Scotland tas altnaies heretofore by mas nie ages gouerned by kings, andthataivomandin uener before this tinte (elpeciallie one within age) challenge fhat kingdome buts them, although the male line (as appeered fromthe 1Baufes to the Stetor atds) Defcended fromthe women, baue fometime poflelted the ferite of Scotlann. Wut in the end,faieo2 do that he coulo,the go uerno2 didfurrender bis place (as after fhall moze plainelie apeere)ontill abich time Wwe will purfuethe orerlie courteof things done in this place: abtchis, that ttlet the gouerno: ¢ the quene mother tere Lclleuslib.ro. in this vifcord for the regentthip ofthe realme;manie gPt8519feditious perfons(taking occafion thereby twith hope \rg52. ftofcapebnpuntthed) did renew the memozie of old {nolthepall werealfo commandedto depart the realme,to thomevearnemiie baging that their pent onsmtight be patedto them in ar other place fehere fhep (ouloremaine) the duke of Mozffolke DID pubs Itkelie fap in the councell, thatit fcemed not (uftice, that a catholike pence fhoulo pate ante penfions to fuch as had murthered a catholike cardinal. with which anfiner the fatd Po2man twas almott oe Pvc 1554 vt thenobilitie, John Ghartrutfea noble ana a daliant yorg man, for deadlie hatred.(as was thought) betinenethofe fwwo fantilics. Wet if was {pred abroad,that the chies fet canfe thy Kuthwwemd(o bill Charteutfe twas for holden by the regent) great contention and varietio of opinions , touching the punifthiment tthich he -fhoulohaue. F702 Come would hatie him banifyen ins Thequéne Sineth the qo: Set hiv motherregent of hirrealme:ubiehorficethe ee of ftokebponbir, and twas thereto aviitterbytheet! serch fates of the realme. Hhen twasthe parlementnetwother, EThin, regents of Scotland, not before accuftomed among -sMmulous,o2 backbitersagaihhim)to be a firebrand the Scots, nbhich name hatheucrfince remained to all (uch as erecute that place (enen inourage) bw and ¢apteittetothore French , aho(he twas allured, -_-‘fo2 thefr infolent pride) would hatie warre with the Titig the minozitie of Charles James thefirt, now Pach libs, ther vemedie torelione the matter,thaw that verie Day to hill Ghartrufle, Which matter twas the occaft: oltof mabingthis laty,that aholoeuer Lith force.02 furtherersiof bint thereinZotards ne nde death) the French king toas vet fo touing galat Scots. Fo2although he thought, that of right he toling thefcepter of Scotland. gn thichocelination ought tobe punithed, pet he vid not {ioge, that ante of things (as before pon beard) to the gouerement bometticall eniliyas To much , 02 the pantthnicvt Of the French, the Scots conlonencr be perfuaded co, thereof toulo be thought great , that thep thoulo thatthe caftell of Goenburgh thouln be delfuered to accuftome the 4Frent to theo the Scotith bloud, the rule of ftrangers': fearing that if the quéene Wherefore at length bis puntthment was agrev Hhoula die without itue,that thenthe French wouly there bp tprannie fettle themfelues. C@hérefore the Bing») whteh be (houldnotdeliucr toante,buttoone ub. 10, ta Franceforcerteine peares, ¢ forme wouldonelie hauearercelftte mile tobe late ppan him. Woth which opinions were retected bythe dete of lic anthooifeo in the quenesnane, withconfentof bisentmies, Wilbert carleof CaMiles, FFo2 he,pere bircuratozs, and in nameofthe quene tegent, ceiuing bp the prefent fate of things, that peace Where is tobe noted, that as at the firff thep Would not long continue bettvene Scotland and hich had the avminiffration ofthe common-wealth 5.0 JFrance; did btfetlie Withitann his banithment info bnder the king of Scotland inbisminozitie, were -_-that countrie. Jfod he would nothane that man(ber fir callengardians,anb then gouernois:fonol bes ing fo (ubtilie ano'enconttantlte Witten , pond, and San thep to hauea new title for the fame,to becallen Defivous of reucnae , of and Dpon fad) as were ev of the o2der;an0 of the nobilitieand parlement, and greatlic abbozring the other authors ona man) bad pated ail the ret of hit life twithin the the fell being there prefent ,aborecetuedthefamein the -twicked counfell. Wherevpon;Goron being now quenes name,at that timeremaining in France, 4o cattin p2ifon for that faa, there was'(in a councell battell at Wenton (a totonein Picardie) mol bol . greatlie. repenting binvof his former iofe " a content, Which Fell ont quite contrarie : fo; trheneues rie one kiew the fabtill {wit oF Goren theearle of And herewith prefentlie was acommiffion thetven, Stuen by the queene of Scotlandin france, toith COfent of bircurators, making the quéeneDowas faeine, a" eo amd dialing nere toithin danger of the caried to Pontrulle, aberebe ortltc ne oe thereby totranfferre all the malice tbich Hhould rife ‘thereof bnto the fact of bis wife, as not done bp bis --Huntleie, andthat his wife (a chofen and raretia: fametvas committen tothe ocfente of John Arely ptpite fonldiers fromthe handsof the ent auddeath ofthis Willian , did (difembling bis has -_-tredto Him) byeabe with his otne twife to ercente boundsof womanite moneffie; thep were all eafflie perfuaded,that heatone toas authup bnito bitofthat ad puttherebnto their fcales, Whichdone, thego: ‘Sut atter certeine light thirmithes (hichbe that tiuthiwen (betig called inte fute of latw by the other) diftrutting his caule, and fupofing that it would pale againi him bpiudgement, hadnoneo: did.acco2dinglie. Wherefore Gordon being now lorvotter the life Rie gonernog Ueno? gaue bp bis office of tutorthip, inpzefencesf oe the faid effates,the queente mother , ¢mionfteur Dats pilie perforned againtt the enfmie) follotoion {was fo Hounded with a fhot,that he could - bis turne to bis companies but being relieucd a one meanes, both the fante of the one arid fatctie of there in. open parlement all the effates fubferibed, nt of t in thebyfro th 0 twi foxmofhoping /--- ininties. Fo2rberebpanit haencd, that manieof 6o Toa the tes cninie; that meanest the blot of thecarbinalsflanghter,ano moze firmelic the familie of the isars div (at Coenburgh) with great boloneffe btterlic fate WBalcleuche the knight, to bind the French king onto him. Sunviie --Welides Abid), the pongerfonneofthe lor2uth, flaughtersof {wet o2 Welven,did publitelie thant thzough and flea the other might be pzowided fo2; tthich the pong matt difharge made tobim, ¢tocttablif}bimasfecond lie,amb honozablie behaue himfelfe in toartes, tic ult ebattell, topeaaffa tuate lie rffe taint bir cuvatos,with agittof the dukedomenfdhar perfonof thetealine [¢tohaue the gouernementof men in France.Dhisman d(dfo valfantlic, forth t peeswoetaintionrtoreamdienayot the fame was hindered by them fay the malice et they bare tuts the Gorvons+ bhich peeches nin oni man(ignozant ofall deceit) that he Houlo pelohim -_felfe into his pastection and tutorthip: fo2 fo by that band » the nuke of Guile, andthe cardinallof ox the caffell of Dunbzeton (as faith Buchanan}iwith os ther things contetned in the contrac: tothe tbic) Wenvie (bp the meanes of the baron WBunffone, nmoft 6 fins hich thep bound themfelucs to inarrantthe quences 30 the pong and giltletfe man in bis abfence, fuypoting fthom this Lefie hav fent before to vequelt the fame) be was made capteinesf the Scotifh light ae peror) on the boxdersof Jflanders , that be twas a i 1028 authozitte, confirmecd bp the quene bir felfein France,with content of thebing of Francebichul After this, there was readaconfirmation of the thre eftates of Scotland,touching the emifies , in 5° Dead, andbeing then Wwearied with the griefe erile,wentagaine into France, ano there by king the French king had (with Charlesthe Aft then oe j in he oul ; iendsi vee startuainaae shaleSpeciepare alimiot Spon this oceatisnt. r a byon aparlement aointen tobe boldenin Coen: ro Whilett the Queene prepared for hit fourrite tntd burgh, the tenth of Apzili nertinfuing + ano én the Scotland, Gordon did caf into prlfon William (the Meate fine the goucrnozdeliuered thecattellof Cs -_headofthe famlie of the Cathans) a pong man It Oendurgh onto the loCrikintokepe, asittvere bevallie brought bp with the earle of Durreie fo. by twaicof affurancefor bis part, that all things at kinreds fabe; beingfilters fo. peat % telerault buto the gouerno2, onder thegreatfeales of Ff rance,and others, to tomeit ayperfeinen, o2fouretene ; inthich thep map appoint gouernozs 4° nance,according to their eftates. torule onder then.dahtch the goueriioz perbapsDid Wut after that king Coward was departed the {eeme to confelle for the king,but that the fanie was théreo csttmiticeCpaseenstienomties tooo to the faibearle: for fhat paclement tyouln be accomplithed,according to hone other canfe but for that he only not pelo hin the points of the agreement madeby full content, feife to the protection of him. Gurvontherefore gtied oo" _ ne affembling in parlement at Goen: ued at this man,diD not thinkeit fafette to leaue hint urgh,onthe fata twelfth dap of Appitlyall the cones -_freeamo at Abertic bet ind him. j f Chequeene nants of agreement had € made betivirt tye quene to France withthe nine ntlt its made gouer= Dowager and the goucrno2 torre prefented eread, 20 fault tolate tobis charge wonrthie anie punithment, ROD bpparis fourbing the diniffion and giuing ouer of the gouer, tent, Wherefrre (bp bis friends) be pethiaoed the pong pong king atvate. 4Fo2 the profprrous beginning of bis gouernententforetold an haypie procerding, and be thet twas tmpzifoned) being now fetat libertic, Did p2tuilieconucie Himfelfe into Scotland. Which Dowager to beone: therebpon,the quene Dotwabnderftadof the goucrno2, be fined all thofe that ger challenged the gotiernement bnite bir felfe, for that bit daughter tvas certeine moneths aboue 3° hadreceiued him into thetr boufe, ¢ compelled $202 man tofieto Denmarke, for feare that(if he were thofe peeres cf tiwelue. Againt which the gouernoz taken )be (ould fufter ertrente puntfhment. 25ut did fiflie contend, conffantlic affirming that the then be kneto that there toas noplace of fafetic foo pong queene did not erced the ageof eleuen peres, Wherbpon the quene,fo take from the gouerno2 him in that countrie, toandering ouer mante pio utnces,be came at latt into England , in the teigne all farting-heles and other Oifts , mth bige the cu: of Cotward the firt;of thome, with the refk of bis fomeof that kingdome,and the obferuation of thofe latwes to be,that they muff reckon the peere tn ahich companions, he was moff courteonflic recetued, foith peerelic penfions out of the erchelser 02 come the Scotith king o2queeneis pet tnbosne tn their mon trefurie afitgned tuto them for theit mainte mothersbellie, to be part of that numberof twelue 1555.Buch, Meti02, were perfectlie and fullteconcluded, and thers a. hae Erenburgh ratelidehue= one hrepe, bir full peres. sfoz itis o2dcined bp the lat of the 20 bniperthinefe of the CEnglith people) taken the kingdome,that the king thall not remaine anie lon. ger bnder tutors, than to the age of foureteenc; + the Checoue= --Fnlent all the loznsof therealmeof Scotlan d av >iao, fembled at Striueting, there all the couenan ts ano hav. * atticles of agreement,betiwirt the quéene and thegos difpateh Abont thistime, the quene regentlent George Gordon earie of Huntletetoapzehend Joh sunt, "45. avo(o2 gouderac, as fatth Buchanan) chtefeotthe faz mille of the iegtnalping a notable thefe, ¢one that was fraught with mot tnicheode&ds :ebichtournte itis fuypofen that Gowan did not beri¢ Fatthfallie' Dilcharge, Wherefore,abenbhe teturned without the pom (as after Myalb ayeare) tn renouncing of all bis right to the carloonie of Murreie,zother things, The quence hauing the vifpofittonof all things, id at bir pleafare dyanee all the officers , anv made tho earle of CallUstevataro;, ¢Tetlmoxt a Frond oon are man controller's alan other Frendman called monfieur Kubie , keeper of the great feale,as bicegerent in place of the carle of tguntlete, tho tas chantello2 and therin waro;[any James Maile, ry;., at -_-agiffer ; and theabbat of Couper keeper of the prfute feale , as faith Dellensitibit6. pag' 521. Iorald gouctnozofthe Flew. ne icur |