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Show Theéhiftorie of Scotland. Pered t ities amd Gt not to proceed inorder toith the bittoxte, per Beat note that after the deccafe of hing Robert, Be Fae futtance :be bimfelfe tas riot onelic fpotlen of all bis patrimonie, but of the bingdome alf,by themtgbtict bing of that age Cowardthe fir. king §=--is fone Daud,a child (carfe fenen peeres of age, twas ppoclamed king , and aftertvards crotuntedat Scone, the 23 Day of Mouember,in the pare of our on*ie twas this We opzelled at onetinte inital thefe kinds of cuils, that hetwasdztueninto -_realmne,tho for tlye (pace of fouvepecres in the latter , endo44.Aobertsreigne,bad the whole sourinittra- soap, Sualand, aman molt readie im counfell , andof saaen f vis affaires as well in iwarre as peace. commenda= tens. =-- grindof aking , for be offered no violent bands to himfelfe, as dtd the Late Cato amd Marens W2utus, neither with Marius did he purfue bisentmies with continual hatred. sfe2 bert he bad recouercd bis founer eftate, be foliued twith them that moff occa: fioned bis labour and tronbie,that be rather remeny buedhimiclfetobeaking oucr them,andnotanent- = -_dtatlieafter the death of bing Kobert,onto the Kiitg s , ' a grievous difeate \. . binlelfe totwards his ond (then ) of)" append troubles to age) but that be confirmed and " eftablifhed the prefenteffate cf the Kirgdome , and prouidedfor the quiet of pofteritie, thereby bis tubs fects DID NOt fomudjlantent bis seach, as that thep peace betwirt both the realmesforafeafon, hele ambafanours found the king of England ealie ty nough to be intreated for the grant of their fufe, 10. srcefy iwere dDepeitied of fo tuft a Kiitg and godlte father. ) that agenerall trace tuas taken fo the fpace of thee trac paves eres, ; Ju that meane time, carle Thomas applied his Sir Janes Dolwglatle then choferras mof two2ic pale with king Aoberts heart bnto the ho telane "rotebtbe fishe inacafcofgold,imbalncd frhole ftudie for the maintenance of tuffice en -_tie though the Mhole realinte,not omitting pet toap-pointozder, that men fhouln be poutden ped herelwithhaving ibis companiea number of nor bies, andgentiemen, amongit abonrfir William -_fitie fo required. [Wherefore ‘het he tnas gong " em Cictone(a totyne in Gallotway)toad inas poo i (edfaxthtill be cametothecitie of Ferufalem,abere _tn that counteie, befetting the bigh cata . hed With hinet (pices, erightpretionsoimtments, And 3° and weapon for defenfe of the countrie, ifn 5 Sinclare andfic Robert Logan twere chiefe, bepat' -_ling the paffengers:terbpon ee Kg panicof his followers , he apzebende' themall ,not fanouting ante bnocrpectert of Deno tion og teligion. Jfo2 one of them lateli¢e ee Aome (andfafe as he fupoted by the car a . and there in compante with them.bedinfonoblefers autceagaint the common enimics of our religfon, that by bis often vidorieshe wangreathonortothe ehriftian name. Atlength,bauing accomplithenbis charge inthofe parties, with noledefameand gle a~pointmentofthis Randall , fateng, nity don of the fault belonged to thepope,but the pl mentthereof belongedto the bing,] rane MPoyeouer, fox the better paofe ot : enith ad -slice among themtat couctea to line by a that rie than princelte magnificence, be tobe the feas to James Dow- hauereturnedhomieinto Scotland: but by force of glascommeth contrarie iwinds he fas driven om the coaft of seine meant. --Dpainte, lamDing there pon the borers of Granay as pertemed to butbandeie , hould be ae can ia oe iwefle the moze knotwne in all parts tthere became, -purfle. FFinallic, fucy punithment ee ee ras _be refto2ed againe,02 elfe topaic for tt on oicifeo spent -againft theenestralplaces, that both ak biog him. This was the endof that noble Domglatte; -s _Scotland of mante tole ¢ low one of the moft baliant knights that lincd in bis and bagabunds. : 3 rela tis faid, that puvingthe time waedon - How often infightagaint the Gnglifhmen : anv 13 timesas aepa gain the Durkes:; at it is writtemat length (itty puntihinentipas crercifevagaint0 rats a0 miniffers of the laives theretoby him onanied w evicwe Bellenden)inScotichronicon. Peminhthauebans alligneditfortuned that acarleof the a ad vight necefarie fox the defenfe:of Scotland, ifhis, thance bad bene to haueretuctten home in fafotie: We ended bis lifein mancriasisbrfsrementioned) onthe 26 dayof Angutt.tnthe pete of Gracexrggo; cane hadirfhnotfreale other mens *» ealue otune plo'irons, that be might a veevertto themrecomtpenifedto him bythe ad the fea ‘lee, furtrearneff diligence teas bt site ae siaos r before him, he hanvelen that perfuading him to Beepe (uch diet as he preferts bed,and herewith to take fuch firrups ¢ other things ashe tonld giue bim, at length he mot traitozous ‘lie potfoned bimin ded. The benem was of fuck mirture,as fould not flea him out of hand, but bp ee _liftle ano little waffe bis entrails, that the monke € might have leafure to efcape home info England, perit were perceiued that he bad Done. ibe there, fore atterbe hav mintttred his wicken potfon, found, meanes to conuete bimfelfe out of the twate,ann ref < turned moft {peedilie into Cngland,infomtng bing meek Edtwardhotw he had velf, Te gouernoz féling hime decth, {clfe toxmented datlie twmafe and fworle ibis ffo- machandtoombe,and bearing that the monke was gone, and minded notto returne to bimagaine , be began to doubtthe matter,and fhoztlie after learned bp phpficians that he as poifoned, and that the bes thereof. iking Cdwardaduertifen ofthis great fee nem badtaken fuch bold iithin bis bowels , thatit to enute the fame,and imagined with bimlelfe , that if carle Zhomas, the autho of the fame felicitie Jn the meanetime twas king Coiard cometit HiEvward an armie to the borders, purpofing fo innade Scot ae purpole te tmpeach the proceeding of fo great fealty to the Scots, but alfo make for the {uertic of the realmeof ther bead,o2 at the berie point of death,and therefore be twas in hope,that comming in timeofthe trouble Welle of thisearle was bp himand other bisnobles ze fulpected. -_to atchiue fome enterpzile,bighlie to bis anuantage, Butthe gouernour aouertifen hereof, raifea potw- Abe aon lcitie chanced to the Scots bp this meanes , began 30 vas not polltble to remoueif, Vethought godtherefore to attempt the thing bp f land,fo2that he thought hotw the gouernour twas ef; ee ae bponbis death into Scotland, be Mould find occafton -_er,and though be were not able either to rive 02 go, en sid Meight, abich might not be Donebpforce,that afters o Pet he caufen himfelfe to be carted fugth in an hortles Wards the realme of Scotland might be themoze litter, Ling Colvard hearing that the gouernonr infeebled, and as it tuere made opento recetue difs wascomming towards him with an atmie, ¢ that Pleature at his hands, Jfo2bing Dauio was pong, -_imfelfe inperfor quite contrarie to his erpecation, Sisakinn and manie of bis nobles bare {mall god will ef the thirtfte of the fhire ould either cante daies. Ie had gotten the victories 7 fmozte times! that not onelie theeues and loitering lubbers tere Daunted,but the realte alfo aduanced tn iwealth and tiches,tothe great terro2 ofall the foes and en{mies LOwmys | -baidles,, toith all other {uch inffrumen _ ay ari -_-‘fering were quite fmpzeffed,ano the teal pee fhofe warresagaint the infivels, and fo fought at = fundzie times tw bis fupport again the enimies, to moze tranquillitie thanener tt ae .S pert iithprofperous{necetie,till at length haning to -daiesbrfore. Bante infolentand mil 7 ant tiie mud) confidence in fortunes farowr (bic) hat were famed bp his feuere chaftifemen Sorel the baought fo manie noble men fo their Deaths) he 6° Allo that vertue might be obestr vy nay lt wared negligenf,andtoke fmalltegardofdangers -tealim.be commanded that no re on place, . that might tnfue, fothat in theendbe was inclofen -_-perfon Should be recefued into anie to bereft aes Dow: by anambuth laid for him by tberntimies, andthere except thep bad fome cratt 02 ee ane get their lings. Sp this meanes a age SeSeiad flaine amongtt them, with allfuchashebad about in Spaine. lfon foas heard of tithin the realme of Scotlana Ante peresatter, fo that {uch tranquillitiefolotwed, Seog, Purpoleta nes on housll rite.) qe cens that inbabitedin thefe parties, offered the hing of Aragon to'ferue buder bimvin isane tlic of Cngland; for the fingular manbwo and bigh po to bauc moze readie occafion fo pst! noes ment the contrarie, be commanded sh nprte 3a wozke bis dinelith enterpzite, And even according to his defire tt came to pate: fox being takenfopfuch aman as be was named to be, be tas fent for to the governour, and comming _ Dthersthat refuteo to obete,were purfuen with bis gard,anod bangedeuer as thepiveretaken:asit baypened on afime at Paddington, there theeeftoze Htbborne Ul and naughtie dtfpofed perfons being gathered moelsharpe- togither, robbed and {poiled the people on each five: Mepanithed, and fox that thep regarded not, butrathermifufen a putfouant,ihom he fent bnto them,tev were all fa, ben incontinentlie by his forefain gard, trhtchfollor 20 ied the fatd purfenantat theheeles,and tuithout res {pit hanged them bp on gibbets to gine erample to al others. Thorough fuch vigozous tuffice, no rebel luere difpatched outof the twap,tf Honld not onelie do, abere at the fame time be found the king of a- °° both ap andnight without the noes oe ciate ragon 5 readie fo make Warresiegain& the Sara -_-cced that anieof them twere ffollen 02 Dee rahi i. The Doluglatie; to makebiamanbodand pro ted with much mercie miniffred bnto them, tie theTurkes. >ie parts of cheifkendame to warith the Lurks, 4° popes pardon)twas alfoagnebended and tant bimincure, that be might thereby the moze eafilie bo28, hich would not fubmit themfclues to biscom- -_to him,that there was a frrong atemblic gst : heburicd the heart aforefaid, withareuerence and folemmtie that be might deutfe.This donee refox i asous fen inith fuchninmber as bebad bought thither with ok him, onto {uch other chetftian piineesas at thefame thewagain tine were gathered withgreatpuifance, fromfmy 229 the matterfo {vith toms, manbdements. Thole that appearedbefore bim,bpon 10 that the gouernour tas contentea he thould take fummons ginen , bad fauourable tuftice, temper im in ban,eich be vid {with {uch totcken intention, mercie, riewuttothent, Loconcluve, he did not fo forfake 20 of Cngland, to require anetwconfirmation of the ngiam ( ferued, The gouernoz Himfelfe, fox that be fat how Joftce tem. peredsoit being elected gouerno2 by the general confent of all the nobles of the realine , confidered with himielfe, boty neceffarie it twas for the ae to continuepeace,till thep had fometthat recoucred thet bindes rance € loffes chanced fo them bp the former twats, We avdrelled therefore certeine ae " fos thats wag senna Coun mutniante inith that difeate, hoping by this meanes to baue bardit was to teduce them that badbene brought bpin flouthfull loitering, onto bonett erercife, beln euerabout bina gard of twatlikeperfons, thathe might the move eafilic oppzeffe all fubboone often: Loyd 1 331. During the time of his minopitic, earle 1331 Thomas Wandall was o2deined qoucrnor of the Carle Cie: -to attend the fame bimfelfe.Dhts carle Thomasthen fri England min SFrance, Lhishe oak e truth came to light, tiherebport fo} bis craftie fallee bod the partie giltie was hanged,as he had tuell bee Wovight (ne hice, charge bythe fame ertreamepouertic, Jn-all hich milfortunes he ne> ro fton of things committed to his king,fo2 that by reafon of fickuette be twas not able uerdonbted of the recoucric of the kingkome, nete Dyperboticall ther did 02 fatd anic thing bnbefcemmg the noble The hiftorie of Scotland. ab friall, tho bad the plow irons, that finallie the Dayjd 7 eensonra loffe horflelitterig caried fazth theugifh. men, 2 be fent an herald bnto himfor nieane of communt: Bnberalo Padifee= ther towards him,orbhis houte , for the laughter of ong in cation of fomtepeace,as twas outivardlie pretended, fenttothe gos sre. Weredponhedentlen, which waphe might bett dee Mtstobing rote earle Tomas, the onlieconfounner ofall bis pie hotwall things in the Scotity campeftod, The gouernourbearing of this beralos comming, arrat- Riyzefay. ete fathers and friends in the blacke parlement, sin though nothing elfe foas ment but that he fhouldets #Fnours imagined hope, as to atchtue anieluckic enterpatfe edbimfelfe in bis bet aparell , that it might aypere againf the Scots. At length be veutfed to otfpatch 50 be tuas rather recouered of bis infirmitie , than os bim by poffon: and after he had long debated bp thertwffe tucake and feeble thozough bis difeate , anv home he might tworke that feat: finallie he found then caufing the herald to be bought before im, honefofit for bis purpofe, asa monkeof the oder there he twasfet in a chaire, to heare that bis mets and facultie of thofe, that wandering from place to fage was, thich confifting in certeine demands not Place, can with diffembling bifage fap that thing -_gteatlic agreeable to reafon,the gouernour with boln {ith mouth, hid thep neuer thougbtin heart : for countenance anfivered, that he trufted totthin hort Offeritimes men of that order, put no Differencebe; time to makeit knotone, fihatright the Englithe thirt hame and boneftie, cloking their erecrable mien had to moue fuch bnreafonable requefts , and be ren Wickedneffe onder the feined thavow of their bppor thus difpatchingthe heraln, he gaue him all (uch gox torieberai critical cotvles, 60 §eous and rich apparel as be ware at the fametine isnt f&ne Chis monke,fullic inffrucedin that iherabout then he thus talked with him. aeelin he tas fent, came into Scotland, and fetning biny Ling Coward at the returneof the heralo, not Suro, (clfe tobeazhplician, got credit within aabile a« -_percetuing othertwffe by bis report , but that the go, Chetty. Mongf the people , to be a man of moft ercellent emits knotplenge, for he hada companton with him, that vero? fas in health, be returned iminedfatlte with bis armie into Gngland, andlicencing cueri¢ man a fap. being madepztute tothe matter, fet forthbis cu» so hing and practife to the bttermoft, declaring that Notable and moff vefperat cures he bad taken in band, and manethe patients perfectlie thole of the fame, thereall other bad quitegiuen them ouer: namelie be bzutedit abroad, that for healing of the fone and grauell,bis like tas not tobefoundin all chriffendome, as enidentlie bad appeared by cures Shich be hav thetwed bpon fundzie noble men, both _to depart to his home,laid hands on the monke, and epee asonethat had diffembled with bis prince (fo2 fo he toke it) canfeo bim to be burnt for bis ontruth.£hus twas the tozetc) righteoullie recompenfed, as be bad moff (ufflie deferued, Jn the meane time,the goucrs nourreturning bomewards,thzongh forceofthe ber nem (Fill increafing, veceaffeo at putcleburgh, and 3 wasburien at Dunfirmling, inthe péere ofone re- Pe bemption: 331. 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