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Show The hittorie of Scotland. fotioiued moze mifeheefe and trouble than euer bad bene fene afore that time in Scotland;fo2 by reafon wobstmitchiet of this ciuill diffention,caftclstwere raced andoucrs tained, throlune,toiones burned bp, come deffroicd, fielos totvard them,declaring that the right of the crotone thatsoeret 2% -thisbattell beforehim, vfing manic gentletymms Soprston: apperteined buito bim, and that the tharres ahh har Had made,{nere not :attempted againft the common -_iwealthof the Scotith eftate, but rather in reltefe «thereof, to the end the people ntightbe deliuered of iwaffed,and the people flaine inal places,pea as twcll 10 the tpzannie erercifed by Grime and bts counceb in churches as elfetbere. lps, Gehen hebad thus bttered bis mind onto thent, 3p Palcolmepzinceaf Cumberlind hearing of fad) he appointeda publike atfemblp tobe keptat Scone a, econ, cruel wars as twere thusratfedin Scotlandbetivirt (fo) the election of a netw king) there to be bolven the king and the nobies of the realme, to the banger within 15 daiesafter. Whither the Scatith nobilitie of the btter cuerfion of the Gbole common-wealth, comming togither at the time ¢ place aypointed, and returned with all fpeenforth of Cnglad (abere be -_confenfing to crotone MPalcolme king, he vtterlie gpeictm foas tolthan armic as ther it atdof king Cgeldzed tefufed te receiue the crotone,erceptthe laty eftablis refnterhtts againt fhe Danes) into bis otone countrie for dee hed bp his father kenneth fo.the {uccettion thereof aon fente of bis {ubiecs, ifanie attempt oulobapilie were firftconfirmedand apzoued, fherebpon the bemabe againt them in that troublefome feafon. 20 lozs bound themfelues by folemne othes to pee greoata sprcolmeis Potvbeit , he tas no fwner returned home, but forme the fame, and neuerto beeake amb folate it othing he requiredtore- thenoblesof ilouthtancametntobimn , belecbing in aniecondition. bis requeft herein being granten ie ficuethe Sco- him fo fake pitic bpon bis miferable anv tess with generall confent bothof the nobles and conv thecromntis * countrie, ¢totmplote bistbholeforcetorsmmue ar mons, the crotune twas fet bpon bis head, be being congema. fap from the people {uch tnimtinent deftrucionas placed {nt the chafre of marble,to the great reioifing batlic hafked tolwards them,ubich fo do thep thought ofall the people pzefent. if wag partlie euen bis dutte, fi God han beftotvea Wen the foleninttie of this cozonation twas j44lcolmt bpon bim {uch gifks,both of bodie,mind,andfoxtune, ended , be called before him againeall the as moff plentionfite apearedinbin, notonelie fo, lozds and peeves of bis realme;ofthe ab(ch, part hab fhe twealeof bimfelfe,but alfo of his friends ¢ cour 3° atdedbins in the lat warres, and part had bene ab tric,¢therefne bis pattwwas to hein bisearnett of ligentce to deliuer the common-twealth of {uch tps rannieas toas pracifed bp the mifgoucrnementof Grime and his oubaypie councellors. TAbich bee ing done, be niightozder all things asthould like him belt. Palcotme con Malcolme maued toith thefe and the like perfaas fentethto fons of the Scotilh lows, which dallierefoztenbnto saanbint, refolued toith promifeot thete fapozt tolenie Grune. -‘Etant butobisadueclarie Grime : andthere Wied posses the matter in {uch wife among them,that he mane -thentail friends,each one peomifiing to other to fov _-_get all fopmter offenfes,oi(pleatures, and controuer: es palk, hich be did to auord all inteffine trouble that might groty out ofthe reotes of (uch ranco; and mal(ce,as in timeof the ctuill offco2 bad (prong( bp among them, Further,fothe better avminittration grat em biesotts to bp folemme offes to become bis liegemen and {nbs fects. Grime liketwife being aduertifen of thofe Grime affem: uewes, twithall{pedgot togther fudpeopleas hee biethanarmie might allemble fox the tine, andcomming forward spac _of fultice in due forme and maner, be betfotned pubs - ercifes , f that iuffice was niiniftred onall fives throughoutthe kingdome, tofth fuch equitic and oy rightneffe,as bad not bene beard of inanic age be foe him, TWibiiek the Scotith estate tuas gouerned int fuch baypie wife, by the prudent policie of bing goes See neretheone totheother. armiespitched Dotonetheir tents,the one fatk by the 50 landed in England with a ntightie nauie,in parpolt on other, onthe Afcenffon date. tyere Grime fupor to reuenge the tnturies done before bnito bis people {ng that he mighttakebisenimies atfomeanuan bp the Cnglit}men. ; -_tage,ifhe came bpon them on the fubder,fo> that bee Mhis Sueno (as apeareth moze atlargein he moe ing giuen todeuotion, thep would loke fox nothing lefle than for batteH on that date, hegotforthof bis -_‘fffozie of Denmarke) fic being an earnest perl cutozof dh2lfHanamen, amd puntfhed by the dinine fogthinith fo affatle them. HrotwithFanding, Walcolme being aduertifen thereof, fent butoGrime, requefting bim todefiff fundzic ouerthzotwes recefued at the enrimics bans, as inbeing thzife taken paffoner, and inthe end we ueniand expelled out ofbis kingdome, be camel punt? Grime wouldin no tife affent thereto, but nedes would come on twithoutffop 02 ftaies therbpon both. -abolefomeinffrucionof goblic and bertuous ren questo he renounced bis heathenith beleefe , aud a gan? campe in thedatoningof thatmoming, mpurpofe SChebatted betwitt Sune, : heend ot Spalcolme ; it chanced that Sueno king of Danes y net prouidence for bis crueltie tn that bebalfe,~hetved be front battell for renerence ofthat bleed featt, but 60, Scotland foreliefe and fuccour,, there thought PP seas thearmiesruthing togither met right fiercelie, fo that.in the beginning there twas great fanghter. made on both fides, but withina thileking Grimes {ibe wasput to the womrtle, andintbeendclearclie Difcoméited. 3n the chate tuere manieflaine,butpet no fuchnumber as fipotableabidoric requires, ¥¢ AD that Grime was.taken aliue fandingatde. feitfe,¢ moft fiercelie fighting, thobeing fore twoun King Grime. yeni the head,bad both bis ctesput out, andafter., {yardscontinuing fo in great miferie ano daics,at length Departed ont of thislife,tn. the peteof bisreigne, aiwasburiedinColnes ‘the duaiftian faith,anb being baptifen,atlength "s reftozedhometobiskingdome. Shovtlie after a amightie artic of Danes, Cotes, puteng ie ' and Swedeners , with other noztherne peop 2os Ce arrived (asis faid) in England, andehated bingjt * -_gelbsed into oathumberland, ‘rho there receleNNe wees ald fromthe Scots, according to the eggee eo _latelie before he had contractedmith them , besty bis we mitted eftfones totrie the.cbance of battel - = entinies. spardhing forimards sperefare HS them, he came to the riucrof Dinte, ware banks Khereof, not farre from Povke, ar men, Cgclozed bimfclfe with a fetw other, got a bote hed toa nameof repjoch, as Ghere anie idle perfor lined loitering,twoithout the bfe of foe bonett exer EPemameof Cgidyeo st. and pafled ouer Dute,fo efcaping ont of the enimies cee by hands, butthe reff tuere fo; the moft parteither ta Bero2 flaine. clic to get his lining toithall,the people tuere and pet came bp, ave accuftomted to call hima lozdaine. Hhus Egeldzedbeing btterlie banqnithedamd 30 Defpatring of all recouerie,fied out of Cnglandoner into Normandie, there he twas beriefriendlie recets ued of iichardas then dukeof Po2manbdie, andafi terivards purchafed fuch fauour there amongft the ter bnito the faid Duke, and begot of bir tivo formes, {with the fameat the totyne of Audjabact, both the Macotmes requeft. GEgeldzedscompante; either elfe toloke for mot of peace,for other meane fo avoid prefent death thep cruel battell at the bands of the Danes,the Portwer Enel none, And thus teas the dominion of Eng: glans, and others the people of Oermanie,there reas land conqueredby the Danes,aftet the Satons had die bent to their beftrucion, Cgelozed being aduers reigned in the fame 5 64 peres, 529. HB. tien that bis abuerfaries meflenger was thus come to Such tprannie alfoatter this tuas fed bythe Chemiserie ~ into bis campe, caufe him fo be fated and arretten Danes,that none of the Englith nation was admits of the Eng: foz a (pie.And the fame dap he broughtfonth his bats fed to anie office o2 rnle toithin the realme,either(pt: aoneed tels readte ranged into the fielos, fo trie the matter ritual 02 tempozall,but were btterlie remonen front the eine , bp dint of fivm20,if Sueno iwere fo minded; tho bes the fante , and foeof them caft in prifort and dailie tie defirous to accept the offer,beought forth alfobis putin basardof theft lines. Jfinallie, the Cnglit people in perfect oder and {well arraied to fight , fo ment ipere brought into fac) miferable thzattome, that there was no fate on efther part , but that togt that euerie hontholveriwithin the realme twas core seist ther thep flue moft fiercelie, ¢ in fuch eger toffe, that fiteined toreceiue amp find at bis one proper coffs hes Sueno Neither foe had leafure to beftotw their Hot,but enen and harges,one Dane,ho fyoulo continuallie que at the firft thep buckled togither at handblotwes,cons 20 god watch that tas faidoz done in the houfe, anp finning certeine houres with great ¢cruell fangh. toaduertife the king thereof , for donbE of confpira, CHEngih fer,till at length the Cnglitomen were put to Aight, cies o2 treafons to be contrined and practifea agatntt ae leauitg the Danes a derie vere and blondie bictor bis perfon and rofalleftate, This Dane by the goo Danes, tie. Themurther alfo that dap of the Scots tuas man ofthe boufe and bis familie,fo; hortoz fake,was great,but pet nothing to the number of the Cngltth. called lord Dane, thie tvomzd was atterivards ture Homans, that he maried the ladic Emme, daugh, foimcounter Grmis hands,fent an herald at armes onto them,comman: ing them to departthelr iwates home, and to refute Aluredand Coward, as inthe Cnglih chronicles iharre again Ovime in this fo neceffarieaquavell, 4° like offices bpon difcreetperfons, fhilfull in the lato Cag and foaffembling a great puffancetogither, he nip andozd{nances of therealme. Dtheroffices perter fetforfh towards bisaduerfarie, Wythe wapalfa ning tothe warres¢ defenfeof the realme, becom there came fill buto him great numbers of men mitted fo fuch as Were pradifed ¢ trained in {ach er from ead) fide to afd him in this enterpzife, offering fagetothe do,proclamation twas nisve that he thould imiments atlie lofe bis lifeas arebell and a difobedient pers fo,Lhefe conditions were hard, md hardlie bagedi he Englithmen were brought onto tach an ertres mitie,that thep tere faine to accept thefe conditions moje at large it bothapere. Suenohaning thus o Serescrn: Uercome his eninties , and notv put in poffefiton of | Lhusfarce out of Hector Boctius Wwe hae thetys edof Suenos doings in England,the tic although ft agree not in all points with our Cnglith piffories, pet fith the bittozie of Scotland in this place (emeth pattlie to bang thereon, tue bane thought gad to fet itdolwne as wefind it in the faite Boctius: but ads nertifing the reader twithall, that if onr biftozies be true, this tbtch follotueth touching Suenos inuaw bing of Scotland, chancedbefore that Cgelozed, homethe Scotith tuziters name Clozed, twas d2ts Simwginati= the Gbolerealme of Cngland, toas in mindtobaue 40 nen tofinto Mommandie, For ahen that Suena HMuenstanded . beffrotedall the Cngltth generation , & to effablith laftlte returned into Gnglmo, andconffreinen &: pact the hingdome to bim and bis pofteritie for ener,twit» out ante impeachment afterivards to be made bp fuch as thould fucceed of them that tuere thenaliue, Tenebies o¢ Wut the nobles of England aduertifen of Suenos a, determination, came bummblie before bis pretence, Res bary * falling dotone on their knes at bis fet, befought Pun bim in moft pitifull toife to baue compafiton on their miferable eftate, tho intimes-paft being a gclbzed fo to foxfake the land, be liued not long after commin but departedthis life about Candelmas,inthe peere forth of Dena 101 4(as in the Cngltth biftories pe map read more ee at large) not haning time to make anie fuch fourni¢e Foneinthe into Scotlmd: fo that it may be thought, if he d{d frre rors, enterpzife ante (ach exploit there, tt was befoze this departed thie bislatt arrinall tn @nglano, Iife in the bes But notw to proceedaccording to that tibleh toe Sense moff pufffant nation,both by fea and tand,were nowy 5° find in the forefaid Boctius. Sueno haning (polled the the perve 101g fatiffien (if be would grantthem life)to continue br, Cnglithmen oftheir liberties (in mannerbefore re, der ahat bondage ann (eruttude it thould ftand twith membzed,02 rather brought them to become tributes bis pleafure to pefcribe,fo2 they defireneither pob ries bnto bim,as at the firtt time of bis arrinall here feflion of cattels,totunes,o2 other foucreignties, but be didin bed, be thought tt neceMarie,for the moze onelie to liue twith their totues and childzen bnoer fuertie of his efatein England, to conclude fome fubiecion twfthin their one natiue countric, at the peace o2 league twith bis neighbours the Moymans; Dido2s will and aypointment. Writains,s Scots, bnder condition thatthey fhoulo Sueno,albeit he twas of nature verie cruell,pet not (npport ante Cnglifhnian againg bint, Wut for be quaitfied bis difpleature by this bumble fubmiaty fomurh as be could not compaffe bis intention heres Onof the Cnglith nobilitie; in fuch fort, hat he bfev Se in, hefurnithed all the caftels and fortreffes on the the bicozie farre moze gentlie, than at the firtt he (ea-coatts quer again Mo;manbdie,twith men,mus bad purpofed , commanbdingthatthe hole Cnglity See nation fhould remaine in the countrie, but in fudy ‘wife,as by no meanesthep thould poefumeto beare aiite armo? 0; tpeapon,but to applie themfelues bnto butbannzie , and other feruile occupations onderthe Soucrnement of the Danes, onto thom they theuld teGigne anv deliner ail their cattels,forts, and ftrong belbs ; anv taking an ct tobetrue liege men orto Sueno, as their fourreigne lov ano king ; thep bring in (to be deliuered bute bis ofc) all their and armoz, toith other munition for the artes,alto ail their goin and filuer,afwefl in plate 86 Colne, Ffaniz of the Cnglithmencefales thas te hition and bitfels, to refift all {uvven tnuafions that mtight be attempted on that five. Andon the other Aiueno preps part totvards the nozth , he maneall the proutfion he teth toinuave could deutfe to make moptall wars Yponthe Scots; * 20cots. and the mo to aunote bis enimies, he fent com Deis ane) mandement onto Dlauns bis lieutenant in Moy Onetug. twaie , and to Dnetns bis deputic in Denmarke,to come fotth alt: the peter thep might leanie into Stotisnd,to make warres ombis entinies there, Cherepon thostlie after thofe forefatd capteing Ache Danes aeriued twtth arbage armie inthe mouthof Zpete,2 aaa and landed in fudy putffantoyber , that the inbabl: tar, tants of Spurcep Jailed out of their boutes , ped ir Fe. Biz toinards them that bad fo rebelled againft bi.Zpen called fuch noble meenas torre taken prtfoners in gpeednes 3352S thett Bing, The hiftorie of Scotland. dofone bis tents. ‘ . Zhen Sueno not forgetfull of the benefits ana Huns met pleafures receiued butlatelic at the Dcotithmens eaeo ae = gaint Grime Sitber a great number of men, amd marched forth 1004IoN, After this vicorie thus obteined by Palcolme, be ToioHR, Fe = ----- = Seroarea, NewWes being fc kindledwith difpleature, be gotto- ill,after the imearnation roro perres, es SS eS Cheiodsot robles hadratied open twarve against bim, at thich - ee a bis{ubieds.till at length betvasabucrtifen hoiwbis - 2 |