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Show KingCons pot P fe Thehiftorie of Scotland. 160 gaint theit eninties that =rgd ba a tighteagerlic Ispmeans terest the viftomfiture ona fuch as bab meinkelig of the mat: ter, talv it from one to anothers making itmn Kghtes bpon Conitantines flor,hough neither part more thanitivas in ded. For there rofea ite had anitegreat caufe to reivife: for intyebotet of the fight, Conttantine and Tkenneth chanced to ine counter togitierant fighting mantoman,ctther Que other. Thus Conttantine endedbislife by dint of the entities fivogd,tn the thirdpeare of hisreigne, 1002 ginthepeareager the incarnation :co2,ebisbopie The hiftorie ofScotland. afhisgodtitle andtight,ubichhebantothecrowne anbe ring amongett them, that there was tuehtreaton -contriuey, that if spatcolme toith hisarmic went -forward to iotrie With his aduerfaries, he thonld not abzating ! Defended bHto-Him by the old laives and ancient , be indanger onclic of them, Ebich he bnew to come mBabins again bim in Grimes heff; but alfo of no fmall hog Otte number of thent hich were in bis ofone armic, His rumoz paling Font one fo another, putthe -ibole number in great feare . Ft was firll raifco forpeace; but if Balcolme refuted thus torm, bea' fared binithat he would not leauecftopurtuehim ouerthzolw , fupofing tat bythe death of Henneth, the partie of bis bother Maleolme was foretweakes ned,etherevpon be came bntotbeabbeteof Sconce, greatnumberin Malcolms hot , haning move thill come inbutengand{elling , than in ante warlike feats 02 -enterpriles. Thefe at the firkk fring for licence tones fierce eniimie. Fothadus having heavy Grimes tworrs,befought bint to fate tine, till hemightgo tito alcolme, bp certeine merchantmen, of Momthere fas a Dertat and there caufen bimfelfe to be crotuned king, as part home, and could have no grant, begantola latufail fueceffoz bute Conftantine, byforceof the ment thetruniferies, ta fac) dolefull wife, that all Grimebfen oldlawsandoromnancesof therealne. And tocftas 20 the campe twas troubled tuith the noife ; infomurh hbrralitic and blidhimielfe the moze firmelicin the ttate,be theta. that enerthe old men of twarre, and dinerfe of the capteins toere not a little oifcomfited and amased - _ &d great gentleneffe tolvards all tiem that tuere fhantings tobnperffand thatbis full mind was in this bebalfe hot Doubting but to find bin conformable onto ante teafoniable motion, fortelieuing of the pazeaffice _thep thetwven outwardlie. 39ct nottwithtfandite, for the fpaceof 8 peares togither, the peace continued twithout bzearh,o2 anp notable trouble bettatrt theitr ut Grime at length of a char ibcrall yeinee, Bing Grime thoughlone Aouthand inereate of riches, becamoa DS aeration -mofFcouctons tyrant, and fo cownpted in man ers ee attO conditions, that if paded the hounds of allreds detettabie fon and equitie sinfommey that thon he bad put pre diccs, fo death nfuerfe of hisnobles, to the end he mioht eOflate of the lamb. Grime granting onto this te: 20 bauetheir lanosandamds as forfeites by atteinno?, -_be omzelled the people by contimrall "exactions alia queff, Fothanusin like fort and habitashecamebi brought into ertreame miferie through bis ticked and bnia gouernement, not knowing there to fotheend he might allure them to beare him gap iwill , beretwarded them highlie bethin Iantsand -snted thzonghd2ead and ferro2, and therefore gauclir - -cence to the moff partof bis hoi to depart for that ira! calamities nfthe Scatity comman-tuealth, infothe tihich it twas fallen Hough ciutll (edition onlie,and -_freltefor redzeffe,faue oneli¢ at the hands of almigh: Tbe common tie Don,the pumnifher of all finne , beught him to PPS Pewee fat byno means could be one, be caufed them oft faithfull friends mere to the water of Forth, neparttes. Whiles the realme of Scotland twas thus difqui fiptions eted andtronblen With cinill nifcord, Fothadus the mietrompe great biffap of Scotland, aman of right agro fingourte bles into bis yurpate-,allWid butrather fo affaieby means ioere todzat thofena: atlifant onto , : Mm oftheir kings: Gbich if thep twould ne@inres ; uedbvertue ad clemencic,, fogclamentingto frebis tye countrie thus diuioedandrent asif Luere in pees, pines a -_-sgot him into bis pontifical vefkures, with a multi: scorn, tude and ecclefiaflicall ni : of other Le reuerendprictts P2 -_niffers., {1 betose bumblebing foffe@eime,, comming themielaes tboand totthprefenting great Feroonr roe nouncing their obcifance onto the biurper Grime, he promiifed{e togoucrne the realme teftheqnailine ec that be was comeas the feruant Gift, th a 2, beleech befeeching gb bim bp tay _-thozof all peaceandconcor, of humble fuplication to take ruth and piticof te great trouble ann mniferte fallento therealme,fince } the the time he: had taken the gouernance bponseffebint) {vere Hate of things being fuch:, as tffomreredze not found in all (perdic wife of the te } , theaevitertuine .by reatonof a no - teaton Mould find cafe to gf ictag: mull neds ion sfa among te millike tuith bis doings « Danie of the nobles by $° fundeie debats and factions dalliertiing guint? meansof this meflagereuoltenfromthefain Grime folicttingtheir friends bp carne trauell too the Uke. iSut others the greater numbertokethote that panne hnoughtthemefiage, efentthemasprtoners ents a e » bycounfell o bis tends , atfemblon anarmietogoagaint them, AWalcolme be- that (coutvaric to the lat of allnations,as betes ee med fo take the matter ) had impzifoned bis pur: fantiall reafons sbotw infoxtunat and miferable the end thoul beof the tvarres , tf the fame tuere pure per ° MPatcelme prince of Cumberiand fore moued in bis mind that Grime bad thus taken bpon him the croione, calied bis friends togtther, requiringta bauethetr annile, bic) way be were bel totperke inthisto great amatter. Zhepconntellen him in ife be Chouln oefpife int , ro wife cfpife the force force of his enimies bereinith declared al by great lbelieh@d of fub» _-sttuzte , and absad onelie twithcerteine bands of His jis armee asrebelste bis perfon, and entmiesto the crowne: pee connuitten Soeniteen,Deaetwcone fo "aia : people of all forts and aegres , fo that mumthers, cat Be robberies, rapes , twith all other hindsofiniurics t -_-rmvifehiefe tuere ftill put in pracife toitbontrefirete -_92 punitymont,in {uch Uicentions fort eae t gathered a farregreater power than be bap with agisee bit ,notonelie ofall {tse of the Scotifynationine soe habiting bepond therinersof FoxthaCline, but of thet alGo ofthe tnelterne Zles, 9aleolme Doub: Aaicotme ting leat tfthecertetntic hereof wereoncebmutedae ee not monget bis people, the fame would incceafe the rene ferrozmore thanneded; hegaue commandement fiandthe therforcthat nomanerof wight thouldbetutterenta Saving 4 Pol beard and well Digeffct, warought fo twit Palcolme, that be promifed to twithdzatv into Cumberland ot ee anie furtherattempt, fOrime would in ike cafe tyeake upbiscampe,and agrée to hauea Truce for thre moneths tpace, ta abich meane time they might by certeinecommifioners apointeoamd authorfen thereto , talke and contmon for conel os ofa firall . peace and conco?d aa betivirt them. Ding gus nto the caftellof Forfatr, theretotake further aduile that was to bedane touching the aypotnten ; Se ips : feasts Sonmsriuntication of peace, (But Fothadus would tnt meto «MO Wwiferet, till the connniMoners tere met and Pure the Rtncss,.. nunticat at Scone é AMembled togither in communication Penn? Shere tithin fel dacs after ( dietke touch his rae ae nett €dilixence) fi sable fe diligence peace tvas concluded With. thefe -_-contravie to his horio2, ano the wealth of histealine. One of thefe ambatlavozs (to whom the charge fas given) had the tvozds ittnaine of themall, tho -_perteining tothe {uertic of bis eftate, aio cassie -_wealthof his Dominions: abich twas, that abercas 7 oe though perfuafton of cutll counceliors be fufteren mante enozmities to be committed bybis mintiters , btter impor amdofficers againft bis fubtedts, to their -_uerifhment and broain the rebuke tehereor : oe tenth ueeeana -dound bnto bis Di{honour;if it would tenet pleate himto Extconni- conditions. Firl, that Grimeduring bis lifetime remoueout of bis pretence and feruice all' fucy ot ESSeltee. houln intop thecrotwne , andafter his deceatfe the $6 loiall perfongas fonabt the binderance of the conv eae fame to remaine to Balcolme ¢ bis hetrs bp tinealt r mon-Wwealth,hefhould t bi bts Becine defcent fo; ever, acco2ding to the cabled t peeree lege fotierta ete tatetoca aeMe pea a a made eftablithen by is. Kenneth. And ehofecuer repine at this bts gotternement aditateila thebias Should go about either by woror deed toimpead brought into fach calamritie, that better it ‘were for pee on oe oanee -cea @ srbinder the fatooxdinrance and deceee, ould bere» them in thetritwgements to be dead than allue, if res redietolaiebands on it as the ofpner. Peter a ee all the ao Heng einaraaens mae esoteienanomoasite oeeasleDatta The office of ere Within Dozes 02 2 ? ed fox atratto; to the common-tnealth thereanie hope of reformation folong a+ en oe realme, Morbumberland , and betivirt Clive and Weft wars lafteD.. Therefore if tt might fand w cou werland , cuen from the Almatne feas'to the Irify to bnderfake to conclute apeace picesheaiy oe life of Grime, be thontn contmue in friendthip with {uch nifeas Tenlo in no maner of beba -_-idicfall to bis bono?and roiall mee nyop (tbe Grimemoued twit the wozns of the . olan moftinfantlie befoughtbim, although wine jitle _-tie and great affliaion of bis people dt re toett, AD age y and fopthe whichno Doube he maf neds anflorr fitty ‘RH. -_-the fiwo2d as committed bnto him, wot'to inrteh -atnbaffado2s hay brought, he anfweren to the farite with fained twords, and willed them bnner the pre?' tert of courtefie to a banket, im purpofe to Harte put! Bing Grime} themz all tn prion! but they being anuertifed therror puspoten 9 _got therm in all Halt to thetr woesamo fled fo1 tiy meant." regard to the fholefonte abuertifement of 18 Tio, of all the right , title, claime, and intere@ ahi) Mort heo: bis polterAtc might makeozpretend bry tothe cxpiione at ane time hereafter. Raceonot _fuerlic$oagshe:neuct defied but onclic tn aele ¢ Meee Cen boththep:imeran bound themfelaes byv qiieie, Girarecihes to peciozme cuecte point arto pomts Bary When king Grime hav heard ahat meflage thefe the (ato Grime, ¢ & tt no wife irre 02 mone anie FTE 93 Debate, cither againt bimoranieof bis Giends: forit he Di, and went about tobseakeanie Of the articies of this peace, be fyoulbnetonclielofe thele tenns which be now eld, but alfo be deprined mollifie bisheart; petitt refpect of bis ol once Be -_sabich might notcontinue ifbis people ae eafiee fame mightbeconcluded totth bis bore: (0eons pM feas, fhoulp pzefentlictemaine+ be tranfpo:ted tit So couctons perfons, no? to opreffe innocent ano trae to the Dominion ¢ gouernement of Palcokue, with dealing people, but contrartlie to punith and cozreat the abicy contenting bimielfe, onring the naturall -_guiltte amb bint eaters, -_roied,to remit partof bis bigh oifplealt™ oie cot _redythat peace hecould be contented to DR a fo (ee? jon Iedant Kept moll fecret,becamethe moze mantfetf, uernatice and avaricious crueltie, apoirteda cers Chetorwe res teine numberof gentlemen to go bate him as anv quire Grune -_balladors fromthem, to require bintte ptt atuaie eeo from himfac) nanghtic perfora9 byeuill countell ofhisofficets, -_adperuertenhis mind, t maouedbint to om things im rtton. Grime refuted not thisoffer, and f therebpot comming before the kings prefence declared to bim al - "a fo ae ha - ics 40 that thep hn oa fromthe refinue of the nobles Benen, imiclfc toith certeine is nobles into Am and peeves of his realine, to admontty bim of things trieth thereof, Comeintobisarmic, bniefle he were fir bought to bis prefence. Wut this denife nothing auaiten wigana- bien: for thereby that abichbe defired tobe concear ane pitie of their afflictions and miferies, and ta change the goucrnimentofthe realine into fome bets ter tate.the lords alfo hauing greatindignation of {ued to the bitermoft. : Wis tale being theonghlic 30 the trouble fallen to the realtite , bythe kings mifgor thereoan ars cuants ann moffengers: but as he twas mars 60 pleafure of king Grime in relief Seeod sae mie, eee onbis purpofed tournie , he beara --smtonsof Scotland to a Fothaons off? con! p py, how his abucrfarie king Crime hap -_-farie agreement twith Dalcolme , Jf tern, i eae Prants:of -_gaihff all fupden innations of their neighbours alongo2ation , be gteatiic betwailen the dolozons rt = ‘ tects MHoulo bo Hill ita reapinedwith avingur ana weapons(if nerd required) to' nefent thenttelues ac againt his fierce eninties with bis people thusatter fhut op fromofher that had fanozed Walcolme, for thofelozs thattoke part with Grime, requiring f zomtifen faith, fat ginenbnta Heotiany, {Hem to t remember their promifen bis father bing Tenneth.concerningtheablernance of elatoeftablithen by thetecontent-ta the fuceet topgifon. -_reaforrof the ciutll conterttiot meotien bettwitt fear {cinemtfdeand their partakters. Wotubeit Memmansement Was efutnibp either of there paieea'th atthete fab: each Dap more fhan other, Wis fubiects being thus Htetothelozds SHeots, fo the bttermoff of his polwer,ashismof crucland Seton nts Summ. Grunepen Spricalme fllotying the cory fei, werence: weceiuing them, foilled to turderttand the duction deine teetombieece, seaencine 40 sphestheeeorias: chen Fothans antiners, Poet tits arent ae A t : truant of Chiff, the aw bie sonite ‘ntothe a UAGaAERaLAteetn aie Sterling; bere conning before bis prefence with uertifed hereof , thought not gad to mate) in battell tobe proclamed traito2s, andconfilcated their gabs 3° to ffop bis enimies frompalling oucr that riner. Hateotne IGI 0 fo Grime, went brito Halcoline,cbomebefoundat fiendstntoConftantine,mdbefotwedbponthem -_twith {uch twailefull clamo2s . Salcolme being av manic bountious gifts. Peither was bis liberalitie freafure: but other of the fame faction , ahome be vote Cemberiann ismaucdaegain Seine, TR font of thelands perteining tnto the ctotone , he thereby it may be crathered , that the onebad the oi foould gladlie come to a conrmunication With bim 16 ther Mill ifome midrntk , hat cointenanee focuce the laughter madebettwirt king Conftantine and hertneth, gathered togither the refiduenf Cone ffantines armie., being {cattered abjoad after the friends. death. Wutifittwerc fo, that Malcolmetwouldcow fenthimfelfe with the patneipalitie of Cumberland, and fo therebponbreake bp his campe,and depart teas buried i Colmekill amonat bis preaccefors, 10 tho vpontie toting had determined toturne their en Grime neyhuc to hing ne, hearingof fpeare pointsagatui him in Crimes quarell, Grime. pwinances of therealnte , md therefeye he purpoted not toleaue thofame with life, but to fight forit ar gain Malcolmie , and all his partakers,eucn vnto " Wbele acticies comprifen , they laid armoz afive, onto Wertha, where the refione of the nobles y famertiinetere afembled, Crtme haningthie to bles, thought that alt things woul come foxtoara: wit fachfelcitie mo hap as he inithen, not reafting from ratfing new patments and craaions Hitt of! Diy. bis 7 |