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Show The hiftorie of Scotland. here anic, Jn the end be teas plaine with thent, and told thent flatlie that thepfhonld allure theme felues to haue thofearmedmen abi thep fatvthere peefent, to be continuatlte affendant about then, Ml be might baue all the rebelles at conutandes --nnof mofFerpedtent for ther fo land in that place,but -rather to patle from thence tnto Crgland; for at The Dens =the Seotifnens hands being poze, and peta fieree aie andbardte mation, there as {mall god to be got; sie) being thereto accutomed to gtue mozeouerthretues nent, than they cso oe + Againd, the toile of hauing beard the kings tpeech, md perr -that countrie tuas but barten,aud in manner ouets gen ce aan nai twas,firft partlie erenfon c lords Srotven with wads(as it twas tn Deed ini thofe dates) ion, Wiha tomfelucsfolvelias they mightof their clokepott Thehiftorie ofScotland, bnfo Loncarta billage not far diffant from the ris uer of Cate, famous cucvafter , by reafon of the - fonght thenee nto thefame.Zhe Danes eating that the Scots were come , oetracteano Bing&ennethietbis meninarap. -tuttly feiv tolunes ¢ (mall habitations, and thote fo -_-‘fafe to fight fox ante polfetiion of them:wherein cons out of bis mind, and clearelie to pardon them, if in trariivife England ( that part namelie thich lieth anie tuffe thev had offended bis maiefie, promifing that thep would iwith all diligence and faithfulnette folvardsthe font) was ( trnitfull of come and tate fell, fo rich of ntines, and teplenited fwith fo mante accomplith bis defive, in caufiiig the offendo2s to be notable cities and tones inhabited tvith men of brought it bnto iMdgement : and fill the tine that this were brought to pale, thep tere well contented to rematne in fud) place bere be Mould appoint great tweaith and fubffance , that few tere tobe found comparable thereto . So Hatthe matter bee ing tell confioeren, they couldnot do better,than were that held howw that this touriie was attemp, tedbyp the countell of thetr fuperiors » onelie fo tes uenge fuch infurtes as the Danith nation bad tecets -ued at the handsofthe Scotithmen, and mot fo ate -_-teine rides oz ante dominion. Lhe Scots alfo being acructl people, ¢ reanic fo fergeants vould haue him fo ward. fight in defenfe of other mens polleflions( asin the Doe nobles remainedin the bingshoufeorine: fher lopgingsto them aligned, procuring bp thete twarresof Mozthumiberlandit well appeared) would fuetlie be readie to come to the aidof the Englithe be offered the fume of tert pounds, 02 elfe lanog fomuch tomsth in value foruerie one of bis arimie, that ould being himthe head of a Dane. 15e wil' fortotairan Sent, ~ fora re uengts friends and minifterstohaue fudyoftende2s as bien 3° menintoikent, enen fo fone as it fuas knotven torob and fpoile the hufbamdmen , aypzebended and Dontaoeniva hroughtto theking toiertha,theretorecciuetndges * ment ¢ puntfmtent according to their nievits: fofo thep percetued thep mut neds tworke, tfthep min ped the fafegardoftheir otone Iiues. Iereof it fol loived alfo,that toithin thot {paceatter, there were brought onto Werthato thenumber neere hand of that the Danes tere onland in thofe parts: fothat bp this means thep Mould beconfrefed fo baue to do both with he Scottmren aw Cnglifhmen, if -thep firit tuent into Hsent: there ifthey fet onlata herein Scotland, they Mould trcounter but onelte With the Scots. Lhcrefoye,the bett were according om fo theiv fire determination, foland amongelt the puts bonds ous -coatts; adding that yen thep had fometbat abated Parenine Fue Hundzed {uch idle loiterers as vied to line by fpofleand pillage, manie of them beingaefeended The lords Hauelicence todrpart. TCheDanes again€ thetr aduerfaries tinthofe parties as fortune fhouldlead them. Bhisvenife was allotued of the fosther , abat theendiwasof all fucbas bytmonge full meatis fought to line toelie by other niens la bours. Therebeltes being thus crecuted; bing Lenneth _-greateft nuntber, bring glad toget befive eee Wherebpon the marmers(bpon commandeme afuen) dew ith thetr thips into the mouthof the -riuercalled Che, the which in thofe dates eae licenced the lords to Depart to their otone houfes,cr on the alles of afotwne in Angus calicd then a guna the common-twealth ,and to fudie for preferuation af peace and quietnefie according tothelr vocation. After this , the realine continued in quictiefle toiths king lanb, put the inhabitants of the ee Poonmt abouts in great feare,, fo that with all {ped a fafegard thep got them tito, Boumtros : ves - cerfeine pearesfollotwing, and bad remained in the taken , put to the facke; and after vaced, cafte " tole being quickelic adlailedof the Danes,Ne Neg all tothe bare ground, not one lining Tae Gain. -«ttvg left aliof all uchas tyere found wih! ie > fu difpleatures as they hadlufteinenin Aibionoc, fame. terminednotw inith areat atfurance toreuenge the sted xD From thence the armie of the DanesPee awe CheDanes fame, Wherevpongathering anbuge multitudes' 6o though Angus vnto the riuer of Late , - as , take thefea to monfogtiber , thep twere (mbarked in veels pro fon: uiven for themsand (ailing fexth, they purpofed to ‘ talkeland bpon the nert coat of Albion there thep fyould chance toarriue; ¢ being once on land,to de- firoie all before them,ercept here the people thouln fubmite veeld (emfelucs onto them . his nanie being once gotabzoan, within thorttime arriuenat TheDanes Uatpointof landin Angus , thidiscalientheren arrineatthe redhead,o; -_pleofthe countries by tbe) they marcded "tie pe fore them 4 Hing laenneth at the fame setae a Sterling; abere bearing of thete ee so 98 age ne he beterntined forthwithto raife bis peop Scatih -_aagaintbisentmies. Lhe alfembiiesf ie aa arntie wag.aipointen fo beat tho place aes ee of Gene-faileth into.tberiuce of -hat at -tahen theprbsesecome tositheran groatiN ag Wales ,orred head, notfar from the place there the theday. Agiter,the dap nortfollowing ina Pal yt reo Graies in abbicof Abirdzoth,o7 Abirbothoke twas atteriwary bonga thobinig , that thesanes haul Hee Sey Bngus. founded. Here the Danith Het firkcatting anchor , thetr capteins fellnconfultation ubat thep were bette do, Someofthenrivere of this opinion,thatitiwas ouer Laie , were conto before the tofpune " andbad lain {lege to the fame. Zhenswiibo _delate sheratfewwuiththe ishole armtic AEAag sIreight toluarns bis cuimies ,conmmrgs9O" - mi fe and {pared neither friend nog for bat dowite they twentall fuch as came within their reach, thercivith -_dtuerfe hardieverforiages cried pnto their new vowerof Dcottihmen cometo theit fuecours, The Scots bptrhofe aid the bictorte might be eafilic obfeined of Swere dztnen thet moff cruell adnerfaries the Danes: therefore £° secs Dare might thep chofe whether theptwould be Maine of 2" be banquifyen.Lhe Scots being not a little incouraged by the kings {no20s, kepttheir o2der of battell according as they were appointed, filllobing then the onfet Mould be ginert, Dalcolme Duffe prince of Cuntberland Eheopder of led the right wing of the Scots; and Duncaneliews the Scotith dattell arap, fenant of Atholl the left: Ling Lennethhimfelfega herned the battell. The enimics on the otherpart The Daneg bad takentheir ground at the fot of a little mouns bao the an. feine right afoze agatntt -_purtuite,fledbacke in gteat diforer tuto the other of °° their fellowes fighting twitth the mivdle tard of the Dcots, The Heotsalte that befoie teas chateo, being iv couraged heretwith, purfued the Danes onto the place ofthe battell right fiercelte. Wberebpon Lem: *Benneth -_neth perecining his people to be thus recomfoxfen, ule? bps bis and his enninies partlic abathed, called byon his ein mies hands , tho would notccatte Bintage of a ktcle mountone, mento rememberthetr dutiesand notw fith their ay Duties. the Scotith campe. Thus ao Herfaries hearts began (as thep might percetue) to both the armies fod readte raged in the field , bee" faint,he wuillen themto follow bpon thent manfully, holding cither other a qd (pace, till at length the Stots defirous of battell, and doubting leat the Danes twould not come forth to anieenen ground, PxScots abuanced forward With fomethat more bat than sia ‘ye bat: * thecafe required,beginning the battell tuith tyot,and thich if the div,headared thet that the bictorte bry doubtedlie Mhoulobe theirs, The Scots incouraged with the kines tuords,latdabouttherfo earnedttic, @he Dane that inthe end the Danes were conttreined to fox; forfake the ‘fake the flelv, and the Scots egetlie purfaing in the actos, throtwing of darts right frefhlie, She Danes being backed twlth the mounteine, fwere conftrefned to leaue the fame , amd twith ail chafe, mave great laughter of them as thep flen, This v{orieturned highlie to the paaite ofthe &cos tifh nobilitie, the thich fighting in the midole warp, thep came tobanb-ftrokes,in manerbefore the figne Was givenon either part to the battell. Chefight Wwascruellon both fines: and nothing hindered the caufing themtoreturne againe to the field, veferucn fmortall fame and commendation : for bybis meanes chieflie twas the bitorte atchiued. Ano the Danes, ever as they might overcome them, Wich mancerbeing noted of the Dances ,and pereets fielo and of the enimies campe( tbich they ban tere P°bo1d)fhulo be dimtded, the chiefett part was bettotwen Scots fo much,as going about tocutoftheheansof horting them to remember thete outics towaras 50 lurke, but now Bountros. Were the Dancs ro ane inuafion , tho being foze qreeuedinthely hearts fox thep Spedto come forward bpontheir enimics, that bp 40 bare fill the baunt of the battell, continuing mans foining they might auoid the Danger of the Scotity _fullie thereitrenento the end. tut Wate, thoin fuch Mens arrotves and darts: bp thisimeanes therefore _{vife (as ts before mentioned) ftated thent that fled, -tet. aluckte beginningof ferand fwvord 50 paoceen - ae i Bere aie twith his fonnes fapofine bett aie the Aight , placed seuntlanetenes hepect thelanc, beat thembacke thome they met flering, TNINg away tilltime thep han -_-bbeene fome great fuccors of Scots conteto the aip thir fellowes found them fo2th into trhatplace (ocuer thep refoz- 25 oftheir king, and therebponcalling from further {Stat ht fed for refuge,if they chancedto then might thep palte moze fafelie into Cuglanal uci bp the hing , that their bovies fhoulv not be tas Beit dolwne , but there to bang Mill to gtue crample fame ftate fill, ifthe Danes had not made ancin on beapes, their one feiotwes comming to thetr a1d, 02 fo rez tturne againe to fight with theenimies, The Danes being bere ttated in the tane bpthe great baliancie he 2, of the fatherand the founes,thought berelp there ban festomape Devs 4. Sith chance had deought them onto hole eosin gibbetsabout the towne , and commandementgt out anie forrainieo2intoard trouble for thefpace of 155 i * ded them therefore to fight manfullic,aotoremeny Deots bnto ber there fas no place toattetnemercte; forrither Daliantnefie, muft they trie it out by dintof fiom, o2eife tf thep fled sit the endtoloke for prefent ocath atthe ent: tudgedtodic. of famous houles : all hich compante being cow 49 the arrogant pretinptton of their enimies ~ demuted for their oftentes to die, tuere hanged op on throts Scots thich fed were beaten ieee fellotues tributs and paiments dueto the kings cofersfor the ro toreturne backe onto the batteil » for thetetwas a fpaceoffiue peares nevt infuing: and befecs that The king ‘to faile into Lkent , where they might be fure of rid Spent to Wer= fhemtoabive. Dhe councell then being biokenbp, the king twith thofe to2ds patting ouer the riuer of 20 fpolle, tuithout ante great tefiftance « Dther there They conta tha. Laie , went onto Wertha , hich towne ouring the kings above tn the faine, twas fireidiie kept with fwatch and ward, that no creature might enter o2go forth withouthnowiedgeoftheofficersapointenby thekingtotake hedtyeretnto. Zfanieloleperfon Moyes pant= fuere efptcd abzcadin the frets , Treightivates the fed. the Danes at hand, quickeliebzought bis arimtc tre to oder. Ther requiring them carneftlie to fhein thety manhood , be promifeth toreleate themof all mare. fimulation,and therfalling Downe bpen their knees 10 pore,that no man knotwingthe fame,would bond: afore him, befoughtbintto put awap all difpleatuve tine, but fo2thtwith prepared to giue battell, dsennethas foneas the funne was bp, beboloing ches and wales madeof farfe, wing that there was no hopeof life but in dicorte, Cretng bangs of besa -_therefore on the mozrolwafter,whenthe fpotle of the The fyoute ta on bint and his tivo fonnes, by confent of all the mul they rufhed fw2th with fucy violence vpon their av so fitude; the reffone being dfulded amongft the fonlpiherfaries , that firft the right, ano then after the left ergand men of warre , according to the ancient cw Wing of the Scots, was conftreined to retire and ftome bfed amongft this nation. flee backe,the midole-tvard ftoutlp pet keeping their The king haning thas vanquithed his enimies, Stound-butthe fame trod in fuch Danger,being noty left naked onthe fives, that the bicoite muftnedes baue remained with the Danes, badnotarenewer -_--as he (hould enter into Bertha, cauted coftlic robes iaie refuted to be offered ynto Waie and hisfonnes , that being connievane _richlie clad, thep might be the moze honoured of the ments. to be thought)of almightie Goo. For as it chanced, there was in the nertfilo at was contented to go twith the hing in bisolp gars ments ubtther it pleated himto aypoint. o entring of the battell come in time,bythe apaintinent(asts -_-people : but Waie refufing to change his ayparell, the fame tine an bufbandman, twith tivo of bis fong So withthe sing mto Bertha, he was recetucd with The bing bufie about bis wozke,named Baie, amanfrong wants and fliffe in making and thapeof bodie, but induco witha valiant courage. Zhis Watebeholving the little leffe hora2 thanthe hing binvelfe,all the people frine to runniite feo2th to beholo him, thome thep heardto it auc fo valiantlie redtozed the battell , tren the ficlo king toith the moft part of the nobles, fighting with teat baliancie in the mivdle ward,not deftitute of te wings,anbd in great danger to be opreffed by the gteat biolenceof bis enimies,canghtaplow-beame ti bis hand, anb twith the (ame erhozting bis fonnes to De the like,bafied towardsthe battell, theretonte tather amongeft other in vefenfe of bis countriec, was in maner loft without hope of all recourric. At bis entring into the towne he bare on bis (houtver -_-the plotw-beame, moze honourable to bim than anie -_fword o7battell are might haue bene to ante the moft baliant warrior. Thus Wate being honozed of _alll effates, twithin certeine vairs after, at acouncell holden at Scone, it nas ordeined , that both he anv nobuitie, table thealoome and bondageof the crue and moff enimies. Chere was neretotheplace _ber of the chtefett nobles and peeres of the reaime, being retarded(befines monte and other great Gifts) Beban rene. Santo remaine aliue after the difcomfiture in mifer of the battell,a long Lane fenfed on the fives with dity is poferitie fhonlo be accepted amongtt the nunv with Lands and renenues, (uch as he on chafe ee fufficient r |