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Show The Chronicles ofIreland. The Chronicles ofIreland. fobeozdered. lte cons Wir mace Aen bit highnetle had read and thozongh endedseit andeindine ati int ee , andfinding and refolutions -_-fidered their opinions fle; ndarili dearswae! the itphntons i the latwes , ft ‘atutes , and blages of that againg cute, nat the coffe twas a moff intolerable and qrienons burden,there being eracted ont of ees rie plough land tent and tivelue pounds, Fourthlie, that in the leateng anderacing, there fore mane and fandgie abutes Dane and commit ted. fe ngblée read both the aatiionweenyGens fent anv fef anit eeu thzoughlie eramined; fame to be ee and theeee confinered, ae cue compare thereof, vio es read and beard the contents waa them Wwtth the like letters fent bnto them from the -asallotpith onrcnay Seeueciotieats ; hich thep ‘Whetwtfe bad receiued from fhe lod Deputie i and fame. Ano in bit felfe bnoutifullic to be handled by bit fubieds, sisiere commanded bp the aduife of bir coutcell the fata ar gents bic) follotuen theft fute,to be committed to the lect, and forthiwith tuzote bir letters to the fain Che agents bie deputie and councell, finding bir felfe grienen -a that the relewith the fatd bic fubiecs of the pale, by tvate of celle, tothe fet, ; To ning of bir armic with vittels law, ¢and infflaty, ©. hauldbeauouched tobe a matter againtt ancient aren: : ef pet aae ae.oe tr the times of Dit peo 28 foine fud)as impugned bpAction andi , and notw tmpofed bet dene fmyofed intimes pat ban {ubicribed therebinto , in peeiud! bir of t feruice.un eral fine and hinderance -of ‘ir peerogatine, nthe¢Was ¢ twaseat grea a And ther fore (he nid not onelic mifithe, } the lie offended tufth thefe their peefamp ited dutiful maner of Shine butSotoma ©: ae e bir counce 20 wy feb the fain Deputie and ee ae would anddid faffer bir peerogatiue tn ponekokasmpelaBd thepmight better proue and onderftand the greatneffe thers cculab Vie highnetle commandement call before and Damond, the bi ane weaeena the aint of Dunfante, fhothon were attendant at thecourt,anpdeclarcn bit bighneffeand an .: » eetie paren patties not comm ted epunifhed:bp tid oe~oesionea . aeos ea E jaue bene: hadalreadie giuen ozder for committing them -the FF Let, for the punifpnient of the agents bem , 7 -_fent asps the mannea.a nto them the ubole matter,and the maner of thefe their fnftifieng and main ére and in that realme : to beagaint the latues ano cafes ttbote concenpeat tas in ee péeo,bnder zo the laid cefle coloz toférke fome teliefe, tobauetakenatvate ayo: lie the fmpofing of ante ceffe,andfoconfequentlieta haue taken atwate the right ¢prerogatine, thic bir maieftie € predecello2s baue altvaics infoted , and {withouttbich that realme could not be defended,t103 aripvoepeeata:~ :i te oe ners be And concerning the abutes maner of the lenteng the fato ceffe, bir coon " mentandorderfas, that tthofocuer were cu _ iil be contented to acknotwlengethett offer! bam gent that tmpofition, tthich bath bene bien, allowed, and -_at the debating of the matter,and DID forbeare (' a for thofe andfuch bit learned men, as . - oe |p in may yom beoitpla' : ¢knowwledge) toftand theirnutic thno t rarie to their daiepredeceffors; that noiv it mightnotbe faffered teinance againft the faid paerogatiue ; . Taees to esi ' todefend the fame of bir otone purile: neither abich miaiefftes letters, and fhe tthe from - saat ertteamittes could 02 might in anie twife be tollee -_to2d Deputie and councell by thetr mens barn rated. anelic fo3 thofe malcontents , tic had bc ae -_-fcribed to the letters (ent to bir baghnredsbe fi notableto bebome, thep thought thattobetruc,if cell ; bot alfo in vifcretion for fud) -_ ee ced and dtfcyarged ont of bir fee, and thett "i be 1228sm fobeimpeachen,vnlette bir bighneffe would lofe and be fupplied bp facy others as bp the depute: tak Mt oon forgo bir title, right, andinterettothecrowne of the pawn os ws Areland, orelfe fayport the tole burthen and charge 60 thought meet. Jmmedtatlie ppon Xo the third, that the celfetwas intollerable,and cee cw tenpounds and tivelue pounds fhould be demanved -thetr aifguifed and cunning -- offered at fine marks the plough land : tibtch was wetecome, andthenbeing dealt Motball, Te os : out of cuerte plongbland, as thep complained: but thep bnderftod bp credible informations from the Deputic and councell the contrarie,e that thep tere fuppofed tobe beric eafte and reafonable. Tothe fourth article their opinion was, that ifas tiie {ach abufes vere Done, it tuere gud the fame twere fet Dolne and kote, and aredzellethereof ps,bicTinglessh -twere fpeciatlie noted to be cource a mal there eno? ders , and procurors,of thefe letters pen tie and the loos of bit councell : = poate their claime of freedomefrom celle : the afubmifiion and praicd mercic. thich was then enterpzifed and taken in band; when councell i England; thepnotying liking (hele are rogant and diflotail parts of thefe impaled males mond frotwardlic kickeo at the ithe, annall the loos in Mounfler bad contraric to their owwne orders ana ogetel fuerte arrogant and wilful, and replningRew ir maiefties prerogative , and Se that 0 st Me in plaine peaches and twlthout ante 147 Which doings then thelord septic and coun: -the hole land fod in a broken and Doubtful Fate, cell had foztiintty aduertifea to bic bighnefle ¢the ro ard the time berie Dangerous; ahenthe carle of Del contents, fent for their agents ; and hauing the -promifes, denied, and conmmbnded their tenants to like conference with them , found themof like off dente after the manner of the Cuglith pale, to paie pofition , being as a fit coucr to thepot ,berte for ante celle ; then Zames Fitsmorts being furnia Wward,arrogant,and twilfull; berevpon theptwere hed twith men, monie, and munition, by the pope temaued from the Flet to the Lower: a place andbingof Spatuc, twas dailie loked for tocome appointed for the offendozs incapitallcautes,and fo, andinuade the md; and then fhe great ones hae fuch (being impugners of bic prerogatiue)asbefup: ning bolloty harts,anp addicted fo papiitrie, nip vate poled fo offend in thenereff degree to the bighetf, 20 liegapeanderpect for the fame ; aben fhe difloiall Thele things then they were notified bnto the lors Frilhzie in WountFer and Connaugh were combi and gentlemen in Freland, theptwere maruellon&' nedandioined in thee confpiracies ; aben Roxie lie greeueds but not the one no3 the other would give Dg,Mmo2e,Conno2 Bac Commake, Deoinos ¢ + ouer, buitill theivarvogancics andinfolenctes uere _-thers,animated bpthe forfaid confpiracies, tuere bp by ayparant matter and ged recozds fullteconuine ced, and condemned; for Abich the lord chancellorof ot erie purpofe was fent over into England, whol fullie, effecuallic, and difcrectlie bid refolue bic mas tn opent rebellion,and bled moff erecrable outrages; ben fomeof the bel totnes in Leinter of ato, comfort,amd mainteine thete rebels 3 aMd befides -smanie other circumftances concurring biretwith: might ft not be well prefuned ( and as it was fo 3° doubtend)that the caufe being like,thep fhould alfo be bnder thefr binds tb the (ato lo2ds of bir maieties. fubmit themfelues fimplic , ad Onder --aa tvzitings: that then thep to recefue - oa birfunr i peares,andin timesof continued for manie ‘ _-thete falfe fuggeffions be fuftetnen, and twith great paines he couered: pet in the end tt turnen to bis great fop and comfort,Auhereby the tway,ifa man -twtthout.offenfe Moulo fall into the configeration of this theft refiftance, and repining againk the celle, = felucs, aid (ent thetr bumble fubntidion in tziting + anid commanded bin and all bfe txhole wee = fend fo2 thofe lo20s and gentlemen, -we. : hebad iwritten otheriuile, Cothelecondtheir opinfon was, that it touched bir maieffies prerogatiue , fo mud) tobe denied of Was againt the law: and fo fubboznelie thep were bent.therein, thatthep wouldnotpeldtoaniecons ference : ahercbponthey were all committed tothe caftell of Dublin, notwithfanding fome of them (after thep badbetter abuife themiclucs) peloed Powin the end hep conftoered better of theme therein,be fhoula be prurtthed totth all feucritte. bitants in timesof (carfitic might beeafenoffome i herewith alto the tuas contented, and bad gitien ov per fox fonre qualtfication to be peeloed bnito, as by Abeanfwers Heare. Whenorieeente the lords oftathechomerton councell badpactnes procerded fae the fatp bir peputie and councell fhould be thought ofthe councett herein fo farce as thep could,they delivered bp thete met : confivering the (carfitic and the dearth a os tothe articles opinfons to bit mateftte , aduertifing that concer twas then in the {aid Cnglith pale. And en ‘yoy the come ning the firft article thep could fap nothing; but that vponbetter con re es Be thepfappofed that the bwings of birbighneficarpy ., fatd loads and gentlemen tie toas not 6 firict as twas complained ; bicaufe -intward greefes, which fox atime by the meanes of agents conld not deitte, of the ceffe to be againft the latues and tart® Tetieehuntcticn then thep had beard the tmpofition caffomes of the realme, and not twarrantable bp - ¥om frhole matter (eemed tobe forie ,anbtoniftke of -prerogattue, that then bit pleafure was , thatwo thetr tnapuited proceedings : theptonfeling dace to be liketwife ~~. = krolvlenging that celle bath bene altwates pied te 40 perfiffing and anotwing perpetrate ate be taken, and thep thought him not to bea dutifull fubice, ho would dente o2impugnsthe fame:ale though thep iwithen and din pzaie, that the poze inbar andthame, Andalbett mante were the pangs and councell; mb thatlocuer twas otherwwile fet downe, feffie and councell in cuerte point, abicy the parties of that bir realme, ano therefore forking to impeach -_-bit prerogative androfall authozitte: but en y ceffecduld beimpofen but by parlement oagrand priuie councell , confelling that they had oifloiallte andinfolentlie, both it wo2ds and writings offens ded mol gre&uouflie; profetting; pet that toeteines tent mas neuct todenie birrotail prerogatiue, to bie the fame as occafion fhould ferue, but onclie to rediefle certeine abufes;and therefore moft bhumblie combined andlinked alikez And might not the hole two2ld tudge Hat neither barrell was the better ber ring2And pet notiwithftanding if fell in the end toa -_-sbetter effect, Jfo2"tbe los and,inbabitants in the Cnglith pale , fince the time of the conquett bp Thetineltrte king; Wenrie and fince Wiese their fir arri- Ste ; the fecond, : inf) patEns- it -_-nall into this land, it bath not beene lightlic knowine crores ii that thep bad brobentheir fatth and thefe allegiance, and not torebell int anic warres againt the croiwne p2aied thep might fir fome mercie,andthat the hard 40 of Cugland, and the kings of the fame; fauing as and painfull (mpzfonnient abich thep badfofteined, -_-notw in relpect to fane their purfles,vather than meas might be a fufficient punifhment fo the fame, ning ante breachof dutie,hadouer thot themfclucs : @Wherevpon theywere releafed,puttinginbondsof hich pon a further confiveration of the truty thep one thonfand pounds , that within fiue daics thep repented, abpontheir fubmiiffton twere pardoned, : fhould depart homewards mito Freland; andafter in hope and vpon their promife that thep would nes their tranfportation ¢arriuall thither, ould make their tmurediat repatre , withoutfate o2lingering, fo the lozo beputie andcouncell,and there togiue their attendance, bntili by them they fhoulo be licens fedto depart. Af thetrcomming home thep perfov so med the conditions of thetr obligations, andmoff bumblie in like o2der fubmitted themfelnes tothe lo2d deputie andcouncell, md then (accozdingtoan e2der thought gwd by the lords of the councell in €nglans,and referred to the liking of the lord depp» fleand counce'l in Zreland)the fame was afterlong trauerfe cndedand determined. Wuthere tofet Downe that pracifes, infoxmations,edeutfestwere made again tbe (aid Deputie, by thefato malecon tents, and fome (bp their means) of nofmallcailing Crete a. bad informed that he badalienated the hearts of the 5° Mens fubiets from lotall obedience, that be bad farmed Metagaing all the tthole rele, that he bhad waftedbir maicfies ." teypu- treafures and reuenues;that be wanted policicin bis gouernement, that be thould for this dealing With bir fubieas be renoked , that bedidall things bp bis otone mintpithoutthe aoulfe of others, com trarie to the conrfe of other nepnties before bim, that he dim grant manie partons, to thetmboloes ming of mante ithich offended the moze. Ehefe and manie fad) other like butraths thep fpred. at trath, chich is the baugbteroftime,oip manifed it to the abole warlo , that their oucrth:ow tas dis credit,an bis peuaile was to thet repjocy -_uer thenfefm2tl offend, 102 be found faultie with the like, During the trauerfe about the cede , manie things haypened in the Land wo2thie to be reprebens ded (as great and fundate tere the aduertifements from outef France bp fuch Cuglifhmen as twoere _-there tmploied) of an intention of James Fitsmoris to inuade Freland,who bad beene at Kome with the -_-pope,anbdthere twas hep2incelie interteined,and re turned from thenfe witha god maffe of treafure, making bis returne through Spaine, and bp the -_-sing thereof was furnithed with men, munitions,¢ treafures , andall things neceffaric. Which things were bp letters from bim fignified buto the checfelt _of all Mountter his fecret confeverats , ano they bes ing paptfts both tn bovie ¢ fonle , vx firous of change of gonernement , and to be vnder a prince of theit owe fuperftition, vid datlie languifh and egpect bis comming, Wherefore bir maieftte and councell, bas -_-rning the like intelligences , dw alfo prepare monte, munitions , dittels,and men, and all other things _neceflarte fothe twithianving of btm, Rorte Dgy,Dmo2e,anv Conno: Mac Caimake, MDeonno2, and theircoparteners, contrarte to their -_othes,fabimiffiong,any pronnles, hoping for atv out of Connaugh, began anew fo gather thir freenos an confederatsout offeuerall places to the nuny ber of a bundzed fw02d3, thtch with bis otwne made aboue (eauenf{eore; and being animated by Shane Wurketo continuca cee te burned diverfe mens D9. beggarvs, |