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Show The Chronicles of Ireland. The Chronicles of Ireland. 2 the courage of albthe rebels itt Mounier, avd no chef knowneleft in effect , wbtch dare fo withFand hibtey he had to follow , Which be oid obteine : as alfo canteand defcenned front fhe earle of Cometvall a toméreie in retard of bis feruice,andforbis gwd deferts he (as és before fat)was honored and dubbed aknights and ioifh letters in his paaife and commendation to man of abigher fature than of the commonfort, 4 Win of completion cholertte; fromrbis ebiloban of a tee 6 andmake ante refiffance againt bim. And to tach rie pregnant wit and god dilpofition : bis father dic anebenience be brought that countrie, that nome DID ~ prinould refirfe to come bute bim,if be tocre fent for but by a hore boy for all pecloed bntobim, fone by putting irecogutfances , ¢ fome by giuing of pled: hfr mateffie , and the lordsof the councell, he depar- irauing bim verie pong, and he concetuing fone ges,and all in fekingmercie andpardon, Gnd that prowd earle of Clancare, tric) in bis Creearie of 10 {chole to Eton college: from thenle, after be had pyor Cianicare {43> giogie not lorig before a biurped this name tobe bing itéethabn hime of Pountfer;cuen 2 fited in the elements € princtpall points of gram= he now, and Mac Donagh b is mat,be twas fent to Orford, ¢ dd there profper ine create beric tucll in learning and knotoledge . S10 being (as bis friends thought) berte tell furmithen , thep iwould bane put bintto the ins of court . ut anraunt of bis,named miffres Batharine Atleic, {ho was attendant to the queenes mateftie, after that fhe fav the pong gentleman,and had had fome conference twith bin, the fell in fuch liking with found fanttie eftger it open felttons , 02 by martial inquifition, becanfethto be executed : and bp thefe meanes hauitig rid atvaie the moff notable oftens Dos andtheir fofterers, the trhole prouince refked ins god quietneffe and indutifull obedferceto bir sas ieffic and hit lates. She Cauenaghs.the ancient enturies to the Crgs he Canes ann bebaniour, that bic liking of bim ; and berie oftentimes tvould famis Ifarlie nifcourfe and conferre with bin tm mate ferg of learning. After a fetv peares {pentin the preferren him onto bir maicittes tev: lord pEeGDEMt io in that proninice, as well the nobilitic as the 20 him, that he nice: and fuch was bis countenance, fortvaronelle, mConnsgh. |mmons. he wicked he fpareth not, but being maiefie had afpectall goo naghs fub= miifions. Great balue of knowledge, toffedome, and learning hihtch as inbint, and the great seale he bad to the commoninelth of bis countrie. ie hada great de: light iit the ffudie of cofmograyhie, and efpectallie conv court , be pafied oner into Breland , being glify governement, and ftho in fhe rebellion twere confoined toity the Yutlers : thefe bozdering bpom 3 © the fronticrsapointed to fir Peter Caretv,were fo by pin chafed and perfecuted, that finding no place of reff o2 quictnede,he bath bzought them fo fubmit in nanigattons ; and finding out by bis fudies , cere feine nations and buknotone lands , thicy being mended bybir bighnelle to Gir Penvie Sionete then Io; deputie : ho gaue bim interteinement, and made hima capteine ouer an bundzed hoxlemen: ghereinke fo well acquited bimfelfe , that he was alf mabe cozonell of Mounffer ; and ad appolty fed bnito bim,befines his ofne band of one hundzcd horfemen , foure hundzed fotemtett , befines (uch as allo bis dict hontes, interteinment, and all other fzysaetnene things neceflarte ordered, affigned , and aypoirften, of Spounter. Ihts kutabt was bowmte tn Wenbzokefhirein Souths ted. Affone as he had p2efented himlelfe before hic iwales, and one of great revenues and Wo2thfp, balts dighnetle , hr god countenance and faucur tn re: fpeaof his ged fernice to bir mateftte teas tneveaant, andof great magnantmitie; ad fo much the fedand double; and he {pectallie aboue all others moze meet fo gouerne and tante (0 faithlefe anv tre magnified and well accepted. sPot long after, he 10 rulieapeople , as oucr Hhome be Was not made foas maricd toa pong gentlewoman, and an inbes ruler. hep heard no foner of his comming, bat as ritrir: and thenfeforth he gqaue bimfelfe to fundies & fozt of Wwafps thep ding out , and revolting from @gerebening perteining to the fate of goucrnentent ,and to nas thete former feted obedtence, became open rebelles of MBounter ufgations . Ie bad anexcellent and readie twit, and traitors Ender James Fitsmorts an archtrai, Wart the and therewith a tong at libertic to biter what be fo2, andas dogs thep returneto thetr bomit,andag PA" thought. Which being adorned with learning and fivineto their ourt and puddles, knotvlenge , be both vid and could nofablie dffcourle Anvhere map pou le the nature and offpofition ante matter iit queffton concerning ettherof thefe, of fhis tofcked, effrenated, barbaraus, and bnifalth: at ashe made gwd profe thereof, as well tx famtlfar fall nation, so (as Cambrenfis topiteth of them) greyct conference wit the noble, wife, and learned; as ale 20 thep area wicked and peruerfe generation,conftant fo in fhe open affemblies of the pariemenfs, both tn altwaies at thepbe alivates tnconifant, fatthfall in that fi England and in Jreland ; in Hbich he Mhewed the ec alates tifatthfull, and trulfte tn great gadthing to come of his. tolpardneile, pont: Dedforne portion of lining tomainteine and kepe Him tofhole, And after his death, bis mother,being nolefle carefall of him , didcaufe him to be fent to iefe follotuer went fo WLinrerike bute him, and a a falling ppon theit knees acknotvledged fheit treforis,and mott bumblie defired bir matesies pars bon : and offered to put in bis eldett forme , and the fornesof his chiefett freebotders for pledges and hos The gedter= Hages. Liketwite the peefident of Connagh in {uch tice of Gr Ed: Wwifedome, courage , €bprightnetle, directed bis gor Sard Futon yernement, that be was obciedofall the tole peo 133 bent, if as lingercd mw Beferred , is row renfued md trenciocd; and fir John Perot kitight was mane Str Zohn lod prefident,andaconncell of gadaltttants chofen, #2to! 8p: that they alivaies trecerous and butraffie. Thep but tmagin inifdjeefe, ¢haue no delite in ‘hing. Dep ave alivates working twickens aint the god, and fuch as be quiet int te Land, rmonths are full of brvighfeontnele, aid their ongs {peake nothing but cusfepnefe. Ahetr feet found, might redound fo the great benefit of bis (uiitt fo thed bind,¢ Heir banvs imbuedin the bloo countrie : he made hit maiefie acquainted theres 30 of innocents. The tatesof peace thep knotw not, € {vith , and obteinedof bit alicence to make a nant itt the paths of righteontnedlle they walke not. Gon bir -* gation , nbhich be toke in band. Wut before be couly oon, SOMpafke the fameto effect, be was in a foule frome ts not knotwne in their land,neither is his name cals led rightlie bpon among them, Their quene and for Geralvines as Hhomas of Detmond,brother to the dolwned at the feas, Dnelte be of all bis brethaen bad fiue fonnes and one daughter , childzenby their uereigne thep obcie not, and bir gouermmentthep alte and plenges ban pzomifen bis fatthffill (ernice. Gun albeit he were but pong of peares, whic) noty bis iwith fuer at being Tilifer, n 3cnuoghi aaad might come ta binder bis credit : pet {uch was bis POONSolfo aunt to the earleof Argtle , was thot thong) e Deniont mind to feruie bir matestie, and fo effeaualli the bovie with tivs pellets out of a caliuer, by a teas pratte befollotocd the fame; that twith fier 02 timer of the Donfloahs . Wherebpon the 4° tobis great fojplied manie qed gifts and excelent bertues be fo Scots ahomebe reteined were tt amaze , and the puen as much as mante men of elder poares gtea countric fanbdiiug bpon the election of a nei cape fer erperience dio not commontie atteine nto, For feine : botwbeit, he teas in hope of reconcrie . And fountenances giuing abope of agwd totvarnnefie. And albcit he in perfon be decealled , petin thetr bf bir impertall efate, crotune, and diqnitic, Jt was not much aboue a peare patt, that capteine Gilbert themfelues finiplie to bir maietties mercie , and ele of Defmond had procured,¢ bpont his oth of lol- haus put in their pleoges fo abite fuch oxders and Turlogh hot conditions as (hall be laid bpon them , Turlogh balfant and infernice ppon the enfmie be was as thus after long troubles twas the ffate of the thole realme reconcred fo quietiefle.herbpon capteine Gilbert, when he had fetled MPountker in outiward aiperance ina moft perfect quietneffe, and brought it to gwd conformitie : be madebis repaire to Dubs Lin fo the lod Deputie, there he aduertifed and res counted all bis doings at full. couvagfons as roman moze; and fo god Was " bap to anflwer the fame: for be altvaies forthe m0! r part daunten the enimie,and appalled theft courage; pilkew as Didapeere in the ouerfhzotw gtuctt nete tie in that countris,be toentto Dublin: trbere od be bad recountedall bis feruices , and the countrie and birth , bazne in the countie of Denon, amid of neece bloud , Kinred , and confanguinitie, She delcrip= Sonotic vit rience proucd and tuffified the fame. fhefetivo tumathie perfonages , fir Peter Carey, and Gr Uyumifric Gilbert : both tic tuere of one Sir Humbteie Gilbert,be twas afecond brother, and bozns of a great parentage , tote anceftozs After that be had effablithed peace and o- te be left heck cede thereofanp in tbat quietfaouer info € oon trie, be defired teane fo paffe fo ad about certeine matters of great impo cate fuith the fvo20 fo perfecuted them, and fit fullice fo anda life fuel (pent, be (yall line in fame tmmmogtall, erecufed them, that then thep tr all bumbleneffe fnb, impertinent , concerning this gentleman, and noty foreucr true and obedient: thich, fo long as be mate to the biftozic. Cath te. Lurlogh Leneugh thinking fo inuade bpow the man eves €nglith pale , fox the bending of the low deputies Enum foxceagaint him, betuasrepzeffed,and deiuen fo ou Kepe bimlelfe withinbhis otone limits , and bp that ffered and kept thent bnder, fo long they performed Meanes brought to difperfe his potver : for being not able to pate and fatilfie the Scots, the one was tiearic of the other ; ad his twife and he notagree it;but the cat toas no foner gone, but the mife rere at plate; andbe no foner departed from them, but forthinith thep hipped ont,ard cat fromthemfetues fheobevience and dutifulnefe of true fubieas.FFo2 fuch a pernerfe nature thep are of , that thep twill be rio longer honelkt and obedient, than that thep cannot be fufferen to be rebelles . Such is their fubbooneile ing , they Were bpona point fo funder. The carle yo and pride, that {with a continual feare it mutt be bytoeled, and fuchis the baroneffe of their hearts, _ of Thomond reuolteth from bis due obedience, aw * becomineth a rebell.: ahome theearle of Dunond that with the rov ft muff be Mill chafkifen amd fubdus s iwarres , ther be toith fous Bowne fomehbat of mud) , that mate be faid of fages , and in the memoziall of bis great bertaes , Thus much twithout offenfe , and not altogither 40 mitted themfeines, crauedpardon , and fore to be nie in the SBatler d ment, © 5° perfons gaue the onfet bpon a fhonfan , te phich fr hundzed were armed Gallowwglates Aud haning matters of great {mporfance in gpountict, cou then fwere ouerthzotune : and liketoife in Cnaland,he defired licence to depart oucr ; Shome ; and be c020 msn hbic) was altogither bp tn rebelifor the faid deputic bib not onelie mofk courteouflic res thet bir wer l affaires martfal in onelic didnot nol, ceiue; butalfo mot thankefullte didaccept his gad felfe moff balfant ; ar in thost fime reduced : rset feruice , and in foe part of recompenfe , dpon Dpogheva. Petwpeares daie in the church at Drogheda , he vid frhole trepe of the rebels, and the prondelt of sa E freee - our to obedience , haning bnder bim but fiue beftotw bpon bim the oder of kuighthad ; abtc be Capicine {undsie thoufands; and inforced fhat p? : gaint foell aeferucd , andat bis departure gaue him let: Gilbert oub= ,= carle of Clancart to folloty him to Linerike ters of credit to bir highnetle, and to the to2ds of the bed knight. afke pardon counceli, Ando bp the tate, if without offente 6o there bumblic ppon bis knees to bad ' fubdurd inertte : butvalfo, after that be & man maie,affer the maner of Cambrenfis in pis oder and " ; puercome them, d{d moff bpzigbtlie Hitozie ,and affcr the plage of noble gourrniozs and bis gouernement, and toith all indifferencie a . capteins in other realmes , tubo fox the increafe of Dertue , md incouraging of twazthic perfons, do at: beare , decide ,¢ determine the complaints¢ oot4 oes and compound all the caufes of euctic {nto . tribute to facy as dw deferue well their Duc praifes € twas fo rarea thing in one of bis peares, as iw ve commendations , Xbope it (hall not be offenfiue to patlis St? fas credible, had not etetvitnelles and the reader , 102 impertinent to the biftorte , to {et allot not : but as much as in thent lieth do refit Gbardlie purfued , that bedzaue bim out of that land, and he fied into France, and from thenfe into met t Sede: in chet ed: foy no longer feare,no longer obedience; and no longer than thep be ruled toith feuerifie, no longer Cngland , $03 the difcouerie of whofe treafons and tebellions to hir maicftie ¢ to the loos of the cour tell, one Rafe Uockelete chiefe tuftice of Connangh twas fent into Englanp, there after long {ute made fo) bis fubmiffion , he was fent backe into Jreland, will thep be dutifall and in fubiedton;bnt fill be as bilitie of Gr Jon yollard,amointed to be the pret their naturall Guereigne ano prince, WSutconcert, thep were before, falfe, trucebreakers ¢ traitozous, Being not mucyontike to Wercurie called quiche fiiner , Ghich let it by art be nener f much alfered Chenature of and tranfpofed,yea and with fire confamed to athes; wichflucr, there torecetue according to bisdeferts : hit mar 5, petlet tt but reff a while bntouced no2 nicdled With, teies pleafure pet being {uch , that tf be twere not it mill returne againe fo bisotune nature , and be found culpable of treafon againtt the fate, that he the fameas tt tuas at the firff. And euen fo datlie Douly be {pared from{ogementof death. experience teachety tt to be true in thele people, FFo2 Wwithdzalw the fevo20, and forbeare comedion, deale This peere the quenes maieftie,confivering the $d feruice of Lncas Dillon bir gencrall attozneie With them fn courtefic, and tntreat them gentlte,tf they can take ante avuantage, thep will furelte thip tt Zrelano,twas pon the death of baron Bath made thefe baronofthe ercheher there; ¢ capteine piers ont; and as the bog to bis bomit, and the folw to the burt ¢ puddle thep twill returne to their old any foys fe bis geod ferutce at nockfergus twas tiberallie tenfivered and countenanced by bir maicttie . And mer infolencie, rebellion, amo difobcdience. Lhisis liketwite after manie motions , fntes, and requefts tobemeant of the Yrith;te and fauage people , tha Made to bir maicffie for a prefivent and councell to the farther they are fromthe prince and court , the beetabtithen in Gountter and the fameonce veers further from butte and obedience; the moze thep are puner their Dbrian gouernment,the leffe ontifull to mined and apeintes ; but by the Achnefle anv ony Puls tig |