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Show The Chronicles ofIreland. athe of bi atogie. And bicaufe in thefe troublefome fintes,it were meetaduertifements hould gotoand from bir maieftie amp councell tothe lozd deputic,e es fo liketutfe from bis lordth{p to them, oxder twas tar ‘SotsCetDe satcen for the moze fpaedie conuciance of Letters landedon= rectproke, there thould be fet pofts aypointed bee tweene London and Jreland.This twas ten the pees don, fent fateof all Ireland, altogethcrs devoured with Themilera: robberies, murders, riots, treafons,ciuill andinter The Chronicles of Ireland. peace and did nothing at all, nefthevfoke be partie -_lvith one thom heliked not, netther bolpe he the o. ther tombe feared not, but to the outtoard apes vance mifliked both their doings. This manmade Dis humble ute to birmaiee, oyguy that be might furrenderall bis lands,pottettions and trone arn territories but bir matefties highnete, and tore- verethelits : to ty cogriffe bis outieand allegtance to bir, and fo to res lands fume and haue anetweftate therof from bir againe, vantk Stinetwarres, and felwo2 tone affuced and fatthfall 1° according to the o2dersand latos of England.Guhicp Fekie. tobirbighnetie out of the Englitypale,and ont of -_-hit maieéie div accept, and forthivith mabe bima cities and folunes;and pet the one being gentler nev effate of inheritance ¢ and fo} the better bis men andliving by their lands ,by continual {pofles and robberies were decated; the other by the loffe of theft traffike being merchants fmpouerithed, and broughtto {uch ertvemities, as not able to relicue ‘fate in all: obedfence‘ and dutie to bit crotene,oid fo, the toothtrieffe of his bloud ¢ ftocke,¢ fo the greats Be Se heffe of bisgouernement mabe him a baron ofthe oo and mainteine themfelues, : Gnodamongall otherthe mot intolerable miter mont created bim an earle onder bit letters patents care, -_by the nante ofthe eatle of Clancare, Zhete netves 323 God nop ries bniuerfallie reigning, this one exceded all teligion tn Zrelanvd. fhe reff,that there toas {carfea Godknowen;and if Enotwen,not all hotozed in the land,for thecyurcbes fo) the moff part twere all dettroied ¢ bncoueren,the clergic {cattered,the people tntaught,andasthepe followep from timeto time, as matter, time, aud a poatunitie would ferue therebnto, At this pzefent time the earles of Dzmond and WDelmond were in Cngland, and the quarrels and rieof bim. ; fired. Sut now the fering bim to bane manifelled AS to proceeding could be had fora finall end and oy bimfecife a notogfous traito: , and paft all grace; the gaue commanbdement tothe loz beputic to tim ploic bis Gbhole care, confioeration, and tvifedome, realme of 3reland, there thet dotngs Were beft knolwen, ad Khere their mifozders were commit The earie ft ted. And then bp the aduife of the councell both the MD2mond and fatdearles (abmitted themfelues to the queenes mar Defmond tefties order ¢ Determination ; and foperformance poet ve thereof, thep both bp waie of recognifance tn the Sto the hancerie were bound ech of them in ttventic thous Queeng ozder: fand pounds. And thera commiffion onder bir highs neffe bzoad fcale.of Cngland twas fent to the low Deputic for tabingof the forlatd eraminations, ut inthe meane finetbflett thefe things were in nos te John ot MBin England,fir Zobn of Defmond,in verie outs Defmond fpoiteth the tarle of Dz mondslands. tion,fas to peeld to bint in fundzic things of bim de trarfous and bucerteine in dDenieng and affirming, ber, (t twas thought gwd and neceffarte that their complaints and anfiwers thoulb be examined in the tagious and difozdered manner,fired g {poiled the tes nements of the earle of Dzmond,abich things tere pow {achacankred and dangerous rebell might be btterlic ertirped. And feing the matteralfo to paue fo manie accidents and citcumiances belonging 6o tnto it , as Abich bp letters to anv fro could not be fwell concluded : therefore fhe fent oucr fit Francs Ynolles bicechamberleine,to conferre with the 102ig Sit f= ; -_-battell;but he toas fo recefuen with the Englith Mot and fo galled, hat he made fomeffate, Whyerebpon -capteine erute taking his opertunitie, mot oalt, Che batient _antlie tofth his fmall amd of ho2emen brakeinto fee thebattell of Dnetle, Liketwile cozorell Randolyh gyeeqie, ne -_twith his fet hoxMemen gane the charge bpon the tiben he made his rode ad inuafton into the Eng» 20 left twing of them.Zhe oneof them being well folio» lth pale, aheribis great multitude fod bim not in fo much ftead, as afarre{maller companie of the Englity Houloiers veferued commendation ; which perforce and maugre of bis teeth compelled bim to -_twed and accompanied twith bis band, did the fernice -trhich be defired : but the cozonell veri¢ baliantlic abe coponcii making twaie theoughtheentmies , andno man fol, Randolph ts -_Lotving hint,twasin fighting wounded fo death,any Aaine. fbercof tmmediatlie be died. The rebels being affo: retire twit fame, amd to returne toithlofle. About nied and amased at the balour of the Englifymen, this time fn the moneth of Julie 1565, andthe firk fled and turned ther backs, Khomte the fouloiersfols peare of the deputation of fir enrie Stoncie, Co lofved,and bad the Naughter of them folong as their ComneiltRan WALD Randolyh , a erie erperfand a batiant fouls weapons laffed in this confift. ihe rebels tuere Nebbarrineth Diet,twas fent over out of Cngland, and arriued at SieDinris the Dirrie twith fenen hundzed men onder his re: ., flaine that daie in this chate aboue fore bundzen giment, and be bimfelfe by the councell in England perfons,befives the like number of{ch as tere burt apointen tobe the cozonell. Thismanas fone as -andiwounded. he cozonell onelie was Naine, but Hinfete, be tas landed, intrenched bimlelfe at the Dirrie, capteine ernie and diuerfe of the ho2Memen were 198s hbere be remained tn garvifon toitbont Deing of a derie fo2e burt and tuounded, nie thing, bntill the comming of the lord oeputie from Dublin, with the refione of bir matctkies fox ces,apointedto be foined toith the fait cozonell, fox the better fernice againff the arrogant trattour Atterthe death of thts valiant cooneh, hole fer nerall the lozd depute fp aftcrivards celebzate with great honour at Dublin, Coward Sentlow wag mabdecozonell: bnder trhofe gouernement the gar, pari teecomments fic,ano are purfuen, killed & hurt eae aye tornde< purickepetty the cozoncht oa rifon lined verie quietlic. JFo2 this tatt ouerthotv fo Shane Dneile. Anovatter that the fad lord deputie was come,and 40 quatlen the (pirtts and courages of Dnetle and bis Theiorr ye. Pcimety $40 flatd there about fir daies, and bad fet all things companie, that thep bad no defire of anie further tn SAeDirie tn fach geod order as that (ernice required; be returs countering Wwith the Cnglifhmen, And thus all the tetteth all ney backe to Dublin though Ddonels countrie, = and fo thorough Connagh, leaning the cozoncll acs Grniee, companied twith one bandof fittie ho2Menten bnder winter following little twas Done : and being deter, minedin the {pring to avuenture fome peece of fer uice, but the lord otheriwile ayointedit. JFo2 about Tbe Wireie the leaving of capteine @eo2ge Weruie the eloer, the foure amd tiventith of Apzill, bya miffortune tes eno an the amd with feuen compantes 02 bund;cds of fotmen bnder the dharges of capteine Robert Coznetwall, ucr pet knotwne by abat means, the fort and totvne vittels anv of the Dirrie tyas all burned, andthe Mozrehonfes munitions and capteine John CHlard,and others; all wellfurnis bere the munitions and vittels late were blotwne are burned, then, both twith munttions,bittels, and all other nes 50 bp toith the gunpolwder , and ttwentie men billed with the fame; and fo mante of the fouldiers as late ceflartes meetand requifit.Shane Dnetle tho knetw ficke there toere burned in theit beds, Wherebpon well of the garrifons,of their forces numbers, and cozonell calling all his capteins togither, and the Sut incom: Henot minding that thep houlothere reff inpeace, pout te but fanving note bpon bis honoz andreputation, ttre tncamped bimfelfe about tivo miles fromthe gar: aS -conflveringthe piftreffe {hich thep now were in, by the loffe of their vittels and munitions, and not tifon, bauing then in bisarmietwo thonfand fine bundzed fotmen,s thee hundzedbosimen. And fro Dai to Daie be tvould continuallfe tith bis hore ten hour ab rangethe fields, and thetv bimfeclfe -knotwing there to be furnithen othertvife , thep Che coponery all concluded and determined to abandon that sbanvonety placeand to fmbarke themfelues for Dublin, ahich apissie,ea tmmedfatlte thep all Did , fauing capteine George Dublin bp aduenture the fame he cozonell notliting thefe Bailie offers, and returne bp land, than to(mpouerith bis fouldiersbp Captetne billing theft hozies (abich perforce thep mutt neds seibeon Teadie to trie the matter if the Englifhmendarl to 60 Wernte: for herather divchote to hasarohis life to feag, beputie, thoarriued at Dablin the feucnth of Spale & oins Sinking it to bea bertegreat Ditonour bnto him, the hole fate and qouernmentofthis realm. who faben be was arriued,and bauing at large conferred iith bim about the fame, the time betivane tent and all the Gngltth nation,tbic were come ouer to ferue agatntt bim, and now would dw nothing, but -almofkagainff all hope be returned totvards Dubs great vanges, lin through the entmicscountrie , tho followed and toeredatlie bearven by the enimie:notiwtthttanding -chafen him foure dates togither toithout intermiMt- that bis forces eben thep were at the belt, werebut -_on,both twit ho2lemen andfotmen: but at length 1566, afwell concerning thefe matters of twatte,85 sve * toas concluded ann apointed,that the fernice Hhoald bein the winter; ¢ accozdinglic things neceffarie,28 iwell monie, men, munitions, and vittels were fertt berie thostlie after aypeated. Jn thele troubiefome * Dales Pac Artimoze ait ancient gentleman of the the _> ouer,and Ediward ixandolyb cozonell of their brs j fer,baning berie great potteffions, andLaie Hill ir it toas {ed both fo the gareifonand the campe *enft Brith race,and princtpall man of bis fept tn Pouns The like fucceffe he had at Whites caffell , amd Mow hie maieltie, being greed and anmoied with bis treafons and rebellions of long time, twas fallic mindedef ther fo baue him clearelie roted out, controuerfics growen betiweene them were dailie examined before the lozds ofthe councell, and thefr so 92 chattifed : but therein the was fated, being bone in band that the belt twaie to bzing bim to reforms allegations produced intuziting bp the onc again the other.And bicanfe their affections tucre fo cons bad the repulfe, being with ame dztuento ratte bis fiege,anb to depart twith thelofte, ud) aone to that honour,andapt and maligned ¢iancan, bane ©»iy and tofth the fivo2d J will Reepe tt. Thich bis torsse fell out true,though tong be tnfoied not the fame: petbe exit and fo2thwith he fell into moft bozrible tyzantites ronnie bep amid cruelties aberbp he becameerecrable and bater wet Neat full vitto all bis people and counttte tho twere wwew femptsof inuation,andtoenter the totone , but the ~ fonldiers twifhin were as valiant fo refift and des fend: which ir the endturnedto bis repzoch, amd be 20 thing libing the choife of bit bignete in aduanting pete raing Hintelfe, Well, nenerthelefle it teas concluded and 4° mrine and hall be mine: twith the {word F tanif, s ftaie and recouerte of the reft of the land fhonlt be impel. being repozten to Shane Dueile, be (coffe at tt, nos - bim that be was fo honozed. And therefore not long after, aben the commiflioners twere fent to intreat With him bpon fundzie points, they found him mot ug hundzed men ,ahome he thorght mot meet toferne, Che cozone ti and being accompanied twith fittie ho2Temen onder ee ‘ Aikewite the archtratto? khotwing that preparas capteine George Perutie, marched totvard Dnerls are" fion twas made againtt bint, be doth the Ike alfo on campe, tio pretending a great fop to fe the for, bis part againt bit mateftie;and at alogdth{p o2 mas twardnelle ofthe Cnglifymen, be with all hts forrca nourof his about fir miles ont of Dundalke,he mus ffued out, and toith (peed prepared to incounter with fteth all bis hole armie, thtch was of foure thous them; perfuading binifelfe that he Myoulo that date fand fotmen,and feuen bundzed booemen. And globe maiffer of the ficld, and baue a conqueff to big teng ntuch in bimlelfe of fudpbis great force and hearts defire, puiflance, thich he thought tofutfice to bane conques * gepall Jreland withall, amdthat nomanduril toans 10 The cozonell made chotfe of the ground to fight hare Dneit nentute bpon him: he mardeth onto the totung of ft, and prepared bimfelfe to trad amd abive their Dundalke,abere he incampeth bimlelfe, ebefegeth charge. Dneile in great furie,and with a great mal: Dandalbe,é the fame. He was no more bufie to giuefindzie ats _-‘fitude charged the coronelsfotmien, and bis maine patlementin that relme;¢ fox bis further abuancer carte eiey Avithout thett pattour wandering without knows arrogant ¢ oufof all god order,bzaterig outfpecdes ledge and inffrucion. Zhen there netther Godis not meet 02 femelie,JFo2(fatth be)pou baue mades knowen,the prince obetedno latwes curra.it, no go fwile carle of Pac Artimoze, J kepe as goda man uernementaccepted, and all things infolocd in mot as ts he. And albeit ¥ confetfe the quéene ts mp four ertreme miferie; hotv lamentable and dolefull is reigneladic, pet J neuer made peace with bir,but that ffate amd kingdome? Wyerfore fr Wenrie Siw neie nolp loz deputie, ¢tbe councell pondering this 39 at bic feking.And where be had required to bauchis qx mip parlementrobes fent buto him asearle of Liron, taunted Diffreffed fate, and the great burden thichlate thent tibich title he clafmed and required (tahich if tt tere Soom bpon fo helpe and redzefle the fame, dailie allen denied bim,then be requiteda trial to be mabe in" bien fhemfelues; ¢ dentfen the be wate that might parlement)pet nol be cared not for fo meane an bor be to be faken herein, Wherin his logothips caufe fo nour as to be an carle,ercept be might be better and much was the weaker, as that (uch as tere chtefelk bigher thanan etle. 3fo2 3 ami(fatth be)in bloud ad of thecouncell, then foinen to ali bim in councell powerbetter thanthe beff, mid ¥ twill giue place to and fernice, were for the moff part fpent and decaicd noneof them;fox mine anceffors tere kings of Gl tens and the lord dDeputie bimfclfe daiuen to deutfe, fev.dnd as Uitker was theirs, fo not Tltter ts toinuent, to dtfpofe, and in the end to execute all agreed,that the Englith pale Hhould be fortified ano befended from the inuafion of the Duetle and all his complices ;and that the veutfes fet downe for the sonuentent to be, anbd fundiie other capteins arriued with ers fromout of England, and all things were D! pe tmatl in tefpect of the entmie; andbp reafon of the Ockneffe in the campe.thatbis {mall companie tas haue done)for twant of fhiqping. And therefoxe enen bplandin b be recouered Dublin, not twoithout great wonder and admiration, Zhe loz deputic be wanted not bis Tuc weakened anv bnable toferue: pethe twas der _-efpials, bot about Dneile,and in allplaces throngly the entmie , and either be twouldlofe bislife, 02 ree determinations of euerie of them,Gherebp he knew termined toith a fall refolution to take the offer of moue him from bis foneereafcat. Wherebpon he deem out of bis companie to the number of three out Uilffer : and therebp knetu the forces , bent, and hotw to meettwith them euerie wate fo; the beft fers -utceof birmateftie. And ere mpoy |