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Show eA orn QL ol try MQ 5 IG Se S : ; ; ‘The Chronicles ofTeelahitl: Sy, ¢ garb ofhis peefon) tobaue bene of parpote affenv. bien,tooutface bint ¢ bis powerin bisotonecouns HAS tothe end his fouldio7s fhould not faint in thefr at» -_tempts,twere thentmte of neuerfo great potwer.\Ber trie. dnd Dumond miftcutke, that this treacherous pradtite of the Dablintans was bpikiloareveniten, ing generaltn the field of isnocktotw,there in effect all the Jrifh rebelsof Jrelanoiwere gathered againtt hele ad the like furmiles lightlis bp both thenor _ Dlemenntifiemed, anoby the continuallitwatling - of fliting clatwbacks in thetveares thifperen,bzed' and foftered a malice bettvirt them amothefrpottert' tie, manie peres incurable, thichcaufepmurh fur ‘sand bugnietnele in the vealme, ontill the confulion 10, bf thedne:bonfe and thenonage of thentyer‘ended: Acontinuation ofthe Chronicles e s and:-barieo thett mutualbqdatrels, wlrips, 9 Dando twas nothing Mferionr.tothe-otyerin: \ aly Fits- cellos yreatlte niiken,latklte the evtortion that the latwlefefonloiers vied in the pale bp feucrall conv plaints oefeaed: thele thze points, totih ofuerfe w ther {ufpictouscireumfances lato and put togither, girald,of abG did minifteroccaffon rather of further difcorD, than mention bath benemadein fhe latter end ayifor the former WA o2ie, a imigh> +> SS 7) fie manef fas ture,fillof bor oxecourage, Ae: Ses NAS 9 Moho ban bane pepatie + lozowuffice of-Freland Hrit glak33percs, deceafedat itidare the thire of September, ¢lieth 8 Mepts)the putic of geod fubiecs.. -Dzmond twas fe- 20 ofmanie peares heliued.po martell ifthis fucceme .- ritable toffedome dia ttragethe beftspet notinithttar- *€ theboat of his cholersand fain: So tt ts,andifit like cc Pour gadlo2diipone of pour ho2tenien promifen ding, bpon confererice hav with bis loxdthip, be woulonotvoubt tofatiffie bim at full in ail points, Mme-archoife hose, tf Afntp one batre from pour ce beard. Well quoth the carle, 3 agree thereto, but if thou:plucke anie moze than one, 3 promife thee to intomed inthe queere of Chriffes hurd) at Dublin, eheretvity he could be tith anie colont charged,and ina chaypell by bim founded. Between bime James fo to op vpthe fying; from henfeall the cnntous Butler earle of Dzmond (their otwne geloufies feo -fufpictons guihed. iiloare with this mild meflage iwith enuie ¢ambition, bindicd with certetne Ieivd 20 intreated,aypointed the meting fo be at faint pa factous abettors of cither fite)as gererallte to all trike bis church: there thep were ripping bp one noblement, fo efpectallis to both thefebonfes berie to another their mutuall quarrels,rather recounting inefvent, enerfince the ninth peare of ipenvie the the Damages thep (nffeined, than acknotwleoging cue The occafion feuenth,bred fone trouble inAreland. Zhe plot of -sthe iniuries thep offered: the citizens and D:mond ofthedifien- gitch mutuallgrudge was grounded bponthe face hts armic fell at fomrefar, fox the oppreffton and cy en deine action twithy tehich the fonld{ers {urcarged them. Dan With Hom as part of the citfsens bickered, foa round knotof archers rulhed into the church, mew tivene the boufes of Poke ¢ Hancafter,RMilvare cleauing to Wo2ke, and Dymond reliengtoLancas an belivednet of all thee Latolemfe rabble, Zhe carle and confequentlie to ouerthzoiw one the other. And of Dumond fulpecing that be bad bene betraied, fox fomuch as thep were in honour petvs, they fled to the chapiter boule,put to the doze, fparring tt fp2onght by boke and by croke fo be inauthowitie twith might and maine. The citizens in their rage, fuperiours. Mhe gouecnement therfore in the reigne fmagining that cuerie pot in the church bad bane to onermatc) bim with foutnetleo2 prebeminence, nto billanie. Uherbpon the reelufe cranipg bis lo Wherebpon Dunond addzefled bis letters to the et,dotwning in obliniondis calenge,bebeganta commend the building of therome, ubereinbe was atnotine before, ¢ to leaning the coke vucontrolo; bereturnen to his ghetts merilic. Misolocarlebes thg (asis afozefaid) fone hot andfone cold, tas of Hips band toature btm bis tife, there was a clit ts the chapiter boufe bmze, pearfed at a trife, to He ex -_-both the earles (honin haue fhakert bands and bere? Bi D:mond 2 armifing that this D1 conctled. . But furmifing twas intended for forne further treacherie, what tf be would Hretch out bis and.it bad bane percafe cop! ables that be fanfed not fometbat headlong ao Being charged befae Wenrie the fenenth, foy-burning the church of Cathell;and mante twit» Hefles prepared toaduoud againt him the truth of Gat article , he (undenlie confelled the fact,to the Steat wondering and deteffation of the councell. en it was lokedboww he woldintificthe matter; Bp Jelus(quoth be)¥ woulvnencrhauedoneit,had Hot beene tolo me that the archbifhopivas within. Tothis reafonable requell had the lor deputie fo} that prefent anaes than ended. this garbotleone of the citizens, (armtamied Wien S -fleld twas Haine, This latter quarrel being greene ound,rather bungerlic boteht than fundlte of the citizens Gulpecten, and alfoof dilbares couns mile (uhich the other alledged to be brought = Thomas court. Che ayroching of & greatanarmic cured, in that Hiloare (afpeaed that fe great amar -_he was twetghen togiue thecitisensablolntion foith Penance ine -thistaneat, that in defeftation of fo howitblea fac, naeugate andzd perpetamreimemoriam, the matozof Dublin savin, -fhoulo go barefoted thozoughout the citie tn open -_procedfion before the faccament', on Corpus Christ ral,fonne ano hetre to the aforelaiD evleof Wiloate, einareiogy twas thortlie after his fathers neceate confituted veputic, -_toxn beputic of Jreland, before Hhomein the feuenth -peareof Wenvie thecight, there was a parlement 2 pariement -_holbenat Mublin, therein tt was eltablithen, that _ ae -_all fuchas bying out of Cnglano the kings letters of a _pzfuat feale,fo) particular canfes againt anteof the king his Mbieas in Freland., THould find tuffictent -_{uerties in the king bis chancerie in Jreland ; to bee bicaufe the fame archbithop twas oneof bis bur ¢. bound by recognifance, that the plaintife (hall fatit, nen accufers there prefent,the king merilielanghed -_fie the defendant, that purgeth 02 acqutteth himlelfe bethesere of the noble man, to fe him alleoge of the matter to bim allenged, for bis cofts and8 bis oftente. 3 ercule,obich moff ofall nto aggrauate ; Pe laf articleagaintt him thep concetuedin " off,refuted that proffer;ontill Laldare Aretedt * reconstt Dublin, t there in au open audience would purge they 0M thie) be be toas 5° band banp to him, and tinfelfe of alt fac ch odtous crimes, Of of bic) P oo was opened, and fo the Doze bite imbzaced the forme aypeaten, and all thete quarerls fwrongfullie fufpected. nofoner condefcended, than Dzmond twitha put oan to Sutarmic marded towards Dublin, incamping MM anabbetein the fuburbs of thecitie,namied faint Dadin, bending bis courfe'to Dublin, there fone atter hee from Rome, {as folemnelie tecefued bp Walter Fitsimons, the @nglith well beloued,a gud tulticter,afuypefor date: thich penitent fatiffacton twas after in euerte of the rebels,a ivarriour incomparable,towards the 50 fuch p2oceffton dulie'accomplithén. COiralo Fitsgt hecarieot of Henrie the feuenth,being caft on the houfeof iil oneof the fouldfers, Mot hab o2nab at randon bp to Dare; James earie of Dzmonda deepeandafarre the rmdloft and to the thancell leauing fome of thelr reaching man, gtuing backe like a butting tam to arrowesflicking in the (mages, : Trike the harder pulh,oeutfen to inucigte his avuerHiloare purfuing Dzmonv to the chapiter bonfe farie bp (ubmiffion ¢ courteffe, being not then able 4 daze,bndertake on bis hono2 that he fhould recelue beputic, {pecifieng a Danderratfcd on bimandbis, that hepurpofed to deface bis gouernement, andto i authozitic. ritie, And for the cleering f of bim: . WithTand his felfe and of bis adberents, (0 it fod twith the deputie bis pleafure, be twould make bis (pedie repaireto tHerea copfie tothe avuerfe part ,Abc the longer é -_eloalofe,and bit the bi idle,the mote eacrlie it follor -twedthe courte, having once got {cope and tame at -_pilljas Thall be hereafter atifull vectared, "Dimond beating i mindthe treacheric of the Dublintans, Che Dab: -_paneured(udyas were the qraunell prelats of bis clets ntans accuten, §-_ggiesto intimate to the totrfof Aonethe heathenith -_tfot of the citisensof Dablit 5 in-rathing into the -_ehintcty arnted, polltiting twit Matighterthe conteeras tep place, defacing the images', pzoftrating the re. liks,rafing dotwne altars, with barbarous outcries, moze like mifereant Saracens, that dhzifftan catho, likes. Wherebpon a legat was poften to Freland, Dlegat fent archbithop of Dublin,a graue prelat, fox bis lerning and foifedome chofen to be one of king Benrie the ce baittg mp fift fromthine care. fenenth bis chapleinsjin thich bocation be continued Ahebrand of this gud nature bath brene dertued tivelue peares, and after was adtanced to be archbts fonrbim toan earle of bis pofteritic, tho being ar 40 thopof Dublin, Achafe for the tuzong fatucing of a patcinge,arofe The legat bpon bis arriuall indicted the citie foy fudvettlic from the table,ncaning to hatte reafonen biserecrable oftente : but at length, by the procures thematter with bis cobe.Daning entren the bit: mrentas toell of the atchbithop as ofall the cleargie, fier, £o the vpholbing of trhtch difco20,both thefe nos in ning to bane murthered Dimond, as the capfeine ble men laboured twith tecth ano naile to'ouerctotw, °°- ther belpe. : : Wautng triumybantlie banguithed the Jrit in hat condita, he was hostlic'after, as tell for that, as other his baliant erploits, mabe knight of the garter ; and itt the fit peare of Henrie the eight tit -_that renolwme'¢ borronr be Died,herein for the {pace ng Het ABE great foreca, erie Laiedin fpedhoam Setousnftucric trifte thattoucden his reputation, ilbacetyas open sitplaine,bardlié able.tornle bimfelfe ben be were mouedtoangernotiotharpe as hozt,being caliltentfpleaten anv tmheraypedtcn. Beinmina rage with cevteine of his feruantstoy fanlts‘thepconimitted,one of bishozMeinetroftcrea maler Woice(agentlentanthat reteiedtohimyar Iti} bobbie; ohcondition,athetouloplucke an batresfromt the earle bis beard i 4Bofce taking tht 3¢ proffer at rebonnd,fept tothe carle(with hote gad nature-be thas:throughlie acquainted) patehing it of ante pzefentagreement. Damond perfifting til firbis bumble {nte,fent his meflengerto the 1020 de putie, declaring that be twas preft and reabicto ace compli{h the tenourof bis letters, and there afd ate fend(as became him)bis lowthip bis pleafure. And as for the compante, be brotight toith bim from gpountter, albeit (ufpicions baines dtd rather of 4 maliciouscraftinelle furmife the wort, fhan of dar Sribvteams* tious Diffention, that tas ratfeo in England ber -entimttes were tivoto one; pet twould he fet gad a fafpert, that he etther needed, 07 longed foparite furs omachandinreadyof policie farbepono hint: date twas' it gouernement mila', to'bis: enimies Letnejtothe ari tudjateourge;thatratherfovne. {piterof. biniithan fo} faudziof-anteipart;theprelies' foya time to Dzmond; cante. Onder His protection; i> Grnedathiscallperfosmedbp farts(asteirman king Henrie the eight. -_ie to foine battell, and bwithall demanded ofthe erle in chat feruice be twould haue them tmploted: Barie -(quoth he) let ther fand bp mo Giue bs the gaze. ~~ Such was his courage , that notinithfanvinig bis faceon the thatter, as bis foulofozs fhonla not once rtd ortip tmakue bare, ofIreland, comprifing the reigne of givaldcarte of Zaflvare,fonte Thomas Fits) © 81100) : the Englith pale, one of theearle his capteins pre -_fentedytma bandof sherns,euen as thep tuere reas mages falfeined bp fuch wrongful beration. This rioble rian being baltant ane ioell (poketr, tous 101 thing infertoz to his father in martial prowelle, has - we_ of en ~ rarhae nae all - can om. =+ in Loles,battering all fa gwo accalation' in that ing: then ? all Zrelanv.Zhus earle, the anv.his catte 5 atwe all the Frith ofDearrell was carie tule Seetntee, is Ray "tax, - toa teat. Ebe earie returned te bis countrie pean Putie,cho (notwithtanving bis tmplicitiei - of that balour and policieinvwar, ashis. s A greater terro: tothe Frith, thanatyer I - eyes armics. In biswarres he bleotoy policie a Binvof diligence, 0; abeadiecarele(nefle, his carte of gad meaning,to bite the houtes sjerg wnticr in frienotiytp, matched his Miter Margaret Fitsgh ano syarga-_ralo twity Piers Gutlerearle of DMlorte, hore he 2Susguaty . -_alfa helped torecouer the earloome of D:mono,into _-the ubich,after the veceate of the carle Aames, aba taro atler hav bp abatement - |