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Show The Conquett of Ireland. ChaP23: HPitsqeralowhich twere bishalfebrothersbhp the mo: -_inn the annales of the fald thurc),that in the time of thers fide,be twas {et freeand at Utberties andtbent€ {pas agreed md concludedbetivane them anv Mac MHorgh , that be the (to Mac Morogh Honlo gine andgvant tuto thefato Robert Fitsephans, end Richard Carew and tivoof bis predeceflors bithops there,thep twere bp the kings commandement made toveeld, andf{ubmit themfelues vuto the mettopale -fané fe of Canturburie, Maurice Fitsgerald,the totwne of(5)Wierford,with (4) Aberteife is an old ancient totpite fanning tuo (6) cantrensof land adfoining,¢ to theicbeites bponthe mouthof the riuer of Leife, amd thereofit infer fox ener: and thep inconfiveration thereof,pzotaketh bis name,that is to fate the month of Leife, mifento aid and belpe Bim to recouer bis lands the but nowit istalled Cardigan.Ahe tountrie aboutit nert (pring then follotving : and to be then tith bim 10 twas in times paft named Caretica,but not CardiIwithout all fatle if tindand weather foferued.Deres ganthtre,fo Abertetfe is Cardigan totvne, amv Ce monbeing tweavie of bis erfled life anddiftrefleo -refica Cardiganthire, effate,and therfore the moze defirous fo deatw homes (5) CMlerford inating ranted Guesfordia, is nert {wardsfothe recouerte of bisotone,andfortbichbe after Dublin the chiefelt towne th Leintter, itlieth had fo lorig trauellen ahd fought abzoad': be fir -fall bpon the feas,but the bauen isa barred hanet fwent to the churd) of S.DDauids to make his orf ard Dangerous * frontit ts the Moztet cut ont of Fe fons and praiers,and then the iwetber being fatre,md reland info Cngland, tf pou dw toud) and take wild god, hesdtientuteth thefeas about the middle land efther at faint Davids o2 at Wilford. of Auguft; and hauing a merrie pallage , be thoztlie (6) Acantren(as Giraldus fafth)is a tor conv landed a1 bis ingratefull (7) countrie : and With a .. pouhdedof the Witt and of the Frith tongs, and erie impatient mind, hasarded binifelfe among -conteineth fo much ground as frherein are one bury and fizough the mindle of bis enimies; andcom -predbillages: ahich fn Cngland is termed a bu ming fafelie to (8)sfernes,betwas bevicbonozablie dred. Men of later time to declare the fame moze recetued of the cleargie there : thoafter their abil -plainelie, dw fate that it conteined thirtie billages, fie dio refrely and fuccont him: buthefoxatime dif. ¢ eueric billage conteined eight plough tanos, D» fembling bis piincelte effate ,continuedasapziuat ther faie thatacantredconteineth ttventie townes, man all that winter folloting among them, and everie fotone hath eight plough lands arable, bee fives (uffictent paitare in euerte for thzce hundred (1) SBaittow inthe olotimeasnancdDocra, Kineand none to armote another;abd enerie plough land conteineth fir fcoze acres of land Zrith , and cuss afferivards Uenta,and notp 2ri/folinm, and fandeth ‘Spon the riuer Hauinum whidis nanigable,¢ flees rie Arithacre farre erceedeth the content of the come teth info Scuerne o2 the Seuerne {eas ; in it there mon acte. are tipo robes,the one named Bingrode, fiue miles (7) he place there Dermon landed ts named Diffantfrom atftow,in ohich the fhipsdmrive. The OGlallecaerge,ttisa crecke 62 a batelteng bpon the otherisnanted ibongrode , a place there the hips Open feas, and in the countie of Werford, fithence lie bedded, and thists thee miles from Briftow . It there was builocd a monafterie fHbhich was and is fanbdeth bpon the bozders o2 confines of the pro: -diffolued. i uince of Olocetterfhire and Summerlet hire ; fore (8) Fernes ts the {ce and cathedzall church of the would haueit te be inthe marcyes and onder the --ifhop, thofe dioceffe is the countie of aerfor , tt princtpalitie, but in the oly times it twas parcell of 5 lieth nacre in the mile of the prouince of Leinfer, the valleie of Iath , thie) was the metropole of 4° ano twas fomtimesa church well adorned and matty SHummerletthire. Mis verie olvancientandbonos -_teined,but now in great ruine and oecaie, the bifhop table,and fometimes trained bat a totwne: but fince ¢ chaptter not remaining there at ail. Dhereis alo fovdefert and other god confiderations, honoured _a {trong fort ofthe princes, therein fomcetimes was iwith the name andtitle of acitic, as al ismade a feucrall province orcountieofitfelfe being diftina front all otherssbauing a mato: andaloermen accom bing fo the ancient times , as alo tivo thirtfies ace coding tothe latter grants , bp tome the fame is Directed and gouerned. Ft is the cheefelt emporium Withat part of England, the mbabitants being for °° the mot part merchants of great wealth , aduen« fures,andtraffikes with all nations : great pelings fhep baue with the Camber people and the Frith nae tion,the one of them fad bordering bpon them, and the other by reafon of the neerenetfe of the fcas sand pleafantnetfe ofthe tiner,bailie refozting bp water to and from them, The Conqueft ofIreland. armed, ano toithout ail furniture : but be trauelling thep twoulo(carfelie haue recouered the land againe, Hhus fortune ,abich is. onlie confant tn tneonfancle, femed to baue foxlaben Mo2gh and sitsitehans, and fo haue left them deftitute of all hope anv comfort; nevertheleffe, on the nert mo2ow bautng beard dininefernice through the hole carmpe, thep fhus landed at thebanne, and not ftanding well defermine with better aduile and circumf{pecion to Hac Parogh,atancaabe heard of theiz landing: 20 tvete delfuered and giuen for pledges ad hofkages, amid comming, fentdhiseafe fon Donald,a valiant gentleman onto thent wet flue bundeed miei: and herie thortlie after he bimfelfe alfo follotven iith gtedftoie andglannefie, And then ther thep had ree nelued their former couenants and leagues,and bad: fiuome:eath one to: the other, to obferue the fame andtokepe faith : then, though thep were people of cotitrarie nifpofitions, pet now being gwd frends amdallof one mind, thep foine their forces fogither, andinith one confentte imarch towards the totone: 30 of Waterford 5 trtch is about fiwelue miles diftant frontthe Bane.ddhen they ofthe totune beard thers of, thep being a fierceand bneulie people, but pet mud) tenting fo their tomnfed fortune; cate forth abont tivo thoufand of thent, and tuere determined tofvage andgiue battell, W5uttben thep fato their Aduerlaries armie fo be better (et in oder than i fet on fire and burnedtheir Suburbs, and retired into the towne, Fitstephang minding and preparing to g{ue the the tals: ubich things dane,he with great hotvtes Md force giueth the alault. The totpneinien within The going otfer and landing ofRo- Steat pecces of timber ¢ flones, and bp that meanes sq fr the meane time Robert Fitste yoans, not bnminbdfull noz carelefle of bis cording to bis foumer promtife and couenant) gine bonito Robert Fitsephans and Maurice Fitsgerala the totune of Wierfox, and the fervitosfes therebra» fo.adloining and.apperteining, md tonto berucie of Pont orice he.gaue in fe tts cantreds , licng outhe {ca foe bettvane Wlerforany-CUaterfor, (1) The tBanne ts a liftlecreke lteng in the coun fie of Werford,neere to Fithera fiber totune, which is belonging to the bifhop of that tiocefie, the open: feas being on the caf and not farve fromthe hanent mouth of Ciaterford on the fouth + andas if Thoulp feme, Fitsttephans and bis companie miffoke the ; place o2 were deinen in there, the fame being berie bytapt fora barbo2otw: but the fame being the place ofthe firtt recetpt of Cuglithinen, there were cers With armour and fhield ining beight: then bpon nein chances ¢ changes tabing new counfels,thep 40 teine monuments made in memozte thereof, ano Ite aconffable i placed therein, anv be baththe fole chargethereof. Cap.3. for the true keeping of the peace. and»thetr fidelitie. SPac Mo20gh, to gratifie bis men in thefe his fire faccefles,anb to acquit the fir abuenturozs,bin(ace times patt,and that the ho2femen twere well armed Affault,filleth the ditches with armed men,and fettety bis archers to marke and watd) well the turrets of in Ireland,andofthe winning of she tawne of Wexford, not made god thi and rowed a gas pace after them affuren of. their fafeties-bp veafon theic comming, ro gfue anew affanlt,¢ woith lnste convages net tothe inals. he totwuelinen within feing this, begante foas blowwen abroad though the ihole countrie,thep diffru€ themfelues,¢ to confiver bow mot banat {withall-hatt fentumeflengers to Eermon, aduertt, rallte md: bninfilie thep bad rebelied againt their fing, him of their.conuning. (berebpon dfuerle of prince sfouercigne: aherbpon being better aputfen, thatcdnntric, cho divelling ppor the fea coats, and thep fend meficngers to bim to tntreat for peace. tho then fortune frowned had and dtd thrinke as At length by. the earnett intercefiion and medtation; fwate ftom Dermoen, now percefuing that the fauoace of tivo. bithops,and certeine gud andpeaceable men: Tebbint againe, returned and fatuned bpen bims iabich incre fulthin-the totune, peace was grantea; coiding! forthe fatonguaf.the poet in thefe tyozds ; suid foure of the bett ¢ chiefelt men within the towne <rAsfortiane fo the faithiokmandoth {tandorfall, bept agarrifon at the princes charges, but notp one bert Fitaitephans andofhis companie marred the market; for if others their fellotues baw inthe bebalfe of the earle 3Xtchard,to Hhome he was tncle, furs rather a(3) {pie than, a fonloter.On the nert daicsfollowing: Waurice of Pzendelgatt a(4), lattie anda barbie nian, and bozne about apilforD tn Wek Wiales, he with ten gentlenien of feruice, andagod number. of archers imbarke themfelucs in tino hipsjand arriue-alfoat the Banne, Z hele mers being readie to ftand at defenfe, caft over the wals tuyere named the Wanna ¢ the Woenne, hich tere the names (as the commonfame ts) of the tivo grease teft thips tn Ghich the Cnglifhment there arvines, (2), Abnightb{parted.dhe provbefie tas not ones lie verified in refpect of the parents of itobert jfits« frephans,the one being a Po2rman Daron,and the or ther a Camber; butalfo in refpect of his. arntes ano enfigne hich twere biparted being of tivo fundzie changes, namelie partie per pale gules, am ermine burting mante,made the reff fogiueouer and retire, 50 a falter counterchanged. JF o2 commontie all pzo» phefies haue their allulions onto armes,and bp them Among thom a luftic pong gentleman named ior they are difcouered,though at the firt not fo appeas bert Barrie, being hot and ofa Inffie courage, and nothing afratd of neath, fo he might atchiue bus ring before the euent thereof. (2) Gentlemens The Latine toord is asi/ites,thie int the now common fpeeches is termed knights, a nameof two2thfp and honour; but the tvo20it felfe the Ditdy ano efcaped eric hardlie,fo> toith much a+ importeth and meaneth men expert and fkilfuli to to honour , giveth the firfk aduenture to fcale the twals : but he twas firiken twith a great fone bpon the headpece, abertwity hefell headlong dotone into (2) Qheptone is amarket totone in tales, in Wwozd and promife, preparety and pontdetd allthings in areadineffe, and being acconv dODID bis felloiwes Dain ¢ pull bimout of the place. About firtene pearesafter, all bis great teeth With ferue in the wars,abether it be on fot o2 boxflebacke, Zn times pat then men ruled by the fwo2d,then the force ann biolextce of this ftrokefell out; andthat hind ts verie Hrange,netw teeth grew vp in their plates. ponthis repulfe thep all retired and titty fach as were baliant and of ged erperience gretw ine fo credit and eftimation; and. the people pio make choife of fuch to gonerne,rule, and Defend them, and bow being earle be tobe bis name , being called cemes Strigulenfis, bett chofer and pitted men én Wales, thep all Hip (3). Daulds head 02 fone is the promontorie failing totyards Zreland , thep tand about the ca ditiy them(elucs from the wals,¢ aflembled then felines bpou the fea ftrands, where forthwith thep et on fire all fac Oyips and teflels as they coulo fat pronince named in old time Wenta, being now ¢_ panfed tith thirtic gentlmen of ferutce of bis ote bnder the paincipalitic of Wales . In tines pattit binffolks ¢*certeine armed mien, and about thee «gps ke {has named Strigulia , abercof Richard Strange bundzed of archers and fotmen,ebieh twere all of HH exper oe {hi Welk Wales,ubich lieth ann teaceth furthett into the feas towards Yrelamd: and the fame being a ber vie bigh bill,a man thall the moze eafiliedifcerne in and imbarke themfelues én thzee fandzie barkes, and lends of aie at the(1) anne. Hhen twas the old proybefie of Merlin fulfilled , bic) twas, that A (2) Afatre daic the countric of Wlerfard:for that ts the buight biparted thonly fir enter with force ™ arms byeake the bounds of Jreland. ¥fpou twill der ey from this PLOMONtozie O2point isthecar to bis parents, for bis father tas a Po2mar snd At heereft part of Sreland tnto that part of Wales, eeaent hurd of faint Danids,trich is the feof the . ptheresit twas apis called Penenta,andivas finespal an archbithopaibeAut as itis write derftand the mpfferie berof, pon suft banc refed Cnglifyman,bis mother the noble iadie Pefta was a Camber ora Wuitaine, in bis compante allo was Werurie of Bont Paurice, ge man infoztanat, Be armeD, Sere find. Among sbome ivas ane merchant thip latelic cone out of Gnglanpdlaben twith wines ano tone, which there laic then at ancyo2, amd a compas We of thefe inftie poutis bauing gotten botes fox Se purpofe.tould pane taken birsitbidy the mart Nets perceiving, funsenlie cut thetr cabels ard bol 2 bp theiefatles, ¢ the wind being Wwefferlie and toinga gogale, fhep reconrred the feas. Zhele Ponts hil folotonig thei, bad almof lof all ano tho fox theit ercellent bertues were called wobsles, Lbichin Englithis gentlemen ,And then men being ambitious of bonour,pio contend tho might beft ers cell infeats of protwefie and chidialrte : fomedeliting toercell inthe ferutce on fot; and bicanfe thep dfn thieflie the target anv fhield, they tobe their name thereof,s twere called scutiferr. Home pracifer hieh lie the feruice on borfebagke, and thep(accozbing to the manner ofther feruice) were named Zences: bot both the one and the other tvere in proceficof time called Zrmizeri,in Englith etquters : and thisis tar hen fo; avegree fomethat ae the efate of a we ff. e |