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Show The eight Booke of uieof diuerfe noble mented {pecfallie of earle Omdwine,as hall apere. About the third pee of bing Crwwards reigne, Diget Claypa twas banithen the realme. And in the perre follotving,that is to fay,in 1047 thepereio47, there fella marucllous great {nolw, Agreatderth. covering the ground from the beginning of Januar RanHigd, Thefate ofBritaine aftertvard kings of iernfalem, came oucr into The carte of Englandin the monet) of September, to vitit his Fanders baother in lato king Cotward, tote filter named Sryiame Goda, he had maried , the then being the tufdotw of Ran. tied, Gualterde Maunt. ie found the bingat Oloces Wil.Malm. fer, and being there ioifullie recetued, after be bap See pie pntill the 17 Dap of Mardy. Wefines this,there once difpatched fac) matters for the which be chieflie hapricd the fame peeve fuch tempeff and lightnings, came, betoke leaue, and returned bometvard . nt witMae, fhat the cane bpon the eartlteas burnt bp and bla- at Canturburie one of bis berbingers, pealing fic; by reafon thereof, there followed a great , toupblie toith one of the citizens about a lodging, fhich be fought tobaue rather bp force than by in Donerleith pearthin Cugland, anbalfo death of men andcats treatance,occaftoncd bis tone death.cabereofthen MarhWet, tell. Sowein Gor: Qhoutthis time Siwainethe forne of earle GwdSinesfonne wine was banithedthe land,and fled into Jflanders, banitheo. Enguaab= beleotLe: iis Beane Swas the fonne Gituss aeuae by hisinother, thefiter of. Swaine, HHuo. This Swaine kept Cogiua, the abbetle of the mo pafterie of Leofte , and forfaking his wife, ment to bane marrien the foxcfaibabbelle.@Within acerteine the erle tuas aduertifed,be baffed thither to renenge the flangbter of bis fernant, and fue both that citi- Lhecitizens heeretith in a great furie,got them r toarmoz, and fet ponthe earle and bis retinue, of - thom thep fue tiventie perfons outof band,¢ foun- reveal beda gteat numberof the reffoue , fo that the earle earie of Bak land , in hope to purdafe the kings peace by bis fa thers meanes and other bis friends,Sut bpon fore 20 Karle might efcape twith onte.o2 tive of bis men from longne ano the fraic, ¢ with all (peed returnen backetotheking,men Malicious p2ctente, he luc his cofert carte Wearne, pretenting gréevous information againthemot sup tho tyas about to labour to the king for bis pars Canturburie,for thett cruell big of him, not onlie compianety pon, and fo then fled againe into Flanders, till at length Allered the acchbithop of Pozke obteinen bis in leaing of bis feruants, but alfoin putting bint tothe sing. Danger ofbis life. Zhe king crediting the earle,twas pardon, and found meanes to reconcile him to the bighlie offended againt the citisens, and with all kings fauour. {ped fending for carle Gadtwine, declared bnto bim Ju the meane finte, about the firt peere of king time after hisbanifpment, he returned into Eng, Spinards retgne, certeine pirate of the Danes are tn greenous wife, the rebellious act of them of Can: turburie,hich were bnder bis turifoicion. HenHune, @ed:and fpoiled all about thecoatt. Mere be that 3° «he earle tho was aman of a bolo courage and quicke wit,ofo perceiue that the matter was made "~"-‘Sonite.that the Danes bad at that time to thetr leas agreat deale yorfe at the firfk in the beginning,than bers fivo capteins,the one named Lother,anb the oof likelibmd it fvould prone in the end, thought it ChewDanes ther Frling. After thep had bene at Sandiwich, and fpotle Sands hzought frontthence great rides of golv and filucr, teafont therefore fhat firft the anflvere of the acne fi}imen thould be beard,before anie fentence tere Swtch. thep'coaften about bnto the five of @ffer, and there giuenagatni them. Herebpon,although the king fpotling the countric, toent backe to the fea, and fats commanded him farthivith to go tith an armite ite ling into Fflanders , made faleof their fpoiles and to kent,and to puntth them of Canturburie tn mo botics there,and fo returned to their countries.After tigo2ous maner , pet be tuould not be tw battie, but thispuring the refgne of king Coward, there char cob.no warreseither forren no2 ctuill , but that the 4° refufen to evecute the kings commandement , both 1049 tito peace. The Wlelthmen in deed twith their prine bid ; andagaine, bicaufe beerebp be fhould {demic to Granger efcape by ight that waie forth, be fent to king Eve ward, willing bim to keepe the fea twith foe nun Contadus JaMeit, de pleafure to bis countriemen, in taking bpon ber of thips, oO furntibing a nanie, lap twitMr Ships,leauingthereflouc,being 3 obont.the tenthpiere of Ritts Cotnards reigne, Lo St @ullaccearleof sSullongue, that inas father pita MahWelk" the valiant Godfep ofWallongue, ¢ Pablan, SHE king hautngy perfect theother Frencmenano allo the Po2nans fbidy held the cattell of Douer , might be delivered brite bin, fheking,though atthe firi be fod.in great doubtibat todo,pet hearing note that.anarmicof bis friends was comming, made anfivcre, to the tealmein basard not onelie ofa fielb,but of otter tus the that might thereof haue infucn : for Ghaton the y) knowledge ; thatearle Caw foine bad refulen.to cometo the court in fud) oder as be ¢ ‘~ had prelcribed him, and that xs be fas. Departed the realme PHO) with bis-founes; he poclat- = At med them outlawes,andgaue thelands of Barolo bute Algar, the fonne of earle Gavwine and eofribe,tho quived the fame veric tosthilic,and bisfonnes refigned them againe without grudging bnto the proclaimed fame Isarolo ithen he tuasroturned ont of ertle,Alfes: tnto earle Dodo twere giuen the counties of De: monthire nd Summerletthire, Pozcouner, about the fame timethe king put his Wife quéene Coithatrom him, and appointed bir to Onepart and the other, there tere afemblen the chee 40 ftretat keeping tn the abbeie of Whartvell, This Got, The hing pat felt loxds and moft able perfonagesof. the land.Wut tha wasa noble gentletvoman,well learie,and ex: soitait bythe wifevome and god aduife of earle HLeoftike aNd others,the matter twas pacified for a tinte,and o2 det taken, that thepfhouly come to aparlement o2 Celning that manie of bis companieffale atwate and Qipt from bim , bedurft not abioe anie longer to ew Carle Godiwine departed thus from the bing, the king called a great allemtblie of bis ozs tog: ico a Ser ther at Cloceffer , that the matter might be moze - Deepelic confinered. Sitvard carle of Ro2thumbers eouter ties , but that earle Godivine ano bis fonnes toith. theft complices tyeitt about to moue a commotion againt bin. Weerebpon a runoz toas railed tn the cont, that the kings potuer Mhouly tho;tlic = 7 ThethikChapter. ipertin allfciences, pet bir godname twas ffained fomebbat,as though the bad notlined fo continentlis as twas to be Wifhed, both in bir hufbantslife time, adafter bis decealle. Mut petat the boure of bir Death (tich chanced in the dates of THilliam Cons quero) the clearedbtr felfe, in taking it bpon the bers,and them of Mercia, camebnfoHondon,and -chargeof birfoule, that the had everlined inperfect earle Godtwine with bis fonnes,mbdagteat power -_chaftitic : for king @diward (as before ts mentioned) Ofthe Wleftfarons,came into Southwarke,but pers 5° nener touded bir inante acuall maner, Wy this leaning bim ina great furie: botwbeit be paleo litle thereof,fupofingit tvould not long continue. Wut -y comnectett the bing that no {uch matter was ment on theit par cleargth hir felfe at the houre ofhir death trom fulpi- ston ofincontinence andlerdnelfe oflife, why king Edward forbare to haute lethlic pleafure with hirjearle Goodwine and hisfonnies take preies on the coafts of Kentand Suffex ; Griffin cyrae deftroicth a great part ofHerefordthire, and giueth is incounterers the oucithrow ; Harold and Leofwine two brethren inuade Dorfet and Summerfet hires, they are Fefiftedbut yet preuaile, they coaft about the point of Cornwall and ioine with: their father Goodwine, king Edward maketh oitéthreefeore atined thips againft them, thicke mit fe= Perareth both fides cing réadie ro graple and ifight,a pacification hetweenctheking and earle Goodwine,-hoisreftored: ag 80 his lands andlibertieshe was wellfriended counterpledges of agtcemene interchangablie deliucred; +4 Swaniisthe bIdetonne of Gasdwindanota< blerebell and pirat,his troubled eonfei<': enec,hiswicked lifeand wrets>; cheddeath, 26 it8 ' the kingsrequiring that the carle of allongne,witty Zhe king totth a nrightie armie of the Porthtur as twell in fatiffieng the king, thofe peace thep bad byokert,asalfo the carle, honrthep had indamagrd. With the fame at Sanvivich, and fo kept the feas on 60 lanb,andiLeofrike catle of Chefter, with wafecarle fifide tilt the enrpero2 bad bis will of the earle,at of Werefnd, the kings neyhue by bis Hitter Coda, J + thefametine, Swaine, forme of earle Goviwine amb all other the noble unten of the tealmic,orlie carte "standing SAME Unto the realme, andtrattozonlie Que bis cas Gadiwine and his formes mertt wot to come there,Le 4 ot ( .ee is ma the tbich trauelicd to cept thep might bzing twith them a great polwer of a | agree wt ing. Alfo Cofipat Cla &tmed men , and fo remained at Weurrflane, twith Simson Dan bay loft bis twife at Wages in Flanders, engi fuch bands as thep bad leanied onder a colour to re Among other of the Danilhpirats, which ban robs CE the Weltmen, thomre thep bzuted abzoad to be hodinthecoatts of Bent: CMler , as before pe baue veabie to irttiahe the marcbes about Wereford. ut ead, reeeiucd his twife, and departen backe into. the Glelf}men preuentingthat Mander, fignifird fo eatle Codtwine (ho laytolth bis arnile atLangton there not facre off i. Olocetterfhire) ban fent vue columunication at Lonbdor, bpon pledges gine aNd recefued as twell on the one part as the other, bim to defend theit caufe againtt the rongh accufa: iwere found faultic, then to be put to thetr fine, both red. About the fame tine, to twit, in the péere 1049, Simon Dun. theemperor Wenrie the third made warres againt Walvtwinre earle of Flanders,and for that be twithen to bane the fea owed , that the fatd earle fhould not iene €#« $e fox that be bare a pace of grudgein bis mind, that ciroetng midatterreturned twithout ante battell to him offee ching. to. Olocefter, the king thought bixaelfe in moze fuertic thar before, info much that, whereas Thus the matter tas at pointto bane putthe the king thould fanour ftrangers fo bighlic as be fo; teuourng ftiithe mreane tinte thep of mud) burt, and namelie Griffin,ho torth aid of fonre Jrithmen,with home be iwas alied, about this time entred into the Ser uerne fea, andtwkepeices about theriner of Wie; king, Leofrike, Siar, and Rafe, ratledall-the poiner hich thep might mate, amp the faineapnos ted,and beretwith the [ato meflengers being bepaté ted,the kings armic entered inte Olocefter,and fuch Teadie gad wilsapered inthenrall to fight with the abuertaries,that if the kirig fwoulo haue permitted, thep tuould fozthivith bane. gone out andgiuen bat tell to the entmnies, fartte; was either with (mall Maughter luckilie en. tions of fud) as had accufen them. Wherefore be der clared tothe king that it,thould be conuenient to baue the fuypoled offendors fir called afore bim,and tfthep tuere able to ercufe themfelues,then to be fat 5° fered to depart Withoutfurther beration:: and tftbey 2 cx Dui the other part, the earles that fuere toith the them, King Edward purteth awaie the queene his wife who was earle. Goodwines daughter, Je hotdelinera manof thofetboute Gmdiwine tequi: 30 (67% Bed, elfe without anie notable aduenture changed and Briffin tucre brought into confufion: although and, Glocefferthire . And Warold Was alle comne.to * them twitha great multituae, tbich be badlented i Ciler,Nosftolke,Huftolo,Cambzidgethire, ¢ uw mefllugers Hbfch Gortwine hafent, that hetpouly rived in Sandtwich hauenand entring the land, toa- AifceGrit: tos rife and Griffin wrought fone trouble,but ill - of they twere fubducd, and in the end both the fain ate thisquarvelland if the king thould. go about to foyce them, ther to twithitand bim,rather than to.peeld and {nfter themfelucs fo be troden bnder fotbp. fran gers. Omdivine in this meane.time had gat togither agreat potverof bis. countries of kent,Southerie, andother of the weft parts. Swaine liketwtfe banal {embled much people out of bis countries of Warker 40 hice,Dripdthire, Summerletthire,Berefordihire, 189 Goodwine and his fonnes are proclaimedoutlawes , thesr landsaregiuenfrom forth to atfaileearle Omdivine in that place ahere he twas longed. Wherebpon the fame earle prepared bimicife,and font.to bis friends; tilling to ficke to fingtonthittee jo 3en fhich had billed his man,and eightene others, the hiftorie of England. yaderthe Saxons. periem,de trise east ¢n of gperetaah yul mee* ter talke tuith the king,as it was cournanted but in mis hert infuing ficd atwaic toith all (peed pob ® Some write, hotw an ower toas proferibed that ‘wanus the eloett forme of Gadwine foul de- rein dealing with the queene that twas Daughter to carle Oaviwine,now in time of bir fathers exile, tt bath fremed tomanie,that hing Coward forbare te beale with bir incarnall wife, more for hatredofbir bin,thanfo2 ante other refped.iBut to procerd, Juthe fecond perce of Codwines banifhmenf, 105 2 both he and bis fonnes bauing prouined themfelties Hen.Hunc. ~ Part the land as a banifhen man to qualifie the kings of thips and menot twarre conuentent for the pure ‘sto fap, Yearolp fhouly come to an other aller: pofe,came bpon the coafts of Cngland,anod after the ° imaner of roners , toke prctes there ag thep efpien aduantage, namelie on the coatts of ent and Sul imnath, and that Geptwine and one other of his fons, ( ‘e tobe bolven at London, accontpanicd with 1 2 Stuants ouelie, ¢to refigne all bis force ofknights, Scutlemen and foulvicrs nto the kings guioing MO gouernment. aut teen this lat article pleaten tng earle Gadtwine, and that be percefued bow - force began to decline,fo as be fhould notbe able Match the kings power,be fled the vealmte, and fa did bis fonnes.We himilelfe with his fonnes ans,Cotte, and Girth,failed into Flanders ; Darolo with his brother Leofwine gat thipsat a pafled into Zreland. Githa the tuife of wine,and Zudith the Life of Loftte, the daugh- of Walbtwine carle of Flanders tent ouer alto eit buthanng, fer.3n the meanctime alfo Griffin the 3s. of Tales erin ting beftroida great part of ipereforvthire,againt thom of wetes de: the polwer of that countrie, ¢alf mante Poxmang Sroteth te- thatlap in garrifon within the cattell of ereforn, *foeooire, comiming to gtue battell , tuere ouerthzotone on the fame dap, in the thich about tino ann twentte pares before, 02(as fone copies haue)thictene peres, the WMclhmen had Maine Cowine, the brother of earle Leoftike. Shortlie after, earle arold and bisbzo- Sarotp ima: ' ther eofwine returning ont of Arelano,entered ine ee ae tothe Scuerne fea, landing on the coafts of Sunv pone merfetthire and Do2letthire, there falling to fpoile, thep were incountred by a potwer alembled ontis $< 188 |