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Show .. Phe fourth Booke of 6 + not comte info fhe hands of bir blodihititic enimies: There died of the Womans parti this mol nota ble battell 400 , anvabout the Ihe number tuerte - grienouflie burtand motpittfnlliewounded. : Penins ofthumas. Retryune feife. Theftate ofthe Bri- nol begat thepeople of the Ble to beare twith plea, fant faults aid flatteririg vices , fo that the ciutil Warres that chanced in thote dates atter the Death of the empetont Pero at home', might ealilie-eycute the louthfultiette of the iontane lientenants. pemius Pothummsmatter of the campe of the Mozeouer, there vote diffention amonget thete fecond legion, tnberttanibing the piofperons tucmett of toate 5 Kbich being died to lie absoan inthe ceficof the other xtomane capteing, becanfe he had field ,coulo not agree toith the idle life; fothat re: ee befrauded bis legion of the likeglote; and had refie bellins Saris was gladto hide bimfclfe from fed to obeie the commandementts of the general, 10 the fight of thefouldiers beingin an bpzore againtt contrarie to the ble of fwarre , fue himfelfe. bin, till. at length bumbling bimfelfe dnto- them After this all the Romane atmic twas brought farther than became bis eftate,be gouernes by twaie into the field to thake an end of the refioue of the of intreatte, 02 rather at their courtefie, Ano fo was tharre. And the emperour caufed a fupplie to be the commotion ttaied toithout blountyen; the armis fent out of Germante being 2000 legionarie foutot as tt tnere'baning by couenant obteined to line If tts, and 8 bands of aids , fotty 1000 hozMemen , centionflie, and the capteine fuerticto line tpithont by trhofe comming the bandsof the ninth legion banger tebe marthered, ; ioore fupplied twith legionaris fouldters , and thofe N Cither UWicing Uotanns that facceeded Mpart__. Fi bands and tings of borMemen tuere appointed to mus tibileft the tinte of the ciutll martes as pet Vittias places there thep might winter; and fucy people of the Britains as Were either entnies, orelfe tain 20 endured; diDtrouble the Witains, ping the fane Volanus flacknefteann Louth that the other lieutenants had 7). 4077, donbt thether tobe friends 02 enimies in Ded,were perfecuted toith fire ana (to020. Wut nothing more afficed them than famine, for tobilef enerie man gaue bimfelfe to the wwarre , and purpofen to haue lined bpon the prontfton of the Romans and other thetr entmies, thep applted not themfclucs to tillage , no? to ante bufbanding of ground, andiongit tuas per thep (being a fierce tins Cat ity of people) fell to embzace peace, by reaton that Lotapp0* curato., fen before Hitt, and permiften the like licence to the prefumptuonsfauldters: but pet was Tislanus frinocent as touching bimfelfe 5 arn not haten for & nie notable trime o7 bite: forthat be purchateo far nour although antho2itte anted. ut after that the énmperour Tefpafianus had fuboued bis abuerfartes, and atteined the impertall gourrnment , as tell ouet Writaine as over other Gulins Catlicanus , abo twas fent inte Writaine 30 parts of the world, theretwere fent hither right no» Co™7*™* ning, and by bis priuat grudge hindered the profpe rons fuccefle of publike affaires. He Micked not ble captettts , totth viuers notable bands of fouldters, aNd Pettlins Cerialisbeing appointed lieutes nant , put the Wiltains in great fear?, by inuading as fucceflo: to Catus, fell at (quare with Suctor emt conned ofthe nation of the Sctthians, neare hin' SIM mon to the Goths, bothby countri¢and maners, acruell kind of nrenand much ginen tothe warres, his peaple with their vingleaver. Modevike, 02 ( as a Wel fomename bim) iondoztke, entering the Ocean feaatterthe maner of rouers , arviuedon the coatts featstoinhabit in: for the Scots tic) (as fome thinke)were alfo nefconded ofthe Sttthians, did as theninbabit ir Freland : but Doubting that it ould ofScotland callen Catnetle, being as then acouns Jland: and fighting manie battels , amd fonte right bloudie twith thofe people , be fubdueda great part of the countrie at the laff. Fter him Cucceeded as leutenant of Wrltaine, py)ins Mhe port whic) Polpcletus bare was great, fo; be was furntthed tutth ro fmall tratne that attended bpon bint, fothat bis pefence feemed verie dpeade the people called Stlures,, Mriuing not onelie a /jeutenat gaint the tout refittance of the men, but alfo toith Auett,twith thisconbition,, that here there wanten the baroniefle ¢ comberfomte troubles of the places. @ Thus map pou pereetue in that fate this Fle fod tthe time that Aruiragus reigned in the fame, as isfuppofed by the bef biftozies of the old hingdomenf the picts,ther thamld they name one of Waritatns ; ( that it map be thought that he goucrned rather a part of thisland, thantbhe thole , ano one as had bene a bondfaue, In what {tate the Iland ftood whiles Aruiragus reigned ; the difsolute andloofe gouernement ofPetronius Turpilianus, bare the nameof aking, the Romans not hautng fo so reduced the countric into the fopne of a prouince, Trebellins Maximus , and Vitius PoJanus, three lieutenants in Britaine for the Romane emy ns, of Jules Frondinus who vanquithed the Silures, Thexiii. Chapter. PM place of Suctonins, was 60 pPetronius Curpdianas(abo bab latelie bene confull ) ap: pointed to baue the gourr: nance of the armie in Wee taine , the tubich neither trow "| bing the entimte, no> being of the enimie in ante toife troubled o: prowoked , 10 colour Qouthfall ret twith the borett nante of peace and quietnetfe, and fo fat Trebel- Mil Without exploiting ante notable enterpzife. dius Max- At ter Curpilianus, Crebelttus Marimus was made lieutenant of Weitatee,who tikew#le torth dus leu- courteous deutcanour fought to keepe the Wrttains th Ped rather than byfoyce to compell them, ind but that the Wyitains bare rule in Dinerfe parts thereof, and that by the permiffion of the Komans , tbich neurrthclefle bad thetrlicutenants ano pzocty ratours bere , that bave the greatett rule vnder the afozefain emperours, The ftate of this Iland ynder Marius the fonne of eeaegee comming in ofthe Picts with Roderike their king, his death in thefield , the Pitts andScots enter into mutuall aliance, the momsment of Maris, has vifForse omer Hole parties, dno bicaute theMBpitains difdained to Grant into them their daughters inmariage, they fent tuto the Scots into Zreland, requiring to haue Tinesof thetc nation. he Seotsagred totheltre 40 Pitsolong as their kingoome enbuireDd.:. the péere atter the incarnation 97: gute: tobe Of tthich DictorieMarius caufed atone logins itithe fame place there the-battell thas aa ln thie) fone was grauenthefeivd708,Marij its Lhe Cnolith chronicle faith thatthls fone bpon Dtanclnepeanv that the whole cours faking riarite ofthis Sparius): twas : Setarots called TUeffinerlar,¢ 2.) 20:1 SParins haning thus fuboueohiseines, The 16..Chapter. Fter Jultis Frontious, the empero2 Tlefpafian fent Gauomes \ Julius Agricola to fucceed in gthe gouernement of 2h \4 taine,obocomming ouer a of bout the wnidft of fummer, CorTadic found the men of twarre iL,sre APD EG thoough want of a licnter Che Grit pére nantnegligent inough, as thofe that loking for. no nite tcouble,thsuight themfeliios outof all danger, there peg the enfinies nenertheletfe tuatehed bponthe nert oc caffon to tuozke fome vifpleafare,ab inete readie on echband to moue rebellion. Jf02 the peoplecalled MDadoutees , that mbabited inthe countrie of Chee hiveALancafhire and part of Sbzopihire,han latelic 606 before onerthatune,and int maner btterlie neffroied alving of {uch boollemen as foiourned tntheir par, fiesby reafonirbercofall the pronince was brought almoft into an affured hope toreconerlibertic. Agricola bponhiscommingouer , though fuuw mer was nold balfe paft , and that the fonlviers lone Ging bere ¢ thoreabzoad in the countric, were moze thee ae temtats fap)52,02 53:peetes, oro that tmaite,that he nfewm theperce otfpofen: to take reft, than to fetfortpard into the fieltiagaint theenimics,determiten pet to refit the BOAfonenae oe AS buried at Cadrtell, eas poefent banger sandtheretwtth alembling the men df tarreofthe womans, ab fuch other alos as he make) he innaved their comtrie that hav Sf omy Dees atre and fo reigned not patifine:n2' fir ctans gricola, ‘his' worthic practifesto traine the Britainsto csusliticsbns explaitsfortunatelie atchiued againft diuerfe people, : as the Itith,&c. fot the Picts nert atter the Womans tocre the ft thie ftrangers that came inte this'laan to ins AS mol tuzitersaffirme; although the Scotith chtnictes auouch tie ids tobetnbabitersherebe 55 4 incarnation of our fauisur, itt thebictozie Pariusabteincdagaint their king xoveritse, on Mme,continuing the refiouc of bislifeim great tea finallic peparten this life, atter be fonblic called Ueftmer, ¢ war a Sen derte toile man, gorerning te the guiding of one xbithercus, tho landed in Albay nia. twafting all the countrie twith robbitig ano fpotz ling fo farre as Caerleill, bere he was banquithen iflue of the kings nage to fucceedtn the The xy. Chapter. ear ater the Oeceafe of Arniragus, }/ fine Peurig or Watw,o2 Arutragus reigned tn Wats faine , in thie) time our annales do report, that a certeime kind of people lining by pirafte anp roning thetpomansfive tobe theic king: abich oxdinance asteceiued and obferticd ence after amongtt the the cae abuancemont of the common twealtl; ot interrement, on either of Scots 02 ics before Uefpaftianns time,abont the parte of the incarnation 72 : at that fantogoucrne Britaine, be inwadeththe Ile of.Angleley, theinhabitants yeeld vp then i felues, the commendable gonernement of A- ttieit maner defolate tuithout habitation:herebps On they iwithozet thither, «md fetlenthentfelues in oaDthe banger'of their! Dreadful trator, teen, MUD to the gad gouetnement of bis peo the Pids, his death and 47 teen the Piasand Scots thould firlk come to fettle themfclues in this land,be bath thefe words;Meither tyas there anie tatters of name, that mave mentts nothe fo,their profit forecetue warlike a nation in battell, and flaine bp Spurague; with a great part into that Zle,feining as it tuere a friendihip,and ers ofbispeople; therefinue that efcaped bp flight, flea culing the matter bp the: narrownelle of the couns tothetr hips, and fo conueied themfelues into the trie,peclared to the Pics, that the Fle of Aettaine Blesof M2knep: and Scotland, where thep abode ihasnotfarre fromthence ; being adarge countrie quictlic a great hile after, anda plentifull,aid notgreatlp inbabiten:ixberefore Thus farre haue A thought god to thetn of the thepcountellen them to go thither,» promifiig bute 20 forefain Lhoyds bake,foz that tt feemeth to carte a them all the ain that might be. great likelibmdof truth with it, for the biftozie of the The Picts moze defirous of {pofle than of rule oz Picts,chichondoubtedlie J thinke tere not as-pet government,without delaic returned to the fea, and inbabiting in Wattaine, but rather firfk placing fatled towards WBeitaine, abere being arvinen, thep themfclues in the Jles of. Deknep, made innafion firtinuaded the nozth parts thereof ,. and finding into the maine Fle of Wittatne aftertwards,as acca there but fetu inhabiters, they begait to twatt andfox fton iwas offred. $nthe Writith tong they are callen tep the countrie: thereof then bing Marius was Pightiaid, that is Pighttans , andfo liketwtfe were aduertifen,twith all (peenhe affemblen bis people,and thepcalledinthe Scotifh , and in their otpne tong. mabe tolvards his enimies , and gining. thenr bats Hot twill tue thew Hhat hanced in this Fle, ouring fe tell,obteinen the bicozie,{o that Moderike was there 30 the tineof the forefain Paring his fuypoted reigne, SPs laine in the fieloand bis people banquithed. as is found in the Romane hiftazies. Unto thofe that efcapen with life, qparius grav fed licence that thep might inhabit in the nozth part Iulius Agricola is deputed by Vefpa- the Wrigants the mightiet natton of ail the tole ne Julius Frontinus, tho bangquithed and othertwile,¥ cannot afitme'but fpeakingof the time of3reland, there they required of the Scotsneto 10 onthe fea,camteforth of Sueden,o2r Porwate,bnocr to wilteto Rome , that ercept an other twere {ent to full to the Momans. Wut the Wrltains that were not pet pacified , thought great fcozre to fee fuch bo nozablecaptetns and men of warreas the Romans wwereto , fubmit themfclues to the order of facya tenant, the hiftorte ofEngland, wultains iingreat profperitte , Honour and toealth; Aa the time of this mans reigne, the people callen ghia 4Dicts invaded this land , fibo are tunged tobe def fuccéed in the rome that Suctontus did beare,there inould be no end of the tuartes.. erebpon one Po ipcletus, htc) fometime pad beeen bondman,was fent trito Wzitaine,as a commiMfoner,to furucte the fate of the countrte , to reconctle thelegat ano p20: curator, ¢ alfo to pacific all troubles twithin the Zle. 4o bought to the omarre fubtection byforce of armes F707!" Petronius Turpilanus lieutenant, uanvondertheRomans. Homie bin bimcattes Coll feesdina. Lhoyd féemeth to take this trait ann bis We erroies ee all one perfor, fhether mor Plamecatalogofkingsthtch Yefatn,og bone thisforefato offpleafure, and Aue the mof part of allthe inbabitants thereof. ot thuscontenten (fo3 that be thoughtgud to follotn the tteps of - ra |