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Show 16 EheGrt ding that. . The thitd Booke of| avofe a fore femipett of oid and: Iweather, abich Btempett, featterentheDani fieete,. andput the hing dhaant ger to haus dene dof: bus finalite torthir Hiedates after; being teinctebp force nf tind; belanoedotit Gunthnacge orthumnberland,worth ately udythipsas hepttogt ae fhe. ww 1aod ta or: thet intth bim, ‘Beline being then inthaheaahtri, prontpiny fo gear the defente again# bis other; bpon Ringof Denmarks avriuall; caufehim tobe,tater Shortlie alter,Wrenne hanieg recoucrevandigattent To togitherthe motkpartot his (hips that tucrentfpr fenbptheaitcamfiture; am thennewlicviggedany furnifjepafall things nteefaric:) fenttinaiadts g {S 3h Dit £0 bisWats : Akerhehar ofablityed his land, ann fot tains in gedantd convenient order,heordeinedphint bp theaduile of histords acrotue of gold ecaufed himielfe with great olenmitieto becrotunied,accom then in ble: Soag croned ning tothe cuttomect the pagan latues a crotunte here ae ebicaule be twas the firthat bare in Britaine,atter the opintonof forme twziters , be is named the fiel bingof Writatne, and all the other before reheated are nanted rulers, dubies, 02 gout mo2se ~) Gmongt other of bisovinances, he appointed Polyd. qwaghtsand ‘eightsand meafures, with the thich men thou meatures. » Thefate ofthe up amd fellAndfurther he deuifen foze and freight place called Carpiganjat the Ith fea.Lhe third tap not called L ondon,as before pe haue heard, aypotre muongiuitieranithen by Guilthoacus , ind alle his lartns iniurionfitetip hint fcizen into bisipdtettion: Dhele requetts being plainite and. Mortlte denier; Mrennemadenslong délaie; but fperdiliemiadeto {ward Albanta; andlanning wuith hts avinietbapact niocd bettwirt his thos fonnes,, Ieentius and Beli bntodivad named as then Calater,torehitericru- hid hehaderetten within the citie of Lroinouant Snaics to be Well and fuffictentlte raifeo and made,he Brennus marrieth withthe duke of A- ture didlight fon the Posteatans,that the mat of Thefecond Chapter. fer the builving of the citi¢ of B| 257 Rome 355, ad after the oe- (Gy . ay INES GAINES @) linerance of the Fraclites eA out of captivitic 142, tich A514 tas about the feurnth pare of Artarerres furnas rather Armortca, ixh(ch nots is called $Bettaic: as' pohtie Polychronicon; ad the englith bitfaste pittedbb, rosy the De Caxton,maze trulie mate fame fo affirine. bat Ber piyinat 0% line haning gotthe Byer hand of bis enimriesatten' Deer. bling bis councell at Caerbpankenowy called $028, toke adutfe that he fhoula do twith the kttig of Dene mathe: thereit tuas ordetnen, that be thouls befet at libertie,with condition and bndercouenaritsto dec 40 knowledge bimielfe bp daitig homage , fo bolo his med MPnenow,the fouenth king of the Perfians. 3e, Se Pans Marth,Wet, linusheld bnder his gouctniment Loegria, Wales, and Coprivall; and Weenies all thofe countries o lanvofthe king of 15:tfaineand to-paic hima yeres lie fettuite.Dhete couenants being agreed opor , and Che Dens hoffages taken for aflurance, he tas fet atItbertic, pagan and fo returned into bis countric. The tribute that he coucnanten to paic, was.athoufand poids , as the Cnigtify chroriele faith. hispoption, topurchafe binfelfcatdinforreine parties, + there: ficft confirmed the latucs maze by bis father: Cilingius. heads,failed oucr into Moztwap, andthere married -thedaughter of Cltungo2 Clfing ; as then duke o} incre not bought to perfeaion, hetberefoze eatafcd baigpi workmento be called forth audalfemblen,wham be ruler of that countrie,1cline offended with his bzo+ ther, that be thould thus toithout bis aduice marrie luith a Mranger , nowin bis abfence feized all bis lahds, tolunes,and fortrelles into bis otene bands, fetin band fo pane the faid iaies with ttone, for the Tonys ‘agit, people and fouldicrs of the oztvegians, wih the hich be tole bis courte homewards,but in the tpaie ae hewwas encountred by Guilthoacus hing of Dens marke,the whic bad lad long in wait for him, bi: caule of the pang ladic which Wrenne had maried,fo2 huhomre bebadbene a futoz to bir father Clfing of long tine, Gdbenthete tine Adtes of the Danes and AMoywogians met, there was a foe battell betinirt them, but finallic the Eanes sucrcame themof Somer, a toke the thip therein the new bade Great nay ed, and then twas the brought aban the pa Suilthoacus, Wrenne efcaped by flight as = bemight. wut eben Guiltboacus bad thus ined the bictoric and prey , Cuddenlic theeedport Ge! Weline was thus occupied a 2) bout the neceflaric affaires of g bis realme and kingbome,bis 30 the Galles might haue part of the countrie tobich thep held, being more than thep did alreabdic tell oce cupie, for othertwife ( fatd he) there coulbbe no peace granted. Ihe Romaneambatladours being offended totth Mariage,with condition;thatif he died twithout iffue male, the fhoulohe inherit his eftate¢pubkedome: andif tt happened him to leaue ante hetre male bes Dind him,then thoulobe pet helpe himtorecouer bis laid and dominion ti zitaine, bereft front bins by 5 other) foke tocapon in band,andioined themfelues withthe Clufians, therewith the Galles tuere fo mud difpleafen , that incontinentlic With one boice, thep required to haue the fiege raifed from Clufium, that thep might go to Korte. Wut Weennus thought god firl to fend meflengers thither, to requite the deliuerie of, fuch as bad beoken fhe latw, that punif}inent might be done on thet accordings lie as thep had deferucd. This was Dane , and knotvTatificd,ndatiured,the aid duke twithin the fpace ot o ledge bought againe, that the ambafladozs tucre notonelie not puntthed , but allo hofet te be-triOne pereatter died, -And theratter acerteine time, bunes for the next peare, { being Rrotone that the buches Iwas not fwith chilo, 22ihe Bales then became in fucha rage (becanfe allthelozds of that countrie nid homage teidzerme; Tereining hinvas their low and fupzeme gonetnour; fhép fatv there foas nothing' to be loked for at the Thele conditions well and furelie tpor the dukes part bp the atfent ofthe noblesof bis lantconcluden, dpontthane he liketwifeforbis part nrrecompente Oftheireurtefiesbeffowedagreat portionafbhis trea through the countries fronrplacefo place, as occatlonfhonld require. tte,on Cotteflwoin, and then forward befioe Couentric bute Letcefer,and from thence bp wild plain: s towards Melwarke,and endeth at the citie of Line A the meane tine that bishzother, better paffage and eafe of all that tould traucll thecomer of Lotnefle in Commetwall, andpalling for his part he coulo be content to haue peace, if tt were fo that the Clufians fwould be agreeable that Oibedakeog He Atpearing , thatheganeto bin bis'danghter tn foreby the prouocation and countellof pong onquict 50 fo; fomuch as the foure toaics begun by his father Theor Inthe meane tine,Brenne aduertifen hereof, af; the parties fo; forme peace to be hav, Hhep that tere fent, required the capteines of the Galles, in the name of the fenat and citizens of ee Rome, tot to molet the friends of the Homans. Gherevnto anfiwere was made by Wrennus, that thefe trodes , demanded hhat the Dalles hadto DO eyetreatie in Zufcan , bp reafon of which and other the like ofpeacedzeas ouerthwart wordes, the parties began to binole itt beth of, BE 9 iy nffpleafure fo farre,that their communication brake off, and fo thep from treating fell againe to tric the med to bderitand Hhatapperteined fohonour,grety matter bp dint of {hve20. Thortlie into fanour toith Seginus the ouke afore he Romane ambatadonrsallo fo thew of that meritionen; andocclaring onto hinthis aduerfitie, prowelle the iomans tere , contrarie to the late of aMdithe hole circumffance of his nifap, at length nafions(foxbinding fuch as came in ambafage a Was fobighlic therithed of the fai Seginus , deltSeas fing in fuch tworthic qualities ashe faty.in ‘binrdat o botit anietreatic of peace to fake either one part oz twas atone poffefied of all the law of Weitaine she fembledagreat nauie of fips, tell furnityedtith 60 ferth by Deuonthire,and Somerfetthire,by Lutbe- po 29s Wher Weline had thus erpelled his bother, and The firk ofthelc foure watesis named Foe, amd The Fou freteheth from the fouth into the nosth,beginning at 20 The third Chapter. ‘ uerand bepond umber. And toith.this phrtition Polyd. faiths, Were thep contented bp the teatmeof fire feuen aBrennns nit peeres,atter hid) time expired , Wrennuscoueting contention tobauemozcthan bis portion came to, firt thought placing gavifons of men of wwarre abere be thought conucntent. all {ped thep fent ambaftanours tointreat bettwirt om Mame. take Rome. © themtere Wonnded, Maine , and left dead bpon the gromd, 5 Pereby Brenne being forced to flee,made Mhittard got ouer into Ballia, there atter he had {ned to this prtticeat lenmth he abode, and twas twell recefued of ap ble Deguititis02 Seginns duke of thepeoplecatled gregninas 9 then Allobzogs (as Galfrid of Monmouthfaith) 93 Segius began to teigne fointlic as kings in Waitaine, in the péeere of the world 3.5 7 4, af with the Clufians, pet if thep tocre ouercome the Mmbafte Danger ofthe nert byunt were like tobe theirs: foith dourfent mans,the two brethren the bictorig abode with the Britains,and the Difcomfis Pood isin Ciennus ana Welinug MHeinus and the Romanes , confioering with themfclues that although they twere not in ante league of focietie concileth them,they ioine might & munition andhaue great conquefts, conflicts betweenethe Galles and the Ro- Theioint-gouernmentof Belinus and Brennus the twofonnes ofMulmucius, of Brennus out ofBritaine, fred inte Lufcan,they befieged the citieof Clafium, mow eins. the citisens hereof being in great danger, fent to Rone for ain againk their enimies . Wherevpon confirited brit them all fuch patuileges as tere granted bp bis father. nour,commiethinto Britaine with anarmie againft his brother Beline , their mother re- ellfight,and moztall battell betivirt them) at iengtl Catater H4"* fion (as writers report) if thele be the fame that hav the leaving of thofe Dalles, tobich tn this fcafon oid fo much hurt tn Ftalieand other parts of the world, 10 After thep hav pafled the mountaines, ¢ tere ev lobrogs daughter , groweth into great ho- nus(as forme men do conicdure.) the oneagainft the other,the expulfion fubiedion . Inthe end thep twke Romeby this occas pethby CHorcefker, WWlindycombe, Wirmingham, Lichfield, Darbic,Cyetterfield,and by o2ke, and fo fnth bnto Limmonth . After be hav caufey thefe tigi bislife time;that bis kingdonte MHoulo bet 20 thereof ; incountred tuithbis-beother iBelinendere their difcontentment,theftratagems of lia, Jtalic, amd Germante , and brought it to their Gaiita and youldret. fourth and talk tate bight lothnelffrecte , hich leas hialeges 17 ano failed oner into Calla , there beginning the warre with fire amp (02d, thep torought {uch mat freries, that iwithin a thort tinte (as fatth Gefirey of Monmouth) thepconquereda great part of Cab hep irtave Eninghrat tas named Crmingitrect, whic) Mretden out of the welt nopthivelt, tuto the catt foutheatt , and bee ginneth at Weneuta , the thichis in Saint Danios Land in Welk WUlales, ard fo bnto Southampton. The brother: eline.jboth to reffore onto him bisihafe Cyeltpunis owersior thepunithing of thet. stnallic, after he pad guided fyelmoby the {pace of fortie peeres,he dt. _ ed, anp tuas buried in the fozefaid temple of peate the hiftorieofEngland. Britains ynderkings. eae ity Shootlie afteralfotwiththeir alenthe gathered art eebinta Wane, bands of the Komans,but warte,ininrious fezongs, ahb deceitfull traines) that thep turned all thett force Che Gattes againt thet, mardhing freight tolwardes Roine, snake toanbbpthe iwaie deftrnicd all that fwd before thent, mards Rome. She Romaris abuiertifeo thereof ; allemblen them: Mimics ahd twith the faute eftlonescaine ouer into Writatnie,to make tietd wavee bpori bis heother Bee ¢q felues togithertathe number of 40. thoufand, and Che Romans lines OFahote landing en wWeline twasinformen, beattemblen bis people,and made bimielfe. reanie to Simemy Metehtin' butasthey ere at point tohaueiomes etitouritring wwitl Weline md Weentie, neare tothe niin viuer Alliajabout rr.mileson thisfive Mone,weve Settes are os colne. Zhe fecond waie twas named TWatling werinsh™ pateane battellby the intercetfionof their mother thateame nerthzotone, i flaine and quite difcomfited. ; She Gatlesicouly fcarfe beleeue that thep had got freete, the hich Ireteheth oucrtitwart the Foffe, out of the fouthealt into the noztheak, beginning at Set mothe, BEE, and mot loutnymaner: towardsthem both, fhe bictozte with fo fall refiffance: but then thep perceiued that the Komanstere quite onertipolone WDouer,and pafling by the mivdie of ent ouer Thames befide London, bp-twek of Wieftminffer, as fonte haue thought, and fo forth by S. Aibons, and bpthe tuett five ofDunttable,Stratfor,Lonceffer, and Wicdon bp-fouth of Lilleboone, bp Atherifon, Gilbertsbill,that now iscalled the Wireken, and fo forthbpy Seuerne, pafling belive Wloreeffer , bnta Stratton to themiddle of Wales, and & vntsa place rece thentanddemdaned bivielte tallmotherite fell to anagtéement;'and toere mabe friends 0} cuerthey parten afuter. 3 - After this theprepatred to London; and there tahinganutce togither:twith their peores ‘ana com int 02 the gon order ahd quieting of the land, at thep actozded to patle With both thetv: armies OGallia to {ubdue that subole Counteie,and fo bing this vetermination, theptwhe:thipping amb that.the ficln tuas cleatelie rid of them, thep got togither the {poile , anv mane towards Nomett felfe, tnbere ftich feare and tervo2 was ftriken into the heartesinf the people, that all men Wwere in dels Che Wo» paireto defendthe citie: and therefore the fenate PMS. With all the warlike pouth of the citisens got thent Prat ito the into the capitoll, hich thep furntthen twith victuals capitol, anballthings necefarie forthe maintenanceof the fame 3B, ig. y |