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Show , The defcription of England. great the tof Wocbi d called if Cate ules mainteined,dan : etrcare Bt ee alfoinasth it twas a , that ini the maintenance of navigation ls,perelte to great part of the charge of their confu £0 Calitbelan,«ho : but noto the Tore of wads that inuivoned the faite fo that ifaLup there, commoditic ts biterlie pecated itbis citie in were alineagaine; He spontd not tall timber viet and lobe tuto the billes {hereon gteat fo, the far piv grow, leatt thete pnneceffarie faults couctons tiffacton of the prtuat stoner, and bis on es : foy the fhe fund;but tather bis totwnte int the plain ott 7. Sud (as 3 beare) is twaffed altagither {ri Tike for fante. The hilled called the Pekewere tumnnie d Pennifh and Dreott , that is, the Hame tsnolwto -illesand forrefis. "WSut Hod mud wWod forthe foealth, in the hinderance of {nfficient faffc f is yo be feith thote places Alethim that bath bane there bereo Ike the s there as facniture of theit nauie, Certe -tetFiGe, tibet; Foy Wheat'‘of No flich Hose that rttattell that pet obferuedin Gentce .2ead alfo% praic pou bath belie tin fitte Pak bp thofe that and us Wibul of ldyip confu the of th wyite jano fo Suctonius -twaie. Aud this inne of Mads and matifes r Cetar. As for the wood that Ancus Martins dedita fane, the with eale caird A faras , Havie { fen toward the matntenance of the commonmbyed ft % pate tt oncr, as hauing elfettherc remcm dhot welles; the comm mind might pioue a prerabice bnto Ofbathsan dnto another end. sBut tat do J meane to fpeake nate olorte of thete,fith inp purpotets ontte to talke of ont ufion Chip.43: : wong? Gell, take this thet forafinall conci ; : } "ntomds, that beftde fome'countries ate alecavie -% & alniightte omp hath in / Drfticr to fell their towd bythe pound,witch is athea- 40 eS > mot plentifnll mater ‘pe ftor Fey) nite report + telthin thete Forti partes tue tallhaue ined infinit, md tole ‘verte \ ‘ Hfetle great timber growing aboucfortte pares old; Ahotable benefits tpan this Zle hs Z| es fandi pong thofe that feene ntlte for tt &S commo Sof iwatathe,abereby ttis not Sot thie) ihe leaue fanding at one tioentte peeres fall, are bivallie at the nert fale cut Dotwne twithout anv danger of {he fatute, anoyCerte fo2 fie bote , if it Gy EN, 5 ey V alittle intiched: ft bot and natutall baths (thereof we pleafe the otviter to burne them. EGENSGS pane dinerle avianteie pla- Hiavie vetpedt tnito the feuevall quantities of the cous faint Clincertts, the fecond Pallietoel y both being funumer halfe of the peere,fo arcandmber of them {ubieh lie lowe°and nere to great tiucts', to fmall -ttvo,aad pet iiot feldarie foright bnto bp fuch as fan' in need . $07 albeit the fame of thetr forces be not fo res) teinanifenltc apart) that he hath not foigot Marifesardfennie bogaes we bane many in Cg: Morites ano fea Guglatd. Cherecare funnzie baths therefore to {innes lund,thooghnotnow( manp asfomeof the otto firth ts calico man inalters om fpecifie, but moze in Wlales, tf pon 30 be found it this realnie} of bie the fries . owbeit as hep are bette profitable in the places (in mrp opinfon) more obfeure thanthe other commioditiotwithe winter part, ascommonerperi- -"qenietallte (pzead,vet iy lone cates thep are fhonght intimes patt (hep hauc bene harder ground, aid {unidsicof tiemwell replentthen with great tsods, that now are VED OF buthes.And for crample hereof, YWwe may {ee the triall (bolive the rots thatare bailig "offers affirmted by their otore erpertertce and trfall. HXhe thie place therein hot baths are to be found iondérebnto Burton, atone in Darbithire, tt that -inithebigh Peke, not palling firtéene miles qed, alfo in Wales,Aburgauennie,md qpertoneth) from Darbie, ahsre, about eight o2 nine fevrerall a eae eee encedeth teach.ret this J findof manic maxes,that fo be nothing inferin2 fo the other , as dinetfe baue found tr the Deeps of Monmouth, here turfeisnig: 40 from Mandhelfer, 02 Markechefterford,ard tiwentic {nfundple parts of Lancathite, where qreat for of fire hath grolwen in times pat, as Ffaid, andthe Wwellesaretobefdene; of thidh thre arecounted to be mroft excellent: but of all,the greatctt ts the hoterr, "bold of corruption,compared(as Tones faith)with people go bnito this daie into thetic fens and martes -_-thofeof Summerletthire, fo colo indéed, as a quart With Long {pits abich thep daly bere and there bpts of botling water twonld be made if fiue quarfes of {lie Verie cronge into the ground. Tn abich pracite, running water were added therebnto; Ubercas on (athing conmontic Donen teinter) ff ep bayen the ofyer Moe, thofe of Wath likened tnto thele, haue tofmite bpon amie firre tedsuhiehlic there at their fac) heat aypropziated brito (hem , asa gallon of bot Lholelengths,orother blocks, teep note the place, and about haruelt fine, then the ground is at the 50 Water hath ben a quart of colbismniged itl the Dre, thep comeagaine and get them bp, anvatters fame. Werevponthe effect of this bath-worketh more Wwardcarieng them boure, applic themto their vies, temperatlic and pleafantlie(as be tritetl) than the fhe Like de thep tty Shrophhire with thelike, whic) other .Andalbcit that tt maketh not fo great peed bath beene felled tu olotime, Within 7 miles of Sa, lop, Sonre of them fali(lie (uppote the fame to baue Hen there fince Motes Hound : and other moze fond thar the reff, imagine themto grotwenenin the pla, incure of fach as refozt bitte it for belpe: petit Dear Icth mote eftectuallic and commmodionfiie than fhofe int Summterletfyire,and infer twithall lee greeuons -acctoents in the rettreining of naturall iMues , ces hibere thep And them, tuithout all confloeration -Arengtbening the affebled members , allifting the ---sLinelie forces, difperfing annoions oyptlations . and that in times pail, the mot part,ifnotalliborgres amd Cambyla was qenerallic replentthed with wad, 5, qualifiong of fundsie qricfes,as bis erpertence bath of confirnted. he libe vertues hauethe other tive, tabich being felled o2 oucrthzowne pon fundsie oc: bot tot in fuch meafars + and therefore theft oper caffons , was lett Vieng tu formeplaces Mill on the Biethonwiacrene time became to be quite -rration is not fo {perdilie pereciucd . Zhe fourthplace Siibane opts a aaaa ; habe moulds tubere baths arc,is kings Mewnam,and within cers esto turnepinto -_teine miles of Couentrie, the water therof (as thanle plate, Weber epee rnne .2 itcommeth to pate alfo , that Sines orSareeaoe Peer thenew atualetyviding ann ioe oe g fone done if RCANCS | i =arelaiiierens-, -- bebalir) great lucre and abuaritage of eotwner, Wle find mt cur billazirs, at Lincolue was fortune builoed by Lud brorher is thought) proceedeth from fome rocks of allume, and this J bnderftand by dinerfe gloucrs ubich haus beone there, and alfo bp mune otone erpertence,that it hath s tal mud libeto alle liquoz, and pet nor thing vuplefant noz brfanogie in the Drinkinghere ate three tell , Pita raeenanera eeenena ae fonth,t Lourthence infinit plentie of tuater wuitbout anis The defcription ofEngland. Any notable vimntinution of the fpzing ts dailie cavieo he latt place of our baths , 18 a citie in Sumi --:MerTetthire , abich tabeth his namic of the hot ta fnito fundate pactics of the realme, ¢ Dronke by fach ters thereto be {ene and bien . At the firt if was as haue n&d to occupte the fanre. DF the other tivo, called Catr Wledud,and not Cair Wleoune,as fome pne és referuied for {uch as be comelie perfonages would haue tt,fo> that fs the olo nameof the anctent ano botd of lofhfomte difeates : the otheris left com» caftell at Spalmefburie , thtcy the Sarons nanied mon for fag and rag; but clenfed daflie as the other ngleburne,Prolomic afterward calledit Therme, ts, therebp it becomnreth the abolefomer . ganie other Aquz folis,02 Scamannia,oz Acmancettcr,but bifeates allo ave cured in the fame,as the palfte,vimnol it hight generallie Wath in Cnglith , and bn, tele of fight,ouliieife of heaving,but efpeciallie the is likelie to continue. Zhe citte of ff collie and the ftone, old fozes and greene fyounds;fo 10 Der that nameit felfe is a berie ancient thing, no donbt,as map pet that J fomofe there was neuer ante compound mes Aypeare by diuerfenotable antiquities ingraucd it Dicitte of greater and moze fpeedie force ttithete bee ffone,to be feene inthe twals thereof ; and firftof all halfes, thanthe ble ofthis {imple liquoz ts to fuch as betweene the fouth gate and the tet, ard betivirt do frequent it. The fatd water bath a naturalprothe toegate and the nozth, pertie alto following it abich is vare , for if'a leaf, Mhe firk is the antike head of aman , made all 02 fiche of afh,oke, +c: do fall into the fame,within great locks of haire,much like to the coine flat,with no (comming fand fine of Hore {uch (pace, a thort that J bauefeneof Antius the Romane, Mhe fecond poubtout of the carth withthe water) twill congeale betiweenethe fouth and the nozth gate ts an iniage, and gather about if, that the forme betng referued, he helotn cach hand a anb the inner part notlightlic altered , it will {eme 20 as J take tt,of Hercules ,. for Chirdlie there fanvetha fobeconte ant hard fone, ad much like onto that fibichis ingendzed in the kidnets of a man, as ZF haue féne by experience. At the firf entranceit is berie cold, but after a feafon it twarimeth the goer in, ferpent,and fo doth this man onfot fottha fivezd in bis one hand,and a buckler ffretched out in the ofher. Dhere ts allo a byancy that lieth foloed and w2eathen into circles , ithe fo farthermoze rememb2ed of if,that nomanbath pet fuffeined ante mannerof impeachment thzough the ‘naked images, thereof the one imbzaceth the other, befine funoate anttke beads, with rnffeled hatre, 4 tating bim into an indifferent heat. And this is the twreath of Atcimevor. Mhere are moreover tivo coloneste of the fame, Hhe bertue thereof was found -gretehound running ,and at his tatle certeine ios mane letters, but fo defaced that no manliving can 1579 about Whiffuntine byaman thobadivouns the t Dedbimfelfe,¢ commring by the fame tater,thought 3° read them at this prefent .Dhere ts mozeouer mage of iLacaon, inufroned With tive ferpents, and onelic to wath the blofrombis hand theretwith,ano another infeription, and all thefe betineene the fonty foto gohome amd feeke for helpe by furgerte: finallie ann the tueft gates,as 3 hauefatb before. finding the paine well afiwaged, ¢ the woundfaire Notw,betwenthe twel and nozth gate are tho clenfed,he departed , and mifithing bis biuall mebdtinferiptions,of abich fome twords are enident to be ting,be eftfones came agate , and fo often inden read,the reftbue are cleane defaced. There ts allo the into the fain watertill bis hand twashealedoutriaht ihithont anie other practite. By this meanes alto he becamea countelloz to other being burt o2inpaine, ----tmage of anaked mant,anda ffoneitt like fozt,whic bath Cuprdines > labrufias intercurrentes,amn a table hae that thep Houlntrie the bertue of this fpzing, ibo ning at each hand an image bined and finelie flozte fafowater, that now at this prefent their fame is fat afteriard the image of a naked matt gralping aning hat J finding cafe alfo,gaue out {uch commendationofthe 46 then both aboue and beneath, Finaltie(( a ferpent inveach band)there tuas an infcription of a fullie equall,and the refozt nfo thentnothing inferf, fone 02 buriall, aerettt thefe words df plainelic 02 to that of the old baths . Ie five this , the cures of aypedte, vixit annosxxx : bot fo defuledlic turitter, fich difeafes as their forces Doerfend Onto ,ismuch fhat letters fod for ahole words, and tivo o2 thw moze fpeedie than te map bane at the other;and this ietters combined into one. Cerfes Z will not faie isonecommoditic alfo not fmallie to be confioered __‘ttbether thefe were {ct into the places there they of. Dhefitt place of bathso2 medicinable welles is now Fand byfhe gentiles , orbzought thither front at an hamletcalled Metwton, alittle from faint other ruinesof the totune if felfe,and placed afters Peots, ox(astwe pronounce it)faint Meds, which ts their neceflacte reparations. tenoatwelue miles from Cambzioge, there too 50 wardin thofe fwals,in Wut potwfocnerthe matter fandeth),this ts to be gas {rings are knotwne tobe, of which theone is berie, fet and freth, the other backith efalt; thisis god fhered bp onrbiffortes,that iladud firft builded that fo: fcabs and leaperie (as it is fat) the otherfordiny _-citte there, and perabucniture might alfo kinple the Pafre buto them for fandzie difeates,fomereturning therein the honourof Mincrua : by {hich occafton fame (eafon, ut fith ruio2s are not {peed almoft Did neuer confumre thts dead (pathles;butfo feone as Helle of fight . Cleric manic alfodm make thefrres fulyhurous beines,of purpofe to burne continuallie the fprings thereabont fd in procelfe of time become Ghole,and forte nothing at allamended,bicaute their hot enot bnprofitable, for fundzie hinds of oifeales, tuteis iwithout the reach and forking of thofe war Indeed the later pagans dreamed ,fhat Minerua fers, Meuer iwentpeople fo fatk from the church, ef, twasthe cheefe goddelle and gouernefie of thefe- tar ther bnto a fatre 02 market, as thep go to thefe wels, tbe aM thofe nere ugbie, both places being difconered. 6, fers,bicaufe of the néerenefie of birtemple tnto fame, Solinus adbeth forthermnze , hot that fv bir Chap.sy. - 1579 0f Grace. Jheare of another welltobe ie kept, continuall Has ahich fire the ‘faiotemple, the foundal(o about ixatcliffe neereLondon,cucnat in manerof bainetales ficabout of eucrie fpring, tofpeake at all of anieos , 4 ¢farceate tucriewater ther, till further erpertence dm trie whether thep be eeate 02 Not: andpet % doubt not but moft of ealredic mentioned bane heretofore bin knowne ftemembzed alfo, though confaleolic bp the wwriters -theembers thereof tere cold, thep congealed into The Beats -_clotsof hard fone: alt abi) ¥ talie to be nothing Aehincnttie _elfe than the effect of the afozéfato fire, of the falthur veincof mets rous beine kindled in the earthfront abence the toa- tallingreat fersdocome. That thefe baths o2taters aredert> Boeeae ued from fuch, the marcbalites, hich the Grecian tone anvfome a ™ fime; tpetinpzoceffc of timeetther neglected eee , by meanes of fundite troubles amd call Dyrit1s ,per antonomafiam (Pox being fmit tith the t+ tenes mipen -_-ran,,it peeldetly moze fparbepthan ante flint 02 caltes Sith that bath Woaverfullie bene miffco, iith Come copper, ad dailte found vpon te wae fiteth. wetang mabe inthis realime by Danes,and other Menimies , thereby theic manifoln bereft. «Donte , and therefore feemeth to Ueferue the name a paterae] ‘boue the refk) anv bettoes theft dther tones mired ments tt cone feing |