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Show The defcription of England. The defcription ofEngland! ent: pel bard by in maner of a banke. Wberebp it is of easingst wees . Khele tmages were the -Derit that the new tetone ftandeth cleane iwitbout es mnettals andfome of pure gold ,thetraltars the oie abercof bafpge the that old,and the of luinits liketotte iwere rieblie coucred, all thich oonaments op ro rte of S.Albane fpeaketh, was _ wey Cpmerus take atwaie , and not onrelie conuerted he AWatlitvell treet 02 there about » fox fo the bie D "4 d deftrote alfo but , building bis in ble other to then neh place doth inforce me ta contecure, bts mere( s an innumerable fort of other idols, whole effimati the 1 atine copie ef the defeription of Waitaine twit on confitted in their formes, and fubitances could -terr of late bp Humfrey Lhoidourcountrie mancal pots, urious fundiec alfo bp tobe e,He nofernic po eth corruptlte scagnsm enaximiwn for Stagaim max {ugs,and crufes of ffone.and fwodmoftartificiallie um) at the firt belonged to the king, and theres wrought adcarued, md that infachquantitie, bes by Offa in bis fime did reape no {mall commodts Ades mfinite foreof fine houtholvftuffe,asif the tie. Ft continued al ontill the time of Alfrtic the hole furniture of the citie bad bene brought tht; feuenth abbatof that boule, iho bought tt outright p20 .3n vaults n thofe bindeni tobe purpofe of ther of the king then Iiuing,ano by exceffiue charges brah 20 fils gold, of pots diuerfe bp toke further,be ceeding nied it fo narrotnlic, that inithina Abtle be lett it ozte wer,braffe,glatfe and earth,tercof fone toere fillen (faning fhat be referucd a chanell fo: the river to with the alhes and bonesofthe gentils., the mouths haue hit vfuall courte,abich be held bp twith bigh being turned Dotwnetvards( the like of tihich,but of bankes) bicanfe there twas alivaics contention bee finer earth, were found in great. numbersalfo of late ina twell at little allingham in Porttolke,of tiene the monks adthe kings fernants, thi fed onthat water bnto the kings bebofe. fir 02 eight gallons a peece, abont the peare 1578, Zn thefe dates therefore remairieth no manner andalfo in thetime of Benvie the eight) and not a mention of this pole, but onelie in one ftrect, which felo tntth the coines of the old Beitons and Romane petiscalied Fithpole treatwherof this map futfice emperours. All Abid) vellels the fatd abbat brake like fort for the garntthing of bis curd, t $e found liketwile ina fone foal tivo olo bakes, This fone fibereof one conteinedthe rites of the gentils, about the facrifices of their qons, the other(as, thep now faie)the martpzdomeof faint Albane, both of thent Dith Wkea tic, Witten tn ol Apittifh letters, Ubich either bicauls Sther builoen fines that tine, within thetpace of aii Hindied peares atter the comming of the wBattard; ASit were in lends tecompente oF thofe'that Tile Tiam Axulas pulley dotwnNe for fhe'etettion of his fete foitetk; sForby'ail OI boRKe ahaa haue;mio foinetine wiittenasitiamethbyantnderthititeot Pottirigham, °F find; cuen in the finie' of Edw. 4. 4520 parith durdjes, and but 6o2r 6 brights fies, 20 02 champatslve findnot often aboue fortie;Attic, 02 three fcoze houfeholos, amid tivo 02 thre hundzeo communicants,thereofthe greateft part neuertheleMeare berie poze folkes; offontiines twithort all -fataner of occupteng,fittytheground of the parity is gotten bp infoafew mens bands,yea fometimes te fo the terinre of one,tivoo2 the,ibcrebp the reff are compelled effher tobe hired fernants onto the other, 02 elfe to beg their bread ‘in mniferie from Doze to Deve. are dr ought fo be of anie credit in this bebalfe, pow toaninconuentence, than that their Gildas tyoula feente fo miftakethis rfuers Waning thus digrelfed to gite fore remembzance of the olveftateof Verolamium, it is notp time tore turne.againe onto mp foxmer purpofe. Certes 4 would gladlig fet-dotwnre with the names and nun berof thecities,all the totones and bilages ing Landand Wales,with their true longituvesand lat totonethat is Fanbding on Wolmebirk crag, as y fcriptionsthall intue, if it: may. be bzought-to pall, bebels of late, Thofeplaces allo hich now ave mes 60 that the cuttera can. make Difpatey of therat, before doin beneath the abbaic,twere fomctimes a great this chzonologie be publtthen. DF totones: avd ily lake,mete, 02 polestrough tbichthe faidriuerran, ges ithetottetbus a al 3 fate, that there were aND(as Freadjtwith A berie fit. and biolent conrfe, greater fto2e in old tinte (3 meane within thee o theraat this prefent tt ts bevie Low, andofnofucy | foure bunnzed peare patted)than atthis pretent: AN? Deaptt) hat mire auithe: faith further of the fame, As thate Afopfatd Wworkemendigged in thefe ruines,thep hap: « pened oftentimes vponLempet hel, paces of rus ; Tons, ¢ thye thoufand commiuticants,oz peradnens ture mozevf in the' other,ubether thep befamblany (Hall it find aboue 17000 tofunes and villages, and 9270 tn the whole Obieh is little more thara fourth part ofthe afarefatd number, if tt be through: homan then lining could read them, o2f03 that thep luere not worth the keeping, tucre both confined to tudes, but as pet A cannotcome by them in {ach ov athes, fauing that afeiw notes nore firtt taken ont of thislater, concerning the death of their Albane, 40 dev as ¥ tvoulo: botwbeit the tale of our ciftes is Thus much have J thought cod tonoteof the foner ~ Cone found bythe bithopztkes, fith, euerie fe hath {uch prerogattuegiuen bnto it, as to beare the name beanutie of Verolamium,thereof infinite other toe kens bane bene, found fince thattime, and dinerfe of acitie, ¢ to ble recalesusinithin bir owne Hints. iithin the memopie of man,of palling workemay Which priutlege al is granted to fund;ie ancient Hip, the like thereof hath no thers elle bene feene totones in England, elpectallie noxhtward,there moze plenticof them is tobe found bp a great peale inanie ruines twithin the compatle of this Zle,cither focoft 02 quantitie of ftuffe. than in the fouth, The names therefore of ourcities Furthermoze,ahereas manie are not afraid fo are theler. 1; London, ( WerceRer. > ¢ Chefter. {aie fhat the Thames came fometimnes by this citie, inded it is nothing fo; but thatthe Uerlume (afters 50 Yorke, Glocefter, Chichefters Wardcalled Tere and the Mure) did and doth fo Hill Canturburies Hereford. | Oxford, (thatfocuer Gildas talketh hereof ,hote baks map Windefter; -4 Salisburie. Peterborowe be corrupted in that bebalfe ) there is pet eutvent Cairleill. Excefter. Landaffe: profe to be confirmed bp erperience. Jfo2 albeit that Durham, © f Bath. §.Dauids. the riuer be now grotoneto be veric final by reafon Elie. Lichfield, Bangots ofthe ground aboutit, which is bigher than it twas Norwich, Briftow, s.Afaph. tn old tunespetit keepets in maner the ola courfe,ann Lincolne.. ; Rochefter, tunneth betivenethe old citie that was,and the ney Whole particular plots and movels iwith thelvd¥ as of ancienttimes (t path bene. iut heare and 75000 knights fés, ‘ahercof the cleargic helo 28015. We addmorconer that there were pinetfe aherese the cleargie held as before 2801 5,02 at the {eat 28500 foi fofinall ts the difference fbich be doth femrefo ble | Wowwbeit if the alferttons of facy 43 write in our time concerning this matter, etther into peeces,and melting the mettall,he refernedit in 3 o for the réfolution of (uch men,as feeke rather to pelds thisJ note out of dinerfe-recosds,charters,and 0 nations (napeintimes patt ont fundztereligions Nonleasag Olatlenbucie,Abbandon, Hamtele.E ie bnitfopnielie butlued fveurrie: totter togither with Kreetsandlanes, aherasin the onldicouy -‘teies(ercept here aw theteimgreat inarkettottes) -thep and (catterenabpoanjedponenwelltigin the imntott of bis oiwne occupienge And asin manioni Molt great mavket tetwnes;there are conmsiontic Meee hundze0 03 foure hurtdzed families Ozman There are fomne(fatfh Leland) tbtch are otto far nourable aben thep baue gotten fuch laids, ae to let the houfes rematne bpomthem to the ble of the pare; bat thep twill compound twith the loz0 of the foile to pull them dofone foaltogither, fateng that ifthep bid lef them Mand,they Mould but toll begger's' ta fie feamned. the totune,therbp to furcharge the reft of the parith,¢ fhemlelues. And hereof tue map take erample fir Candie of ‘old finte called Creta, ahi (as Homer! fopitett))was called Hetacompolis, bicaufe tt contef> fed aithundzed cities, but not it ts f dnfarnithen accuttomable to be patd, the reff of the parifioners that remaine muff anfiwer and beate thent out ; fo fhep plead moje charge othet ates, fateng;3 am charged alreadie tith alight boogie, 3 am to anflwer tn this fozt and after that smauer,And tt ts not pet ale togither ont of knotvledge, that there the king ban Tertes this milrareutie haty not onelie haperted 30 laiemo;ze burden Hpon them.1Butalas thefe pitifall mien {ee not that thep themfelues hereby du late the bitte Htir Tle ¢ nation, but bnto mok of the famens greatett log bpon their neighbors necks. Fo ith the countries of the too2ld hetetoforeand all bp the grees prince doth commonlie lofe nothing of bis Duties dic defire of ftich as' tory Hite alone arm onelte to that it map bardlte'be called Tripolis. Diodorus Si- culus faith,that Aegppt bad once 1 8000cities; Hhicy fo dctaied th procetfe of finte, that Hpett Ptolomeus Lapusteigned, (ete Iere not abotie 3000; butt ott dates both in AW Afia 4 Aegppt this leer num: ber Mall not bere teavilie he found. Jn time pat it Wiicolvie(as the fain' qoeti) there haue bene tivo 74 feuen pounds thittene hillings ata takegatheted of fiftie uealthiehoufebolvers ofa parith in, Grgr land: hows gentleniamn having thee patts of the totone in bis ofne hands,fonve houtbolds din beare allthe afojefaiepainient, 02 elfe Leland ts deceiued tWenitie itis all. Xhis inconuenterce hath grotwert altogifijer fo the Hard) by aypropptations mave dé this Commentaries lib:13.clatelte' conte to st hands, abichthing heelpectalite-noted tn his trate outer this Fle: A-common plague ¥ enoziilitie, both in the hart of the tan and itketvtfe bpon the coats, felfo berie friendlie vealt wwithall,if bemapbauean acte of ground aligned tnto bow thereon tohepe Himnfelfc:Frouln (ff nes required) {ct dotwneinthis place: thermmnber of religious Bonfes mp monatte AcoW 0; uberoin tofetcabbages ravithes,parhieps} ties) With He hames of their: founders that haue. amdfiftie parity churches, and gwd rero2d Sypearetty fo} eight and thirties bit hol tf there be fonre and tdinonatéries mo teliqious honfes,a terrible cary Certes agreatinumbercomplaine of theinereafe $0 df pouertic,lateng the canfe tpom Gon,as thonab be Bev Aud enimie torcligton. tuere iv fault for fending fuchincreafe of people,oz A$3h6 to leane thislanentable difcourte of fo fofable and qreetous "aw tnconuentenceqrotue fwantof wars that fhonlpconfame them, aftrming tng (as'Z fatd) byunterocbing and tobitng of boafe that the lamb asnener fo full; 4c: but felumendo feethe derit rot from wbencett Mth proceed. Mekthe fo houfe: and laieng tnw to land, thereby the mbas bitants of manit placos of our countrie are Denon Momans foundit ont hen the p flortthen,anv theres ted and'cafen bpandthe ir houles ctther altogither fore preferiben limits to eneric mans tennre ages cupteng «Homer comuitetideth A chilles foy onere pulled Dottie 07 (afferdd te decate by title and litle; Alona(ornetime a pare man peravuentare vot throwing of flue and tinentic cities: but in minéopy Binal in one of them, Kyo not being able terepare niot Ganges is, much better preferzed bp Suiidasfoy it (affereth it to fall batone@ thereto thinketh bine 63 butloing of thze (comnn ZnIe, Hhere he diviplant Carrets,snelons,poitpars,o: fad) like futfeby aie be and His pore-hoateYoin linethasbythetepsincs Pall Tod, Ki thep Cait Ow no better, Ano as foytiea feit bread, thep-cat ieahen thep canvead) buto the bene inthis Zand; bur fitytt ts A thing offinalliniy portance,¥ patie it over ds trnpsttinent to-mp pure pole set herein 4g will commend{ondpiedfthe mo nafficall botariesefpecialli® marikes; oy that thep peame Keeles of aivat bellels, therebpon and fudylike)and Ghereofin-thefe dates: 3.00 mucas the rae Leland:infunpzie laces cout price of tt.contctting Memfelies tiemeanctime toaderttanping thatthet Pon Mat totone,not cities and totpnes, miffing int fome fir, 02 ofgbts Wat diuersplaces thererich men dwelleD tole torlv. Wut alas their conetons minds one wate tn penan iingreat lakes and meres ehceneh ehicibom Hai unabes ext i ; : enteraf ll ah6h DE hie {102d ticular notice. Jo2 albeit that the Sarons bul finte th gos teviements; there be notenohontes at §«=-tilarging thefr revenues, mmcarnall tntent ane a8.bat bopvards, ann Mravs fo) polesja2 peraduers Mite Tardens,As los trap Lectit Cael Hevinghant, -_-therapeereo herin tm tw much. 02being bolo from the ta tine to viGit thetr tenants,thep twronght oft . things. might. a ADLOUIING to the nozth five of the citie, which laic then e i manic totones an villages, ‘ ate and the 2 oe Wit} btead tidbd of otes or barleies a'poze eftate Gorot! Howheit that tate ourgreat theroderse were authors of mante gudltt bozowes and ent» wares, nérednto their vivellinigs,althongh others toile thep prétended to be wich feparaten from the gteat caersees eeetr ber ‘of them is berie' mnth abated) Ranulph the stone of Cheftertelleth of gerierall furuete mane ti the fourth, irtenth/¢ nittetenth oF the reigne of William Conquerorfurnamed the attard,aberee fi it HAs found; that (nofiwithfanding the Danes Hav otierthotwue a great manic) there tuere tothe -s rionniber of 52000 totones, 45002 pattth hardesy 10 themare fo be {ene running along bp the old chap: ent oa cau atsnsprod and diuerie cther places.But topzocdy: |») Ht ts fo ,that our foile being vinined tito: came paine ground/aid tomdlano,; the houles of the fir friode at heir firll comming, petfince the tire te Handed peares after the latter conquell, they haus gone (0 fatagaine tovrcale,that theancientnoms SS dee (as fome menfhinkeyonivalted but that aifo ts falfe, pallrd, For being there bpor occafion fhis furnmet 4% fatw forme reemnant of the clwals ftanting in that "ints place, itd) appeared to oe ee _-_allic butlocd;the ruines likewife of greater parte fVerolamium, 3 i of . ines, wa Seaout other pécces st > shemanthip,but cameat the latttocere ers rrreoantts ter te ground inabiehftmodiu femid ' ‘ |