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Show Thedefcription of Britaine. # fhett captettie fied, tho ber Secroup as:paomer quat+ tered at London,fabis tretpaites, «=etw mardyes fet betincene England am Scotian atCoctsburnes path ¢ Sotutrie hedge . Chic) then this Dawid went abont to recouer againe,bis potver Akerthis the Scotstebclledagaine,mbdall the lords of Scotland chole Robert Wyufe to behing, except onelie Jobn Commincarie of Carrike tho would net confentthereto bicaufe of bis oth made fo the king of England. Wherefore Robert Wale flue was dtfcomifited,and bimfclf ¢ bp afcin Crglifhmen taker ¢ brought into Cngland, there he rematned -p2ffoner eleuen peares after bts fatd app2ebenfion, During this time, hing Coward entoted Srv land peaceablie,and theivat the contemplation and fed Robert Wrule,luecight thoufand Scots ,¢toke the moft part of all the lozds of Scotland,putting the temporal loads to det bicanfe thep tere foxfwenne. Coward bane at Carnaruanfonneof this Co» fward,twas next king of England, {ho fromthe bee cluded,that fo this rebellion Dautd thonlo pate to king Codiward, the fume of one bundzed thonfand markes ftarling , and therefo deftroie all bis boloes and fortrefles ftanding againf the Engl ith bozvers, amd further affure the crotone of Scotland tothe gitming of bistefgue enioted Scotland peaccablic, -_childzenof this king Coward for lacke of beire of Doing in all things asisabouefaidof king Coward pis father,bntill toward thelateriend of bisreigne, bis olwne bodte, allhich things be did accoringlie, And forthe better affurance of bis obetfance alfo , be This was dene bpontie bin at Dumfrife,ma then was crowned at Schone -_ivearie {uit of bis forotwfull Hifter,twife of this Da amine Etwens abbeie, Werebpon the king of England aflembleda 1° uid,he was contented once againe to tefto2e him to tith of Janu: great poat,and rode fheoughall Scotland, difcomf the kingdome of Scotland. Wberebponit twas cone arte,1306, about Abich time this Robert Wule confpired ar 20 afterward delivered into the bands of king Coward gaint him, ad totth the belpe of afetw forxfworne fundzie noble men of Scotland in this bebalfe as bts Scotsforfvore himlelfc king of Scots. Herebpan pledges. This is the effect of the hiftorte of Danto, this Edward with Thomas earle of Lancafferand touching bis velings. Now let bs fee Hhat was done manie other loxds made warte Spon bimabont the bb» Cotward Waltoll, wherof our dontcles dw report, feattof Maric Bagnalene , the fain Wente andhis -_that tn the peere of our Hod 1326, €diward the third, pattakers being alreadie accurfles by the popefor king of England, was crotoned at Wicftmintter, breaking the truce that be bad effablithen betwwizt -andinr the fift peare of bis retqne Goiward sBaltoll them. Wut being infertunatein bis fittivarcesas right beite tothe kingvome of Scotland came in, gaint hin be fuffered Cotvardthe fonne of Waliol andelaimedit as due to bim. Sundete lozds and gens to proclame bimfeife king of Scots ; and neuerthe: 30 flemenalto, thich bad title to inerfe Lanns there,et> leffe held forth bis twarres againwByufe ,befoye the ther bp themfelues, 02 by their twfues, oid the Itke, ending of ibich he died,as Z read. Wberebpon the fatd Waltoll and they tent into Cowward bone at Tindkoze fone of Coward fhe fecond was nert Bing of England, at the age of fiftene peares,in thofe minopitie. the Scots practi: fed with Ffabell mother to this Coward, and with Scotland by fea, and landing at ikingbhosne with 3000 Cugitfhmen,difcomfited 10000 Heots, and flue 1200, and then tent fozth to Dunfermeline, Roger Mortimer earle of the March to haue their there the Scots aflemblen againtt them tft) 40000 metl,and in the feat of faint Laurence, ata fen thoufand pounds frarling peerelic, wut bicante onthe Cnglith part but thirtéene perfons onelie, if homages releaten + thofe god will therein thep obs place called Gattmoze(e2 otherwife Gladmo2e) were teinied, to that foo the fante releate thep thoula pate to flatne fiuecarlis,thirteene barons,ahunbdied andtine this king Coward thirtie thoufand pounds tar, 40 feoze knights,tt thoufand men of armes uid mas wo ling,in thee peares nert following, thatis to fate, nie ofhersin all foxtie thoufand:and there tere Maine the nobtlitie and commons of this reatme wouly not the number be notcozrupted, bp parlement confent onto if,thote bing being with, Ju the eight peare of the reigneof king Gotward, tit age, the fare teleate proceeded not 5 albeit the beatfembled agreat hoatt, ano came to Weriwike Acots cealed not thetr practifes with this quene ana bpon Lied,andlain fiege therte.2o him alfo came eatle But before thote thie peares,in thich their mos Cotward Walton king of Scots, witha great power hie ( ifthe bargaine hav taken place ) fhould hang fo frengthen ¢atd bim againt the Scots,tbocame becnie paied,twere expired, our king Coiward nua. outof Scotland in foure batels well armed arated. bed Scotland, andceated not the twarte,bntill Dar Coiward king of Cngland, md Gatwardking of 50 tld the fone of Robert le Wrulecthen bp thetr elect Scots , aparrelicd their people either of themin on king of Scotland) abfolutelic fubmittey bimfelfe fonte battels : ano bpon ipalivonbill , beftde IBer* britobim. i5utfox Hat the faiv Dauid Bute had be, iwike,met thefe tho boattsann there tuere oifcomfl: fore bp practife of the queene and tye earle of Pareh, ted of the Scotsfine and ttentie thoufand and fea Matried Zane the fitter of this king Gowara ~ be uen bundzed, thereof were Haine eight carles ,a monted by natural seale to his fifter,was contenten thoufand and the bundzed knightsand gentlemen. fo giue the realme of Scotlann to this Daniwyute This vicorie done, the king returned to Wertwibe, and te the heires that thoulo be begotten of the bovie «then the totone with the cattell tere peeloen bp bit ofthe aid Jane(fauing the eucrtion amo ineane bo, to bint. Zn the eight peaveof the reique of king CO" mages to thisking Cotward and to his owne mile 6, foard of England, Coward wWalioll bing of cots dren )iberewith the ante Danio wyute ag twell contented, and therebpon {minedtatlie tiabt R came to Metwcattell bpon Line, mo dio homage for made all the realmeof Scotland. bis homage for all the realme of Scotland tobim, Sit he peare of our Aor 1 3 46,2Dautd Weute by Dotwbeit,thostlie atter caufeteme concetuing caute the prouocation ofthe king of France rebellen,and of difpleafure, thts Dauty procured fodiffolue this came info England witha great boaft bnto feuils fame eftatefatléeann therebponnot onelic rebellen crofle : but the archbithop of Moke, toith pinerle tu Scotland.but alfo inuaden Cngland, obtict bing temporal men,fought tofth bim;and the faid king of Coiwaro was orcupied about bis twats in France. Dcots twas taken, and William earle of Dugla Wutthis Dauiy was not onelic erpelled Englano with Porvrifeearte of Strathome tocre brought tos inthe end.but alfo thinking no placea tuicient des London, andmanie other lords laine , abich with fenfe to bis a sofbis olntte accow fled ont of Danio dod homage to Coward king of England. E » the countries And Gatlowaie, Wars,Teutpate ‘Distlomhen Were feijed into the king of Cuglands hands,‘anv in the thirtith peare ofthe kings reigne, the peare of our od 1355, the Scots wane and the totone of Gericke,but not tie cattell. none Thedefcription of Britaine. fhe hing came thither with a great boat, amo anon the towire tas peelded bp toithout anie refiftance, Codtward LWalicll, confidering that Gon vio fo mar nic maruetlous and gratious things for bing Go: {ward,at bis otone tuill gaue bp the crotone and the realine of Scotland foking Coward of England at Rokethoronyh,by his letters patents. And anonaf: fer the king of England , in prefence of all his loz fpivituall and tempozall, let crotone bimfclfe king there of the realmie of Scotland,¢o7dcinedall things 10 to bis infentjand fo came over inte Cngland. Uichard the fonne of Cotward, called the Wlacke prince, forte of this king Coward, was nert king of Cngland , tho for that the fato Jane, the tuife of the {aid king Dauid of Scotland was deceaflen without iMue,and being tifouned how the Scots dee uifed to their bttermoff power to breake the limitas tion of this inheritance touching e crolwne of Heotlandmade forthwith war againit them, hheres in beburnt Coenbzough, {poled all their countrie, ., toke all their holds, ¢beld-continuallie tar againt them bnitiil bis death thich as Anne Dom, 1389. ibenrie the fonrth of that namie was nert king of Gnglanv, be continucd thefe warres begun againt them bp king Uichard, and ceaffed not bnitill Robert king of Scots ( the third of that name) reftgned bis crotone by apointment of this king Henrieand dee Itucred bis fone Zames, being then of the age of Nine peares,into bis hands te remaine at bis cuffo: die ,twardihip and offpofitton, as of bis fupertonr lord, acco2ding to the old latues of king Coward the confetlo2.All this was Done Anno Dont.1404,ubicy ipas within fiue peares after the death of king iXtdard. Zhis Henrte the fourth refgned in this eftate ouer themfonretene peares, Henrie the fift of that name, fonne to this bing Wenrie the fourth, was nert kingof England. He made luarres again the French) king, tn all thich this' James then king of Scots attended dpon him, as bpon bis fupertonrlord, with a conuentent numy ber of Scots , nottwithfanding their league with France.Wut this Henrie retgned but nine peares, therebythe homage of this James their king ( bae uing not fullie accomplifhed the age of one ¢ tiventie peares)tvas by reafon and laty refpited. Finallte the faid James with diuerle other lords attended bpon the cozps of the faid Henrie puto Whefminfler , as to bis outie aperteined. Henrie the firt , the fonne of this Henvic the fife, twas nert king of Cngland,to thome the fefgniozic of Scotland t cuffodic of this {ames by right, law, amd reafon defcended,marricd the fame James king of Scots to Jane daughter of John earle of Sum, merfet,at faint Marte oucr Fe in Southwarke,anp tokefo: the value ef this mariage,the fumme of one Hund2ed thoufand markes ffarling. This James king of Scots at his fullage ,ofo hoy mage to the fanie king ienvie the firt, for the king, Dome of Scotland at Tlindfoze, inthe moncth of Jannuarie. Since which tine, ontill the dates of king Wenrie the fenenth grandfather to our fouerefgne lavte that nowWwis,albcit this realme hath bene moleffed with Diuerfitie of titles ,in ahich bumeet time neither laity no? reafon admit pzefcription fo the preiudtce of anie right : pet vio king Coward the fourth nert king of Cngtand,by preparationof tar againtt the Scots in the latter end of bisreigne , fafficientlie by ail latwes induceto the co uance of bis clatine to the fame fuperiozitie oucr n After thofe death,onto beginning of the refene of our fouereigne to2d king Wenrie the eight , ercees bed not the number of (cater and tientie peares, about hic time the tmpcoiment of cur clatine of 127 the Scots part, chanced bp the nonage of James their laf king, tbich fo continued the {pace of one and tiventie peares. And like ag bis minozttie was by alllaty and reafon an {mpeniment to bimfelfe to make bomag?;(o twas the fame bp like reafon an ime pedimentto te king ofthis realme to demand anie, fo that the tbole time of intermiffton of our claime tnthe time of the fatd bing envie the eight,ts deouced bnto the number of thirtane peares, And thus much fo? this matter, Of the wall fometime builded fora partition betweene England and the Piétsand Scots. Chap.23. 2 @)kingdome : 3 baue now ~~ thought gov to adde herebnto b> the defcription of tive walles SY that tere (in times paff) It VEX) annts bnto both the faid regis ons,mid therefoxefo be fouched inthis firl boke,as Generallie apertinent bnto the effate ef the whole Bland; and no tele famous than that aid) Anafta. fius Dicorus madeafterward from the Gurine onto o the Thactanfea,conteining 420 furlongsin length, and tiwelue fotin baedth,¢diffant from Conftantine ple 280 furlongs, albeit that of Hadztan twas made of turffe and timber. The authotherefore of the firik The irk bewall twas -Wadztan the emperour , tho (as Alius ginner of the Spartianusfatth)erected the famteof foure {coe miles 3di¢s wall, inlength,ttveluefootin beigth,and efgbt in beedth,to biuide the barbarous %zitons from the moze cintil fort, thich then tvere generallic called bp the name of Romans ouerall, o After his time Seuerns the emperour comming Che fintthes againe into this Fle ( there be had ferued beforetry Of the Mall, repzelttonof the tumults here begun,after the death of Lucius) amongtt other things be made another lwall (butof fone) betivene eightie anda hundzep miles ftom the firff,¢ of thirtic tivo nriles in length, reaching onboth fines alfo to the fea , of ihome the Britons calledit S. Wurfenert, 02 Gwalteuvert, thatis, fhe tvail of Seuerus,o2 Scuerus dale,bic later indareth ontill thefe daics in fret) memozte,bp o tealonof theruines ¢ {quare ffones there oft found, bofe infertptions declare the antho2s of that fworke. St ts twopthie the noting alfo bow that in this bofage be loft s 0000 meninthe Scotiihfive, by one occafie on and other, abic hinderancefo incenfeo him s that be determined dtterlte to ertingutth their memoie from bnder heauen,and had fo done in ded, tf his life bad indured but bntill another peare. Sextus Aurelius titing of Seuerus, addeth, how that the twall ate mabeby this prince conteined tivo and thirtie miles, by aline,but therebythe bzedth of this Jland there , and length of 4nd outtn the wall conteineth onelie fo manie miles, as map placeg, be gathered bybis two2bs.15ut cheeflic fop the length of the twall,Spartianus tho touching it among other things faith of Seuerus as follotweth : zricanniam (geod maximum exus impery decus ef )muro per tranfnerfim tnfalam dalle, utring adfinem oceanmuninit, thatts, be fortified Writaine ( wh{ch is one of the ceefe acts rey corded of his time ) with a wall made ouerthwart the Jle, that reached on both fines cucn to the veri¢ Dean. Hhat this wall was of Fone alfo,the rutnes therof The ttutfe of (abich have mintfred much matter to fuch as dwell the walt, neere there onto in thetr builoings)istriall (affictent, Deerebpin like fost if commeth to pale, that here ty. the |