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Show go The defcription of Britaine. ath on, oethumestomie on Saar parehg cd cone farre from the bead, it meteth tof eatherthe eaft,and another rill on the tuft, and fo Cigi going bp the houfes toward Atwiten mre, it toineth ioe; "ieoatengsbntrieRenatgoeh Ramla a oreae | .See a Loe aa . i Dien f HMozth Tine. Hirie, fing the eebaci eee te =ae Givers ther)to etae Mader oat it hath taker in the Pont from tactane' theeat(upofeheadis arileie. bert re to Whitebalton , to Liirke Haugh croft ent hoznehope, bere t is mle fidePa to Glitlfamffone andoa ab bees, =aepen : r on each wae cena 13 not farre from that of Wartlete Mreame) and ispatt vo moff at iinare , faked " 15 il, t Darford, Ben iagton patsay a open emapesne Deepe Dean, artleie freamelet rifeth inWlete, runneth wwithall fo Fetberftone angle. At Fethers fone angle liketwife tt mecteth with Partlete water, byfouthwettcomming from Stbins 02 Sibbenes, flade pariocy, gocth by WPalituell , andat Wartleie tolone peeldeth to the fea, Che Linen: Linna,ariuer notablie foredio(th another alittle beneath from foutheatt , and thence fbenit commteth to Willeter caffell , it carteth anos ther withall frombywelt, Lhiriewall called typall famon , and otber god fit, and in old tinte cale led Alan, rifeth of tivo heads, thereof that calten ‘north Line,is the firk that folloteth to be oeferibed, ie rifethin the forreft of Lotwes , and pend nsWaltowne,wlinkintop,t Giltdon, and after : ch confluenceit taketh in another from by ae rifing He(paingeth op aboue Welkirke in the bils ,¢ thence 20 twelkof Swintheld , abich gocty by Grenelegh : goeth to WButterbawgh (there it receiueth acons Palttuelkell:thence going bp Tinthanke,tt crofeth a fluence of ihirfop and the Shele) thence to Crags HelesLeapelith(creceining on thefoutharill outof Nother rill from bp fouth , vefcending from the billes that lie nozthof Lodletomd,and then procerding br Tindale) then to Shilburne, againk ahicittaketh fo Wlilmottetiwtjec, tt aomitteth the TUilmots becke ina becke thatconuneth ontof Lindale called Spill, alto tivoother on the famefive, bettwane Parro and Fatotton Halland the throat Chamcburne,and fo from the fouth,and another running by w,adleie hall -_-ont the nogth deof Weltingham; after which it mes -_-teth twith the Alena proper water, and defertbedats goeth on to Oreneffed , and there carrieth withall a ferthis maner. fall,frombp niozth alfo mate by the confluence of - ll The Alen oAlon hath two heads, thereof oneis oneritl comming by Lhecam,and another that pat. 3° calledeat Alen,the other twett Alen.ahe firtt of them feth by Holinhead, andliketwite another onthe tout comming ftom Lindale ,by Cyuden, Dalacattell, aid WBrokes ; after hic) our nozth Line goeth bp Mtove. Hellafide, to Willingham, and atWAbedes mouth meeteth tuith the Ridde,a berie prettictvater,abote dDeleription is atuen meafter this maner. The Riodetherefore tifeth within thee miles of the Hcofith mardy, as Leland fatth,¢ commeth through 5 Midoeldale cherebnto it qtueth the nante . Another -_rffeth foutheatt of Stbton Shcles, ¢ going by Sur _d02p,it taketl inva rill toithall from bp eft;after abich confluenceit runneth to Pelthele, Allington,Cav don,Dd towne, ¢ in the courte toStauertpele, mee _-teth twith the welk Alen, The twelk Alen rifeth in Wil lop low billes aboue Wheteleie eles, fromtbence weld te geet) to Spartwell, Patwcopole, Diwffon,and tae Bing inarill thereabouts , if proceedeth on to pete Hheihop, Chellop, obicuite,as one on the nozth fine ert onto the Petop 02 Spelbop; another bp fouth out of Riddeldale,the third wet of Yurdop , the fourth runneth by Wut laty to Rocherfer, then tivofront fouthwelt, another hotugh,atter ubich the fain 3idde orth bp Won: ttroeth by S.Dpoins through the wicith Wall md fointo fouth ine Tine, BH, wall , ta > beneath Aceam 5 aid hopthtwekt (as % do weenieof Herbam, Khe louth Cine aritety in the Cheuiot bils, ao and froin thertce fo thefouth aw Wo2thMcles, and fo fiito the (ca,fiuenileshynosthwweltof Gleremonth, aD (a8 J gelke)Minehbat moze, D2 | well,Shivkeleté, oloSDurefme (and there taking in ine,Ftnheltie,Warbarhoute,iumileie cattelt(abete ern it méteth Withthe Pilts,ahote heansate buttentee PMS ttveene Pelton aid Gahittwell (anv Lo sBenvath the'conducnce in ltkefort of bot the 39 Icie)aniy from thence to Lampton after calle Pers ,Warrotan,the wee TiricsCanveth Chabyloge.a totone fometimeina: dikes; Mterton, Wilton :parke, withops , aleres bitedbp the Romansjand about tiwelue milesitront motith, aid fo tito the fea',Betthaine north Sunder Meiwtalkell Janvderdbp doth the Coreran} that lanvano hortWeremoutytowne ; ehtrh sow ig inetelh per long Withthe DinesPotfurieoaliois callenmonke Wleremouihiof the monafferie fontes aplace called Colhetfetuberbp Leland gofteth that tite Fanding there,oberin Beda tenn ¢inzofe manié Thename of the baoke houloradiiobe Cole that of his bok?s;as tothe modpappeareth « This month Caue,abdin mpinogementhisconisdmeiserig Likeliesfor inthe hifeohS,Diwipii(otberwitea teble ofGHlerets eight mites froinDurbam,and Gr from spewratelBeing thuspallen the Were, ¢entered adliertifemient./-3n this countrieallhare the the Sales o7 dales jabereof nienhatie-noubten khettier -_tutinety bycatfelt Goertjay Dardwijc,ana ithewile Wartlepaic totone; tthich lieth-ouer into: theteaiin Authoritie) the wow Colbziogets alwiaics previfie inte fhe Widhopzye,per tue couw at the mouthot the Cebiogewhereof F thought outa leaue this thot 20 Thele fahiiok by tivo miles 5 oner paling.aril hat Wéeiieso) true iewbwmoabounainthent, hatis tofaie, Kiodefdale, uldale and Lionefoale this iatt being for the moff part Scottth, andivithont the marches of Cnglany. Peuerthelete, fithens that by the diligence checfelte of ntaitter Gtipiri;anafinalie of ofber learnedpreachers the grace et God iuo2k: ing With themt,thepbaucbente called tofomenbeats maner of abplandnt penimfalas tueiment tottira pret tie fall, nbey grometh bya tiuer-thatisincreates teith two Waters; thereof ote stleth bp, nocthnet a bout Poretonsjand gasth by Stoticla aw Carter, the sthet-at Datoltow > going bp Wreerfory Dive thant, andi dBrsttamt ) finallie:toining within tia miiles ofthe fea} they makern-pjettic portlet. :but a their former faniage demearionr is verte muchabae cellent famony tileth fit the Wlacke lowes 5 aboug twa milesiflat tet of the fontherlie Hear of Were called WBurdop , and fouth of the beadof tvelt lem, Mid thence runneth through: Dtlbale forrest sand tas bing in the Langdon water from: nozthivetk tt tute Neth fo Durtpithapell, to Pewbigain 5 and fo fa ence and zeale bnto the Word, itis found that thep 90 hiow nbdte€ abat fecuritie, Daue (o tell profited by the Tamte,that at this psetent AbeThelo,a rtuerthat beavesh ann feeveth _ ted,ahd their barbarous toilonefemin Hetcenefefo qualified , that there ts great hopelew of thew renuc: fion bnto cintlitic,md better'o:ner of bebanionrthar Hitherto thep hane bene acquainted withall wut to proceedtoith the ret, ater: yeti, AWutdop,the middlemol Wallop, mid' the nozherli- heth on bp iLees addon , Woodhall , Dtomer s, Udhernebte , Coftlete, ¢ fo by Warden 5 till if croffe the nozth Line, and come to erbam, from whence tt goethto Diltfan,croting tivo waters bp fhe aie, thereof one commeth from by fouth , and is called ing from Dedlete, anv running by iting, tillit fall into the fonth five of our ffrcame from Diliian , it goeth to Wywel castell , ouer againt Ghidhit twell and fo into Line,thich patleth from thence bp Clftoyc,and fing twith another water comming from Shilpzmeer aie, bp Rauenfworth cattelt to Revhugh, tt gocthon te Petwcafell, Fehi n > Hetherhewworth , Walk er, Wlatwon,Weoburne, and neyt to: Ferro 02 oe ete es the Pioving brokebp hostyeat) it gocth to Duret, Pirriig Beltingham and Uws,fromthence the Line rus uert polePlanbfozd,ann 0 into the ine bettwen e recefueth a rill that runneth by Windlet eburne,Kifingbam,Leame, and fo into the Line, thenceit hatteth to Citingham, Bunv0,auilla e, a nt, little lotver than SBelingham Wilingham,wh ich (and there it meeteth with another becke) then to fandeth fomekbat alofe from nozth Tine, ike andis(ag four5lafdor, and next of all foineth J take it) ten miles at the leat aboue the totune toith the Dare of _ {went, fron bp fonth, 3.Burnes, Herbam. After this confluence itpafleth to Mbttlington, Lebalt, Zhisr tuer rifeth aboue Rwnew aon 9am Keolan to Carehoufe (croting Shitlington'becke bp wet hope in Porthumberland,from two Lich allo recefuet the Bare onthe fouth heads; the 1107 fire of therli e being called Dere , and the foutherlie the SHhitlingtor) another alfo beneath thison the fame Guen t : and foini ng fo well per long tt chanell as ttt fide,made bp the confluence of Wiorkefburne , and hame, thepruntie onto Bumfferiwortly , net Hiddleburne,at Rofeburne, betive Big? the third calleg git,Bl anbel and,A don, Atper Porlcis or Pozele aboue, ano Simon theles,sBlackheadlte, s burne bes ieent teld fie,a nthe les, Chepetter ) amd Neath Shepechate, and liketwite the far Stvine from by' king ia taterfrom Weolete in HMorthumbethere Nonth that runneth by Stoinburne cattell, rlard, ert of a: here to Blacke hall in the bithopzihe , if gocth the Riall rom the noztheat » Obich oto commeth by Gz Hpen,Bollinfideaay tckbam, Stal tington.¢f holoitg bis courte diredlic fouthiards, Houthiheles,Parton, Wetthow;Webburne , wen- taorth,WHardlete;Felli, Follintvie,the Wetporthes) into the Wilere, betwene fouth Sunderland «and Burial:JFftom hence our rinet govth on to Wotogh, fone after with the eff Alen,thep run as one to Sta mmandbie , and croffing there from by nor thich goeth by Durfburne , anv is cal; the WHolh ; which holvety his courte by Stelebail, led Durt os Durty, then the Zomalburne from the 5° ao Netobiggin receiueth another comming from Welk. Pert to the fameis the Dtter oo Dtterburtie Orimbsdge: the other called Dill foinctrbat lotoct ONthe north fivealto the Ducrete, anv fitallie the late belcend fHich defcerideth from Cleon billesbp Munkrige and foineth {ith our widde , nozthiet of Pus * Hherevnte dinerle totwnes refezt,asimonke Gaton HijereBeda twas bovites uhich ts a rile fron thence, emp through Weare parke,+ (6miccthig beiteathtteb leieo Yeblete with the other , thep fall both as one * Prolomic,Lwzitinig OF the Geretalleth tt Gebdza, Middleton, teceiuing bp tweft of: cach of thety aril arftier welt kndtune trite Beda the famous pref, comming fom-by noth (of tebich: the laf ts calley iho was brought bp ina moriafferte that foo dpon 40 Wude)and ltketutfe the Luneafterin ard by fonthinest Buve. The bankestheresf. Jt rifeth of thie beans tn theliops that rifeth atthe teneralt places, hereof the firtt another rill in like mas tnriteth hot it rifeth in the rots of the Carter, and 4° nev from byfell.i t goeth by Whitefield, anv toining KRed{quibe hilles and ver it hath gone fatre from the Head, befive a fetulittie rilles it taketh in the Spele hop 02 Wetop from the nozth and the Ghellop on the fonth, belive fundgie other wild rils nameledte ano Thedelcription of Bricainé. hhote Bedabiweiled Mi altabbete; nowagentlemans place (although thexhuril be mate a partth hurd, peflay hill , thereof the mot foutherlie is callen eff Kellop,ahtch bnititig themfeluesabout ©.Jobns chaypell, o2 a little by wett thereon? ; Hétt confluence tunneth thangh Stanhope parke,by cat Pare,and foto Frofferlete . Wut per it come theresit reeeiueth Thze€ villes fromthe nozth in Ceeredale,thereof one tommneth in bp Stanhope, another welk of Wiad. ts inthe bowers of Glettaterland and-there.callen Arnegill becke: the fecond nroe Contherlie, named aLonebecke,ab the thio by fouthat Bando Dkarth zune: bill, mi meeting all aboue Avnegiil botite, thep run Drnegitl, togither in one-bottome fo Iatbebirbe biidge..and then into the Dhele. Aaning: therefore met with thete,it runneth to Mickeltom(¢ there tabing in the Skirbwith water) it gooth Mombaly kicke (crofe Sbitkednieyy Croft ballad the third at Frofferlete afoxe mentids 50 Lng thereattd onerill and thetoBanver bzokebp fouth Ineff)and thei going to Poretwmd hag, att Poze, Wanders the fouth fide , ibich defcendeth froin fonthtvelt bp Wood parke,till itcome to Wernaryscattell, Ned, Anda little beneath thefe, J find Pet a fourthon Bollfop Withopleie, ilhoutes,w I ardew , as ¥ bane bene informed . Weing thetefore bniten all iwith the Cilere, this freame goeth on to Walfing: bam, there taking itt the Ctalerépburnebende ana: Here alfoitreceiuety the Ahuretaiil water comir ming eal of Yere crafe in Porkelhire. , from the iere crotte? fpittle in Starmoze by Crag almoft fouthiveft,and being bhited with the Lhete, it goeth by Stvatfowe ther at Wradleie,,the Hhitd at Harpleie hall (and there Coglefdon, Rokelbie, Thorpe,Wickliffe, Duington, on the noth foe ) and the fourth betinefé Witton Winton 3m: betivene Iavfurth and Gainfurth and Witton caffell called Wedburne,comming by mietety with anotherrill that commeth from Laing: Bamfferleie, therebythis river doth now war be, 60 lete forett,betiveene abte catkell and Standoape,of rie great. Going therefore from bence , ft baffeth to hole name hare no knotvlenge, Wut to proce; Withops Akeland, and beneath it retelucth the Gas ronvleffe, thich (as Leland faith) rifeth fir miles bp tet of Akelandcaffell , and running fouth thereof, patfeth by wef Akeland,S. Helens Atteland,S.an, dreipes Abelaid,and bifhops Akeland,and then inte the Were thic) gocth to Petwficls , anv Willing: fon. Pere buito this place alfo and fmetbat bencaty Sunderland , the CHlere, crofeth one broke from fouthelt by Wet,Crorleie, Cronefur'th,Z urfoale,and Corbale , and tive other from by northwet in one botome , thereofthe fir commetly from abone ath by Langleie : the other called Cone , from abour Lindlets by Newbiggin Lanche&ernoth Rangtte, he Lhete being pat Kamforth > tunneth betinene Perloze and Ciiffe, and tnthe wate to Crofts beioge taketh th the Skerne a pretie water, ahicy rifeth ae bout Lrimbon,and goeth by FFithburne,wraburic, Mierhe: " Pzeffon Baforton, Sktrmingham, the Burdons, Paughton and Darlington, ¢ there finallie meting twith the Cockeberke 02 Dare, it falleth in the Thete beneath Stapleton before it come at Crofts bridge, and(as it Gould {eme)is the fame thtcy Leland cals leth Orettete or Grettic. From thence if runneth to ockburne,nether Dunfieie,piooleton toto,Pet, fham,Barne (croffing a broke from Leuen bridge) calleu Lencno7 Leuinusin Latine; whofe erintling ZAy, courle ; i |