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Show The defcriptionofBritainie, 17 of Crgland,i10: tt pottemtton of the mere Cnglih, as hod. De limits of the Mertian domintons ineluncn Limits of before time it had beene. Such twas the crueltic of thefe of ikent , was the onelie place bp thich the knotwl cdge Lincolne, Posthampton, Chetter, Darbie, Potting: "* Picts ald tn their of Chzitt was firft brought oucr buto bs, tbereb . recoucr ic ofthe fame, that at acer: lures, herebnte Zalfo amperfuaded, that the Divo. bam, Stafford, Huntington, Kutlano, Orford, Wc, teine houre thep became pattatersof faluation , and fromthe mane a Sicilien cuenfong , andfet lukesiaic tu the ealt part thereofandertended their t ee Kingham, Worzcefter, iseofo2 thires,anb the greatet t cucrte Cuglih man,womanand child, that thep could nelle of miffie crrour,trat conuerts onto the light ano gionsiren tito the Saucrnesbut hotulocuer that mat: part of hropthivetbich the Welty occupied nop ay late hold bponwit bright beames of the fhining truth, toour eternal bes hinthe aforefatp tegion,but fome ef for fatlethout,Demetia hath the Sauerne on hit fouth, cafler,Dlocefter, Wereford (alas durechford) Martotjc caped natrotolicand faved themfelues bp flight. nefit and cnerlatting comforts. 3 1 the Zrifh fea on hie welt parts,onthe cat the Sauer ne and Pertfor Hires : the ret of whole territogigs tere Afterward in the peare of Grace 560, itias partes onelic, and by nogth the land of Potwilp , whereof J s Lhe lecond kingdomte contcined onclte sDuter and ; Holoen by {uch princes of other tngtomdie in toatne, onder Adda, apart of (02a8 fome faie all) Survie , bie I ps the that peelocd bpallbispoztion, ake of late, -forceagborneren bpon the fame, Woreoues, this ingy ; hich lap betiwene Wumber and the Zine bnto Saron firbeld : tho alfo created bis cefe palace at ; Df this region alfo Cacrmarden, which the old twat bis ,, dome twas at one time divided into fouth agp rot brother Cilla (accopd ing to their fathers appointment) Chicheifer, then he had dettroted A diwald tn the CaitMari- fers call Maridunum, twas the deefe citie and palace Mertia, whereofthis late bepond and the othertn this dunum. belonging fo the kings of Douthivales, ontillat fhe fiho called it Deira, o2 Southumberlandbut reteini 492.o0f Chl. Andafterit had continued by the {pace ng fae of the Lrentwhich later alfo Diwald of Powbun ithe ret fill Onto his ofone ble , he Dintitithed nothis of 232.pears,it ceafed, beingthe berie leatt kingdome lat theough forren andciuill inuafions of ertimies,the -berland ata giue to Weada the fonne of pertaa for fitle,but wzofe bimfelfe as before king ofall Qorthu of all the reft 5 Which were foundedin this Zle afierthe prittces thereof twere conflrained to remeue fheit m: inden fake, though benotlong inioied if. This aif ts berland, iotwbett after or. peates,itivasrebnited courts to Dinefar (hich is in Canfermatyz, and ft comming of the Saronsg (for to fate truth, it confeined as tworthie tobe hofed, that inthele cight kingdonics of Satie , and fo continued bntill Alfred annered little aboue 7000, families) ¢ within a txbile afterthe tuate neuertheletfe bpon the fare river Letwy,ther: the the Sarons,there tere tivelue princes reputed im the ihole fobis kingdome,inthe 331.after da, 02878.08 erectionof the kingdomte of the Gewifles 02 CUledfar: on Cacrmarden fandeth)in hich placeit ts far better. popith Catalog for faints 62 martp2s, of thich Alcithe birth of Jefus Chait our Sauiour, defended with high ils, thicke lyons, craggic vocks, ons notwithtanding that before the kings of Suffer mund,E dwine, Ofwald, Ofwijn and Aldwold reigned Eaftangles he feauenth kingdaite, called ofthe Cafl-angles, aNd Deepe mariles, Jn this region allolieth Penibjoke 20 pretended and made claime fo allthat thich laic vett in SHorthumberlann; Sigebert,Ethelbert,Edmond,an Offa, 3 quo a ahasPenmoroc thite , ahote fatwcons baue bene in ola of ikent, and fouth of the Thames, onto the point of Offlings, began at soriwfeh inthe 561. after Chiff, onder DE: 20 another Sigebert among the Cfangels; Kenelme ana fa , of thont the people of that tegion tere longtime fine berp mud regarded ,and therein liketwife is Bib Cozintwall,as J haue often read. 4 Wiftan in Mertia; and Saint Edward the confeffo2, called Dllings.dhis included all Sporfolke, Suffolke, ford hauen thereof the Wielth wifards do pet dreame Zhe third regiment twas of the Cat Sarons,c2 ‘ ouer all; but how twoathilie, 3 referre ime to the tudge: + Cambsiogehhire,and Clie,and continuing 228.peares, range toiestrhich hepbeleeue hall one daic counete Trinobantes . Zhis bingdonwe began buder Erkenmentof. the learned, thus much haue J thought gaa if flonrityed onelic 35. peares in perfect eftate of Itber: pate. Jfo2 they area nation much giuen to foztelling wijn , fthofe cheefe feat twas in London (o2 rather Col' to leaue in miemogie of the aforefain kirigdomes: ann te, the ref being confumed onderthe tribut and balfal: of things focome, but moze to beleeue {uch blind p20thetfer) andconteined thole Siler, Middiefer, and part notw twill J {peake fometbat ofthe diuttion of this 4 lageof the Merctans,iho banthe foucretantic thereof, pefies ashauebeene made of old time, and no manis of Berfordthire, Jt indured alfo much about the pzicke land alfo info proninees, as the iWoranes feucred it " and held it with great honour, till the Danes Accompted for learnedin Wales that isnot fupsofen gat hola df 303. peates,and was diuided from that of the Catt thiles they remained in thefe parts.Wthichbeing done, pit, tho fpoiled it berie foze , fo that it became moze tobaue the {pirit of proyhetie, Angles onlie bythe river Sftoure, as Houcden and o¢ Sbope that J haue viftharged thattocuce ig promife s milerable than anvof the otherand fo remainedfill Pictland. That Seotlandhav in thofe daies ttuo kingdoms, 30 thers do report, + {0 it continueth feparated from Sut the tn the title ofthis chapter, : Kings of the Welt-farons bnitedit fo their crone Pits (befides that of the Dachades) thereof the one conifer s, 30 folke even tuto our times, althoughthe fato river be he Romans therefore haning obteined the pallet Scots. Some faie that Oranteeffer , but noty Cambaidge of the Pitts, and wascalled Pightando2 piclano,the (a holy grotune berie fmalland not of fuchareatuetle a3 Sion of this Zland,oiuided the fame xt. thelatt into fue folvite erected out of ir rutnes) as the cheefe citie other of the Frith race ,and named Scotland: J bope of it bath beene in times patt,bp reafonthat our countric: prouinces,as Vibius Sequetter faith, The firtt ahercof this kingdome, andnot SHMorkvtch, Wherein Z may well no tyifeman twill readilie denie. The whole regiono2 iment make {mall accompt of viuers, thinking carriage Was Named Britannia prima, and conteined the eatk Britannia hele the difcord of iueiters, but ¥ cannot refolue patton of the Jle bepond the Dcotith tea alto twas to made by horfke andcart to be the letle chargeable waic. the partot Cugland (as fore doo gather) fromthe Lrent Pm. fcruple, Some fake this tegton alfo to be all one biuided,that the Pics laic on the cal fide , and the with buto.the Ltocde, The fecond twas called Valentia 02 at herin how far theyare deceiued, ¥ will elfe-here that of the Icenes,but as petfor mip part J cannot peel Seots,on the well, ech of thembeing feucred fromoValentiana, and ineluded the lucfoe;as they uote it, Valentia. make mantfett seclaration, ther, either by hugebils 02 great lakes and tiuers, that fo theivaffertions,¥ meancitof Leland bimfelfe,abote fromLirpole bute Cokermonth. The third hight BriLhe fourth kingvome was of the Wleik Sarons, cette tan out of the fouth inte the nozth betivene them. 3t pricannia belpe % bfe cheefelte in thete collections, albeit in this tannia fecunda, and thas that postion of the Sle fhich fecunda, (cometh alfo that at the firk thete tio kingdoms were 40 aid fo called , bicaufe it laiein the twett part of the bebalfe Jam notrefoluco that he doth fudge aright, laic fouthwatas, bettocene the Crent and the Thames tealme, as that of Effex din in theeatk, and of Suffer Dinided fromthe rett of thofe of the Writons by the The 8. elatt was that of Pertta,obich indured 291. 40 She fourth was furnamed Flavia Cxfari enfant corte. BaiaCa ri: in the fonth , 3t beganinthe peare of Grace 19.01 vers Cluda and Forth, till both of them si peates,and for greatnene ercerded all the relk, Bt toke defivous to indev Cerdtic, and indured ontill the comming ef the CoM feined all the countrie thich remained bettwene Bo. ienis. large theit dontinions, praue the Weitons the nameeither of Mearc the Saron fyoad., bicanfe it ouer the HPounans,including at the lalk all Wiltthire, War kee uet and the Sauerne,F meane byfouth of the Thames Solueand the Lwone, ehicy fiert becamie-march , {oas marsh to the ret (and trulie > thelimits ofmoft beof thire,Dortet, and therebnto (in like f2t) Cometvall and Wales Southampton, Somerfethire,Glocetter tweente both the nations. Wherefore the the other kingdomes abutted bponthe fame) 02 cafe being fo clfe fox Were orderlic alfigned , The fiff.and lat part was then ive,fome part of Denonthireahich the iaitons occu: plaine, J will (aie no moze of thefe tivo,but that the latves ofMartia the Queene twere fick Mertia. proceed in bled.in pied not) Cometwall and the ref of Surric,as the beft haimed Maxima Czfarienfis, noty Scotland,the -mot? ns Creodda. that partof-the Plano.\5ut as this later order With the reherfall of the rest of the patficular is buta mere barreno authors fall da fet tolune, the reff, Atthe anp pet not bnfought out of the firtk tt cantetied onelic kingdoms of this our fouth part of ths coniccureof. fome, fo the fait kingdome began. Sle, limiting onder Gtedie Romanes, bicaufe of the gteat plentic of Giiltthice, Dorcethive, anvidarkethire, but per long but the fame bythives as they now lte, Creodda,int the 5 85.0f Chzift,¢ inured twell nere fith fo neve as % 300. andfoul the e ;fineal princes thereof abatter conquered ann bara marble that are ine tthatfoeucrthe bingsof prares beforeitivas bnited to thatof the Wietk-fatons Canforothertvife tt tall be wnpoitble for me toleaue 5° gendzed and Sulley fo be and the had Weitons in helo onto the pointof Coznethe fame, for furniture of Cortaine notice of the likelieg quantities by Alfred, then reigning {1 this Fe. Before him of thefe their: the 50 houfholy anncnrions building,Ghereithep iwall,and then became fir Doochetter (wntill the time much delfe fenevall portions, Danes had gotten bolo thereof ad placedone:Ceoted, Wore hereof of U1 Kinigils) Sextus then Rufus,wh Wlindetter o linenfr the Dates the cheefe cifie of that - he firtof thete Kingdoms therefore lulph an idiot ii the fame; but as he was fone. was begunne teigces of Valenti Rent Hens Utikentbp Henghittin the 456.08 Chritk, ne, and tzate wésitian prouincrarim wtp exe hingdome , 302 then Birinus fhe mone. came tits ted for bis folic, fo it was not long after per the fain and thereof tant tobe rean, shit, called the hingoome of Xsent 02 Cantivarland, Cngland, the fain Kinigils gaue him Dorhesfer,and Alfred(¥ faie) anneredit to bis bingdortie by his mane and ag thelimits thereof extended it felfe all the land within feauen miles about, toward the 110 farther than te maintenance of bis cathenzall fea 5 bp mecanes faberes {aldcountie (the theefe citic thereof was Dorobernia A Catalog ofthe kings and princes ofthis Iland, of bebimfelfe remaued bis palace to Wtinchetfer. firt from Samothes ynto the 92Cantivatbpzp now Canturburic ) fo it indured Pe birth of our fauiour Chrift,orratherthe comming foell Here bythe fpace of 400, peates, of The fit bingdome began onder Joa, inthe 5 43.08 ™ the Romans : fecondlie oftheir before it twas Eegates:thirdlie ofthe Saxon princes made ; Chiff,mb twas callen Mo2thum aneatledoie 02 Weretochie, according to their feuerall kingdomes A and bnited by Zuasbnto caute it late So bp : ; the riner Humbe fourthlie of the Danes, and Faftlie ofthe Nor SPorthumb erland,bi nogthof that eossetutett varons,Athel mans and Englith r princes,accor, And fromthe { x ng Ti ding to the titith conteinedin our Hiftor Sf Henghift to this 3a,it was onlic gouernedcommi the firtt Carle 02 Beretocd) of fanc bis fonne, being y byearls an ea x "| Galates, bert in bis hittorie of hhen the faine, Paitker Lam02 Dereto ches as bp an the Hereto Celts,o2 chp.ti otheriwif the ll fain e bp Cunedach tdoth Sather,by verie Ida comucrs a ae CRs! Harbon, i Of F theSoi kings peobas conqueft, and reigned therein Ruuallon, and Morgan, le coniectures that this part ted it intoa kingvome, Ht conteined of Bri- Titcidue? of the land was fick tiv all that region with his. polterine bp the Gurgufti babited taine,from us, tthich‘ bp Samothes ,any afteriward by Albion. but hotwfoeuer that cafe ande th, ture itis thatitbaty ban the onclic vaxe , whereby the Romans and Sarons Made their entrie vrito the Conquer of the reaion.but firt of alCaay » who entred into this {land ‘bpon the eettens Cal.ozr 4. of Sep tember, thich as four ee e Cmone,as be bimfelfe confer: 17. 021 8. of that oe daies befo rethe equinodiall (ap maz arant) ACHE DID Not tarric at that time aboue eight o2 tert nied for bis entrance, fo the fatd regton and caft part as tt Qhouta feme)was in time either tivolic ayperteining to the Brigants, o2iahepatt rcof the fatd Bri- ants did -pollelle the greater part. Zhe cheefe citie of fhe fame inlike maner lwas Borke,as Beda,Caper aue, Leyland, and others bo fet dotone , tho ad thereto that tertenned fromthe unber pute the Scotity fea, rv fill the Naughterof E tide of the Morth umbers,atter Wich time the qias Gat bold of all, bettyeene the i orth andthe Liebe, which affertoary defcending fo the Acots by meanes of the biter deftru cion of the Bias, hath not diene fisvens oniten to the crotone Ose . Samothes $0 Brute, | Beligius, Tafiuis, Allobrox; fpaccof 636. peareg., in fach Sdillus, o2ber ag foloweth, Brute, Locrinus, | Gwendolgnahis Sidoyy, } Ebra Brutus Junior, Lei. Rudibras Bladu Bier soho Bruce entreth into, 1 the Ziad, either BAEECD| Cox Ibis daughte r, Iago. Kimmachus, |Gorbodug. Ferres and Porrex, CThete 2, being Maine, the princesof the land ftraue forthe fuperiozitic and regiment of the fame, bp the fyace of 50, peercs(after the raceof Bruce as Decaicd) sorits) Dunwalon bing of Cornwall fubbuep them alt, brought the shoe | tobtafublecion norwithttan- CS nnen alaa ates in Weitaine.dnd as this platforne cannot be de E ee SK frbich Corretine tere knotune fo be gouerned in es Demetia, combvie. The third kingvome is Denietia, o2 Doutly Wales fometime hnotene fox the region of theay ee aDR The defcription of Britaine. 16 |