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Show 8736 0f the Suntan] Liquor relating to Wont/:22. Boole I. Part IV. found hill of Seminal Juice 5 which I could never fee, although I took great pains, that I might know it: I have leen truly in them, as it were, certain \eiitles {Welling with water, or warty humour-s, loxnetimcs Yellowiih, and lbmetimes Lympide, but I never 121w any Seed, except in the Sperimtick \r't'fll‘ls, called Deter-cut. This may be replyed to this great Authour, That the thinner Seed lodged in the Seminal Velicles of Man, may be endned with the lame colour and confif'tencc with that of the TcIlicles of \‘Voman; Iconic-ls the Genital Liquor confetved in the Proiiates, to be whiter and thicker than that which is leafed in the Seminal Veficles of Men or other Animals; And I humbly conceive that it is not the eflencc of all Genital Liquor to be of the fame thicknel‘s,which is of leis confidence in VVo_ men ( then Men ) who have a more thin warty Seed, and yet very fervice- able to the production of a Farm. The Fxmi< Here a Ogeilion may be hearted whether the Faeminine Seed be not only gi'fgpfc‘l‘t‘s requifite as the Matter of the Fwtm, but-alfo as an Efficient caufe in which ;.:;l:uflllc the Plaffick Faculty is feared, as Well as in the. Mafcuhne Genital Liquor ; ' to which it may be anfwered, That the Mafculme Seed IS the Pl‘lnClPaI Eff-icient caufe as Impregnarcd with the Architeéionick Spirit, and the Farmirhctmmi- nine is the Inftrumental Efficient caufe, and being taken comparativ ely7 as {11"33333 leis aé‘tive, may be laid in {ome fort, a Paflive principle in the formation {Yin-.51?" of the thu, which is produced by the Seeds of both Sexes termented 1'lil‘c'l'lcin one mals in the Impregnated Seminal Veficlc lodged in the Teflicleof a VVoman, which being parted and carried down the Tube into the Cavity of The pm. the womb, the Active principle of the cmminine is exalted by the more noble fifgflzfigjm Architeé‘tonick Spirit of the Mafculine Seed; So that theie divers Genital M-iwlinsprinciples having Fermentative Particles, do both concur to the delineation of the members relating to the Farms 5 and this may be alledged to prove that the Feminine Seed is not only amaterial caufe, but an Efficient too, liibordinate to the Malculine, as being inlpired with its more Volatil Particles, 607 of the Blood are carried through {beret pailages into the bolbm ol‘ the Veficles, by which the [gimp/m is received into the root of the Lympha'duéts, and the red Cradament into the extremities of the Veins. And this Hypothefis of the produftion of Femini ne Seed in the Glands of ThrGlcbuks the Tefticles, may be farther confirmed, by realbn many Globules, or Sy- roilshiiiiil‘diixItems of. greater Glands appear after Coition, (encirc ling the Vefieles of the fffjflff Tefiicles ) which are requifite to prepare a greater quantity of Liquor traufI mitted into the Veiicle tion of the F(that. s after they are Impregnated in order to the Forma- The feat of the generation of Seminal Liquor in Wome n as well as Men, into which the extremities of all Veflels are implanted, Viz; of the Preparing Arteries, and Veins, and of the Nerves and Lymphatduéts, which render are numerous Minute Glands, ( encompafling the Velicle s of the Ovaries) the Glands Colatories of the Vital and Nervous Liquor , which are into the @arcm‘by/Im oi: the Glands (by the Arteries and Nerves brought ) where- in a feparation being made of the more proper Particles for the generation of Seeds, the more unprofitable are reconveyed by the Veins and Lyinplietduéts. The principles pi'oduélive of Seminal Liquor in the Glands belonging to Tthami the Ovarie s of .1WomenA are the more mild Albugineous parts of the Blood "11"" a ‘ Semen is "f the , . .~ . . and the more lclcét pairs of Suctur Nutrmiu, Wlilcl , moremld ] being highl y impr cg- pmof‘ m: llatccl with Volatil and Spirituous Particles of Nervous juice, do aflbci- filmmakare with and exalt the more {oft and Chryftalline humour of the Blood; So iiiraiiis‘iiill that the Seminal Liquor confifling of different Elements of Vital and NerQM" vous Liquor, are eudued with Fermentative Particles, by which they are rendred fit for the procreation of Seed. Thcfe Elements of Blood and Nervous Liquor pailing through the Cortex by which it is much exalted and refined, the Cauiality of the Feminine Seed may be demonfirated in the Formation of the Fwtm, by reafon the in the Semen of the VVoman is chiefly concerned as an Efficient caufe, and by reafon it hath its propagation from Blood and Nervous Liquor which are $333.? £50m more cold and moil't in the Female than Male, whereupon the fit": principle s ""1"" M"- not that of Man, as not having any Ideal Particles produéiive of the preparing Arteries, Veins, Nerves, Lymphaeduéts, belonging to the uterm‘, Tefticles, and Defetent Veflcls. 3‘33? Another Argument may be taken from the manner of Generation of Seidleiiilritslfdo- minaIJuicc in the Telhcles of VVomen, which I apprehend to be acvaries. complilhcd after this manner 5 The Vital Liquor being imported by the preparing Arteries into the Glandulous {ubflance of the Ovaries, wherein the more (oft, the Chymous and Serous Particles of the Blood (being Secerned from the more fierce ( the Purple Liquor, as the Fibrous parts) are carried through the Secretory Veflels of the Glands) and Pores of the Membrane into its Cavity. Mm 0f the Seminal Lizyuor relating to IVOHWI. {he Ncrms and Medullary procelfes of the Brain, andthe bony Cartilaginous, Membra- ciiiiiiiiglic nous and Mufcular parts of the whole Body, that they might impart to them f::";§§'f,‘,‘,,,°f__‘ Life, Senfe, and Nourifliment, do borrow from them their likenefs, and "communicate the fame Images to the Seminal Liquor (produced in the Glands, and tranlinittcd to the Vclicles) whereupon it is affected with a Plaf'tick vertue productive of the feveral Liquors and more folid Integrals of the whole Body. The Seed of Women is different in temper and qualities fr0m that of Man, The Seedpof Child obtaineth a Iiltenefs with the Mother, which muit be deduced from the actives Particles of the Seminal Liquor (belonging to the VVoman) imprinting the fame Images upon the Face of the Poems", and more efpccially forming the peculiar parts diftinguifliing a Female from a Male; where- «Ti‘fs'diiiiior oolt I ; Part I V; This Seminal Liquor is not only compoi‘ed of the gentle parts the Blood, but of the Nervous JLHCC too,Def'tillmg out of the extremities of of the Nerves inferred into the Tarencbyma of the Glands (interperfed with the Seminal Veficles of Women) wherein the finer parts of the 8mm: Nutri- u‘ur being fevered from the more warty, do affociate with the Serous PM" of of the Semen being of a meaner nature in Women, the Seed it {elf will follow their confiitution, which is more Crude and warty, as leis Concoéted by a more faint heat, working upon lower principles of Vital and Nervous Juice. |