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Show Bookm Fowls, the one arifcth out of the left tide of the Colon, near its Té‘rminati. (-n, or rather about the beginning of the bite/21mm" Ream"; the other In. The Gutsn.' a throw. trflimim Cum/'2 linouteth out of the end oi the Colon, or the origen 0fthe Inteflimwz Refill/)1 (in the right iide) which hath its beginning in fmaller lit-menfions, and afterward enlargeth it lel‘r, and endeth much broader. The Guts of a Heron, do very little exceed each Other in greatncfs, except the Imcfiimmz Kcéium, which is fomewhanlarger then the tell: The Inteltines in this Fowl, fport themfelves in various Maanders, contrary to the vulgar Opinion, that it hath but one firaight Gut; about the origen of the Life/"mt"! ficéium, is a Membranous round Procefs, which I conceive to be the (mum, and about the Termination of the hit Gut, where the Clam is feared, may be feen 21 Circular Valve, which hindreth the akemof the Excrements into the Guts. 7 he Grits of a Snipe. 1 7124111. _ The Inteftines of a Snipe 1-, begin in the lower part of the Gizard, and inCline toward the right fide, and afterward defcend, wheeling toward the left, and have five Circumvolutions, runningin greater or lefler Arches. The firfl: Cut in this Fowl is the greateft and longefi, and the outmoli lying in the left fide, is the (hermit, and the tw0 Gyres lodged in the right, are much larger. The Cuts of a Wond Cock. 1. 24. FA. The origen of the Inteflines in a Wood~Cock ( commonly called the Rowl) doth arifc about an inch from the infertion of the Gulet into the Gizard, and afterward the Guts do pafs in an Arch, down the left fide of the Stomach : The rowl of Intefiines in their upper Region, are compofed of divers ranks of Arches, and intheir lower rows, of divers Circles; fo that the inferior Region of the Intef'tines, is formed of greater and lefler Circles, being five or fix in number, of which the greater always encircle the lcfs, Book I. Part II. 0f the guts of Pi/la 359 rnccursora Eli-.26, 1mm". "mg-1,. 'r iiii. Tthutsofa $5302? The Guts of a Dory, are very fmall at firlt, and furnifhed with few Gyres; near the Origen of them +, about the G'ylorm, they make a Maander +, and then go down for fame lhort fpace, and make another Circumvollltion 'l', and then pafs down in a {iraight Courfe, between the Ovaries to the Vent. A Kingflon 1-, hath not many Guts, which begin near the end of the Stomach, into which it doth determine in the form of an Arch, and then make a turn, and go dOWn bordering upon the Arch of the Stomach, and in their outfidc pals all along inclining to the right fide, but the body of the Intellines for the mofi part, are lodged in the left + ; near the *1"- "~ Termination of the Cuts, appeareth a fmall Procefs 'l' annexed to them, "AW-mm which [apprehend to be the Cam": : But above, the molt eminent, is 3. Cut 'l‘ TT1.17.Fig.z. M. of large Dimenfions. The Intefiines are few in a Fire-Flair, or Sting-Ray, and are made up Thcoursota chiefly of one great Cut 1*, which beginneth in a fmall Neck, and is feared iliiiuiiifiug in the right fide; and in reference to its Figure and Circumference, very much refembleth a large Stomach, whofe largenefs maketh fati'sfaéiion for the paucity of Guts, which are encircled with many white Fibres, and be- tween every two of them paffeth a red one; which I conceive is a Blood Veflel. The Inteftines ofa Skait, may be three in number: The firlt is fmall, Tthutsora about three inches long, and palleth between the Stomach and the great Sm" Gut, as a Neck between two Ventricles. The fecond Cut is very large, refembling as it were another Stomach, and is a place of Concofiion. The third Intefiine, being the Inteflimmz Ream, is a {mall Gut, about two inches long, into whofe Termination, the Ureters difcharge their watry faline parts, as into a common Receptacle. The Intefiines of a Bafe, begin in the middle of the firft Circumvolu- gfr‘c‘cum" tion 1-, made between the Stomach and it, where a Partition may be dif- fT-si- I- C H A P. XXXVII. 0f the gutrof PM}. cerned: The firii Cut is the largefi, and of a red Colour, palling along the right fide ina flraight Courle. till it maketh a fecond Circumvolution +, 1:31.11. where the Inteftines keep fmall, and fo continue for fame fpace, till the third Circumvolution is made 1‘, and a good fpace afterward, till it is conjoined 17.15.". with the Inteflinum ‘Reé'inm; which groweth much larger 1', and fo conti- 1T.3t. ow. nueth to the Vent. The Guts of I il'h. He Intefiines of Fill], have the fame number of Coats, and a likenefs in fubllance with the Stomach, only they are lefs in Bore, and different in Figure, Longitude, and Thinnefs. The Guts of a Cod. The lute-limes of a Cod, have only three or four Meanders, by m? reafon of the numerous Irztejlinula Cam, which give a check to Chyle) in reference to its Motion, whereupon the Guts need not fo many Circumvolutions. The origen of the Guts, is garnilhed with numerous Inteflinula Ceca, and hath only two Perforations on each fide (in relation to thefe InteltinCS) which are continued in two Trunks, leading into the various perforated Near the bottom of the Stomach, in a Dog-Fifn, on the right fide, ari- Tthms ofla feth a Our +, afcending up almofi to the top of the Ventricle, and there i'iigi'iiéu. maketh an Arch, and then takethits progrefs down again, almoltin a firaight line, till it come under the bottom of the Ventricle, where it maketh a {hort Cicumvolution ; this Cut is parted from the fide of the Stomach by a Membranous interpofition, whichI conceive to be a Caul. The origen of the Cuts in a Bream, is where the Stomach and the lnte- fljgmw" fiines being conjoined, make the firfl: Circumvolution 1-, and afcend on tT-zi-kthe left fide, till they arrive near the origen of the Stomach, and form another Circumvolution 1-, then take their progrefs down between inn-Inthe Stomach and the firf‘t Intei'tine, under which they creep, (where the Branches, arifing out of two large Channels; which impart Chyle into the fruitful blind Appendages, for its better Elaboration, which are conjoined by Stomach maketh a Circumvolution with the firlt Cut) and pafs in a right mediation of a thin Membrane, enameled with various Divarications of Blood Veliels, and may be called a part of the Mefentery from its 0ffice. ‘ The A Pope hath not many Guts (it being a Very fmall Fifh, and of great Name) and are endued with two Circumvolutions: The firfl: 'l‘ is made inf-‘4'" near the Worm, in the very beginning of the Inteflines 1‘, which after l:hey "6,1,", ave line to the Termination of the Guts +. 1m. 34. o |