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Show The ErrsrLEflékc. flip; and I [nope will not Prove altogether u/eltfr, andimper. tinent, a: giving you form: floor/(5 to en/Qnd/e your more Learned and Digefled Thoughts; ‘Pmy give me your ‘Par, don, and accept of t/air Dedication a: uToken of mo/Z Hum. v. [118 Duty and gratitude from '47 ' \V-‘XK The FirPt B 0 OK; The Second P A R T. My LORD, Of the Three Appartiments of Your Lordihips moflt Obedient, MANS BODY,AND OF THE And obliged Servant Milky and Vital Liquor, HOW they are Improved by the Nervous Juice: in their Progrefs through them. SAMUEL COLLINS. C H A P; I. Of the ‘Tbree flpurtimenn of Mum $304}. w"; ~Aving Treated of the Walls, enclofing the El:$ 3‘ gam: Building of Mans Body, of the Four Coma mon Integumenrs (as {2) many fine Expanfions, "me encircling each other) the outward and inward ‘ 1, Skin, of the Fatty Membrane, and common‘ Coat of the Mufcles; and of the Rim of the ‘, "a" Belly and Caul. My intendmenl: at this time, "my is to [hew' you the three Apartiments, and their If , excellent Furniture (as {'0 many fine fights) the ‘ " Allodgments of Mans Body, in which the Noble fed: And how the Streams of the Milky and Viral Lia quot, do pafs through the Vifcera, and are entertained and affociated with a. more noble juice, the Sum: Nutriciur, by which they are E19115": and brought :9 greater perfeétione V V m Fff H The |