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Show H,-_._._,_--- .‘_.,,_, _..__ , ;. . .h.,_. .___ e... unfimyvvc, .avefiwmrfi 0/i l/JL' Y'zilliO/Qgic f the (Jinn, marl iti‘ Grier, 3/ Book I. Part", , ...,, hook I. Part II 379 Throwing up Excrements into his Stomach, and {lenehing its Cellt‘oaion; and [mm opened, a Cartilaginous lnbltance \v‘as dugout-Sq m 1,15 finall K rate into a lvhligiiaiit quality, and Gangrcen the Guts, huing them fome~ time with a Blew, and other times with a Black Colour. Guts, filling, their Bore, and not permitting any I‘zces to puts into the grant litiellinezt. ‘ " l‘ lift- ohm lmppensnpon a long liipprellion of Natural Evacuation; i, generated by a load of hard Excretnents, long teliding in the Guts, r‘ piodne‘tive ofintoltmble Pitins, highly lorcmg the flelhy Fibres to an unn lllldl‘,‘ Motion, of protruding their troublefome Contents upward: Which raga» 1i ft evident in an ordimry Pvleclmniek, dying of an Iliaek Billion, ac- com tilled with horrid Tortures of his Bowels 3 whofe Body being inwardl u, Mid, hi; Intellines "ere difcerned to be ftulfed with :1 large proportion tifducll lolid I3; ulent l ter, Whole Liquid Particles were exhaul'ted by 11;", by a long ftay in the Intcltines, and the bite/final}! Refill": had a Dun plicagure in it, and had its C.wity_contr.16ted by a Membranous Ring, de- rived. from the Neighbouring proeels of the Rim, relating to the Belly. - Sometime this cruel Bil-affection of the Cuts, is generated by a Stony fublinnce (Propping up the hollownefs of the Intellines) which, I conceive, A P.1ticnt of mine, the Son of a Servant of the (ween, being highly fed with delicite Food, by over-indulgent Parents, grew highly Plethorick, and fell into a mod acute Fever, accompanied with an Inflammation of the Mufcles of the Abdomen, and vomiting of grols Excrements, proceeding from the inverted Peril'taltick Motion of the Guts; whereupon the Child died not many Hours after I was fent for, of which I made a. Prognofiick, at the hilt fight of the Patient, wherein it was eafie to dilcetn fatal Symp- tonies, the Heralds of Death. others a :nilling 5 the Concave parts of the Liver gangreened, and the Convex mortified. The Calm l5; allb often Mortified in this Difeafe, commonly, though improperly, l'tilcd the [hack PalIion, proceeding from an exuberant propor‘ ~ n" Purple I iquor ( fettled in the fubl'cance of the great Guts) deltrua ct ' is produced by the Saline and Earthy parts of the Fxcrements, concreted into S: : Iii/imam giveth an inltance of this rare Cafe, file/pan. (9v (mat. lit? 54. Orphan/i5 ex Ilium fP/{flt‘me expo/wit, mfpcc'lo corporc, flll/[M‘ wit/i [/de‘ .i/rr molar/1:51, fed tired (mum Iilleflinmn, vidimm‘ rim/trim}: inn/ura- itiw, [Jpn/(furl, [zzlrfli/m cxtcfldentrw, (7 I'm M675 gal/Locum", in (hiring!) I'mfofFl/i/r wit/Ci c" i‘ extra/Jere. ~' "This lamentable Difeafe, doth frequently arife from Inflammatio ns of the Guts, flour ing from a quantity of Blood, and Serous Liquor (impelled into the fubftance of the Intellines) fo difioning the Carnous Fibres, that they And the Body being opened, the {mall Guts were liigmatized with great Black fpots, fome as big as Six-pence, and '11; natural Heat and Life. ‘ A ,.91'fi/lli\(}etitle\voman committing her felf to my Care, was highly tortured \\‘l{ll pains of her Bowels, and vomiting of grofs Excrements: In order to her relief, I advifed the bell; Medicines, and molt proper in this Dill-rife, as I conceived, and did not wholly relie upon my own Judgment, but procured i earned D0301" Tridgron, and Dfoftor Bum, as my AlIiItants, but all in vain, by reafon this incurable Difeaie over-run all our endeavours of Art7 and concluded in a dolcful Exit of Soul and Life; and the lower Venter being inwardly viewed, a difcovery was made of fome part of the Gila» to be highly Mortified. are diliibled to contract themfelves; whereupon a flop is made to the Cur- rent of Iixcreinents in th. inflamed parts, and the found Fibres above refen' in their burden, are put upon an inverted order, to turn the courfe of the Extrements upward. A lVIan of a middle Age, being long afliifl'ed with :L I anguid Condition, at left I}, into an Acute Fever, and having no Evacuation downward for mniy kir'l‘y); in conelnfion, Vomited up the Excrements of his Bowels, the lore-runner of his Death. The lower Venter being opened, no Convolution, or ingrefs of hisBoWClS one into another, could be dileerned: but about the beginning of the Colon, a Comprellion was made of its Cavity, caufed by an Inflammation, mo": evident in a great fettlement of Blood within, in the Tunicles _ This fevere DilhlleétiOii of the Guts, often proceedeth of the Colon. from an Ulcer, if," HZ" caufed by {harp and falt Rectements of Blood corroding the Inteltines, '-«‘ "WM whence fozne Helhy Fibres are rendred uncapable to perform their duty, and others being well, are made fenfible of their trouble, and to contract themfelves from the Colon toward the 7cjummz, fiuazlrmrm, and Stomach. An old \Voman having long enjoyed her Health, at lalt fell into the Iliaclt I'aflion ‘ and the lower Apartiment being divided after Death, the Cells of the upper part of the Colon were difcerned to be full of Fxcreinents, and the lower Exulcerated. I have often feen this terrible Difeafe (the objcé‘t An pa? 1. markAktl' of our Prayers and Commiferation) to come from the Cangreen of the fmall Guts, proceed- iiiineiiis. ing from great. {lore of Blood, fiagnant in the Parenchyma of the Guts, which being cold, and unable to turn it into Pus, the Blood Cloth degene- rate C HAP. XLIII. 0f the Colick ‘Pa/flon. ' Aving Difeourfed before of the Iliack, it may feem now agreeable to Method, to fpeak of the Colick Pallion, which is near akin in the lituation of the fubjeét (the one being lodged in the Ilsa/1,~ and theother in the Culorz ) and in the caufe of the Difeafe, as both proceeding from lh‘arp Humours, productive of vcxatious pains, and from the great Obl'cruétion and Tenlion of the Guts, caufed by :1 quantity of grofs Excrements, and more thin and flatulent Matter, puffing up the Intefiines; and do differ, that the Iliack Paflion is accompanied with greater Difeafes, of Inflam- Ellidl‘fik mutitms, Gangreens, Mortifications, Cancers, and With the loft Tone of much higher hen the Chm the Carnous Fibres in form: part of the Guts, whereupon Nature is forced t"change?" to make life of the near remaining active Fibres one after another,in an inver- Famed W'" greater Dif- ted order, thereby to throw up the Excrements by the fmall Guts into the Stonmcb. cales and highC r lymptomcs. . ' Th c1 ' The Colick Palfion, -is called by the Greekr, Kraut"t Aliza!!!" by the 14'1"", 1,5543%]; Colin: @aflEo, from a. peculiar Cut, the Colon, as the feat of it; "7th the Difcafe. Per feat oflhis A pains ‘0 |