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Show (17]? ‘Pnt/Jo/ogic of the [Mufl/cr. Chap. XXIV. charged by Stool; and to this end ahDiet-Drink may be prefcribed (eonlifriiig of Diaphoreticks, and DiuretiCrts) to expel the offenlive Matter by DittDl‘il‘ikS iii/libs." 111(th Diicai't. the Kidneys, and Cutaneous Glands. . ' . A proper Diet may be prepared of Lignum Sane'tum, Salfafras, with Roots of Burdock, Butter Bur, and the Leaves~of Saxrfrage, (zolden Rod, A ment (to which for its better confil'tence, Oil of Scorpions, or Turpentine, is the Five opening Roots, fome drops of Salt Ai'moniack fuccmatcdpr Spirrtof Salt, or Tinéture of Salt of Tartar; which is an excellent Mcdicm‘e in this Body, as rcndred warm and fluid with the faline and hot Particles of the Difeafe. _ , Chalybcat Medicines joyned with Antifcorbuticks, are allo Very advantagcous, when the Body hath been emptied of the warty Recrements by Purgatives, both to refine and fweeten the Mafs of Blood 5 and in this cafe, phurcous Particles, giving an allay to the more fierce Saline, as preparations made with the Filings of Steel, and Powder of Steel prepared with Sul~ phur; which being received into the Stomach, and dilTolved by its Saline Atmoniac Ferment, and tranfmittcd to the Blood, the Sulphureous Particles of the bletal do exalt the deprelfed Saline and Sulphureous parts of the Blood, and raife its Fermentation, by giving it new principles in order to Elaborate the Chyle, and allimilate it into Blood. Thefe Chalybeat Medicines do rec'tifie the Ferinents of the Stomach, and the other Vifcera, which are Colatories of the Blood. After Internal Medicines, as Put-gatives, Diureticks, Chalybeats and Di- iinIchiihiif-r aphoreticks have been Adminil'trcd, Topicks may be lafely applied in an refresher: Anaflrmz; as Frifiions, Liuimcnts, Fomentation s, and Baths. Empyricks bun gm' do apply Velicatories, and Efcaroticks, which are not always fafe, as often accompanied with fatal Symptoms. l-‘riflinnseomi Fric'iions fpeak a great advantage to the Cure of an Azzafarca, becaufe :21:;;,',"¥:;:§ the Pores of the outward parts are to liulfcd with watry Recrements, that ‘1"‘""°"' they hinder infenfible Tranlpiration, and the Ambient parts grow chilly, becaufe the Blood hath not a free recourfe to them; by reafon the Serous Recrements fettled in the lntcrltices of the Velfels, do to {traipgliten them, that the free Current of the Blood is retarded toward the Con ties of the Body. W hereupon Friélions with courfe Clothes, and Brufhes made for that ufe, do heat the Ambient parts, and by opening the Pores of the' Skin, do help Tranlpiration, and refine the Blood, by promoting the Current of it toward the Surface of the Body, through Which its fiery and eH‘acte Steams are difcharged. fffilifriiiifi‘f] ‘Fomentations made lixivial by Alhes, and confifting of Emollient and provoking ‘ Difcutient Ingredients, boiled in Waters (in which Sugar hath been refined) :1:g;§f‘;,‘gg: or in Lees of Wine, do enlarge the Pores, and provoke Sweat, and by turning watry Becrements into Vapours, do leffen the Tumours of the Ambient parts, and alleviate, the Amtfarta, by giving a liberty to the Blood to be impelled toward the Surface of the Body, when rendred warm and thin by a hot difcutient quality of the Fomentatio ns, which much allift the Circulation of the Purple Liquor, embodied with crude ferous Recrements. [,iniments are proper, prepared With Emollient, Difcutient, and Dryi ng Medicines, with Sulphur and Salts of and other Minerals; which being Powd divers kinds, with unflacked Lime: ered, and embodied with Juices of Plants, ."l-I Plants, confillting of Volatil Salts, brought by Art into the form of a ,Lini- adding to every Dofc when its l‘treined, and lweetned With the Syrupe of Salts of Steel are not f0 pr0per, becaufe they render the Mafs of Blood 1'P'H'i'ml- 0f rm Anafarca; to be added) may be applied very warm to the Body EB°PW§ its numerous Doors, and breath out the Hydropick Humours, by a fregDiaphorelis. Whereupon the fer0us and pituitous Tumours do olten}dill:1ppear, and more fierce: Whereupon in a Droplie feared in tllC habit 0f the Body, fuch Chalybeats are to be Adminiltred, which are impraegnated with Sul. Tamra-arc Chap- ‘ XX V, the Marion of the Blood is follicited toward the Circumference of the Liniments. , Learned Doélor Willi! hath given an Account of the Cure of a Leuco- nggf‘ficrflyfl phlegmatia, opprelling all the Ambient parts in a Child, who was freduentturnip "Til: ly anointed by his indulgent Mother, with Oil of Scorpions, chafed .with a ‘a' ' N m an [Arid‘ warm hand into the Pores of the Body 5 which being done cfl'eétually, the [‘m‘ {pace of three days, the Child made a prodigious quantity or Urine, and {0 continued for fome time 5 whereupon the Univerfiil Tumour of his Body difappearing, he was afterward perfectly rellored to his Health. _ Vciicatories applied do raife Blilters, and by taking away a great quan- Eli‘lfii‘i‘m. tity of the ferous Liquor of the Blood, do make an expenle of Vital Spirits, nrlmanauv in the running of many Ulcers; which fometimes cannot be healed, affe- W" cling the Fxternal parts of the Body with a Gangreen, , ending often in Mortifications, which have fuch an influence on the inward parts, by infeéling' the Mafs of Blood, having recourfe by the Veins to the Noble parts, that thefe Cangreens and Mortifications, produced by Vilicatories applied to Hydropick Perfons, do {peak an untimely period to Life. A fad lnflance may be given in a worthy Perfon, lately an Officer of the Navy, who was alfefied with an Univerlal Alzdfarm, caufed by Grief, a sedentary Life, and a Scorbutick habit of Body 9 whereup on in order to a Cure (the Mufcular parts of the Body being Tumefied) a confiden t Chyrurgeon, contrary to my advice, did apply Velicatories to his Thighs, which railed great Blillers, whereuponl made a Prognol'tick, that the bliu fiercd parts would Gangreen and Mortifie 5 which folloxved in a lhort lpace, and was attended with a fatal firoak of Death, to the great grief of his Friends: The deceafed being a Gentleman of great Virtue and Civility, for whom I had molt affectionate efteemes. . Efcharoticks may be more lafely applied to Hydropick SWellings, and Effigy}; have not lb ill ConIEqUents, as Gangteens and Mortifica tions, to which bli- {Est/deb llered Limbs are liable : Becaule tfcharoticks do not produce of Humours in the outward parts, and fetous Recrements f0 great a flux having recourfe to the Ambient parts, little by little, Nature can better endure it, as being accuflomed to it by degrees , ' Ingeniou s Doftor Willir, maketh mention of Efcharot icks, applied witl good fuccefs to Swelled Limbs in an Amflzmz; which were firlt bathed Morning and Evening with Decoétion of Dwarf Elder, Chamomel, and other warm difcutient Herbs, boiled in Ale, or Iecs of "line , and be; tween the Fomentations, were applied Cataplaf mes, made of the reliques of the Ingredients, embodied with Bear; and afterward, thefe Applications having been made for three days, both Legs were covered with Burgundy Pix, except where two holes were made in the Plaillers, about the bignefs Of 2 Walnut, wherein were put Efcharoticks made of Alhes, relating to Bark of Alli, and applied to the Skin for Twelve there appeared two thin Efcharas, out of which Hours, and then taken Off, firll gently, and then more freely dil‘tilled watry Humours, as out of two Fountain s, when the Efchar‘a‘s fell off, until the ferous Recremeuts were wholly difcharged, and the Legs refioted to their natural Dimenfions. 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