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Show 0f 1/99 (Jinn of‘Bozylr. 356 Book l. Part l l. _- T"'-'""‘»‘" Portupmt‘. The Gutsof anApc. Book I. Part ll. '\ The Gin; oFa Porcupine, have variety of Dimenlions, now and then enlarged, antl lbmetimes more narrow and Contraéted, as tilllid for the dctaining of Excrements. The Drroa'cnum in an Ape, is loineWhat inclining from the (alarm, (O\Vard the right Kidney, and the adjacent Origen of the Colon, the extream part of the Ilenm near the CA'CHIII, for two inches was {lulled with grols Excremcms. C H A P. X X X V I. The gm: of film's". the Ilcmz had many {hort Circumvolutions, which I clearly law in an Ape lately Didi-Fred in the Colledg Theatre. The (drum in its Extreamitr, coverelh Tome part of the Mufcle, called Pfoar: And the Colon is fall'ned rd the Rim of the Belly and Kidney, and to the firlt of the finall Guts, and from thence is carried as in the Body of Man under the Skirts of the Liver, and bottom of the Stomach, and is then bent toward the left Kidney, Where The (‘rrcum of a Hare. The Cztu m of I (allot. it is linall and contracted into many Cells, after many Circumvolutions far greater then thole of Dogs, and after terminates into the Refill/n. The (rt-cum of a Hare, is of a very great length, and three or four inches ina Cunney, furnifhed with Spiral Fibres; it is not difcernible inaLion, as being of the fame bignefs with the other great Guts, but by almall pallage leading into it. The Cream of a Caller fpringeth out of the left lide of the Colon, different from that of Man, and moll other Animals, whole Origen is derived from the right {ide of theColon; the Coemnz in a Caller is very large near the Colon, and is a Dutch Ell long, and is often filled with Excrements, and refembleth a kind of Stomach, where it is thus dillended, and endcth in {mall Dimenlions, not exceeding the bignefs of the little Finger. The Cream: of an Indian Moufe, is four times as large as its Stomach, and in a Dog alfo is very large, being fubl'tituted by Nature, as Iconceive, to make good the defect of the Colon, in being a Receptacle of grofs Excrenlents; this Gut cannot be found in an Otter. . A Civet Cat hath no Valve in the Colon, but only a hard C W which lupplieth its place: The Colon of aMan and Ape, and many other Creatures, are endued with many Cells; whereupon a Dog having his great Cur (lollitute of all Cells, may be truly {aid tohave no Colon. \ He Guts of an Eagle, are fomewhat larger in their beginnings then TheGutiof they are lower, and toward their Termination: The Duodenum is mfiagle‘ perlorated in divers places, win. with one Hepatick, two Pancreatick, and a Cyl'tick Duet, which are feated in this order. Fll'llt, The Hepatick leadeth the Van, pierceth the Guts about three Spans below the (Pylorm : The two Pancreatick Ducts, by reafon of divers Circumvolutions of the Intefiines, feem to be inferred into them, not far from the place of the Hepatick : And lafl: of all, the Cyllick Duct is implanted into the Guts; and in line, all thefe Dufis are inferred into them, not above 2. Fingers breadth from each other. There appeareth no footl'tcp of any Valve in the Colon, belonging to this Bird, which hath a double Crocmn ( ariling out of each fide the Gut, near the Inteflinum Keélnm) and are very fmall, and lhort, not exceeding a Fingers breadth in length. The Intefiines of a Swan are very long (covered with much Fat, which Efigfutmf‘ Nature lisemeth to have infiituted in {lead of a Caul) and have but few Cyres, and are reHeClcd with a lingle middle Wreath, making a Revolution into it {elf : This Bird hath two lute/lino Circa, appendant to the {ides of the lnteflinmn (Reflunz. The Cuts in a Crane, being tied to the Melentery in f‘traight Lines, gm Gutsofa rifle. :( which feem to make f0 many Rays) and are longer and {horter, as they fucceed each other. A Hawk, called a Calirel, hath no lute/lino Cocoa, appendant to the ori- ACallrclhath of Ex- 22222;: gen of the Regain, as in molt Birds, to give a check to the pallage crements, which is the reafon ( asI conceive ) that this Hawk hath frequent 25:}: mm" mutin s. A lgidgeon hath various Circumvolutions in its Guts, and two lute/lino Caffd, (annexed to the Inteflinum Realm) which alcend up like two Worms, leaning upon the {ides of the Ileon. The Cuts in :t Brand-Goofe, as well as in other Birds, begin in the lower region of the Gizard, and wheel for a little {pace 1‘, and then pal's a little way almofl: in a liraight Courfe, and afterward are curled into many fmall Cyrcs, encircling each other, and afterward make three or four long Cir. "mum" Pidgc‘m' $35,333:? 1110.1". cumvolutions feared in the right fide, and encompafs many lefler ones in the left fide. where the Gyros of the Intellines appear much {hotter then in the right. The Inteflz'mz CflCtl 1-, in this Bird, aril‘e out of each tide of the Intefiinmn Rec-lain, and climb up on each lide of the great Gut for a good fpace ; the left blind Gut endeth in a firaight Line, and the right terminates into an Arch. The Inteflines of a Curlue, haVe five Circumvolutions +, running in the rheoursora manner of Arches, which are delightful to behold: The origen of the firfi $2,"; Gut, arifeth near the lower region of the Gizard, inclining toward the left fide, and then climbeth over the Gulet in form of an Arch, and afterward palleth under the Gizard. This Bird hath two Inteflimz Crew's, as in other Z2 zz Fowls, |