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Show 0f fI/JCIJElI of 9518;2071 7;; "Plants. Book I. Part W Book I. Part IV. Off/98 part; of generation in ‘P/Jm'i‘. 66y \ Birthwort hath a round Body (arifing above the Cells of the Seeds) in which the yellow heads of the flamina are feated (without any (talk) from which many Clobules are derived. hmmhimt In Bell flowers, NJFC‘IfllH, Foxgloves, and almofi in all tubulous leaves 11,31,212}; of Plants, the flamim fprout out of the leaves of the Flowers, with lhort out" i1" little ll:&l.l{$, which is mofi manifeft in a Priinrofe, in which the flamimz (flip- Film: ported by a lliort Item, do fpring out of the inward part of the leaves of the Flowers) have their tops adorned with yellow little heads. TllC limit: In other Flowers their flamina or Filaments, which are many, do fpting };.l.'§i‘;;‘§.t out of the fubltance 0F the Cups, and are beaurified with peculiar heads, 0m‘"°a"‘s' asin Plums, Cherries, and Almonds; and almol't after the lamemanner in the flowers of Pomgranats, the divers ranks of flaming, do fprout out of the thick liibftance of the Cups. InBlcwdmt» In Blew-bottles, many little {talks do arife out of the inward fubl'tance of made for the bofoms of Seeds, and is furnillied with a lhort Tuht. [refer With many {mall Filaments, and about the lower region, where the/1'1 m'mz [proiit out are feared a fyflein of VellEls or Pipes containing a i'ilcid humor like Tut- pentine. The Flower of Poeony is endued with a double "term, {omewhat refemTmfiower of bling a Cod, above which are feared the various origens belonginn to the leaves a'iiiiiilI-i‘i'ii‘ of the flower, and a double Style arilEth, flitnilhecl with crookcod Tubes out- "4' wardly covered with minute Capillary Filaments, and inwardlv are placed many little allodgments of Seeds. 4 In Plants adorned with Cods, as Beans, Peas, (7r. beginneth a Womb InPlanrsniih confiiting of an oblong Tube (interfperlE-d with hairy Filaments) in which $333]: the rudiments of Seeds are conferved as in a fife Receptacle. """beb‘ An elegant Style or Rudiment of a VVomh may be Feen in the center of F): Elli; Flowers (belonging to Auranges, Limons, and the like) and about its rile rTauizziniirle 3353123,? the Flower, and being united, do form it blew Tube, in which that of the flaws; Style is prc'lei'Vecl, and the rep is diVided into many parts, outofwhich the a yellow Body is affixed, made up of an oblong Tube, endued with an open iiiiiiicliit‘ifs‘ oertflmicrs. Globules of the flamina do break forth, and are eneloled between the Tube and the Capfula of the Filaments, as in a proper repolitory. And all other Flowers of Plants have one or more Styles feared in their center, as having one or more Tubes ( interfperfed with hairy Filaments ) in which the firft draughts, or origens of Seeds are lodged as in a Tender Bo- In Plants endued with appendant Cods, as in Peas, Beans, five. The Fl. laments enclofed within the leaves of the Flower, are very lhort, and do glé="5‘:i"]lfhi:f the tiowir 22:3???th {sausage Head, and the whole Style is befet with little Bladders full of Oyl. "f 0"" fom, wherein they are prefetved and nourilhed with proper Liquor. arife out of a Cap/1414 encircling the Style. In thefe Plants (:13 curious Malpioqbim hath dil'covered) the little leaves of the Flowers being plucked of}; Flowers (the Beauty of Plants, finely adorning their heads) are en- "New" dowed with a furniture of manifold parts, as a rare contexture made u iircgmliimlgf an oblong hollow Body (integrated ofthin parts) appeareth whole extremity is divided into many {talks relating to the [lamina of their Flowers. So that the flaming lodged within the flowers of different Plants, are derived lbmetimcs from the Ftalks or Cups, and other times from the inner part of the Flowers,or (iipfiiliz, and are endued with different colours, (hapes, of Cups, fine Leaves, Filaments, and a l'tyliform Procels; So that the top divcripm' of the {hoot or Item is expanded into the compage of a Flower, and the ambient part of the Rine is propagated into a Cup, often cut into various magnitudes, and numbers; and {ometimes they have divers loculaments, big with numerous minute Globules, refcmbling Atoms, and other times the [famine have divers finall Hairs 0F dirers magnitudes, which are mimerous Capillary Filaments, befitting the interior part of the Flowers like a CrOWn. ThusI have dil‘courred the frame of the {cveral parts of the Flowers made by Nature in favour of the Style or Wombs of Plants (in which the Seeds are lodged and chetillied ) as the perfec‘tion of the other. Sothatthe Style is that. part, which pollelleth the center of the Flower, which enCircleth the Seed in its boloni, and rileth up With a Pi'ocels ligated between theflamina or Filaments placed within the confines of the leaves appertaining to the Flower; and I humbly conceive, that the Style hath 5:23;? the fome analogy With the Tubes of the \Vomb belonging to Animals, or rather otherAnl- the Style is a rouglvdraught of one or more Loculainents or Cells in WlnClI "I" the Seed is embraced , and every \Vomb is a broad Body, encloling tbc Eggs oF Plants, and may be called a (hot: Tube, furnilhed with divers Hairs or linall Cylindrt‘s, derived From the (talk, and feared between the Filaments, fpi'outing up within the leaves of the flowers. {we} 7,4,3, In Garden Fennel many \Vombs may be diIcOV'ered, whole body is adorn- m""""°"‘5‘- dwitli ionic (freaks, accompanied with many Filaments and Leaves. an.d hath a body refemblinga Vech in figure, cut into a deep Fiilurc, and, is made up of many tender yellow Pipes, full of a clammy humor, thCll Malpigbiut callcth Turpentine, And after the {tune method Nature talutli it; progrels in the flow:r of Grapes, in which the Style rifing iip doth give the rudiment or" many Cdds' ma e Scolops, endued with divers lizes and Iliapes, as the Srylif‘orm Procefs needeth greater or leis nourilhment. Plants have their Cups fomewhat anfwering the Flowers in nnmber, be- Thchfl'clsof ing framed by Nature as ptefervativesof their tender Compage. And the "WM Flowers are furnilhed with all kind of Vellels, having Pipes of Air and Li': quot propagated from the inner fubftance of the {talk into the leaves of the Flowers, flaming and Styliform Procefs, the firl't principle conl'tituting the Womb of Plants, and the various Pipes divaricated in reticular pierces: have divers ranks of Bladders of liquor, feared in their Arm, to confer Nutrimenton the feveral parts of the Flower. Divers fldfilifld or Filaments encompaffing the Styliform Procefs, do arile Thsflzw‘m near the origen of the Leaves (relating to the Flowers) out of the inward SF;lirl':Jlrli[iig [m recedes of the fialk, and have a proper Sap lodged in little Velicles, which :{ffiifi‘aéllh difcharge themfelves by an Aperture into little Globules. 3:532:33? °f In the middle of the flamina or oblong Filaments is placed the Styliform . Procefs as the Womb (propagated from the inward parts of the Item) in which is lodged a Veficle of Liquor, Colliquated by the heat of the Sun, the fitfi rudiment of the Feed. The firuéture of Plants in point of the parts of Generation holdeth fame The parts of {imilitude with that of other Animals 3 Birds are furnifhed with one Ovary iiiicnfiiifiiiiis. containing numerous Eggs, which are tranlinitted by one Tube or Oviduét 31:13:";in. into the Womb, but \iviparous Animals are endued with two Tefiicles or 35:30an Ovaries attended with two different Veflels or Tubes; but Flowers have fomctimes only one Ovary or Tube, and other times many whofe Compages are endued with Apertures, and their terminations are di'elled with many Capillary Filaments, out of whichJ as {0 many minute Pipes, a clammy liquor |