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Show The EPISTLE DEDICATORY. given their fudgment, the Tro/e/firs [peak their jenfi in In our Illufi‘rious Schools of mo]! vertuous Education are reference hoth' " to the [late of the fDi/ea/es and ccz'ehratedfreciuent Devotions, wherein the Students do dedicate their Cures. them/elves to the ejflthor ofall knowledge and perfeftion. [Ind tofpealgIngeniou/ly without doing inju/iice' to Foreign wind the rProfeflors and Leflurers do read Privately in Societies, audpuhlic/dy in the Schools, many Leflures in Logick, Mtural ‘Philofiphy , cfl/[athematic/(s, Wetaphyflclis, and whom, I humhly conceiw the Thifltians of our Famon: Uniterflties, and the mo]! ‘Renonzned college in London, are not inferior to any, If not the he/l, in‘Point in Theory [Hera/forts of‘Tongues, and in Divinity, as the Commmation and ‘Praffye. ofthe re/l. find the Memhers of the ‘Uni‘vetflties are not only Ma/lers /Ind I am hound in Duty to do fit/lice without Flattery to our Univerfities (having feen many in Foreign Countries) that they are the mo/i Famous and Flouri/hing, that ever 1 had the happinefi to fee, as having the mo/l Magnificent Buildings, and the gi‘eatefl Endowments, and numher of Learned Trofefirs of drts and Sciences, and Students, who have the he/l methodPro, Pounded to them of ohtaining Learning, wherehy they are ren. drea' the greate/l Troficients in reference to Tiety andgood Liv terature, accomphfhing their Intelleflualsand Morals. of Learning, hut of a Liheral Education too, a4 heing Gentle» men at Well a: Scholars, endued with generous Trinciples, and a mo/t Compleaflmt humour, treating Strangers at well a: Friends, with all Civility and IQndnefl imaginahle. ‘The way of Living, (f which I have had Experience for many 6Years, is with great Delight and Satisfaction, in a mo/t Friendly Converfe if Scholars entertaining each other in their younger and diflntere/Z years with kind Looks, and Plea» I have had the. advantage to 71¢ mam ‘Unirverflties in France, Italy , and the Low- ‘Cp‘umries, which are «very Eminent for the Faculty of ‘Phi/ic/g; as having many Tro- feflors (highb "oer/ed in the Traitital Tart) who carry the Students, at their e/Ijficiates to their ‘Patients, demanding of them what their ‘Dfl/flet are, and "with what Methods and Medicines they are to he Cured : When the Students have giwn [ant Language, as fl) many exprefles of entire Love, and mo]! afloft'ionate efleems. |