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Show w Jis 0f the liner of ‘Bea-zflr: Book l. PariTI I; which is fupplied (as [ COUCClVC) with a great Choledoch Dué't, containin 7 very much Choller. The Liv3r o! 2 Hcdg-Hos. . g This Bowel in a Hedg-Hog, hath Five lobes, according to Sedger, andi Seven according to Sunder, and Sewerinm, which are endued with Various {hapes and Mngnitudes. The greatefi lobe is lodged in the left Hy o. condrc, and the mof't and leall in the right, one of which doth cover halfPof Th‘ T irer of an mm the neighbouring Kidney. The Liver of an African Goat, is accommodated with Four lobes, two of which do exceed the other in Dimenlions, and one of the leai't doth extend it felt" to the right Kidney, which it encompaiieth in a great part. 91(- The Liver of a Pygrci T hCLivcr o.r an Indizr. Lore. The Liver of a Tygre, according to curious Wolfrtrigcl, doth lodg in The I 1' er of an Apt. The l ivcroi a Cat. bright Colour, which is very confpicuous in the Livers of Fifh, and other more perfeél: Animals, as they are adorned with variety of Colours; fame of which afi‘eét the Glands, and others their Interf'tices. The Liver of a [and Tortoife, is divided into various lobes, every way 31",";2‘3" encompafling the Circumference of the Stomach, both above and below, to wire. Seger, and Five according to Barrie/Jim ( invefiing the lower Region of the is divided into Two lobes, of which the right doth exceed the left in Dimenlions . C H A P. XIII. 0f the Liver; 0f- ‘Bira'r. He Liver of aGoofe, is beautified with a bright Red, and eonfii'teth giganmf I of two lobes; the right + is much larger then the other, covering tiara". Tome part of the Guts, and enclofeth the right fide of the Gizard, and endf a". eth in a manner of a Point T' The left lobe of the LiVCK‘ 1-, is much [hotter and _more thick then the run. loincwhat like the Prominence of an Eye. ACivet Cat, hath a Liver furniihed with Seven lobes, of which Three are very. (mall, and the latter of them doth cover a confiderable Part of the right, and invefieth the higher region of the Cuts in lome part, and upper right adiacent Kidney, to which it is firmly annexed by aMembi-anous inter- This lobe is patted from the right by a broad thin Membrane, as by a kind of Mediaitine , coming from the binder region of the Abdomen, and reacheth to the Anterior. _ . , end of the Gizard, and hath a Fiilure near its Termination, which is made in a broad thin Expani'ion. Each lobe is hollowed in their Upper Region, making two Ca'Vities like middle of them is adorned with a Triangular Figure, and is fafined for a little Sockets, to give reception to the Cone of the Heart, and parts adioyning to to its Termination. ‘ . _ fpsce, to the afcendent Trunk of the V6!" (arm, by the mediation of a thin Membrane. The Liver of an Otter, is fruitful in lobes, having: Seven in number, (adorned With difl'erent fhapes and flzes, {blue of which refi upon, and others are lodged under the Stomach) into whofe concave furface, the Uni; , bilical and hollow Vein do make their ingrefs 5 and the Jail doth {umilh all the lobes With numerous Branches and Capillaries, which import Blood into their innumerablefmall Glands, Which are To many Colatories to refine the‘ Blood. The ' Ventricle) very different in lhape and fize', which are hued with a pale Colour. , A Chameleon, bath the fubllzan'ce of its Liver fomewhat {olid in fome $23323" part, and many Cavities in the orher 1, and is eiidiied with a dark Red, and - is fubdivided into three Fiflhres, fornewhat like the Foot of a Puller; the Th : Liver 0F lil DUCT- Thccompoiition of the Liver in a Squirrel, is very elegant (as Malpi. Sriiiiii‘hi'd‘ ghz'ws hath well obferved) and is divided into many lobes, which are accommodated with numerous Globules ( confifiing of (floral Clandsi) which ' may be eafily diltinguilhed by variom Colours, tinging the furface of the Liver 3 by reafon the Globules are hued with Red, and their Interfiices (whereby they are patted one‘ from the other) are endued with a more The Liver of an Indian Bore, much rel‘enibleth that of a cmnmon Hog both in 'Colour and Shape, and is mofl remarkable in the defect of the Sn-, ipenfory Ligament; whereupon the Liver in this Animal, is not tied to the polition. The Liver of a Pole-Cat is compol'ed of Seven lobes, of which the lowcli The Liver of a Polocat. 449 cherifli its life and heat, the better to enable it, in reference to the digei'tion of Aliment. . A Mole bath a linall Liver, parted intoFour Minutelobes, according to mfg-Wm" Bladder of Call maketh its egrefs; fo that the bottom of it dbth appear The Liver of a Civct Car. ,. both Hypocondrcs, and is divided into Six lobes, which do extend them. {elves to the aicendent Trunk of the (km; the greatelt of thele is fiibdi. vidcd into two Branches, into which the Bladder of Call is aflixed. Mit/rifl, but to the Vertebres of the Back. .The[ iver ofa Rabbet, eonfif‘teth of Five lobes, of which Three are To clolcly united, that they icem to be one lobe, and do inveli a great part of the Stomach (which being extended, is endqu with a Seinicirciilar Figure ) the [\VO other lobes are feared under the Stomach, one of them being of 21 Circular Figure, and very finall, is lodged in the Arch of the Stomach, and the orhcr is feared under the upper lobe, being Very much bi<wer then the Circular lobe; and is broader in its Otigen, and endeth almoi‘ihiiito a Point: The Liver i» hued with a deep Red, fomewhat inclining to a livid Colour. I The Lix er of an Ape, doth fiitnilh the Abdominal Region with Six lobes of which the leafi is lodged in the Semicircle of the Stomac h, the Three: greater are featcd in the Right Side, and one in the left, and another in the middle oi‘the other, which receiveth the Umbilical Vein and the neck of Veficle of Call, and a finall lobe doth lean upon the right Kidney to which it is afiixed by a lltong Ligament. k 1 . The Liver ofa Cat, is adorned with Six lobes, of different Shapes and blagnitudes, fome of which lean upon, and others are lodoed under the Stomach, and out of the middle of two of them, Tested in thcf'riuhi Eric the ‘i ii: Liver o1" altabhm t. BookI. Part I II. . The Liver of an Eagle, is beautified with a Horide Rod, and diVided in- 3%,er to two lobes, of which the right is the'lougefi, filling a great part of the right Hypocondte, in which it enclofeth the right fide of the Gizard 5 and the left lobe is fomewhat thicker and {hotter then the other: And thefe 10bes are dillinguiihed from each other, by the interpofition of a thin Membrane, annexedlto the Sternon, and under it did appear four Membranous Cavities, two lateral, made for the reception of the Lungs, and two intern medial, ‘ Z2zzz |