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Show r/ic f"riilti,in"ti mm' "homer of (je'ilCi‘flnOfl. Book I. Part IV, enemiion. ierea great doubt may ariPe, how out of the Seed thofe parts can he I formed, of which the Parents are deliitlite before the generation of Farm b' tenor) no Architet‘floniclt Spirit can be derived from them, as having ud ' _r; ‘e in the nature orr things: To which Learned Diemcrbraecl; gii'eth ti." "ply", That the imagination of the Parent Compenla tes the defec‘toi~ parts, by realou \Vomeu who havelolt fome Limb, do by a {trong imagination make liieli impreflions of Figures upon the Spirituous parts of the Seed, and thereupon have well formed Children in reference to all their pang, 35 well Ivlodelled as ii the Seed had been imprinted with the Images oli {hole parts ariiéling the Albuminous particles or the Blood and Nervous Liquor, the principles of Genital juice. It is very evident how prevalent a firong Imagination hath been in "70. men with Child, which hath wrought wonderful effects of Shapes, Colours, " which have proved very Monltrous in a Woman terrified with a horned Bead, which made fuch imprefiion upon the PIP/HI, that he grew defimned by the aeei'elce'iice of a Horn: And perfect Women in Shape and Limbs, have brought lorth defe€tive Children caufed by deep thoughts and a fearful imagination, making ill impreflions upon the Seminal Liquor. But lome inquilitix e l'erlon may ask a reafon, how this {trong Imagina"‘ 7 tion can produce liieh lirange cfl‘eéts by configuring the Seed, and make ad, dition of things to the FQ'IHJ", which differ in their whole nature, as it apt peareth in the produéiion of Monflers by lirength of Imagination ; which I humbly conceive, pr'oeeedcth after this manner: The Portraic‘turc of vi- ible Objects, ortliings (though not exif‘tent,) being conllantly and deeply thought upon by \Vomen with Child, do make an iinprellion upon the Surf!!! Niirririru in the Brain, which is afierward carried by the (Fur Virgil"; and Vertebral Nerves into the thtieles, where it meeteth with the Alburuinous {art of the Blood and giveth it the fame Signature 3 whereupon tlrele [Cleo ms of the Seed being configured by a powerful Imagination, do produce the lame ideas in the Frrlm, and do liipply the defeél of Parts in tholh that \‘canttheirl hubs, and communicate the Ideas of them to the Em- Im'o by a potent imagination, as if they really enjoyed them. ‘ . x n 62. 3 a les or the Maleuline Seed mfinuatmq int0 the ficret Pores of the more groFs and fixed Particles of the Fa'minine Liquor opens its Compage , and by an expanfiremotion of Spirituons and Elafiiclt airy Particles, do fet the Volatll Particles of the l*';eiiiiiriiie Seed at liberty, whereupon the Seminal Liquor of both Sexes is united and put upon Fermentation. The Plalliclt Vertue heated in the more thin and Spirituous Particles, doth firft exert its operation in the more Colliquated and Ctyltallitie part of the mixed Seminal liquors; which being acted with Intelliue motion , are Concreted here and there into various fhapes, and hollowed into many greater and linaller Cavities, and lo by degrees the Delineation of all parts oi the Body is produced. The Genital Liquor when well concocted in the Tefliclesjs thence conveyed by the Deferent VeilLls into the Seminal Velicles, wherein it being repofed a l‘imic} 7'?ctr-i, tinth rim i, f ‘lifa'fdimtuf ,V. he Semina! Liquor is h- T 1W"?- due time, aequircth a laudable confil'cence, and beeometh fibrous as being made up of many white Filaments, which I humbly conceive, are the firlit rudiments conllituting the parts of the Frcrur. In thele fibres (which are the chief integrals of the Semen) being oFa diver'le dilpolition and configuration, as more or lefs folid, anti asmodelled in feVeral lliapes, the Plallielt verrue is leatcd, and are the Hill/1.1mm; productb e of the various parts of the Embryo. The numerous Veliels, which are {0 many Tubes, framing the Compaqen oi the hiufcles and Vifcem, are compofed of thele numerous Seminal Fibrils, which being united in a round figure with a concave IIII‘FHCS, do make the Cy- lindres of Arteries and Veins, containing the Vital Liquor; and the Nerve; being lyl'tems of many Filaments (curioufly lodged one within another, in which the Nervous Juice is conferved) are framed alfo ofa company of thcle Seminal Fibrils, curioully conjoyned. And fome ofthefe Filaments being impregnated with faliiie Particles, have The CW?" is :1 concretive power by which the Seminal Fibres are firllt made Membranous, rivetiedPower in there and then Cartilaginous, and afterward Bony: So that I mall: humbly con- "its eeive, Thatall the more or lefs {olid parts have thefe various Seminal Fila- k i The fourth hind of Architeétonick Power, refident in the fpirituous particles of Seminal Liquor, giveth a clue magnitude to the Integral parts; and a decent Conformation, which comprehendeth firli a con" f‘ , \enient Figure, accommodated to celebrate the aétion of the Organ; Secondly, Caxities and Pores, obtaining their jull number and magnitude: Thirdly, Its Conformation requireth a proper filriace, as endqu \virh liich a finoothnels and roughnefs as the nature of the part requireth. Fourthly, ; of Salts- merits, (aéted with different Salts) as {0 many rough draughts, out of which the l imbs of the whole body of the Embryo are delineated and finilhed by Van rious faline Coneretio " And now i will endeavour to Explieate the order that Nature oblerveth Tit-"M r i , . , . h iris-rue pa1t: m the Formation of Parts one after another, among which the Blood doth o l the 15 id; (i; in the urity, and is {tamed out of the molt hot, fpirituous, volatil, Conformation is ali‘ef‘ted with a due lituation of parts, as they have a pro- liilphureous, and Ciline parts of Colliquated Seminal Liquor. From this moi. prime and principal Particle the Vital Spirit, the innate heat is propaga- are formed. per place and connexion with the adjacent parts : So that the I'lalliclt Power ted to the whole Body, and from this choice Elixir of Lite all other Liquors of the Seed doth conl‘titute all parts in weight, number, and meafure, and unity too, which aggree to {imilar and difiimilarparts, and difpofe them in receive their birth and perfection. V his that pure Vel'cal Flame, ever burning, and imparting Heat and an excellent order of fituation and production, in which the limilar parts do claim the Primogeniture, as the Vital Liquor, h/Iembraner, Veins Ar' Ligaine ‘ , Carrilages, Bones, and afterward the Diflimilar parts integrated of the Similar, as the Vijcera and Mulcular parts. Ii in its perpetual motion through all the apartiments, relating to the flares ly {ahrielt of Man's Body. The Blood is fitlt formed in the ambient parts of the Seminal Liquor, as Enforced i In Inert eolliquated and inlpired with attenuated and volatil Particles by theTh IOImL't 0mm irts or thc the heat of the \Vomb, and is afterward carried from the circumference to g olliquatrtl The I111}?)'C§Zliflt€d Egg being excluded the Teflicles, and Hiding through the adioy ning Tube into the Cavity of the Womb, is clofl'ly immured within ' ' " .rtd I‘u/Eembrane (contracted by Hull}VI‘dl)l‘CS,)l‘0 enlirm andcherilh the Liquor, which in :1 lhort time is eiieireled wirl a thitlt and fine Coat, the Center, and is generated before the Liver, Heart, or any szccm are 5; formed, and is carried firfi by Veins into the Punfium Saliem, and afterward by Arteries into all parts of the Colliqua'ted Seed; and is altered and colliquated by the moill; warmth of the \Vomb 5 So [lth the The rim} 1;(L. |