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Show 0/" H31; Wr/irtnt i/r/fl'lr (if Ii team. Bool; l. Part lV. 0f [/18 Defamer Viv/eh (y‘r i'f/omm. to the bofom of the womb, where the i-‘wrm is formed) and by degrees th ‘ raineth greater and greater perfection of parts. But divers l'erlons not well pleafed with any new Difcoveties how i- tional foevery do propound ()bjt'ftiom againft this plain truth of 1? U, \ +T.X)_P. lodged and receiving the iirft Rudiments of Conception in the Tellicleis The fil'ft-Ob)CC}lOll is this, That leeing the Impregnath Egg is excluded the Ttiiiele, how cometh it to be txclutled, which Iconceiv e, proceetl~ eth from the Glandulous fubflanee of the Egg (immuring it lmlilcdia tc] after inipr ation ‘) beli‘t with liefhy Fibres, contracting the Egg and foft- ly Computing it; whereupon the Egg is gently protruded through the ' Aperture of the Tellticle hill into the Fim/Jrz'iz + or Extremity, and afterward 1T. 14 II. into the body of the Tube. 1* The pammcraf tlzt Oviiintt; The {econd doubt propounded is, by reafon the paifage of the Oviduét or Ttihcle is llraight, through which the [impregnated Eggiis excluded Whereupon a danger may arife of breaking the Egg : To which I anfwer That it is iii'ft {l‘ripped of its Clandulous Coat, which much lelleneth the circumference of the Egg, beforeit palleth through the Aperture of the Ovary, "hich being of a lN'Iembranous nature 1 h: mnfl neat legs (4) the Uri lI-t't are liiil impughated. can Dilate it felf to nivr; .l‘ii't‘C egreis to the Egg, withoutlraceration of the Coat encirclino the lam alter the manner ofan Eggs parted from the ()varym‘hieh being reeveived iiitod the letieinity of the Tunnel, paileth through it v'.'ithout anyiuptnre of the l'cllirle encompatling the Egg, and is in ionic kind like me Hem} which paf. leth through a linall Orifice into the more free Cavity of the Virginia uteri. A third Scittple may be raifed by reafon there are [NO Ovaries therefore Twinns {liould be conceived : but the anfwer is eafy; The Fags bf both Tellicles are leldom Impregnated at the fame time, but now ink. one Tcilicle and then in another, as the inof‘t near Egg to the extremity of 1imamrr time/fir Sympmnmtit Mir/rem exugiiarit: tandem trizmz ant qrmtuar [Hen/firm: faiths Fwtm, Careers: rfl'mcffa tumulnm [ibi para'I/it in fife Nfdtre, exert/melt) inserts fanguinix 'Praflwvz'um in univerfam Abdominir Cawilalem, it! (Iliad Iribm ultimi; diebm‘ webemmtzflimz' Motm Channel/2711' (7» deniq', mar; fab. jctutrz fitit: which may be thus rendred in our Mother Tongue; chiet Czflizl a rParr/inn Chyrurgeon, did open the Body of a Woman thirty two years of age, enducd with a Sanguine temper, and a Mafculine habit of body: two lVlatrices were found, lb well difpofed by Nature in a iingular Connexion, that the true one conceived Eleven times, that is, fevcn Sons and four Daughters, in a due time and Grape, and had a little Brother an Embryo, conceived in an Inlet of the true Womb, and in a place {0 unfit for Diftention, that the Firm: enlarging its dimenlions, did torture the Mother ten weeks with dreadful Symptoms, at lal'c became a Firms of three or four Months 3 the Prifon being broken7 he made a 1 omb for himfelf in his very Mother by railing a great Flux of Blood in the whole Cavity of the Belly, which was accompanied the lait three days with violent Convullive motions, and at lail: with Death it felf. I humbly conceive that there were not truly two Wombs, but one of them was a Deferent Veilel, in which the Imptegnated Egg, ex- ib'ufiion, Comprellion, or from the dlitemper of the richt or left Tribe or {ions of the Fuzzy/5 lb lunch difiending the Tube, did fet it at liberty by Teflicle , which I have often feen in the difleaion ofDWomen in whom lometimes the one, and other times the other hath been found to bediiafllfied with the Hydalider and other Diletifes. ‘ The‘fourth Objeélion may be this; That in one Coition in Hens, all the ngs oi the Ovary are made fruitful by the Cock, and why by the fame teaion, may not all the Veficles in the Telticles be at once impregnated , . by Man? 1 0 which it may be replied, That the Struaurc of Parts in Birds . concurreth very much to the univerfal making of the Eggs fruitful in Birds, becaufefithe Oxiduéts in them is ftraight and more ready for the conveyance ol‘ the Spirituous parts of the Semen to the Egas; whereas the Tubes in Man are full of Gyres and Maandcrs, which iiitercept or retard at leaf: the afcent of the fubtlc parts of the Mafculine Genital Liquor into the Eggs lodged in the Teltieles. '1 hus in fine, I have endeavoured to folve forne Objections prepoundcdin dif‘ _: favour of the Eggs which are firft formed and impregnated in the Teflicles or Ovaries, whence they are thrult into the Tubes, in which a Concept may ‘be made of a humane Fwtm without the Cavity of the Womb;ion 0f making a Laceration (and difcharging it into the more large receptacle of the Belly) which filled its Cavity with a torrent of Blood drowning the Foztur, ending the Tragick Scenes of the Mothers Life in troublelome Ptorms of Convulfive lVIotions. Which do confirm that the Eggs generated and impregnated in the Tefticles as Ovaries Jr , do pals out of their Confines into their Tubes, and in this extraordinary cafe of Conception, the Egg was unnaturally detained in one of the Dcferent Veilels, .in which it was f0 nourilhed till the Child migrate-fully deltroyed the Mother. The Deferent Velfels of a VVoman have a double Life; the firfiisto con« vey the Spirituous particles of the Mafculine injcfled Seed out of the "term to the Tefticles , in order to impregnate the Eggs or Veliclcs of Albugineous Liquor. The fecond ufe the Oviduas is, to convey as Channels: The more fubrle and fpirituous parts of the Seminal Liquor (after it hath r64 ceived fome Eflbrvefcence and Colliquation in the 'Utcrm) into the body of the Tef'ticles , where it bedews and impregnates the Velicles filled whicn a memorable infiance is given by ale Graaf in his Treatif e dc Orga- with Albuminous Matter as f0 many 071.4, which being fevcred from the nis jriuricmm, and by Bonnet"; Anglo. 73nd}. Lib. 3. 828. «7. (1e Conceptions orhet Vi libs (not Impregnated) are received into the Extremities of the Owl "rs, fll‘l tranftnitted through their Cavities into the'bofom of A 07/0 6)» (icmrllir, pag. I 367. 3 Bear- Two Womb! cannot be form! in a V\ 0mm. many Impediments of Nature, either by the error of Conformation Ob- dom bath to well (lilpofed as to generate Twinns; which cloth proceed from of the of the Benedict/M Vii alim- berwgm 'Parificnfir, aperiaz't (lie 6. 74/1. 1654. Carla‘zrcr Mir/icrir a2. armor 7mm, tompcramentu firirgnineo, (9) habit" rm'poris fluid gym/rule [met/inc : Repertzc fitcrmir (/1156 Monitorv/izrgu/ari tomexione ti Natzrrtz ram bane (/ifpofifa', u! 'z'mzjtzm nmlccicr calzccpiflét, [epic/i2 nimirnm Elias, (5" (yuanmr Pillar, juflo owner tempera, (7 ds'bilcc raizzpnfitimzir, My; babcbrmt Hm term/um E}/}[)I:}‘WZL'III, Conception iii Adj-maria, fzrz/c adminitztlo Gel/"mi 'Uleri, (3N quiz/cm in law at! (liflwlfionrm Mm imp/o, m‘ Farms gram/refer"! rim-m [cp- cluded the Tellicle, was unfortunately lodged, caufcd by fome obfiruétion or compreflion of the Tube, intercepting the paflage of the Egg into the ‘Ultrur, whereupon it tending to greater maturity by the heat of the Body, at lall became a Fart/4x5, and Was confined within the Tube as in a {traight Enclofure for three or four Months, untill the greater Dimen- the Tube is rendred fruitful, and it is rare, but that either there'is a defect in the Seed of the Nlale, or the Egg of the Female; f0 that they are fel-l TMFI‘ ,. 599 the worn: BUt The firfl arc of (lit. Oiidufls, The {stand uh: of the O» tirluéis. |