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Show Chap. X X X, I 0f the Can]. C H A P; X X X I. "7720 Tat/Jo/ogic of the OWL 'i'thaul'isl'i- 71fHe Pathologie of the Can], is occafioned upon many accounts, be"bl".mmfl‘l" caule it is an inward Integiiment of a curious Strufiure, made up matlons, AJ' ' of various parts ( as it hath been dilcourfed) of Coats, Memfidlcslllu'rhr géli‘riiii‘fi'ni branous Cells, Adipole Duets, Arteries, Veins, Laé'teous Vellels, Glands, mum" and I conceive, Lymphardué‘ts too as their attendants: Whereupon, this choice covering of the Intefiines,is rendred obnoxious to divers Difeafes, In; flammarions , Ablcefles, Ulcers, Steatoines, and Scii'rhous Tumours, and Dioplies. a Inflammation As to Inflanimations, they may proceed originally from an‘Exiiberant girfitgfailnis Mali: of Blood, fiagnant, produced by the large Bamificarions of Far, c0m. gagging prelling the neighbouring Sanguiduéls, with which they allociate, lo that mbllaiice. their Cavities are lelfened, and the Circulation of the Blood rendred (low; whereupon the Vital I iquor groweth grofs, and being impelled into the luterlticcs of the Vellels relating to the Caul, cannot afterward be received :i rem into the Minute Orifices of the Veins (flraightned in grofs Perlbns, by 2}"5:{{;:.3§" the a jacent Membranous Cells highly fluff'ed with Fat) whence ariletli Siri‘iiii:irnii)at- an inflammation oi the Caul, caufcd by too great a plenty of Blood ( lodg tenanrlrro- ed in the liibltance of the Caul) which {wing it hath loll its Motion, as (liitctli an "1_ . ccrliyirscor- not capable to be returned by proper Vellels toward the Heart, the Semfi'wual‘y' tons and Nutricious parts or the Blood are turned into Purulent Matter (producing an AlifcelS) which cori'odeth the tender frame of the Caul, and maketh an Efliux of corrupt Matter into the Cavity of the Belly, rendring it Ulcerous; hence the \\ hole Compage of the Caul is fubjeét to l'u- trefiie'tion, which hath been often lound upon Diflbé'rion of Bodies QiijdrdLl{:( A Commander olia Man of \{Var2 often having expofed himfelf to tdusCaul. Wind and Weather, and being ol a lickly Confiitution, fell into a great Swelling of his lower Apartiment, which Was much mitigated by a proper Cotirfe oi I'hyliek, and yet notwithltanding he was troubled with Vomiting, and an ill Stomach, {0 that he was not able to digell his Meat, and at lali was overcome with an Atrophy 5 and after his Departure, we found the Caul very much putrified and confumed. Aszciromc The Caul is a kind of Sink, into which Nature tranfmirtcth by VariOUS £31532?- ClmnnclS, a quantity of grofs Humours of difl‘erenr confidence-s, whereof f:;:‘§‘§‘t‘::‘ fome are indigefied Chyle, or Serous Liquor ( whole warty Particles being :lifidliflflflrd Evaporated) concreted into a whitilh Matter, fornewhat like I ard, enclo- Coat likcz'it. led ina thick Membrane, whence arilEth a Steatonie: And other HumourS allb growingr more and more Indutated, do thicken the fubl'tance of the Glands, and turne it into a Scirrhus, which fometimes is fo great, that it highly difiendeth the whole Abdomen. figtrgnancceor A Tradelinan's Wife, labouring with a great Tumor of her Belly, WhiCh "m" ' could not be reduced by any Method of Phyfick, but received Day by Day greater addition, till it arrived to a prodigious Magnitude, which made 3 high difficulty of Breathing, as hindring the free play of the Diaphragmei which was greatly comprefled by the l'tupendous Tumor of the Caul, wallaiecid to Chap. X X X It 779:: Tar/cologie if t/ae 0m], robbed the Body of its due Nutriment, cabling an Emaciation of all the Mufcular parts: And after her Death, an Apertion of her Bell bcin celebrated, the Intel'cines appeared thrufi toward the right fide in in tiring- fual pofiure, and afterward a wondrous Swelli ng preliented it {elf beino encircled with a [hang Membrane, filling up the cavity of the Bell and was eafily- feparated from the adioyriing parts, and being taken outydf the Body, weighed many Pound, to the admiration of the Speélarors' This vafi h‘welling was enwrapped within athick Coat, which bein chi Hill a white Tumor like Lard, difcovered it fell; which was accom genie-d.1 w'th‘ many {mallet Glandulous, and Scirrhous Tumors. P I The Can! is furnilhed with a multitude of Glands , which fometimes are fwelled to great Dimenfions, proceeding from a large proportion of mi; Chyle extravafated in the filbflance of the Glands ( in the Can] toward the common Receptacle) as fpued their palTaae thrguoh our of the Milky Vellels of the firfi kind, into the Interlii of the TZrininatiZn ces of Veflels belon mg to the Omental Glands, wherein the grofs Chyle is loduedand indurii- ted, by 'feal‘on it cannot be admitted into the linall Extrgiinities of the "Dlfi‘arcd" fecond kind of Laéteal Vellels, in order to be tranlinitted into the ~itomm Eii‘lsfiflus Receptacle. On Gland" A Country Woman was tortured with reat ain in l ‘ highly opinionated {he had divers living Argimalspin lierf]::7lli3i:1liyg7a::(:1er1.: great‘Dil‘compolure, and at lal't ended in a great Swelli {pea‘king aclol‘t;1 to her fiife : [findfafterwari an infpeét na of‘tlie Bgll ion being made [2; with nuinuc 110 ion intomst scil-rho einwar us Gland3 rece es _ 0 the Abdomen, the. Caul appear , i ‘ ed befet Sometime the rare Contexture of the Card is e i ' Recrements ( flowing into its fiibfiance by a, greailtladgfrilpghya Elias/[exilelgf mifilfilfifi whole more fluid Particles being breathed out by its Pores [0 that its liib- 2311mm"! llance becometll hard and thick, refenibling 3 Hide: As it hath been feen in a. Maid of an ill habit of Body, who had the Caul adjoynina to the N iwl, highly thick and indurated; which was difcove celebrated after her Death-.- And Learned Doé‘to red upon: Dill'eétion r Wharton giveth an Infiance of this Cafe, in his Dilcourfe of the Gland s relatino to hit: Caul. The chorce integument of the Inteltines, is freque ntly? infeflted With H 7dropick Diflempers, which may arife from an overm uch Induloence of 0hr $335!ch {elves in {trong Liquors, and cold and moilt Diet overchargiribg the Blood imimkpcm with watry Recreinents; which not being fecern ed in the Glands of the 3.1952343, Kidneys, and thence tranfmitted by Urinary Duéis into the Pilvis, they recoil with the Blood by the and Pa illar Caruncl l;:",‘.:\l:jcl:f,'n iimulgenl: Vein" inr is, 531::3:"?in ‘ Venn Calm, and afterward into the Heart and Limos and Delbendznt'Igt 1: ed film 3,," of the Aorta, into the Catliac and Mefeiiterick Aitéries and thence intdlili Can!» fubfiance of the Caul,in {'0 great a quantity,tha t the linall Capillar Veins C notable to entertain them; whereupon the thin tender Membranes bf the Carl being overmuch difiended by too great a plenty of watt H :lu' break, and let loofe the confined Liquor, which freely fireaiiiin 111110111"? h0 Lacerated Caul, do make a Lake in the Cavity of the Abdorigieom 0hF l: 13-f0met1rnes fwelled like a Barrel, in a molt prodigious manner) (Pith: A" "MIMI" Fifien (gallons of Watry Faces, have been let out of d Belly. 0 t {liiiélfifidlf marine; 5:12:"fag/jam pgoceedeth Pfrom an UlceracdTappe Gaul, wherein it is Effigy? ken Lym haeduét p_ Wit warty ecrements (Howmg from the brogn=nt<flgwing l M p Shlfl. the Ulcered Glands of the in WhiCh it is [0 illiquid?" ong acerated, till it is fretted and gauled by the Caul) serous Liquor ( imprgeg- ‘l‘;‘1§‘:ml3‘5 ":3 Eee flared Glands. |