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Show ,_ ,_ ~__.t_._ .M-* W‘ The l) R E r A c 1:. The P R E F A c E. rules of .iuitice and ‘l‘emperance, which confine the irregular andlEnfual Appetities within their due limits, in order to the liiution of Peace and Health. The Soul being receptive of high pleafure and fatisfaction in in obeying her Maker's commands, doth impart a fecret joy to r5 N "311' the Body, rendring it vivid and active to celebrate its natural XXXiii by+iNature; and by drinking too free Qups of generous Li; ariatséiiii according to received Philofophy highly to influence the Body 5 quor, do at once loie their Reafcn and faiie, wherein they are made void of Senf: and Pleafure. A Good Fellow is called ‘Bomrio by the Italian, a Hog's Skin filled with Wine, as if his Gulet ferved for no other end but a Tunnel to pour down drink into his Belly (as into a Hogihead) which being often emptied by an extream part, "I" "J‘l' Nobler Pafsions relating to the Triade of Love, Joy, and Hope, are fo many fine Wings to elevate the Soul and Bod ‘, by ex, as by a Tap, groweth at lait clofed up in a Dropiy fo that the veffel of the Belly remaineth always full, w ierein the alting them to vertuous inclinations, full of Honefty and Honor, but on the other hand, Hatred, Sorrow, and Defpair, are f0 many Weights, or Bolts and Chains to deprefs and enflave the Patient groweth Thiri'ty, when fwelled with over/much Li» higiiiiifi: operations, whereupon the flm'mz' ‘Piztbcmam, may be truly (aid fenfitive and rational Faculties and their operations, often pro; ductive of ficknefs, as an entry into the Chambers of Death. Ourduty to The cheerful refentment of our duty to God and Man, gi~ Gd d . M21] gi‘mh Veth a Heaven to the Soul, and a ferene temper to the Body in. the Soul 9. fweet compofure of its difagreeing Humors, fpeaking us free and Body. and health , as we are put into a capacity of enjoying our felves and riendsin a pleafant or amicable converfe. ‘ The ScntiGood Fellows and Debauchees, the only wifiz Men (as they ments of 0mm," fancy) have other Sentiments, and deem their freedom much a {Ercuity to are tend. confined within the fevere bounds of Temperance,by giving too great an allay to the fwing of their fenfual enjoyments, in refer rence to the indulgence of full Cups, and variety of Mif'treffes; But with their permifsion, I conceive their apprehenfions are very fond, by reafon Perfons of fobriety tranfcend them in True fen- fuel plea" true fenfual delight, and have their Appetites more high, as turecomitts eating and drinking with greater gull when hungry and thirfiy, in Sobriety. . . and eiiJoyVenereal pleafures With greater and more chaite flames (according to our Saviour; infiitution in luarriage) rendrin<r themfelves immortal by propagation. D While the coy Appetites of irregular Perfons are unduly hightened by high Gouts, forced Meats, and itranqe Provoca» Thefe high pretenders purchafe pleafure at a dear rate, and inordinate are often worl'ted in Vent/yr Camp, and come off with broken giggles Shins, and cut Nofes, as f0 many fears and marks of difho, 35333;? nour ; fo that the great judge, out of his tender l‘Aercies, mix; pain. eth Sweets with Bitter, to puniih ltupid offenders, by counter; manding their vain pleafures, as an earnefl: of future Torments, and with horrid pains by hanging us as Slaves, with blows upon our Shoulders, Arms, Thighs and Leggs, to make us fenfible of our great prevaricarions, to preferve our Health and Life. Spiritual Aberrations are thr wore peculiar Difeafes of the spiritual ' Mind ; Pride, by which fome iettzfxT too great a value upon (13:21:13? their parts and perfections, do Juftly leffen themfelves 1n the farm}? efteems of others, to give a Reprimand to Supercilious perv ' fons for their arrogant deportment, wherein they grow difcontented upon being fcorned and neglected, as a due punilhment for their infolent folly. The envious perfon groweth fick at anothers greater Health, Theenvilooketh with an ill Eye upon his profperous neighbour, to fluiefifirfl whom he ought to Willi all happinefs, in common Humani' 3325,1313; by ty as an alfociate of the fame nature with himfelf, and feema Profpcrity. eth fecretly to quarrel with his Maker, in giving another tives, which give falfe fire, as it were lighting a [fainp at both a greater portion of his benefits, whereas he ought in all reafon ends, and fpeedily exhaulting the Oyl which fupporteth the to receive the Blefsings of the Almight‘ (whether more or lefs with a cheerful Look and thankful Heart) who out of providence difpofeth all things in great Wifdom and Ju» veltal flames of Lif . The fond Senfualii'ts become untimely Pops, by tiring [lleine [Siirelruilifis quor, Drowning and Burying the noble parts, as in a Pud' dle. fiice. fl?Siitilfé'iciéilifiieii iii??? the Painted {gm 9f PM ' . g to per onate that which they cannot enjoy, and antedate themfelves hewiched making themfelves the fcorn of Curtizans before the time prefcribed i by , The Gluttonindulgeth his Palate in variety of Delicacies,- Theoiut, wherein he treateth his great Enemy, and giveth him advan- fifie‘llfe‘h rage to encounter him with the greater force, by raifing his' 36E". "‘1' rebellious Appetite to fuch a hight, that he cannot fubdue his i inordinate |