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Show 38 Of [/90 Penis, or Yard. Book I. Patti? Book I. Part IV. The action of amner Anatomitor Mufcnlir prioribm Penem extendcmli, erigendi PINE/Hid"! (lune. rhct 'tl C) of rl~ mil,is giro/its, cfl, quad in onmtbm Mnfatlir, dnm agimt Id, an! quad drflinali jiwl, rm. ri List} the I ,In (cor/rm wntrcr inmmcflun! , atquc Extrcmzmter ad fe Inc/16cm t1L('L'(/Illif. QJ-(dd C H A P. (um itzr fit, ficri non Pnfcfl mt Point has rm‘mne cxtcndnlura qIItmc/oqimlwl Mil/("[1 afr'jo, fit cairn-151m, quota cxlrn/mnz contrnniz tfl. Ncque diam/10mm illuftltlorimz 0pc illilllfdidfc (Bent; tree/zoncnz ton/Inger? PM}, ex comm accum- 0f the Seminal Liquor ofthm tiorz' inflledlionc, ('9' its qlm jinn digit jmf, (litre tqqnoflztnr, qtmt Mtfmlomm illornm thremitatcr ad fe Invite": defiant t1[££'[[L'VE, (5‘ mm prinripimn quot! Coxcna'itir 0]];th firmifer implantatur lira/itcr-z‘llorum qnqfl intlirohilitatclil "1.7. He elegant frame of Mans Body is beautified with divers Apartirinents, confifiing of Variety of parts, dirpol'ed in excellent order, fituation, weri non [in/[it "Cctfli' (fl, alteraz torn/n cxtrenzzlzvs appropmquct, (I'll-(1‘)],AI txnm The Eicf‘iien at (1‘6 PM", a "d the mar.nci him is prrtorinid- V I. fit Mew/mun virile,neccflari0 id feqnz debet: St extra/squatter, qitzd fiat? Pg",5 non Erggrgmr‘ fed Dcpriznerrtur; quit; in infer/zit part3, five fab rPent, cx fine Figure, and due Magnitude and Proportion,anfivering each other in rare Th5 Parts of Coxcnz/r'cir appendicibm‘ origincm fimmnt (1131' Mufti/Ii, @ Inferiori fez/i; pmi imp/anmntur. So that thele Mufclcs, called Err Hirer, do in their Contraction rather deprels, then erect the Mulcles; an: in the fame manner, the, other Miilhles, called Actelemtarcr Uri/2x, do l'éltlidl‘ in their action narrow and Perfection of the other, as they give them Being and Life. . The {elect fluid parts of the Body are chiefly four, Chile, Vital, Nervous, £1,232: and Seminal Liquor: Chyle is the Materia fubflrata of Blood, Blood of Ner- WYvous juice, and both are the matter of Genital Liquor, as the refiilt and com- then dilate the paliage of Urine: As I .lhall trio-re fully Difcourfe hereaf- plement of them in order to the excellent defignof Generation. ter, about the erection of the Penis; which I humbly conceiic, is Celebrated alter this manner. A quantity of Spitituoiis Blood, is impelled by the Hypogaftrick Arteries, into the Nervous bodies of theI‘Pcan, and fpongy fiibl‘taiice oi. the urn/m, where it meeteth With the Liquor iinpraegnated with Spirituous and Elaltick Particles, dcfiilling out of the Exttcamity of the Nerves, whereupon the body of the @cnid is highly dil'cended; which Symmetrypf which lome are folid, and others fluid; the {econd are the Crown {rigid}? iiiiic The Seed of Man is a white frothy Liquor, made up of lpirituous and clan Thedcfcriptie flick Particles enobled with a fruétifying Spirit, generated of vital and nervous "MRS" juice in the Tel'ticles, Parafiats, and Seminal Veficles, inllituted by Nature for the univocal produétion of Animals; whereupon the opinion of the Philo- fopher is not worthy a reception, who held the genital matter to be an ex- is cauled by the Mulcles of the Yard, which being rendred Tenfe, do com~ crement of the third Concoétion, whereas in truth it is the molt noble Liquor relating to the Body, as it is made of blood and Animal juice, produétive Tthiquors, prefs the Nervous bodies, and fpongy fubftance of the urethra, whereby the of living Creatures, preferving the Univcrfe in its various kinds, of which it 33233:: Blood confecderated with Nervous Liquor, is detained in the loofe Compage of the @em‘s, which groweth great and rigid, as dil'tendcd with a large pro- is confiituted. portion of Nervous and Vi'al Liquor, whence the Yard is hued witha high Brain, and in truth From all parts of the Body, as I humbly conceive, which is 3"}? Seed iI_ cnvedfrom . . honoured by the Stifliage of great Pbpocmm in his Book, «Ham‘s. .9 wt is n- all pans or no emf) £35 7mm; r'éiiffii av 7a dpznééflvr, r.) mam» "upset it" re Hwy, was an swag 7a "‘CWY‘ imamm, 517‘ évn‘ir my éumusr, numb 27m p25: rtr. Mgr/52; wit/39¢. A! were Virigenitum ex uni~ werfa humido, quad in Carport cantinetur, proficifcz‘tur, uln' id, quad waltdifliwum 03 cxcernitur, asz m' iflnd efl' Argumentmn, quad ubi rem Veneream exerccmm, tantillo ennflb, imbeciller err/admins. Red Colour in erection; caufed by intercepting the retrograde motion of the Blood into the Hypogaltrick Veins, Which is produced by the Contraction of the Mufcles relating to the rPenis, comprefling the beginning of the Nervous bodies, and fpongy fubfiance of the urethra: So that the comic of the Blood, receiving a. check in its motion toward the Veins, is carried toward the Claus, and the whole body of the q'em‘s Tumefied. The opinion of the Antients was, That Seed was Propagated from the This great Author backeth the allertion of Seed to be derived from all parts of the Body, by realon a uiiiverfal weaknefs is the confequent of an o- ver-free excretion of Seminal Liquor, flowing from repeated Acts of Coition Another Argument to prove this Hypothefis may be taken from the nature of Seminal Liquor, vertually containing the formation ofall parts of the Body, which I apprehend may be deduced from the noble Liquors of Viral and Netvous Juice, out of which the Seed is generated. Qggmiam ex iifdcnz principii/r generamur, e quibm mitrimiir; By reafon we are Generated of the fame Principles, of which we are Nourilhed,of Blood and Nervous Liquor. Whereupon thefe feleél fluid Particles have recoutf‘e, by Arteries and Nerves, into all parts of the Body, as carried into the Inter/liter, of their VelTels; lo that thefe Nutricious Liquors, in their Palliage, do infinuate themfelves into their numerous Cavities, and are allimilated into the fubl'tance of all the more or "mum lefs folid parts, and the Nutricious Liquors converfing with them, and not howtlIi-enutria turned into their nature, do borrow a likenels of difpofition, and being re- gigul'ai‘rilg'lla ceived into the extremities of the Veins, are returned by a rflrograde motion 2.15355" to the Heart, and from thence carried, by the delcendcnt Trunk oi the Aorta, $30? I?" through |