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Show Of [/18 Trinczplcr and trimmer of generation. Book I. Part IV. 62.0 phreduéts, are Concreted by more tender and friable Salts; whereas the Nerves, Ligaments, Cartilages and Bones, as they are more or lefs hard, are formed by different Concretions of more or lefs l'trong Salts, mixed with more or lefs earthy Particles. The Atirc» {mm belongin: to the lo. 1 (we ,do not illicit] c Salts halt ' itlz If any {lull make a drift enquiry into the manner of feveral Accretion; relating to the Formation of different parts of the Body, they may be found not in pure Salts, but Comp-ages made mol't of Salt varioully mixed with other Book I. Part IV. 0f t/ae ‘Prinn'p/er and manner of gflltU-‘tili07z. 621 The reafon of this Plaltick Allimilating Power, rei'ident in the S:minal Matter, talteth its rife from the external forms and difpolitions of all parts of the Body, as it is afelec‘t Extract of them made of the Vital and Animal The Seed con. mun-tit the Ilexls of 311 pins of the Body. Liquor as its firfi principles. The Blood taketh its Perambularion through the Membranes, Ligaments, The manner the liltcj Cartilages, Bones, (91c. and all other {imilar parts, as alfo the Vifcem, Trunk hnw nets of all and Limbs, to give them Life, Heat and Nourilhment, as the Albugineous principles in fmall quantity ', and foft parts partake lOInC\Vl]aC of warty, mixed with a greater quantity of faline particles : So that in modelling the various Figures of the parts relating to the Body, the Spirituous Atoms do expatriate themfielves fometimes in right, and othertimes in crooked and circular lines through the Saline Particles, rendring different Configurations of lirnilar and diflimilar parts. The Seminal Liquor having all parts of the Body aaually contained in it, confilleth of feveral ltinds of Salts, {booting themfelves one after ano. ther according to fofter or harder Concretions, into different fubl'tanees of more foft or folid confidence. Particles of the Blood are received into the innumerable Pores of the Similar and Dillimilar parts (Compounded of them ) into which they are allimilated and become the fame with them by Accretion : The Serous parts not Allimilated having converfed with the parts of the Whole Body in or- The Organick parts of the Body being a Syltem compofed of many Ii. {trick and preparing Arteries, into the fubltance of the Tefticles, where the Albugineous Particles of the Blood (having received the Ideal impref- milar Integrals, are formed of a. Seminal Liquor made Up of divers parts impregnated with feveral Acides and Alcalies, and many Saline difpofitions, lions of all parts ) are fevered from the red Craffament, and become one runs of the Body IS (onV ydl to the. Seed. der to Nutrition, do borrow their peculiar Difpofition and Images, Portraic'tnres of the whole Body, both in reference to the Face, Head, Trunk, Vij'rem, and Limbs; fo that thefe Nutricious parts not Aflimilated, having, penetrated the inwardCompage of the whole Body, do receive the Signature of their External Form, and are reconveyed back to the Heart, and from thence impelled through the defcendent Trunk of the Aorta and Hypoga- principle of the Seminal Matter: And the other is the finer part of the 1‘ i by which the Seed being fluid in its primitive nature, is Concreted by the Architeétonick Spirit into foft and hard parts of a more or lefs folid fub< fiance, making up the Viftem, Trunk and Limbs of the Body. Ti: L? 3rd The third kind of Plaltick Vertue belonging to Seminal Liquor, may be named an Allimilating Power, whereby the Farm becometh like its Parents in the outward form of different parts, of which Great [ah/powder gi- ting Porter. veth an account in his Book neg? tour, as deriving the caufe of it from the diverfe quality and quantity of Seminal Liquor of both Sexes commixt, the greater quantity and nobler quality of Mafculine Seed maketh it refemblc the Father, and the fame proportion and qualification of Faeminine Liquor caulixh the Embryo to be adorned with the likenefs of the Mother: but I humbly conceive, with the leave of this Great Malter of our Faculty, this may 7%.: Flaflitk proceed from other more probable reafons, as the firl'c and chief caufe may l‘owcr isl.a~ L1 in the be deduced from the Plaflick Power feated in the more fpirituous particles more Spiritu- uu; partsof the Seed, as the prime clh ricrittaule in Lliel‘oimation m the Kama. Nervous Liquor generated in the ambient parts of the Brain, made up of Cortical and Medullary Procelfes, and thence tranfmitted through all regions by the Fibres of it 3 and afterward fome part of the Suctm Nun-jerks" is conveyed by the Par Vague: and its Branches; and other Animal Liquor is carried through the Fibrous parts of the Medulla Spinal'ir into the Vertebral Nerves, implanted into the Tefticles, wherein the Nervous Liquor (ligned with the Images of the Brain, Spinal Marrow and Nerves) doth em- body with the Albuminous Matter of the Blood, figned with the Ideas of other parts, (through which it palfes) conltitutes the Seminal Liquors of both Sexes, which do mutually contribute to the formation and likenefs of the Farm/5. The Seminal Ideas (as I humbly conceive) are Spirits modelled and confirgured by thofe parts from whence they derive their Emanation, after the manner of infinite fubtile vifible Rays, exprefling the Colours and Images of thofe Bodies from whence they are reflected. of the Seminal Liquor, which is the firl't natural Agent and Principle of the _ Formation of the Farm- , working upon the lefs aé‘tive Particles of the mingled Seed, in which the innate Spirit, taking its rife and origen from their more thin and Volatil Saline and Sulphureous Particles (elaborated by the ambient heat of the Womb) is detained within the confines of more grofs Particles, exalted by the more Spirituous, which are the primary efficient caufe in the delineation of the parts, as giving them their firfl Rudiments and External form both in the Formation of the PLUM/5 in Man and other Animals. This Architeé'tonick Spirit containeth in a fmall quantity the Maw of modelled by the par-[5 through which they In like manner fome fine pals. Atoms, as fo many Ell'luxes coming out of the fmall particles of the Body, do afi'ecftthe Spiritnous part of the Vital and Nervous Liquor, the principles of Seminal juice, by giving them the propriety and figures of the parts through which they pafs. Thefe Ideal difpolitions of Parts feated in the feed ofMan and other Animals, Th: Seminal ld:as do not. do no: exilt as feparate, but are coincident to every part of the Semen, and troll Sepm again expand themfelves in the formation of an Embrya, not unlike many vilible Rays of Light are coincident into one Looking-glafs, which are fo unfolded afterward, that the Eye can diflint‘i'ly difcern the figmes and co»: lours of feveral vilibles Objeéts. And from hence it is that every Particle all parts, relating to the whole Body, in order to their Formation; So of this Architeéionick Spirit in the Seed hath a faculty of forming an Ani- that thefe Spirituous Plal'tick Seminal Atomes, allilied by the Uterine heat, do influence the grofs and more dull mafs of Seed, and therebv give it Fermentative difpofitions flowmg from Elaltick Particles of Air and Animal Spirits impregnating the Seminal Matter, whence it receiveth Inteltine Motion productive of the likenefs of external Forms and Diftinetion of parts in the Farm, refembling thofe of the Father and Mother. mal, by reafon the Images of all parts are imprinted upon every particle of the Seminal liquor ', which is very confpicuous in Birds, by reafon the feed of the Cock, which is very fmall in quantity, but great in vertue, being in« jec'led in Coition, doth afcend into the Ovary, and impregnates every Egg come to maturity with a few Spirituous Particles, which being aéted with Heat, are the efficient caufe Delineating every part of the Chicken. . Vvvv vvv The The Imagcsef [ht Seen are Here rate. |