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Show and Sign. ' of his Creatures, as To many lilinanations of his coniiuuted in \‘Jcight, Number, and Mealiu‘e. l the Creation, is beautilied \\ith many line Iiinlts ‘ ans-rim, and all Beginning and finding: in Him, ,_ d 1': n: And all his Creatures do court and Nerve each , in as. excellent Order, as Fellow Members of that great Body, the in, for rlair 1‘: 1E 5-2:.blille: ‘e, and Prel‘chation. The Inanimates _ ‘.'C the i t -.»,l iind< r \ vi ‘ m r; :lthe crawl Archit: if, as .r ‘vVile and Generous Lord, of his , liw, hub in "iilhed his upper and lower Houfcs, the Heavens ‘ i‘ oi Houllioldl‘tuf't‘ and Provifions, to entertain ,1. tlu‘ii‘ Mallet, in a great Equipage and Splendour. . ord :ined to be the great Mallet-piece of the Creaalled a Council of the Trinity; Fizciamnr [Jami/13m ad 7 ,m,/ a \t: in (h , it u: m {if ;Man after our Image, as Man reprelflenteth his ' * ~ Girls, and Dominion over the CrCutUl't'R,KPUV mo- ' ' , . .rblunary Creatures do reprelent him, (Per ma- a; expre ,_ him only by way of Iv'ootl‘ttlv, in more obli‘ure ‘ itity and Knovx ledg. ‘ eonllitured oi" two Elletitial Parts, Soul and Body. their rare \Vonder, Adoration, Eucharifi, and Obedience, to our mail Great and i ("Odom Creator, Prefi'rver, and l'iedeemer, for the excellencies or our Hu~ f mane Nature, as ml with Natural, and graced with Divine l‘ "mentions. ‘ Thus liming: Treated in general of Man, as cottllfiitig of Eileiitial parts, and their more eminent faculties, and Operations: My intendmcnt at this. time, is to defcend (as my inane proper Task) to COIiildL‘l‘ the Fabriclt or the Body, as invefied with common Intiguincnts, according to the order of Naturei the outward and inward Shin. 1,1". Cut/tub, being: the Surface of the Body, may be truly {liltd Naturctoutxvard Veil, the ScartT Skin, called by theereat l‘vial‘ter of out A", r, w « nit, asit ifirll in ViCW, and "one or thelalt in ()eneratb on : been. : the Body mull be firll Formed, belore it is Clothed, and is denominated by the Grecian; Asia/At, by C‘s/fur, Samara (Wis, which inaketh the Convex Surlaceoi the Body, as it were a very fine Elllorefcence, and polilh~ inq of the inward Shin , not much unlike the coat of an Onion. Tamm- conceiveth it to be a linirious brat of the true Skin, deriving its birth from the EXCl'CliiClNlllOll‘g Iuperlluity of the Capillary Veins, Arteries, and I'lilamerits of Nerves. . ‘ Hypamzter iudgeth it to be the Surface of the true Skin, induratcd" by the coldncls of the Air: 7,2 7" 5,7-stmtgu/M:7.,, 7; . . re- a r r 2: a r; «'4 at a." [ix/remit»: rarjwu at)? EXPOJIHIflI, fleuflrrrio [VIII-{21b ye rtceixed with great \Vonder, rather then perii'crt Iiuowledg; [rm] comm/1i! utter/ii frigid/ ('9: erratum/a; .- Which account‘wdl learce lam-3- {"10 dilltrr'nt Natures, made up of Heaven and Faith, the one ofa fie a curious enquiry, becaule the outward Sltin hath its lirn Formation iii the warm bad o‘.‘ the ‘Utcrm, Where it is no ways expnli d to the coldnefs of ambient Air, by u hieh it cannot be Condenled, butharh with all other parts, its iirft protluélion in the ‘Uierm, from the more vilcide parts of the Semiu ‘ of a ll ._ Extract; the one Immaterial and Immortal, ".hy :U‘nl Corruptible, {hould be To well reconciled in one third, ' into a:. initiate Confederacy, and converle in one Perfon, in VS horn diner-at Ellences do mutually airlift each other in various Operations, mean ‘ eniii ~ being minillerial [:2 more fiibliine Intellectual Funé‘tions: and tilit r- ill‘luvia, as in many Ema arions, ftreaming from outward Objeéis, do mahe by leveral Vlotions and Cox ‘ ‘ appillfes upon many Nervous Expan‘ the tears of dir‘li'renr .Senlinions, celebrated in outward Organs, whence ' are conveyed by the contznuation of Fibres, to the inward Senlbry judg, ingr and determining the Appulles of. the outward Senfes 5 and afterward repreli nteth than to the more Divnie Faculty of the Underflanding, which appre. nal Liquor protruded to the Surlace of the Body relating to the Poems, in 1' time growing, more and more folid, till at lengzth it formcth a curious thin m Membrane, Lwhich Labour and Cold render hard, rough, and brawny, as it is mol‘t conl‘picuous in the ambient parts of the Body, much exereifed and expofed to the leverity of Frolt and Winter blallts. ‘ The Cuticnla, Iconeeive, may be termed an integral part of the Cum, as : '. \‘~. i to choice or reliilal, as perfeétive of, or defiruéliie to the Subject. The U nderfiandine7 alfo hath more ele\ated conceptions in Theory, as end- me ill pure Knowledg, in its more divine and abllraaed Notions, 'by which the linilhing and ineloliire of it, becaule without the outward Skin, the inward is imperfea', rude, and unpolilhed 2 An Eycfore to the Speftator, lookinguncourh and bloody. finakes Vipers, and the like, annually lirip themfelves from this thin Veil, and by degrees put on a new one. And Men alter Ions: and acute Sichneilcs, are dilrobed of this finer Veil, Nature pro~ \iding another, produced by the 511mm Nutricim, fevered from the blood in they are le\'eied From material Circuml‘tances, therein invint: a kind of eterlrih' to Entities, under common Apprehenfions, the iinmeiliare Foundes of the Cutaneous Glands, and tranlinitted by Ducts into the Surface of the Skin, , , where themoiller parts of this elammy Liquor being exhaled, it is concreted 2:3,,‘Hé‘l'ltic, N o: entices, modelled according to higher or lower Abf‘trac‘tions, made into athin Tunicle, encirclingy the inward Skin; or it may be, which is more by (.1'.‘Lilltlc‘i'flllitllllg', whole great perfection in Nature, is to be heightned ,1 above the Minill'ry and converfe of outward Organs, in its more noble RC- ‘. 1h t: Kerb, wherein it apprehendeth the dignity of its own Filence, and COU- Iiilling out of the Nerves inferred into the Fltin) near akin to that primoge- l:end:th them under the notion of Good and Evil, whofe diflates incline the ' litlcrtth it; Front r Ac'is and Operations; which are yet more enobled by Sri- -H‘ w pernatnral allil‘tanees, granting us power above all SenlE, to give our full in. ailenrs to theinoli high Myl‘teries of the Incarnation of our molt Blc'lled 33' M}, Hour, and oi the molt holy and undivided Trinity: taatcmir nitimtur Au.* I/WiIJ/c rat-'chzizlir: ( As they are l'CVL‘alCd in Divine Writ: ) As founded 1mm Mind upon Authority, it hich is Faithful and cannot deceive, and Infalhblc and caniiilt'iitlliir be not be deceived. ) ' Of tire an item] :5 (flirty. I. And WC are ublC to pay by his mofl: Gracious aid, a holy tranfport Of Wonder probable, that this line Film is repaired by a milder Albuminous Juice (di- nius matter, out of which the (illicit/r; was lirl‘t generated in the "term. This Nervous I iquor, not unlike in colour and lubftance to the \Vhite of an Egg, is Whirilh, Tranlbarent, and VifCide, naturally inclinable to Coa- gulate, and Agglurinate to the outward furfiice of the Cut-18; which Icoticeive, maybe accomplilhed after this manner. The Nervous Liquor gently flowrng out of the extremities of the Nerves, terminating into the ambient parts of the Cuff/f, bedeweth its naked Qurface from whence the more thin and linuid Particles, do return by the Lymphxduéis or Veins 5 and the more Vilctde Par- ticles of this Nervous Liquor, being left behind, grow ,indurate, and all [its equa y _ ‘ . hillis'illitil immuni- " V ' |