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Show Book I. Part IV, Minute Particles of the Nervous Juice, from its Rectements, in reference to the production of Seminal Matter, as the mam end to which the Tefiicles are configned by Nature. - Book I. Part IV. 0f the Tara/fan, and befercnr [/t/fc/r. M 52.7 " The Paraltats are Very eminent parts, in reference to their rare l‘trué‘ture and great ufe of imparting a high accompliihment to the Seminal Juice ) and therefore I will make bold to Treat more fully of them, in confider: ing their Shape, Origen, Compage, Progrefs, Length, and Ufa, which is their perfection as fublervient to the maturity of the Seminal Liquor. As to their Shape, they are round and convex in their outwar d Surface TINFISHW and when they are affixed to the Tefticle, they are fomewhat Concave : Sd "Him" C H A P. III. that t? "s Glandulous bodies of the Paraftats, are fornewhat Orbieular above, and holiow below, and take their rife from the outward fide of the varicoie Of the Tmuflarr, and fleferent [/eflelr. Bodies, and make their progrels toward their hinder Region, lbmewhat in~ dining downward, toward the Anterior, and are firmly tied to the Albu i- The connexi- nous Coat; and fomewhat change their Grape, during the whole courfe, fiiiiiiihcw rivcrivanags, ZZFWW- He great Nervous Channel, being a hard white Tube, altending through the middle of the Tefiicles, from one Extreamity to the other, leadeth us to the Parafiats, called by the Grady, 'Ierfthw, Qty}; tefii. [my imponmzmr; and as it were finall Tefiieles clapped upon the greater, and are derived from their upper Regions with broad Origens, Where the Varicofe Paralhts are implanted, and do creep obliquely downward toward the bottom of the Telticles. [iiiriifrifiiii' haunts. Learned Doétor Hngmore, doth derive their Originations from a white Glandulous fubflance: His words are thefe, @araflzztamm primipium ex fid[iamia alba, Teflz'r inflar Glandnloflz, duriore tame): multo, net (furniture durum canflituimr: Ex plurz'mi: qlmft Glandnlir inc/item pt)" Membramkr Connexzu, con/int. And I humbly conceive, That this folid white fubl'tance,' to be no- thing elfe but the inward Receffes of the Tefiicles, which is branched into many Minute Seminal Dué‘ts, running in many Gyres, varioufly interwoven with each other. '1 21¢ taming; Wherefore it may {cent I'trange, that this Learned Author, did not difco- 32;"; L331: yet the multitude of fmall Seminal Cylinders, but only a hard Body, com- ‘1ng: :1"; 2:3? pofed of many little Glands, fuppofed by him to be the Origination of the xxlCrliudcxs- Parafiats: Which IEemetli very improbable, feeing it is not enducd with any manifilt Cavity, which is very difagreeablc to the Compage of the Paraltats, which in its beginning is made up of many Duets, conjoyned to each other by the mediation of many thin Membranes, and after a {mall (pace, do concenter into one common great Nervous Channel: Therefore Ibelieve, the hard white body, as he Prileth it, not to be Perforated with any inanil‘eft Cavity, and is a Syfleme of many Glands, whofe Veiiels are Io hdinute, that they cannot be difcerned, and a great part of the Parafiafs is made up of a white lirbftance, or Parenchyma, interiperlEd with Vellcls, which being fine and tender, are lilpported by it in their proper Ration, to render them ferviceable to the better conveyance of their proper Liquor; and upon a good furvey, it may dilbover the Compage of Seminal Duets, to be faftned to this {olid Coat, before they difperfe themfelves into the Iubltance of the Tel'ticles. And Renowned De Gmaf, hath obfer- while they are conncéied to the inward Coat, immediately immuring the Tefiicles; they retain the fame thiclrnels, unleis it be in the place, where they are inflected upward, and begin their defcent downward, where they obtain greater Dimenfions : So that they feem to make a greater and Id; Protubcranee, which De Grrmf calleth the firfi and fmaller, and the [mend and greater Globes of the Paraftats. The firbfiance of the Parafiats, according to Veflz/im, partieipateth the 332‘??? " nature of lblid Nerves ; which feemeth only true, according to their ambi"4"cut parts, appearing to be fomewhat folid, but their more inward ReceiiEs are compofed of a moreibft filbi'tanee, being integrated of many Minute Glands, which are again made up of numerous finall VeflEls, principally of Seminal Duets, the main conl'tituent parts of thefe choice Compages‘ in~ terfperfcd with a tender fubflance, framed of Concreted, Serous, and Nervous Liquor, adhatring in their pallage to the Coats of the Veflbls. Th:- progrefs of theie Seminal Duéts, is admirable, which Dr. [fig/aware defcribcth very elegantly : Smtim 1411i ab [24: fubflrmfia duriare re/iq/tmii T'amflamrum rcrefh'rit ad infimar dt‘fcemlem parity, Tormofztm proccflibm ‘z/c'rmz'fiarmilzm, in (tubal/0 flmile efl' ; Tartmfe flute)" [Le 'Paraflatarum Circmugyralione; iii/Uri a/iutt'fimr, qtéam (orpara terctia Cat/irate manifeflrt damn, Semenq; cominemia, mirtfict (gyromm Inieflimlium, fen wit/brunt [zreprzramium (fitpm den frriptorzmz) irzflar cumplitata, Mine/0111M ad fimdmiz Tefliculi rem/entia, 41m: Semen Z1 duriarz' i111 firbfl'dmia capilif rPamfizztorimz feleéi'um, [onga (y Labyrin- tIJino, utfic dial)", irimre dcvclnmtflme 1'12 progrtflu ampliom manifeflim rev/dim, am: a fmrdo rurflts reflefi'anfur in 1mm}: meatum waft deferemi continuum termimmtur, mi poi? longam dewiqu; in (Pam/14mm»? circulationcmfemm amandamr. The belt way to deteét the curious and wonderful Compage of the Pa- The way to ral‘tats, founded in the rare Maeanders of Veiiels, is to diveft the Paraflats 3:32:32 ; of the Membranes encircling them, and then the admirable Circumvolutions 351;," p" of the Veilels prefent themfelves in a pleafaut profpeét, which may be divi- ded from each other, by the Violation of their Coats. So that thcfe Plexes of Vellels, made of numerous Flexures From fide to Ezrfifim fide, being fevered by Art one from another, may be drawn out into length, mini/Hm" and the molt thin Membrane, encompalling this liraightned Dué}, being ""5‘ taken away, you may difcover other rows of Gyres, tending from (Me to ved, That this folid white filbfiance, alligned by curious Higbmorc, to 56 the principle of the Paral‘tats, is not necefliiry for (mail Tefiicles, which are I‘trengthened witllmany Membranes, pafling every Way through the body of the Teflicles, to keep the numerous Minute VelTels of various ranks in fide; which Flexures are lb clofely conjoyned, that thefe many Anfrafius, their due Pofitions, alligned by Nature, left they [hould be twif'ted with each other, and lofe their proper me of conveying different Juices, as ha. ving their final] Cavities either lelleiied, or obltruétcd. Th e Paraltats be rendted big with injected Liquor, and then thefe Veffels may be have been thought by unexpert Anatomifls, to be but one entire continued Body, which in truth, is made up of many fecret turnings of Veffels, Which may be disjoyned by a skillill Hand, efpecially if the Duét of the well traced to the TCIIIlClCS; and the great Due}, as it is farther dil'tant from its |