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Show The P R r. F A c E. v i . . "Priflmcommon receptacle, fromwhenee it is carried through the tho; racick Duets into fubclavian velfels, and afterwards through the Vcna 02m into the right ventricle of‘the Heart, where the Chyme being broken into fmall' Particles, as highly daihed Vii The PREFACE. t hering to; the fides of the vefiels relating to the cortical The MGlands) which render it brisk and active; whereupon 1t fiaiiiifig? being enobled with fpirits, becomes a fit Minifter of the {mired with i a , vo atil iiioperations of the Soul. line Parti- The other Liquors being the Recrements of the Blood and 35:12?" nervous j'uyce, Iwill Treat of with the szcem, as being co/ Egfi§f§§fie againft the walls of the Heart, is impelled by the pulmonary Artery into the fubl'tanCe of the Lungs, where it mixetli With the Nitroafulphureous Particles of Air, much advantaa ging the nature ofBlood, which is compofed of a hot red craf» fitment, and of a more mild criftalline Liquor. ._ Theparts . The Purple Juyce is furniihed with numerous White Fila' omm' ments , which are not difcernible (as fwallowed up in an I will now fet them together again, and difcourie them in col, opaque Red Liquor,) except when a Vein being'opened, the lective bodies, which are confiituent parts of a fair building, en» The com. Blood is received into warm water, which walhing the Red circled with various Integuments, as f0 many curious Walls. 35%;," Craffament fiom the ferous Liquor, caufeth the round white The firft is the [mica/a, a thin Membrane, encompafsing 3,125,332: Cmm‘mm Filaments to difcover themfelves b fwimming on the furface of the water 3- by virtue of thefe Pibres, the Red Craifament the rough, inward, Red skin, as with a fine vail, rendring Sgg'gfgtge the outward furface of the Body, white and fmooth. This Bod?- latories of the more noble Liquors, feated in the (Everal Steam" Stories of the Body. Blood. - Having given you a Hii'tory of the fimilar parts, as the firfi integrals of the Body, taken afunder, and handled apart, being extravafated, coagulates into a more folid body, and Filme is produced (351 conceive) by a nervous Liquor (exa acquires a Scarlet or Purple hue in the Veffels, as endued with fubacide and fulphureous Particles, often circulated and uding the extremities of the Nerves, implanted into the Cu- tir) concreted by fome faline particles, and is initituted by na« diflolved by the continued heat of the Blood 5 which may be ture, as a fine Veit to guard the tender inward Skin, of molt acute Senfe from outward aiTaults, and to render the ambient made evident in Chymifiry, whereby the faline, and chiefly the acide Particles, being mixed with fnlphureous, do give a Red tinc'ture, as in the diltillation of the {alt of Nitre, which aboundeth with fulphureous Particles. And by the af/ fufion of a few drops of oil of Vitriol, or Sulphure upon Liquors or Conferves (that have only a bluih of Red) immediately arifeth a deep tincture of Red. Eifkfe'f; The Crii‘tallin: Liquor is of a different nature from the 3:15);{god Red Craffament, as being of a‘foit, albuminous, tranfparent mitsna. Ingeny, and will nor evaporate like ferous potulent Liquor, "m but refembleth the white of an Egg, which being held over the fire in a Spoon, will coagulate into a white fubltance. This mild nutricious part of the Blood, being aflociated with the red Craliament, is tranfinitted by the carOtide Arte- ries, into the fuhfiance of the cortical Glands, wherein it is fecerned from the more hot and Purple Liquor; and then encountreth with Air, (conveyed by the i\Iofl‘rils into the Ventricles) and from thence through the Pores of the C07" g . g parts of the Body, full of eleganc , compoféd of Lillies and Rofies, White, mixed with a hint 1 of Red, treating the Eye of the beholder with Love, Pleafure, and Admiration. The Second . Wall is the inward Skin, fiaated immediately isThem . the 12?under the Cantu/n, and is compofed of numerous branches cond Inte< of Veifels, Arteries, Veins, Nerves, as f0 many common Inte» gummt‘ grals, and of innumerable Fibrils (pafsing in right, oblique, and traniverfe poitures) iofinely interwoven with each other, that they make one uniform fubltance, beltst with an innume» table company of minute Glands C Syftemes of various Velkals, and nervous Fibrils) into whole inward Receifes, the Blood Theufeot being imported by the terminations of capillary Arteries, is macaw" fecerned (in violent motion, and great ambient heat ofthe Air ) from its watry feline parts, difcharged by excretory Ducts (implanted into the Canada) by which the thin v0, latil parts of the vital Liquor, are exhaled in confrant perfpi' ration, which would render the Body weak, were it not fup» Them} put calla/am into the Cortex of the Brain, which highly ex, iciiingi iii? altctll the albuminous Liquor with nitrous, and alfo xthereal plied with frequent afsumption of Aliment. ‘ quot. isa fatty fubitance ( which I hum 1y conceive) is produced graces. bY the o'l1y Parts of the Blood 1 {trained throu'g h the Pores the of "Fat Particles, derived from planetary inf'iuxes. This Animal Li, quot is very much improved by volatil feline Particles (ad; hering ( . p f p , The third integument of the Bodly, by which it is incloféd, El£23221: t e |