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Show 68 0/" Frag/def, Spots, [Warp/Jew, and the [ii/cc. Chap. Vl ll. phoreticks, and Cordial Julaps, the Fermentation of the Blood was reduced to a good allay, as being not too much exalted, nor deprelled; {0 that the ofl‘erilive Matter, was brought out and thickned, whereupon the Fever dif. appeared, and the Small Pox growing firft plump, .and then the Ulcerous Matter was dried into Scabs, whereby the Patient being recovered, liveth a omument of Gods wonderful Marcy. Mens Livesb: M I humbly beg the favour of all, that [hall f0 far Honour me, as to read mm") truflcdinlhc this rude Treatife, as they have a value for their own Health, rather then gillliffiiiiih my lnrerfl't, not to troll themfelves in the hands of Qiacks and Empeticks, 3","? ".‘f‘ in‘ any Dillemper, and efpecially in this dangerous Difeafe, in which out lllfiélliil‘ln of Arrooance, to {peak themfelves an attribute, they contradict the fafe and iiiiciiiSotr wholefoiiie advice of Phylitians, and contrary to all Reafon, Art, and Experi- Lidzmltm' ence, they confound the [Economy of Nature, and deflroy'their Patients with {irong Voinits, and Purges, and hot Faztide Drops and Spirits ( as knowrng Dillarcs' no better) which too much raife the Fermentation of the Blood, and weaken the courfe of Nature, and divert its regular Current of ofl‘enfive Hu- mours in the Mealles and Small 930x, from the outward confines of the Body, to the inward and tender Reeelles of the Bowels, where their violent Medicines produce loofnellts, Bloody Fluxes, Lypothymies, Syncopies, and Death, fpeakinga fad Catal'trophe of all 'VVorldly Joy and Happinefs, ha- flnrJ by impudent new Experiments, which they make upon their overcteduious Patients. C H A P. Here are other diihli'eé'tions, which are more fuperficial, and of leis importance as leflening the Lufire, and Beauty of the outward Skin, as Freckles, Spots, Morphew, and the like, which are Cured often by Col: meticks, as the outward application of form: Fucus, or Wallies, with which curious Ladies are well accommodated, as great Prefervatives, or Rel'toratives at leai't (as they conceive) of Beauty; but indeed, are oftentimes defirufiive of the more amiable colour of the Skin. Becaufe, The Skin is Natures fine Veil, efpecially that of the Face, by which (lhe is rendted grateful to the eye of the SpeElator ) letting a fine glofs upon our Bodies, begetting Love and Admiration, whereupon the Skin becometh valuable, and worthy prefervation in its native purity; and when its loli, deferveth a reiiitution to its primitive perfeftion, accomplilhed by ourmmrcnir. 5:,"33‘gwc21, Efi‘lflfifl" 0n5{32%;ng 0/! the Cure of the We, 69 Other Medicines may be alfo outwardly Applied, both to dilcufs the Spots, and repel the ill Matter, which cannot fafely be prafiifed, till the Recremcnrs be purged ed by fevcral kinds of Evacuations, and the Blood quiciently def-«cared from ill Humours, lel't the repelling them lhould prove prejudicial to the Body, in the fad conicquents of inward Diltem« pets, being much worfe then the outward. And Univerfals being premifcd, as Purging, Blood-letting, Diuretick, and Diaphoretick Medicines, then Cooling, Deterlive, Drying and gentle repelling Liniments, or Wallies, may be fafely applied; as Camphire mix- cd with juice of Lemons and White Wine, (EM. Above all, Mercurial Walhes, well prepared, are molt effeftual; andI divers Methods, of Phyiick, either purging of the Recrements of the Blood, or depurating it by Diaphoreticks, producing a free Tranfpirarion; Whereby the ill Matter, caufing the Blemifhes of the Face, is difcharged by numerous Steams,or by dews of Sweatfireaming through the pores of the Skin. When the Vital and Nutricious Liquors are rectified by inward Applica- fimr‘gg; tions, Topicks may be fafely advifed, which have a drying and deterlivc padres have Oyality, taking of? the Boughnefs and Spots defacing the Skin; and fuel! finmm‘ is Liquamen of Tartar, mixed with Oyl of bitter Almonds, till it groweth Iaé'tefcentand the like, ' ' i _ Other Outward Re~ pclli-zg Meditines are unfiife. unlels Purgarivts, BlCL'LlH‘g, and Alterativcs have been A1- minillreJ. wiih they were as fafe, as they are infallible in the Cure of all Eruptions of ill Matter, feared in the Surface of the Body. And therefore pray take this Caution along with you, in uling thefe Mercurial Topicks; That unlefs they be prepared according to Art, they will caufe great Swellings in the Face, and in form: bodies raife a Salivarion, making the Tongue and Mouth fore Now with your leave, I will take the freedom to other fome other Cures, oi more Troublelorne, and nafiy Cutaneous Difaffeéiions, which borrow their Origen, either from fome outward Conrad}, or Contagion, or from grols and unwholefome Diet, generating a crude and ill qualified Chyle, and from Blood debafed, with fixed Saline and Sulphureous particles, deri- ved from ill pancreatick and bilious Recrements, recoiling by the extreamities of Veins into the Mafs of Blood, rendring it impure; when the Excretory Duels, of the Pancreas and liver are obltruéied, caufed by the grofisnefs of the Recrements, or the fireightnefs of the pallages of the Ex- Cutaneous Difeafcs pro? cceding From illChylc, or the regurgitation of pancreatitk or biticus Hu- mours, or cretory Velfels. VIII. 0f Freckles, Sport, Warp/96w, zma' t/ye liliefi Freckles, Spots, and Morphew, are Cured by Culinctitks. Chap. VIII. Thefe Cutaneous Eruptions, are different Difeafes, which may be ealily difcovcred by their various Afpec‘ts, fome being of a. dry fcurfy nature, called w, by the Grady, proceeding from fixed Salt (in Hypocondriack Diliempers) which being mixed with Blood, are thrown off by the Capillary Arteries, into the Cutaneous Glands, where the Saline particles being repa- from fixed l'aline Parri- ties, as iiia ‘Yalg. iated from the Blood, are carried by the Excretory Duels, into the confines of the Body, difguiling the Skin with numerous dry Afperities. A worthy Citizens Daughter of London, had the liirface of her Body for the molt part overfpread with dry Red pimples,whieh proved a great Eye-fore to her Friends, and a vexatious trouble to her felf, as being perpetually afflicted with a moi} importunatc itching, which was Cured by bleeding, and by purgative Medicines, ejcéting the Recrements of the Blood by the Mefenterick Arteries, into the Intefiines; and the Vital Liquor was dulcified, and defxcated from its grofs Tartar by alterarives, mixed with Diureticks, and by Chalybeate Medicines, accompanied with Decoétions of China and Sarfaparilla, in which the tops of Pine and Firr have been infufed ; and thefe Methods of Phyfick being Adminifired, I advil'ed fome proper Topicks, Which did perfect the Cure, and the patient hath been continued in a healthy condition for many Months. This Cutaneous Difeafe, though it be not dangerous, while it difcovers it leli in an outward Malady, by which the impurities of the Blood ate dif- charged into the Exterior parts of the Body, but if the grofs faeculency of the purple Liquor be repelled from the furface of the Body, by fome Empyrical Applications, Without the advice of Purgatives, Blood-letting,Alte- ratires, Diureticks, Sudorificks, and upon the omiflion of thefe falutary hNéeu t 0 s, Medicines fit for the Cure of a Leprofi: ofthc Gttlkfi‘. |