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Show Book I. Part IV Book I. Part IV. 0f t/ac Dyed/ct (kc. converfed with light Women, conceived the Tumor of the Tefiicles to be venereal, and thereupon gave himfelfovet to {Irong Purgatives, which fpake CHAP. XI. 0f the CDflnfl'r of the Scrotum and Wylie/cs ofeilfm. Hus having given a Hiltory of the Parts of Generation of Man, and the Males of Bruits, Fowl, Fiih, and Infeé'ts, my Task at this time is to difcourfe the difeafes and Cures belonging to the Genitals of Man, The Scrotum and Tefliclcs are aflliéted with many forts of Difeafes, In- flammations, Ulcers, feveral kinds of Hiernia's, Gangreens, (9's. The Inflamnmtions ofthe 55mm»: and 'l'cIIicIcs. The Inflammationsofthe (icnitalsisar- tcnilcd \'\ iiha Symptoma- m‘t river. A ‘YCIII:I\ to hroprnttl in the Inflammation ofthe Gcnirals. Inflammations proceed either from a grofnefs, or a great quantity of Blood, lodged in the fubfiance of the Scrotum or Tefticles, brought in by the a Period to his Life; whereupon I being fent for by worthy hinWbitc, the Coroner of Wtflminflcr, to view the dead Body and fee him DiHEé‘ted, and his Belly being opened, we difcovered many Pills in his Stomach undillolved, and afterwards his Scrotum being opened,a large Tumor appeared in one tide of it, which was part of the Caul (encompafling the left Tefticle) which being cut, the Telticle was found to have no greater Dimenfions than the other, which were both duely proportioned. Another kind of Hiernia is called Enterocele, which is the Swelling of the Scrotum upon the defcent of the Guts into its Cavity, where the kPaffage in the Procefs of the Rim of the Belly, deligned for the Entertainment of the Spermatiek Veffels, is too much dilated, which may fometimes happen in perfons upon going to Stool, whofe Intel'tines are conftipated with hard that the Extremitics of the Veins are not receptive of it, whence followeth a Tumor of the Svrotumpr Telticles, or of both, accompanied with a beating Pain, 2 great heat, and a fymptomatick Fever, derived from an exube- Excrements, whereupon the Guts being often preIIed downwards, by frequent holding the Breath, are forced toward the Groin into the Orgezz of Procefs, relating to the Rim of the Belly, whofe Cavity is thereby opened, and the Guts have freedom to pafl; into the Scrotum. In order to the Cure of this Difeafe, the Guts are to be reduced into the rance of Ftagnated Blood, whereupon the Serous and Chymous parts of it Cavity of the Belly with a gentle hand (to aVOid their Contulion ) the Bo. Spcrmatick Arteries to the Interftices ofthe Veilels, in f0 large a proportion are often turned into purulent Matter, which being of a Corrolive temper, dy being placed in a fupine pollute, with elevated Thighs, which may be malteth its way through the more inward Receil'es to the ambient parts, and eafily performed ifthe Intel'tines be empty, but if they be full of Exerements, or Wind, Cataplafrns or Fermentations may be applied, made of emollient, ditchargeth it felf by way of Ulcer. An Inflammation of the Scrommand Tefliclcs, as well as other parts of the Body, denoteth a free opening of a Vein in the Arm, efpecially in a. ‘ Plethorick Body 3 as to inward Medicines, cooling Juleps and Apozemes are very proper to contemperate the Blood. When the Inteftines are reduced into their proper place, vulnerary and confolidating Apozemes may be advifed, compounded ofCumphrey, Sanicle, Ladies-mantle, Solomom-Seal, Pentaphyl, Tormentil, Moufe-eare the great- Red-Role Leaves, (9c. boiled in Milk, and made into the Conliflence of a ed. Cataplafm with the Crums of White-Bread, @w. and to intercept the Flux of Blood 'into the Scrotum and Tefliicles, a defenfative Medicine may be ap- Topicks alfo may be fafely applied to the Groins, made of aflringent and confolidating Medicines, to flint up the over-much dilated Cavity of the Pro- and Lin-feed, boiled with Bed-Role Leaves in Milk thickned with White- '. Tumors Cnn'mt he (iiitedhyien I. ling nor dimi(IEIIE App‘ita‘ trons. Many other Tumours difcompofe the Scrotum and Tefiicles, the Epiplo‘ The Tumors of the Jewmni called Epiplotel'and Enterncele. The Eyi plo- (tie. cele~ Enterocele, Sarcoeele, Hydrocele3 Pneumatocele. The Epiplocele and Enterocele are the Tumors of the Scrotum, as diftended widfi'he Caul or Inteitines falling down into it, and proceeding either from the Rupture, which is very rare, or molt commonly from the Relaxation of the Fl'l‘flchClfil'l, in reference to its Procefs, through which the Spermatiek Velfels do pal: in their Progrefs to the Tclticles. In an Epiplocele I have feen one of the TeIticles wholly encircled with the Caul, which highly turnefied the Scrotum, f0 that the Patient having convcr ed Allringents are t ppliedinan Enteruccleafter the Gut: are reduced, er, boiled in water, and incorporated with Honey after the Liquor is Itrain~ And afterwards, gentle repelling Medicines may be ufed, of Bean-Flower, dicincs may he applied aftcr bleeding. bread, to the confidence of a Pnltice. And if the humours, fetled in the Tumefied Stratum and Teflicles,cannot be repelled nor difcufled, gentle fuppurating may be mixed With the {aid Medicines, as white Lilly-Roots, and a little Venice-Turpentine, difiolved with the Yolk of an Egg; and afterwards the Ulcer is to be treated with inward Diet~Drinks, and outward cleanfing, drying, and confolidating APPII' cations, which do fatisfie all the indications of Ulcers. The Cure of anEntcroctlc. difcutient, and anodyne Ingredients. Repeliing Me- plied to the fide of the Groins, made of Red-Role Leaves, Bole-Armenick, Bean-Flower, boiled in Red Wine, or the Counteffes or any other af'tringent Ointment may be adminifited to the faid parts. If the Pains of the Parts afi‘eéted be very urgent, Anodynes may be applied, mixed with Fanugreek The Ewart/e. cefs, relating to the Rim ofthe Belly, as alfo Arnoldm de Ville Norm his Plai- f'cer a'e @clle Ariclir, or the Plaifter good againfl: a Rupture, and afiringent Ointments, as the Counteffes Liniment, and the like. If Apocemes be not pleafant to the Patient, Eleéhiaries may be advifed, mixed with aftringent, vulnerary, and confolidating Medicines, taken in Pellet-drink made with Rib-wort, Plantain, Horle-tail, c'yvc. Another kind of Tumor, belonging to the Tefticles, is called Sareocele. Antient Authors have various Sentiments concerning this Difeafe. Celfm, Lib. 7. Cap. 18. Rare, inquit,[ed aliquando, Caro quay; inter Timictvr imrefcz‘t, mwmm Anringtntdccoftrons are proper in an Enttrocele. Sartoccle. Grmi womm. Galemu, Lib. dc Tumoribm‘. 'P. M. Ttflicula: vomit indurator, (9‘ Lib. I 4.. Med). Med. eumlem Scirrhtlr non improwide rampant. But the Modern Phyiitians give a more clear account of this difeafe, and do give itthe Appellative of Sarcocele, when fome flefliy fubl'tance groweth to the Tellicles within the Scrotum, of which Hildanm and other Phyficians give many Examples, but mol'c commonly when the Tefiicle is tumefied it proceedeth from the enlarged inward Receffes of it, and not from carnous matter adhering to the outward parts of the Teflicle. The caufe of this difeafe proceedeth ( as I conceive) frOm the fofter parts of the Blood, and Satan Nutricim, the Alimentary Liquor of the Telticles, which being too exuberant, doth highly encreafe the fubflance ofthem, com- monly called Sarcocele. 014m Boritbim informeth us of this cafe, Obfirw. C c c c c c c. 97. Thttaufc ofa Sitcotfle. |