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Show Book I. Part I I. 397' and other places, to the common Receptacle, and of the Branches of the (Pom into the Liver, and the Plexes of Nerves dirived from the Far Vagum and Intercol'tal Trunk, into the Spleen, Liver, Guts, and Kidneys. I C H A P. X L V. Book 1. Part I It 7726 Difmfl'r if the Mfltztery, and in Carer. 3 9; q/cluti tmztttjiz, per pfoafq; Mg'culoril/i laterifuctumbenter, fimilz‘ mode aflefi'or deprehtndimm. _ . . I . H . In the inflammations of the Melentery, and more efpecrally in the cafe $55,331:?" Contuliou, a Vein is to be opened. in the Arm, and in Women, in the liip- [3:53:32 preflion ol the lVlenl'irua, a Vein 15 to be prickcd 1n the Foot; and vulnetary pig‘s: be Medicines may he adviled7 that {wet-ten and contemperate the Blood, and P ' appeale the inflammation. lnfiammations are often accompanied with Abfcelles, their [ad Confequents; A young Gentleman was long tortured with great gripes of the Bowels, which grew more and more vacations, and could not be alleviated by the 0f the iDi/m/ér (yr the Melentery. The Mefeqitry is obnoxious to variety of Dileafcs. The Inflarti- manonof the Mtfcnmy, is derived from Blood llagnating in its Parcnchyma. He Mefentery is liable to a multitude of Difeafes, by reafon of its Sub= fiance, VelTels, and Glands. In reference to its Subfiance, it is ag. grieved with Inflammations, Abfceffes, Ulcers, Gangreens, Seirhus, and watry Veiicles. _ Inflammation of the Mefimtery, is near allied to that of other Membranes, and proceedeth from a great. quantity, or grolsiiels of Extravafated Blood, flowing out of the Terminations of the Mefentericlt Arteries, and lodged in the lnterf'tices of the Veliels, wherein they produce a Beating pain, cau- fed by the fevering the Capillary Veflels, and Nervous Fibres, one from arid ther, in the over-much difiention of the Coats, Tumefied by a large Proportion of Blood {tagnated between the Veiiels,by reafon the Vital Liquor impel- power of Art, and there {emed no tlifaflE-étion of the Liver, Spleen, or Intcfiines, and at Lift, the pain growing intolerable, the Patient quitted his inilerable Life. Afterward the lower Apartime‘nt being opened, all the Bowels appeared very found3 and the Guts being removed, and an Incilion being made intd the Coats ofthc Mel‘enterygn Ablcefs was difcovered,which confil'ting of {harp Particles, gave a high Vdil'compol‘ure to the tender Compage of the Mcfenoi tery, and the parts adiaccnt. Abl‘ceil‘es of the Melentcry do determine in Ulcers, which differ onely, that in the one, the matter doth run out of the corroded Membranes, and in the other it is contained within them, Without any Fluxc. A perfon of Honour having been long difcornpofed with great agonics of pain, was at lal‘r for at liberty by a happy Departure. And afterward an Incilion being made into the lowel't Venter, all the other Vifterzz Were found , , led by the Arteries, into the {paces of the Vetiels, cannot be entertained into the Extreamities of the Veins. Whereupon Nature being Unable to make good the Circulation of Blood, The ahfccfs of good, and the Nieltntery only ulcered and putride. the Msfi-mcvy meCCtk'tl) iiom the F, - rous parts of Iiubarb, Syrup of Roles-SolutiVeJ and Syrup oi Peach-Flowers, and Diet- in; $2533" Drinks made of Sarfaparilla, China, mixed with Moufe-ear, Prunell, Ladys- 353m" mantle, Fluellin, with which cleanling and drying Medicines may be molt 2:313:13"? the [floor], turned into Pus, wliith corroding the Coats of the Mammy b:Ctteth an leer. playeth an after-game, and turneth the Seroi‘is parts of it into a Purulent Matter, (commonly called an Abfcels ) which being of a {harp difpolition, doth corrode the Vel‘l‘els, and make its way through the Coats of the Mtfmlcry; whence enfueth an Ulcer, flowing from the flux of Corrupt Marter, being difcharged through the Membranes of [his part, into the Cavity of the Abdomen. And firfi, I will give an Inflance of the Inflammation of the Mefmtcry, (and afterward of the Abfcels and Ulcer of it) out of Watery/r, Obferwt. Lib. 2. (Fag. 4.73. Duo frmmlz' jaw digladianter, (7 flgilztzztir «flier-um longiori[1m drmorum loco ufi, 1mm aromolarim‘, alteri Plflori in Hypocazzdrii dextri lateris in reference to the Cures of Abfceffes, and Ulcers of the Mefentery, leni- Abrc‘i‘r‘md ent Purgatives may be advifed, made of Caflia, Tamarinds, Manna, Senna, iliircgtisbirgcn; fafcly ptefcribcd. . A _ _ _ ‘ andartycr-g' The firbfiance of the Mel‘entery is allb liable to a hard Tumor, called ;larli(:isg:lftdrld Schirrhus, proceeding from {omeindurated Matter, as Chyle, or Sutrm NM- 32225132.": iritim, coming out of the terminations of the Milky Veins, and Nervous Fi- ggizcrciMrcrE: bres, and concreted in the fubltance oi the Mel'entery. tcpyfprocccdi A young Gentleman having been long difquieted with high pains of his Bel- a"??? dalarem illicfentiret, qui adauéim indie: in mu dextrum, quad olim .rgre momlmt, quoq', defeendebat, ficq; aflliffm, Febriritam, aliifg, at‘cidenlibm fymplama- ly, which could not be alleviated by the application, of Purgatives, Clyliers, Fomentations, Opening Apoz‘emes of Roots and Herbs, (be. was at lafi eafed by Death; which was grateful unto him._ V The inward Recelles of the lower Venter being infpeéted, a Matter was tibm extinéim efl ', Nullum figmmz let/Jule extrinfetm apparcbat, net in [were af- dil‘covcred like Yolks of Eggs hard boiled,- and the Mefentery was found feflo nec Capite, ubi quaqgfed [ewiiospercnfliw crat. Schirrhus, and fomewhat relbmbling a Stone in hardnels. The Mcfentery is obnoxious to many finall Tumors, from lbrou's Humors infimam fedcm, Coxendiri proximam, figmen 4ch wiolenter z'mpcgit, ut fiatim / . Abdomine Sefiione aperto, tbararifq; flede buic proxima, ut reams omnia in confpeéium wem'rem, prime int/rim Inteflimz in [mere ldfi, Maudie {Milan/dam lirz/idir (9» fubflaryir notam widimm‘, omentumq lute/iim' infirstum fimili Calm witiatum‘, mi weficulam fellir pene inanitam, coloreq; fellco flaw portionem In- tefiini, quot illi proximeinmmbit, admodnm lam mam/u tinéium, mi {7 femti tranftyerfi fedcm dextram, tun/ale qunq; flavam (7‘ lividam : Ex quibm tamer! nibil certi, an hoe ex in iflu inlatm' faEio prodierit, ant marti arcafionem pmbueril, conjicere potuimm‘, dimer tonwoluti: Imeflz'nir, @- depreflir é dexrro Abdomirzir [inn in finifirum, bepateq‘, fur/3w: elevate, Mefemerii wafa circa illim Orig/inept, "bi dorfo azlhmet, év ambit" illim, (9' adherenti illi Intefiino penitw cruema ('9' wluti 21:";O'H'fr'f 2113‘.$32? tthcftntc'y' furrounded with Tunicles, and are called by the Antients, Hydatialcr, deri- The Hyda; ved from warty l iquor coming out of the termination of the Capillary Arte- {$353}? ‘ ties, inletted into the outward Membrane of the Mefentery. $5323": A Woman having been long difiurbed by bitter pains of the Abdomen, gm with which could not be cured by proper Medicines, was at lafl: cured by the lafl: T2332; remedy of Death ; and her Body being opened, the Mefentery appeared bra fet with numerous linall Veficles, full of watry Humorss Iiiii And |