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Show "‘r-we'w‘ r" "r-W Book I. Part 1v.~ doth inlinuate it felf into the Pores relating to the yellow Compagc of the Yolk, whereupon it enlargeth its dimenlions in the cavity of the Matrix. Book l. Fart lV. 6+ bral Nerves, imparting many Fibrils to the membranous and glandulous liloitanceoi the Ovary into which their terminations do convey Nervous Lin quor, which meeting with more delicate part of Blood in the body of the Glands, do embody, and make a Seminal juice, in which the firitlineaments great Trunks and divaricated through the body of the Ovary and the Mem- of Eggs are contained. Cat u The Ovary of Birds is not only framed of Nervous Fibres, but verv linall The libre Carncus too, which are fir‘aighr, oblique, and circular, and are coriligned Ovar it ; a to divers tiles of firengthenig the contexture of Nervous Fibres, and to give it the power of Contraction, when it is aggrieved by the greatnels of the Eggs brought to due maturity and revered from the Ovary, whereuponit contraéicth it lelf, 'and prefleth down the loofened Egg out of its confines into the beginning of the Oviduét. The Eggs affixed by fialks to the infide of the Ovary, are lo many pro- The pro {Zion ol . dtrfts, coming from Seminal Liquor made of the mild parts of the Blood an and the m. net of th:ir Nervous Juice confederated. Formation. The fruitful Glands of the Ovary have a choice furniture of divers Blood- velicls, as Arteries dilpcnling by their extremities Vital Liquor, whole Com- page being: opened by an active Juice deltilling out of the terminations of Nerves, is dilpoled for Secretion, whereupon the more delicate parts of the Blood being allociated with the Nervous Liquor in the body of the Glands, is carried by l‘ccret paiiagcs into the cavity of. the Ovary, whereupon it is Concreted into numerous minute Eggs, relembling Muftard-liied in their dimenfions. Thele rudiments of Eggs, formed of Seminal Liquor (conveyed through The Coat; :r.» branes encirciing the Eggs ', the otigcn of the Ovary islodgcd near the place, where the Grinch Artery entreth into the MelEntery, and where the Emul~ gent and Spermatick Vellels do arife out of the greater Trunks. The Ovary is adorned with an oblong round Figure, after the manner of palilh yellow Liquor, encircled with a thick Coat coming from the membrane ol‘ the Ovary, and a more thin proper Vail immediately encloling the Seminal Liquor, out of which I taketh its birth; and by the narrower con- C H A P. X X X I I. 0f the Ovaries and Egg; of (Birds. g Lthough Learned Harvey, the wonder of his time for his great dif. coveries of the {ecrcts of Nature, hath made a great infpeé‘tion into the itruchrre of Ovaries and Eggs of Birds, yet I will take the boldnefs, with your permiflion, to {peak my meaner lentiments, that I might con- tribute my Mite in order to the fuller Explication of this Subjeéi, to declare the Situation, Connexion. Figure, Subliance, VeiTels, Carnous Fibrils of the Ovaries, and the manner of production of their Eggs, their increafe, and the nature of theirltveral Liquors. The Ovary of Birds is heated a little below the regionof the Liver near the Fpine, upon the delcerideiit Trunk of the Aorta, and chz ((1714, to which it is lial‘tned by the interpofitiou of Veflels fprouting out of thefe , ' :1 Cylinder", and hath a finall Origen but a large Body, which like a Belly or Matrix encompaileth the clul'tcrs of new-formed Eggs, to fecure them againlt the allaulrsc-I. the neighbouring Grits, when diltended with Excremerits. This ufefiil part of Birds is made up of a various fubltance, partly Membranous and partly Glandulous; the i‘uriface of it is Membranous, compo- ‘ {ed of right, tr'aniverfe, and oblique Nervous Filaments, curioullv interWoven,and to clolely adapted to each other, that it isimpoliible to difcern the interiims oi‘the moi‘t minute nervous threads runningin variety of pofitions up and down, directly, obliquely,and croiTways,in order to frame this fine Contexture. The more inward part of the Ovary is compofed of a (oft, porous, {pongy lirbl'tauce, made up of numerous Glands, befet with the terminations of Arteries, Veins, Nerves, and numerous Perforations, through which the Seminal Liquor deltillcth into the cavity of the Ovary, giving the firl'c rudiment to the Eggs. Thisrare Compage, integrated of a Membranous and Glandulous firb- theholes of the Glands into the cavity of the Ovary ) are conilioled of a affixed to the Ovary, and afterward are parted from it, when they arrive a due magnitude. There Coats immuring the choice liquor of the rough delineated Eggs, are enameled with branches of Spermatick Arteries and Veins, firft imparted to the ovary, and from thence communicated to the common Coat of the Eggs, (as proceeding from the Coat of the Ovary) to give them heat and life. In the Ovary are lodged a great company of Eggs, adorned with an Orbicular figure and different magnitudes, the greateft are placed about the Circumference, and the fmaller about the Center, which is very confpicuous in the Ovary of an Efiridge as well as in thofe of other Birds : The firii ori- The [gas of an Ellrrrlg. If any perfon be To inquifitivc as to know the manner how the rudiments of the Trunks of the Aorta, and Vemz Caz/a) by whole mediation the Ovary is kept clolne to the Spine: Thefe divers preparing Veiiels do fpread them- lelves in divers Ramulets through the membranous and glandulous part of the Ovary, into, and out of which they import and export Vital Liquor offered, That the more delicate parts of the Blood are brought by the Spermatick Artery into the Glands of the Ovary, wherein they are feparated From the red Craliament by Nervous Liquor, impregnated with volatil and The Ovary of Birds is not only furnilhed with the Blood-veflels of Arteries and Veins, but with Nerves too, propagated from the Spinal or Vebrtei ta Thc Coats of E Lg; are firr~ nrlhcd with mun‘ Llosd~ rciltls. gcns oi Eggs are as final] as the feed of Muliard, and afterward acquire the greatnefs of a Wall-Nut, and are all appendant by many {talks to the Ovary, and hang near one another like a cluller of Grapes, allendued with a round figure and with different files. of Eggs are nourilhcd and increafcd in the Ovary 5 this fatisfaé'tion may be Minute Eggs. besi- fines of the common Integument, refembling fialks of. Plants, the Eggs are fiance, is accommodated with Spermatick Arteries and Veins ( ariling 0Ut to give lite and heat to this choice Fabrick the repofitory of the origens of tirtlmg the liquors or liiline Fermentative Particles, difpofing the Blood in order to Secretion; whereupon its more {oft and oily Particles being fevered and concofled into a yellowifh colour by the peculiar ferment of the Ovarian Glands, are re- ttivc-d into fecret Pores relating to the Coat of the Ovary, and carried by Proper (talks, endued with Cavities, (commenfurare in fhape and file to the The manner how the Eu arenourirh:d andcncrcarcd, |