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Show 0f ply; 1mm of generation in Irfeffr. Book I. Part IV. of its fluid temper, as admitting Concretion, fomewhat refembling the yolk of an Egg. The yellowifh liquor is encompafled with a thick Membrane, Upon which divers blewifh bodies are divaricated, not after the manner of Blood. vefiels, whofe Ramulets grows 1er and lefs, but fomewhat refemble the branches of Ivy, which begin in fmaller f'calks, and afterward become grean rer in broader dimenfions as having Leaves annexed. Thus I have given aHiftory of the Parts of Generation both in the Males and Females of Infeéts, and more particularly of Silk-worms , I will now with your permiflion, give an account how Generation it {elf is performed in thefe Minute Animals, Which is wonderful in Nature, how lo many fine OrThe manner Low Infefls are generated. gans fhould be contrived for the production of {och {mall Creatures. Infeé‘ts as well as more perfeét Animals, are generated by the blending of the different feeds of Males and Females, the later (as being the Mate. r112 Sit/Jflram) is impregnated by the former, the more Nobler Liquor; which I conceive, is procreated by leveral inflruments. The Blood being tranfinitted by the preparing Arteries into the fubfiance of the mofl: minute glands of the Tefticles, the fharp parts are fevered from its mofl fair and Serous Liquor, which is embodied in the interf'tices of the Vefiels, with a choice Juice defiilling out of the terminations of the Nerves, as alfo with Air flowing out of the extremities of proper Veflels: So that thefe different principles being confederate-d in one body, are received into the origens of The Seminal Matter ton- tart ed u the Pg: 1: Inftfls. is Comprifed of Viral and Nervous LEq :nr», 1&rttl with Air. trons. into three Coats as fo many fine walls. The molt inward or third Coat is ver thin, beautified with white, and made up of many finall threads 1-, clofeiy interwoven, and is conjoyne d in ,T 5 r many points, and afterward parted again, caufing it to be interfperfid with i144 1% many minute Arm *l‘ ( leis than thofe of the middle Coat) of feveral H: In fhapes and fizes. The middle Coat 'l‘ hath a more lax frame (than the inward) hued with #145. m. a pale yellow, and affixed to the contexture of the inward Coat, and is M' madeup ofyellow Filaments, having greater Ame 1- than the former Compage f U. The outward Coat is adorned with a deeper yellow than the middle, and hath a more loofe Contexture 'l-, as having plexcs of Filaments (not {0 clofcly m. interwoven, and interpcrfed with larger empty fpacesrh ) framed of. greater fir, threads, making a more open and rough Texture than the other Coats, from which it may be eafily parted. Within the bofom of thefe {oft Compages ( compofed of divers kinds of Network, decked with an oval Figure) the Worm refembling a Maggot, is lodged, till it arriveth greater perfection, and then it is clothed with a joynted Cafe ( coriipofed of five or fix Incifures or Rings) (growing leis in circumference about the Tail ) yellowifh about the Belly. . This Infee't hath a brownifh fhade, running along the middle ofthe back 'l', fr. ,5. r. 5‘. of Silk-worms and other Infcéts, when laid open by Difiec‘tion and infpeéted by Glafies. The Fggs of the Palmer-worm, Locuf'ts, Bctel, Grafnhopper, Silk-worm, eth into an obtufe Cone. When the Worm cometh to more maturity in the Silk apartiment, it breaketh by degrees its Particoloured joynted Coat, through which the Horns, Head, Eyes, Thighs, and Legs firf't appear, and afterward the Wings and many other lnfeé‘rs, arc furnilhed with a Seminal Matter, (enwrapped within Shells or Coats) confif‘ting of the fine parts of Viral and Nervous Liquor, infpired with the Flaf'cick particles of Air, conveyed through the terminations of the proper Vefiels and fccret Pores, with the fluid Juices, into the cavities of the Ovaries, into which the fpirituons particles of Main!line feed (injerfted by the 730m; into the Virgina litcri) do afcend and impregnate the Eggs lodged in the feveral productions of the Ovaries, which The different Seeds of Male and Female Infects confifting of divers prin- and whole Body; and when it hath quitted the Cafe , it eateth its Way through the various Silken Coats, and putteth on a new drcfs after the figure of a Moth, beret on each fide with double wings, of which the upper are the largefl' +, covering the lower, and both of them are curioufly wrought 11461.6. with fine Fibres, fhading the thin Contextute of the wings, and is endued H' with two Horns ( feated erofiways near the Head ) framed of a dark brown Trunk, out of which do fptotit a rank of Combdike Fibrils + ‘ , , ,_ The Body of this beautiful Infect is hollowed with divers Incifures or ciples, made of: Vital and Nervous Liquor. impregnated with different Ele- Rings, of which two or three near the Head are Semicular 1-, and thofe lower 1d 4. ments are made up of Fermentative difpofitioris, as aéted with Volatil, his line , and fulphureous Particles, infpired with active, attheteal, and airy in the Body are endued with perfect Circles, which become lcfs and 1er in Atomes, which much exalt the Viral and Nervous Liquor, and raife the fittmcntation of Seminal Matter productive of the Fwtm of Infcéls. The formations of the Fwtm (caufed by a gentle heat Colliquating the Seminal Liquor in a Silk-worm ) after it is excluded the coat of the Egg, beginneth in ablack minute Body, containing the Rudiments of the parts of oblong, hucd witha brown colour, and then afiiimeth the fhape of a Ca- artisan", terpiller, befet with two {lender Procches '1‘ about the Mouth, with which it taketh Aliment into the mouth, and is cornpofed of divers Rings or Incrfutes +, to which many Legs + are aflixed about the Belly. When it hath obtained half its dimenfions, it cafteth its brown Coats and is araycd in white, fiiadcd with a greenifl] colour 3 and after fome time the body growcth tranfparent, which proceedeth from a Ci‘iflalline liquor ' [7:1" 4 T TEES; (fhining through its Skin) out of vr hich being Concreted, the Silk-thre ads are finely fpun, and conveyed through the mouth, and curioufly wrought and is encircled on each fide of the Head like a Coife 13 where this Cafe is i? narrow in its Origen, and gtoweth more enlarged about the Body, and end- this Animal in the bignefs of a Pins head, and afterward groweth more {EMMA item". 0f the part; of generation in I}: i the Seminal Vefl‘elsof the Tefiieles, and thence conveyed into Seed-veficles feated near the root of the rF'em'zr, which may be clearly feen in the bodies are very numerous in Inf'eé‘ts. '1 he dittcrtrrt {cells of Infifts are coniiitnted or many Eh.ments enducd with Fermentativc difpo- Book I. Part IV. ( fhmmg Perimiter as they appear nearer and nearer to the Tail. The Wings of this Silk-moth being faiined to each fide of its Head, are invefted with a white Plume, made up of many fine Feathers ; and the Thighs (attended with the Legs, Feet, and Claws) are conjoyned to the lower region of the Incifilres of the Breaflz. The Thighs, Legs, Feet, and Claws 1-, are made of three joynts tied toge- 1145.117.ther by the interpofition of fine Ligaments, and thefe curious Limbs are be- "M" fet with Down as a beautiful whitifh covering. This excellent Infect, after it hath acquired its due perfection, often buffeth up and down with its wings for three or four days, and after the Male hath coupled, turning its Arm: to the Anm of the Female, {he is impregnated, and layeth its finithil Eggs, by which {he perpetuates her {elf in a numerous Progeny, and then dicth as ambitious to live no longer, am? it hath made it {elf asit were immortal by Propagation. i V H C H A F. |