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Show 1 Book l. Em Book l. Part III. 0f the "Union. Dogsmzzls, Alparagus, and of the Leaves of Mallows , Marlh-MallOWs I'ellitoryof the Wall, Golden Rod, Railons of the Sun boiled in Water, the Bladder, about its origen, near the Sphinéier Mufcle, and in order to to which may be added fome White Wine at lallz, and it being llrcmcd} may penetrate into the Cavity of the Bladder; they make an oblique inlErtion be- be fweetned with Syrupe of the Five Opening Roots. tween the [\VO Coats, to lilpply the place of a Valve, in hindring the egrefs 495 of the Urine into the terminatiOns of the LIretets. Cooling and Emollient Emulfions, may {peak a great advantage in this Nlalady, made up of the Four Cooling and White Poppy Seeds, liveet Almonds, err. Electuaries may be allo advantageous, made of Emollient and Diureticl; Medicines, of Conferve of Hips, Flowers of Mallows, Condite Eringo Roots, mixed with the Judaick Stone, Seeds of Burdock, lVlillet, P311161, and Sows or [logs-Lice powdered, mixed with Syrupe of Marlh-Mallows; upon which a Draught may be immediately drunk of a Decofiion prepared with Nephritich \Nood, and other Dinreticks, mixed with Emollients. And in great pains, li‘omentations may be applied, made with Emollient and Dil‘cutient Medicines of Mallou's, Marlh-Mallows, Centaury the leis, Wormwood, Rue, Saint-Jolms-"lort, Flowers of Elder, Melilot and Cha- lllLl‘lllCl, of Line$ced, Fenngreel: Seed, Bay-Berries, Juniper Berries, to which, when they have been well Boiled in Water and Iti‘eined, may be added Tome h/Ialago, or Spirit of French Wine, commonly called Brandy. They have their Connexion above to the Glands, and liibl'tance of the Kidneys, from which they take their beginning and flrll progrel's; and are {Mined below to thcinward Coats of the Blood Veflbls, from which they cannot be parted without Lacetation. Thele Oblong Channels, being molt eminent in length, and not in bignel‘s, which doth not naturally exceed that of a SEmW5 but in Perfons Diffeéted, dead of the Stone, they have been found to equal the Guts in greatnefs: Ol" which I {hall give a farther account in the Pathology of thefe The conncxb 0F [hC UrcCcrs. arts, P The Ureters are much akin to all other Vellels in Figure, as being round and oblong, and differ in their oblique progref‘s, in which they make Macauders, folnewhat refcnibling the letter S +. . 1 hey are encircled with a double Coat : The Full is Membranous, conipofed of many fine Threads, making their ptogrefs in divers pofltions, The Figure of the Urtrcrs. 17‘. mini. The Membrane: of the Urctcrs. Longways, Crolsways, and Obliquely, which are (0 rarely interwoven with CHAP. each other, that they feem to be one entire fubllanee, free from all Inter- Bices parting the Filaments. The lecond Tunicle is Nervous, integrated of many Nervous Threads, finely conjoyned in various pofiures, which giveth this Coat a power of being extended without Laceration : The Ureters are endued with aCute Senfation, XXVIII. which is the caule of the high Torture we feel in great fits of Gravel and Stone, where it pall‘eth through, or is lodged in thefe narrow Excretory Of the ‘Ureterr. Channels amgn a Others do allign a third Coat to there Vell'els. which is flefhy, as it is Some third Coat to the dell: ip: now of the 11r.tcrs. framed of divers ftraight, oblique, and tranfverfe Fibres, which do in a comTHC Uretets being Aaneduéts, are oblong white Tubes, taking their rile in the Glands of the Kidneys, wherein the Blood is defiecatcd the Llrctcrs as clhy. mon courl'e gently contrae‘t themlElves, and fqueefe the fetous Recrements downward ; and upon an Obltruétion caufed by a clammy Mucous Mat- from its watry Hectements, afterward received into the Roots of the Ureters, and carried by numerous Capillaries, Bamulets , Branches , and Papillary ter, or Stones, or Gravel, mixed with Urine, the carnous Fibres do more Caruncles, (attended with ten or more Perforations) into the Pelvis, as in- and free theinlhlyes from its itnportunate follicitations. to a finall Cyilern, and from thence by the Ureters, as by water Pipes, The ri .mher "(Mellierm, and Nerves from the Tar Vagum, and a Vertebral Nerve, which being di- They are commonly two in number, one in each fide 1‘, fometimes two or more, uniting thenfelves into one, before they are inferred into the Neck fpenfed in various Fibres through their inward Coat, do render it highly fenfible. The ufe configned to the Uretets, is very vifible: Firl'c to aflill: the Cola- of the Bladder; as Carolus" SICPIJIIIIIl/J‘, and Van Horn, have obferVCd: And at another time, two have been difcovered in each tide 3 of which home have been implanted into the Neck, and others into the bottom of the Bladder, and allo three have been found in the right fide, and one in the left, which oft ii: the» Theft: Channels have Veins and Arteries from the Hypogafirick Branches, into the Bladder, as into a common repofitory of Serous Exerements. '1‘."- "If. The origcn and i.|(\fil'Ll:§ ll'rongly move, that they may prefs the noyfome Matter into the Bladder, are unnatural, and the unulhal fportings of Nature. The Ureters have numerous Origens in the Glands ( [hated in the Ambient parts of the Kidneys) and form many Arches in their firfi rife, and after- ters. ward malte their progrefs in firaight Lines, and their innumerable Capillaries, and fruitful 13111110th do coalefce into Ten or more Papillaz, dilchargiiig the watry fiipcrlluities of the Blood into the Pelvis, the expanfion of the HICters, which creep out of the {inous or concave part of the Kidneys, and then rel‘ting upon the Mulcles of the Loins (called Pftm) to which they are faltned, do take their courle between the Membranes of the Rim of the Belly, inclining lomcwhat inward, and are conjoyned to the back part Of the tnres of the Blood in the fiibllancc of the Glands, wherein the Roots of thefe Velfels are feared, and have their Orifice; commenfurate in file and fliape, to the Minute Particles of the Serous Liquor 3 which is afterward tranfmitted by the Urinary Duets into the Pelvis, and thence through other Channels, into the bolbme of the Bladder of Uriuei The ul‘: of :11. 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