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Show 626 )f the Generation of a humane Foctus. Book 1. Parth. and afterward Bony, and thofe parts which firfi appeared Similar as of one Contillence, are alterward difiinguilhed, and being conioined by the inter- polition of fine thin Membranes, do conflitute Organick parts, which being united by a mutual continuation, do form the whole Body. ' thethzttlpcrm. o1 (mis- rail :1, The lower apartment. iitth open, as btizigar firfl Voiil of Inte- garments, In like manner the thicker Cover encircling the Brain, is of a MembranOI‘tS {oft nature, and after acquiring a greater Confidence, is made Cartila- gitiousg and li‘tfi of all is Concreted into a Bony Subl'tance, commonly called the Skull; and after the fame manner the Albuminotts Liquor being of a loft fluid nature, is turned into the more folid liiblhlnee of Miilcles, Ligaments and Tendons ', and the Brain and Cerebellum are out of a clear tran- full Month. Month. Aim-tit l‘o ‘y intthtiur .i Stall, mar he lac t in the r:cond Month. iiiitared With bloody particles , in the Egg being opened, iometimes may be ‘ .3 i l v - . I ' T I 1‘ the Albuminous Colliquated Liquor : Toward the clofe of this Month the Conception releinbleth a Gooie Egg in file and lhape, in which a Evita appeareth, having its parts Delineated in a tough form, mi. the Head, the Eyes, and lhorr Limbs, without any formation of MtiiEles, and Bones of Ventricles of like greatnels and thicknefs) terminating into a double Cone white and clammy, till they are made fit to be Colarories of the Blood: The Stomach and Guts being very flender in their firll: Formationfeem to be white Filaments, running in many Gyres all along the loweft Apartiment to the his molt elegant Tranflarion of Dr. Harmfy's Book, dz Gciierzztionc Animalim/i. In this Abortion the l iver was very linall clothed in white array, and be difcerned ', as allo the white liibliance of the Heart (holloWed ihto two like twins of Nuts growing together ( @arwr nutlcorgcmellor diver") a; my molt worthy Friend, Learned Sir George Enle ingenioully phrafeth it in yet no appearance of any Secundine, or After-burden, as it is vulgarly called. Anna, and about the fame time the Mouth and Gulet are framed, and one In all Conceptions excluded the Womb by Abortion, may be clearly laeen continued Due} reacheth from the entrance of the mouth to the Ame, and a thick Membrane encompafling a Cryfialline Tranfparent Liquor, in which immediatelyafter the parts of Generation, the (Pants, and Tcfler, and all the parts belonging to them, are formed. of the Antients have taken for Urine or Sweat, but in truth (as this more The Vifcem and Intel'tines are not yet wholly itnmured within the bolbm of the middle and lowel‘c apartiment of the Body, but may be dilcovered without any Dilleétion, as not being encircled with the common integriments as {0 many walls of the Trunk and Belly; So that the Vifcem and In this order all the inward parts are delineated iii the feveral apartiments of the Body, in which in the fecond, third and fourth Months, the Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Spleen, Stomach , and Inteflines , hilt receive a rough draught, and afterward obtain a. more perfect fubliance, figure, and colour, which is white at firft and after groweth red, as the Veflels are more re- ned in the hilt Month, and take their rife from the branches of the Crural Arteries, which Learned Hare/e} believeth not to be formed before the pro- emotion of Limbs, in which they have their Origens , but the Umbilical maybe dilhovered an Oval body (much refembling a Pidgeons or Partridge-s Egg without aShell) immured with a thick Membrane, which I appre- the fmall Embryo fwimmeth as in a lake of Snow; Nutricim, which lotne Learned Age and chiefly Dr. Harvey hath diibovered) is the nourilhment of the Hetnr, taken into the Mouth firlt, and afterward tranlinitted by the Gulet into the Stomach. And in a Conception of three Months Exii'tence, no part of it can be dill the rPlan-ma, which is not formed till the Fourth Month, in the third him! Li th: "'0 iLh. may be difcovered only in the more blunt part of the Egg a kind ofroualinets proceeding from a mucous Matter adhering to it, which I conceive: is the firlt rudiment of the Secundine. , In the fourth Month, as in another period of Generation great Dr. Harwe} (an Honour to our Faculty) obferved the Form! to have larger di- menlions, about a (pen in length, in which all the Limbs were clearly delineared, lo that they may be diftinguilhed from each other, and put oti their red apparel as coated with Blood, and in this proccls the Mufcles (and Bones) have their rudiments, by whole various contraélions, the Embryo iporteth it felF in its Nutiirim Juice every where encircling the fiitface of its Body ; the Head (Eemetli large, and as it were, monltruous, if compared with the Body, and the Face lletneth in fome fort difguil‘ed as being deflitute of Lips, Nol‘e, and Cheeks; The Mouth is endued with a large Fiflhre, through which the Tongue may be dilcovered; The Eyes appear {mall and naked as having no Eye-brows; The whole Head and Forehead is clothed with a Metnbranous iiibllaiice, which afterward groweth Cartilaginous, and laflly Bony, compleating the more folid compage of the Skull, which Firlt appeareth to be Griily in its hinder part, called Ottiput by the Lali/ier, which is afterward concreted into a more lblid liibfiance. The Tefiicles are formed in this procels, and are obfcured in the cavity of the Abdomen , and the Stratum is found altogether emp- hend to be the Chorion faced witha White vifcide Liquor, chiefly found in the ty. Womb with its Tubes feemed to refemblc the {liape of a Lambs ‘Ulerus, as conliiiing of Horns affixed to the body of the Womb, which In T‘tr. t'i. il "lh'C: cerned to be aflixed to the Womb, which is performed by the mediation of IV; "0"" 1"" u not at? more obtufe extremity of the Egg, which being opened, an Albuminous Liquor gullieth out, lately lodged in the Cavity of the Coats, encircling the Conception. Inthe latte- dilcerned the delineation of a mer, and other times a minute red Velicle : ps- rts at:or point of Blood (which I have teen in Abortions ) feated in the center oi: uipeartrh, which the rough Draught, the white Membranes, or tender Carrilaoes iiiav‘ Veins, faith this Worthy Author, were very Confpicuous before the Delineation of the Body. . In the recond Month (for in the firll; no formed Conception appearerh) NR. i‘ortrtetl C cprinn In the latter end of the (Econd Month, the Egg acquireth greater dimen- in i of the t'eo fions, which hath been often leen upon Abortions, and is fometimes broken coti 1 Mo itii and othertitnes cometh whole out of the "term, and its liirface is be- l In the third period of Generation after the Delineation of the Body, the Vifcera are formed at one and the fame time, Via. the Liver, I tings, Cone oi: the Heart, Kidneys, Stomach, and Inteltines. Thefe Vififla do accrefije to the Veins, as {0 many Appendages of them, and they firl't appear arayed in plenillied with Purple Liquor. The Umbilical Arteries are formed after the Veins, and can fcarce be difcerThe Umbilical Arteries c tiittut b: teen in the 627 lparent Liquor Concreted into a white Curd-like liibl'tance. Outs are Pendulous, as appendant to the Veliels to which they are affixed, and look like a Houfe unwalled in fome places, by realoii the Thorax and lowefi Venter are defiitute of the anterior parts of the Sternon and Abdomen. The Sternon being formed, the Heart and Lungs are fiifely lodged with_ in the walled Cavity of the Thorax: Afterward the liver, Stomach, and (it . Guts, are encircled within the (of: enclofures of the Hypocondres, and the th. Stertion. Epigalirick and Hypogafirick region. T‘rtc Vilma: ate termed in tr c it .tl. t HI Iouitnnianth. Book I. Part IV. 0f f/Jé' gmcmmiz of [I [Grahame Foetus. And the parts peculiar to Women have a rough Delineation, the about In the fourth Month the Fetzsgruneth greater. Thcfirll Fur- maEloll uf‘the Head tum» cth great and montlrttous. |